My Surrogate Activities.












A lot of Russians must of died last week in Syria with United States Syrian military coalition forces because today Russian Lavrov warned the United States recently that it is playing with fire concerning the whole of Syria.

Well, our little international crisis just got serious and more interesting…

Tick, tock…

Stocks no doubt went up to the moon with this news…


Oh dear, our international global village is about to tear itself a part. Not only is Turkey invading northern Syria but it is also threatening war with Greece.

Then of course there is recent military disputes between India and China along with also India versus Pakistan. Looks like there will be no peace within the earthly valley this millennia…

(Israel versus Syria and Iran, Saudi Arabia versus Iran also.)

Watching the pieces of the global chessboard, are we beginning to understand the future engagement of this wonderful delightful game? The stakes of course being severe if not lethal…

I see there is a fuse, now where’s that match at?







