So, Russian Collusion Was Bullshit From The State

Oh shush. You didn’t even think Trump would still be President at this point. Don’t pretend everything is going according to your plan.

K: my plan? I am old enough to realize that I play virtually no role in this world…
it doesn’t matter what I say, do or think…the world will do its thing…regardless
of “my plan”…


Any one proposing a scenario of the whole system regardless of party affiliation going through a faux finger pointing toward each other, to hide the Real Fact that there is really a very diminished way a workable two party political apparatus can work and the real collusion is between the parties.They may be stuck in their efforts to unify, hence compelled to give the impression of finger pointing?

Trump appears more as a comic relief on a battle to cover the really big shoe (Ed Sullivan’s colloqualism for -shoe)

  • that the very Constitution is thinning out,giving rise to the expressed constitutional problem of inapplicability? So called ‘public policy’ has over reached the plausibility of the intent of the founding fathers?

Why if not the efforts to demote Constitutional guarantees, intelligences serving these guarantees, and manipulating criteria forming public preceptions and attitudes?

The Nixon affair , may have been only a trial run and international relations have trumped national interests.

If this scenario is far fetched, such a conclusion is at least tentably possible , at least logically. There may be a deeply stated program where conspiratorial ideas are generated, to advance the passage this simple procedural opportunity.

Tell me I’m crazy.

On the other hand, there are some who might point out that folks like you are actually pleased that everything that has unfolded in the Trump administration so far has gone according to plan.

Different folks, different strokes. That sort of thing.

Here’s one take on it: … -next.html

From the fucking liberals of course.

People with their heads down … chipping away at something … which is real BTW … eventually will lean back and look up … and recognize the immensity of the issue.

We can no more divorce ourselves from human history than adults can divorce themselves from their early childhood and genetic lineage … and we rely on other adults to tell us about our early childhood … memory recall of this period of our life simply doesn’t exist. Who can remember their journey through the birth canal?

Our past … individual and collective … clings to us like our shadow.

Well well see Pilgrim , but I wouldn’t hold hold my breath., it doesn’t Always come out in the wash. Its too convoluted.
And I suspect He is, like a fox.



OTH … perhaps it does Always come out in the wash … short human life spans afford a glimpse of only one or two wash cycles … and too few people genuinely attempt to connect the dots from earlier wash cycles. :slight_smile:



A natural human response stemming from our reluctance to accept our intellectual limitations … as humans. :slight_smile:

Nobody here is talking about how Homeland Security is going to take over the national elections before the next election starts, you’re all stuck on hearing what’s going on coming out of your cable idiot boxes in not seeing what’s coming right around the corner in front of you. Good luck with that… :laughing:

Russia hysteria does two things, first it is used as an excuse to federalize elections by Homeland Security from here on out and two, it is being used as a social engineering center to rouse up discontent against Russia which will normalize in people’s mind having a future military conflict/ engagement with them since the United States is a dying warmongering failed state.

(It might not look like a failed state now but that will change within a few years.)

You people can’t see anything beyond Morning Joe, Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, and Sean Hannity. You’ve got them all pulling you by your noses right where they want you…

The Russia bullshit was always bullshit. There is huge resistance now toward the idea of armed conflict with Russia, as there should be such resistance considering that Russia is the only other state that can soak the planet in nuclear hell.

Russia is not our enemy anymore, they are not communists and the USSR is gone. Why would Russia want to provoke the US? It has every reason not to want that. Look at NATO provocations against Russia in Ukraine, Russia would have been fully justified in provoking back and yet they did not. Same goes for Syria. And why would Russia want a more destabilized US? The US is basically the only thing, besides Russia, standing in the way of the globalists.

The globalists want to start a war between Russia and the US, to decimate both countries and thus destroy all resistance to globalism with one blow. That was the plan if Hilldebeast had won. Now that Trump won, they had the Russia conspiracy narratives ready from the beginning and are operating on plan b.

Hannity, Limbaugh along with all of the lefties and fake lefties in the media are idiots or outright corrupt. I’m guessing corruption for most. They push the narrative lines their bosses tell them to push. Now the fake news FBI is trying to turn the narrative to bring Trump people back into the fold against Russia and to distract from corruption and failure in the fake news FBI.

The fake news FBI will happily give up the witch hunt on Trump, for the time being anyway, in order to bring all those Trump fans on board with the whole “Russia is the enemy!” bullshit. Never mind that the real enemy is the entire globalist shill establishment that without exception backed Shillary and is hell bent on reducing the US and Russia to third world status. They were already planning even more huge moves of capital and tech out of the US for when Shill won, pretty funny then that she didn’t win after all.

Any moment you knuckle heads are going to start talking about Homeland Security taking over the national elections…oh wait, nevermind… :-"

Another fucking Bilderburg liberal weighs in…

[b]Thomas Friedman

Our democracy is in serious danger.

President Trump is either totally compromised by the Russians or is a towering fool, or both, but either way he has shown himself unwilling or unable to defend America against a Russian campaign to divide and undermine our democracy.

That is, either Trump’s real estate empire has taken large amounts of money from shady oligarchs linked to the Kremlin — so much that they literally own him; or rumors are true that he engaged in sexual misbehavior while he was in Moscow running the Miss Universe contest, which Russian intelligence has on tape and he doesn’t want released; or Trump actually believes Russian President Vladimir Putin when he says he is innocent of intervening in our elections — over the explicit findings of Trump’s own C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I. chiefs.

In sum, Trump is either hiding something so threatening to himself, or he’s criminally incompetent to be commander in chief. It is impossible yet to say which explanation for his behavior is true, but it seems highly likely that one of these scenarios explains Trump’s refusal to respond to Russia’s direct attack on our system — a quiescence that is simply unprecedented for any U.S. president in history.[/b]

Saying that is like saying they’re going to take everyone’s guns away, it ain’t happening.

Anyone who actually thinks Homeland Security will “take over the elections” doesn’t deserve a response. But here’s one anyway.

I don’t real nonsense like this. Except if I feel like having a nice laugh.

Yeah, that’s what we thought about the Patriot Act and mass surveillance in 2001 youngin yet it happened nonetheless. You’re a fool to ignore it.

I dare you to real it. And then I double dare you to read it. :wink:

Or here is a good one: a pundit compared Trump’s meddling denial by comparing it to FDR taking to the airwaves the day after Pearl Harbor and saying- ’ Tokyo must be laughing their asset of for what happened’ and likens the bombing of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 to the Russian meddling. AND calls for an appropriate military retaliation.

Whhhhhaaaaaat? This is America?

Nuclear banana republic.

It’s in the constitution that the states control the voting. So the federal government can’t just step in and take that over.

But yeah, fear and paranoia are fun I guess. Minus facts and reason of course. Feels good?

Yeah, it’s not like the federal government has ever eroded a state’s rights or the constitution away before, oh wait a second… Moron. :sunglasses: