Trump: The Achievement of Reality in Politics

I think I’m in the “Trump is good if you ignore what he says and look at what he does” camp.

I like what he says too.


We’re going to build that wall (looks at clock, any day right?) but not until we legalize 900,000 already illegals in the country first which after his term will be just another amnesty bill in the waiting. (Democrats and republicans need that cheap labor don’t you know so that discussions of raising wages domestically for the working class can be firmly ignored.)

Tax cuts for the very wealthy, campaigned as being anti war yet expands war seeking hostilities with North Korea along with other nations, can’t even try to reform healthcare access, zionist, Talmudic family, administration full of ex Goldman Sachs members including the weasel Gary Cohen, and claims to be conservative while adding more financial debt to a country that is dying internally because of it. Claimed during the campaign to be tough on Hillary Clinton yet zero investigations or prosecutions has been accomplished.

Says he is a nationalist (more like a civic nationalist asshat) yet attends Davos the international forum of globalists. Makes threats against NAFTA but does nothing about it and threatens China publicly with a trade war but everybody knows that privately Uncle Sam is the shoe shine boy of the Chinese government concerning international trade.

Yeah, Donald Trump is great. He’s bigly great…

What’s not to like about the man? This is just a few things I can think of at the top of my head as I’m sure I can think of other things that I dislike about him later.

You loved trump 6 months ago. What happened?

I never loved or liked him, I was hopeful about him which only lasted two months until I started to understand his agenda and where he came from. I didn’t vote in 2016 and I have no regrets not doing so either, nothing of value was lost.

Cutting Medicaid and Food Stamp programs to increase military spending? That ought to go well…

We’ve officially entered Third World political discourse in the United States.


Fixing a degraded military, and reducing massive social spending debt-excess welfare programs, getting big brother government more out of the private sector so prices can actually go down and efficiency can actually go up… that is “third world”? Loooool.

Leftists, oh how priceless.

Your mistake is assuming anybody against Trump is a raging Marxist or democrat.

Perhaps you missed my signature where I essentially say fuck both the democratic and republican parties. You can glorify the military all you want but once World War III starts in earnest threatening the entire planet while a majority of Americans suffer in soul crushing poverty just so that it remains funded perhaps someday you will change your tune.

Also, the United States military isn’t degraded. The United States throws more money at its military than all the nations on earth combined spends on theirs. You’re delusional.

You know what fuck it, I really do hope they do cut food stamps and make it harder for poor people to feed themselves. Remember, people are only seven to eight meals way from going ape shit.

Do it, I triple dare you to do it…

Blue Apron style rotten tomatoes, potatoes, squash, and carrots delivered to poor resident homes, what’s not to like? In Soviet Russia what was the promise again, a guaranteed chicken in every pot? In the U.S.S.A. will it be, a rotten tomato and potato in every poor person’s cooking pot? At least the Soviets were promised whole entire chickens…

This shitshow can’t collapse fast enough, still not collapsing fast enough as I would like it to.


Now they’re floating the idea of a $0.25 tax on gasoline to fund the military and other government programs under Trump, fucking hilarious! :laughing:

I hate capitalism, the only thing I thought I liked about Trump was his supposed nationalism, but as we both know, he’s a Zionist shill, three of five of his kids married Jews, and last I heard another one of them is dating one.
His administration is crawling, slithering…swarming with Zionists, exposing much of the so called ‘alt media’ who refuse to condemn him for it as shills also, I wouldn’t be surprised if he does everything for Israel and nothing for America, and doesn’t make good on any of his promises.
Yea I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this narcissistic psychopath got us into WW3.

Trump is cutting food stamps?
Holy fuck man, I can’t say I envy you guys.
At least he’s making things very interesting, like you said, people are only a few missed meals away from going ape shit.
Trump has never had to struggle for anything in his life, he’s living in fantasy land, he may push too far, too fast, which yea, might be good in a roundabout way, if it causes people to revolt.


Glum, Azk. Jews are 15 IQ points higher on the scale, in general. It’s evolution.

here, take memes

Yea I’ve known about Ashkenazi iQ for years.
Perhaps Ashkenazi iQ is being exaggerated by the people studying it, because they’re Jews themselves, or working for Jews perhaps, perhaps not.

In any case, interestingly Israeli iQ is only about 95.
Maybe that’s because Israel is also made up of Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews, and Arabs, weighing the Ashkenazi iQ down, or maybe dumber Ashkenazis are more likely to immigrate to Israel than smarter ones, for whatever reasons.
I mean you can’t build a country with high verbal and mathematical iQ alone, someone has to do the grunt work of farming, fighting and manufacturing, so maybe Ashkenazis who’re less intelligent but have other abilities are immigrating there, averagely.
So Israel itself is really nothing special, its iQ is about the same as your average East Euro country.

There’s trade offs to everything, while Ashkenazis abroad have a higher iQ, they make up a small percentage of the population of the countries they’re living in, and so they’re disproportionately involved in academia, media and politics, and of course, in many cases pushing for their agenda.
If the host populations ever got sick and tired of their meddling, like they have in the past, they could partly or fully bar them from politics, or exile them or whatever, preventing them from continuing to prop up Israel, at their nations expense.
So the advantage Ashkenazis enjoy today, could be gone tomorrow, or the day after, I guess we’ll just have to see how things unfold.

Supporting Israel does much more harm to our interests than good.
I’d like to see an Israel that’s totally self reliant, that has to fend for itself among its enemies.
The Israel lobbies and all Zionists, whether they’re Jews or non-Jews, should be kicked out of office, which includes Donald Trump and the Wall street execs who proliferate his admin.
Anyone who puts Israel first or on a pedistal is a traitor, and at the very least, should be barred from public life.

Jews should be treated as just another enthic group, no different from Guatemalans, Haitians, Sri Lankans or Burmese.
The word ‘antisemitism’ makes discrimination of Jews special, when it’s not, it’s insignificant, furthermore Jews aren’t the only Semites.
There is no word anti-Germanism, or anti-Italianism, or anti-Africanism, or Anti-Native Americanism and so on, or if there are, they have no special status.
And Israel should be treated as just another weird, little middle eastern country, because that’s all it is, who really cares about Israel besides Jews, and brainwashed Christians?

Trump: the achievement of, Isreality in politics, 115% kosher approved.

Dislike and slurs of Jewish people for …being Jewish. And some thinly-veiled stuff about conspiracies.

Nice level of discourse this place has. Lol.


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