The Philosophers

“If so, then what explains the genesis of will to power?”

Nothing does, because nothing has to. There is nothing from which will to power comes. It is itself the begenning, where all begins.

Because, and here is what the key is, it is where anything begins to matter. And nothing is that doesn’t matter. Go ahead, tell me something that doesn’t matter. The very idea is laughable: even if magic and you said something that doesn’t matter, I wouldn’t care, you wouldn’t care, nobody would care. It would be as if you didn’t say it.

Now, if that’s the abyss you mean, where one attempts to will nothing, there is a reason it looks back. And this whole thing, the abyss, looking at it… is will to power. Created by will to power willing will to power.

Will to power has no need of it to be explained.

There is no absolute flux. There is no being without direction. And in the end, that is all will to power is: the directionality of existence. Or, to a poetic mind like Jakob’s, the existence of directionality.

Jakob, you say I am saying the same thing as you in fancy ways. It is VO that says the same thing as will to power, but with one addition. This addition already makes it a product of will to power rather than will to power. One of the unscrutable infinity of products (a good one, says I). It is the static moment where a thing already exists before it acts: that which values and/or is valued.

It was a trick question, being secretly rhetorical. Will to power comes from nothing; will to power comes from itself…

Isn’t that just another way of saying it isn’t of value to anyone?


I’d say, following Picht, that a “direction” (and compare “directive”!) is a telos-eidos, an Absicht. Aren’t such “ideals” themselves, too, phenomena though? And thereby in an eternal flux, so that the direction of the flux is itself also in flux?

What you’re say is more or less “You can actually use a sword to smear peanut butter on toast and so many other cool things, not just to fight.”

VO is the meaning of the WtP. There is no other meaning.

You see Nietzsche stands in a chain of thinkers. There is a genealogy to my idea that extends all the way back to Thales. In terms of pure intellectual might=right, one should see Nietzsche as leading up to this here philosophy.

If you wish to have some sort of alternative history, then go for it. But you won’t succeed.
I rather suggest you read the works of your philosopher that you havent read yet.

No dude. Your cleverness doesn’t cut it. You also need heart.
There is no directionally without an objective.


Hence, valuing, and not just “moving”.

Western philosophy is a monolithic effort. There are no side-branches that become their own thing. They either die off or become expressions of the main stem.

The main stem is the power to identify nature. The balls to do that.

You can say “a man is also a man because of his gold’n locks, not just his balls” all you want.
And allow me to make up more funny metaphors.
But Im right, might, so this fucking plight is mine.

The poetic mind, the mathematical-logical mind and the comedic mind are akin. They are all actual mind. The rest is just banal faith in grammar and the arrogance of thinking that has anything do with logic.

If you want it poetic


“Aren’t such ‘ideals’ themselves, too, phenomena though? And thereby in an eternal flux, so that the direction of the flux is itself also in flux?”

We can talk about phenomena. Though phenomena, too, is a product of will to power. Once again, as there isn’t anything that isn’t will to power, the problem is not whether you are right that there is a flux of phenomena, but that this flux doesn’t incorporate will to power. The reverse is true.

As I said when I joined the conversation, it is a highly elevated philosophical concept and not easy to grasp.

“Isn’t that just another way of saying it isn’t of value to anyone?”

Like I have been writing about here, value lacks immediacy. To find something valuable there must be enough time for a recognition of a thing that already exists. One can ask “is this thing valuable?” and consider it. But as soon as a thing is, it already matters.

What I’m pointing out, Jakob, is that VO doesn’t go far enough.

Will to power wills will to power. VO only wills power. If you truly don’t see the distinction, then I live in a much bigger world than you do. You may not care. That’s fine. But, like you, many others for many millenia have been convincing people that there is only one power standard, one objective, one birth and death. An actual end.

This has made the world boring for people like me.


So in other words it just appeared somewhere in existence from no effect whatsoevef?
People like Trump, Hitler, Mussolini, et cetera, just grabbed hold of it from the ether?
Of course, will to power can have its positive effects.
At the very least, might we say that will to power had its genesis at some point as a result of the evolution of the conscious mind and human pscyhe (or unconscious mind depending on who is experiencing it).

You see no cause and effect where WTP is concerned, no human psychological influences, like narcissism, existential angst, the cowardice and lack of power of the rapist, the need to achieve and excel, inspiration which motivates one to move?

I may be wrong but I do not see will to power coming from itself – it must have some kind of an agent, human or otherwise.

How good is a vacuum cleaner if it is NOT plugged in and turned on? lol Perhaps not a very good analogy.

Consider the will to power which is seen in this philosophy forum. Where does IT come from?

My point however is that on this side of the grave there are clearly folks who are more aware of this than others. The struggle to sustain basic needs obviates discussions of all the things we dwell on here.

Genes from the evolution of life on earth, memes from the manner in which historically and culturally our own species is able to become self-aware of this. And then to grapple with the extent to which our interactions [in the is/ought world] are more or less determined by them. The less they are the more we can discuss possible limitations built into our autonomy.

From my point of view, these limitations revolve around dasein, conflicting goods and political economy. That’s why I ever and always come back to this:

[b]…pick a particular context in which moral and political values come into conflict and let’s explore the implications of it “out in the world”. A world in which actual social, political and economic interactions unfold.

Existentially as it were.[/b]

The objectivists either will or [as often as not] will not.

For example, what on earth does this mean:

Will to power wills will to power. VO only wills power. If you truly don’t see the distinction, then I live in a much bigger world than you do. You may not care. That’s fine. But, like you, many others for many millenia have been convincing people that there is only one power standard, one objective, one birth and death. An actual end.

It means I tacitly accept the futility of Internet philosophy.

I suspected for some time, but it took a lot to finally give in to it. Because no institution we know is working on anything but mind-numbing modernity. The Internet was the last hope for a league of excellent men.

Not all is lost, of course. Jakob may not be in my league philosophically, but he’s a genious. And a fun guy. A friendship I cherish. And at least I checked. Thoroughly. Now I KNOW the Internet is also not the way for… what will to power includes me.

So, net gain. On to other ventures.

Keep on rocking in the free world, biguous, fellas

Been a charm

Pezer, the quintessential rebel.

Dangerous, like a 50’s boy with a drivers-licence.

Did they lobotomize you?

What the shitty fuck happened man.

This is like, actually dumb.

Pezer I don’t even believe that you are this retarded all of a sudden.

Listen to Ice Cube.
And put this on your reading list.

At least read the entire cover

I mean, I know you won’t, but just to make a point.
Some people here have actually read Nietzsche.

The Will to Power code is incomplete, precisely because it can charm boys and have them feel like men, without promoting them to make moves to power.
VO is less spectacular at first sight, but it drives the student straight into or across the abyss of horror that every almost every mind is oriented on.

WtP can make a guy prance around it, such a cool phrase, powwwahh, for is whole life uttering vanities.
VO can only suck people in and make them fight for their right to survive, or freak them out and zap their minds.

VO, as a cyclical arrow, an arrow that magnetizes worlds around it, is the fulfilled will to the ER, which to N was the highest Will to Power.
The pride involved in it is too great to relate through human language. Which is why I rap, to make that language stronger. Also why I am so baffled when someone thinks this is just some neat trick. It creates such an enormous abyss between us, unfathomable distance.

Pathos of Distance -
the Abyss
the Absolute

Obviously the internet is just a soil. I am sowing seeds in some thousands of minds across some dozens of years.
A lot of you is a function of one of these treasures I scatter.

Don’t think I don’t know this. Don’t think I didn’t know what I was starting. Don’t take me for a fool, Pezer. That never ends well for people that took from my magic. It is a vengeful magic, because it is nature.

Yes, God is mad.
Not crazy, but always angry.
God is Aries, the spring equinox.
Friendly flowers afforded by a will to squander the lives of billions.

The question I believe is whether wars that may come are going to be proper vehicles for philosophical will. This is at least how I approach politics. It works when there is a crisis.

I am fortunate to live in a country involved in a sophisticated war of tastes and ideologies inside the worlds apex military alliance. This allows a politician, and a philosopher is first of all that, a lot of leverage. Whenever there is need to act, it is possible when you are a citizen of a first world country. You matter.

Honestly speaking, there is only Europe, since it includes Russia, and the USA. China doesn’t actually have a marketable culture at this time. And California has usurped most of what is marketable of the past millennia so they aren’t even required for the generation of their own culture in as far as it matters. Japan also matters but forms no threat to anyone.

I believe that not liking Heidegger is a symptom of a hatred of the slowness of power.

Everything that has been built of mere ambition is flimsy. What is built of reverence for nature, human nature especially as it includes fear of its own power, is eternal in as far as human life is concerned.

Individualism as assuming anyone to be one is nonsense. As soon as a person is alone he is no longer a person but a world, that is to say an animal and a god. If he is a person, he is not given to himself. Individuality is possible but it requires a lot of interactions around truth and power, thus with a lot of love and pain, to have been successfully completed, so as for a world to have been established on this emerging individuals terms.

Violent and dismissive patriarchy is a surrogate for this privilege, what actually affords the power to be an individual is a thing like the Senate of an internationally feared and respected nation. First World (Roman) Government is built not to govern those who are taxed, but for some people to actually be someone.


Oh yeah and save the whales. But thankfully we’ve actually grown a conscience there. We did good work in the 80s. Oil disasters and sea mammal butcheries happen but people now tend to not like them. I wonder if bees are still all dying. That could kill most of us. Small things. Devils in details.
Still a lot of animal right work is to be done.
Humans can never be without sickness as long as dearth in animal spirit governs our appetites.
All is going in the right way. Except most people.
But as usual, they will follow whatever the cloudgatherer commands.

Capable if you are reading this -
what I meant was for all animals that are slaughtered for food to be first sanctified to a god.
I believe this may have been the real reason for animal sacrifice. To deal with the fact of killing, do justice to the life you take.

Be flattered that I think you matter.
All the rest is chatter.
break bread, take cheddar
make, break, make better

Blaze gunner, fake stake up-runner fun nun fucker, trucker, stop at the head-light, big eyes raised heads fright speeds pace or freezes, lazy eels are geezers in Chinese restaurants making bets about the death of Jesus.

Please eat meat from green fields with beer treated steers or beat it
Im excellent like Jackson I need it said by a claxon

Ive been to Germany and back, too many vermin in the Burger King


Ive been to Germany and returned, too many vermin in the Burger King
first things first, eternally
its the same to me
soggy chicken
no crisp given
parking lot litter
no dinner

dead winter, sad bread winner
on the verge of sinning
of planning some action
stage an attraction to gain traction
fame wagon, blame Bob Saget