O Canada!

The only places more depressing than the United States or Canada would be England, France, and Sweden. Those places are Orwellian nightmares, so there’s that also.

Sweden’s good in some ways, they have free healthcare and education, not that I trust the healthcare or education system entirely, but at least they’re available for poor people.
They also have a high minimum wage, welfare and social services.
What I don’t like about Sweden is all the censorship, political correctness and immigration, and what I don’t like about the UK is all the gun control and government spying.

There won’t be a public social safety net of free health insurance or education in Sweden for long with the influx of foreigners being used as a lowered wage aggregate.

The U.K. resembles Sweden in an almost identical environment.

You’re probably right about that.
Unfortunately, with all the Muslim immigrants, Sweden’s relatively idyllic society could turn into a 3rd world Islamic ghetto by 2050.
I really wish we’d get our shit together and do more to protect workers, the environment and civilized peoples, but it doesn’t look as tho that’s going to happen.

The total collapse and destruction of our current societies followed by violent revolution is the only way going forward for anything to change, all other avenues or options have been thoroughly exhausted. There is no meaningful peaceful way to difuse any of this. This is where we’re at in the moment.

While you’re probably right, I still have a little hope for a peaceful, or violent sociopolitical and economic revolution before the collapse.
And there will be a collapse, or at least a major decline, if civilization doesn’t radically change course soon.

It’s unfortunate how totally unsustainable our civilization has become.

I would say that your hope is firmly misplaced and you better make plans for the more likely scenario.

It’s just nature intervening, when humanity destroys the fabric of nature or its own primal nature the natural life force of our planet intervenes where no level of contrived artifice can out match it even when we delude ourselves thinking that it can.

Ideally people would limit their competitive consumption.
Really there’s only two fundamental options, the easy way: limit ourselves, or the hard way: run out of resources until many-most of us are starving, or dead.
endless growth on a finite planet is not an option.

While western civilization as a whole continues to grow economically, the growth has slowed down, at some point I’m expecting it to level off, then recede.
It’s a process, and while it may happen overnight, I’m not expecting it to, I think it’ll take decades, perhaps even centuries.

Civilizations tend to follow a bell curve, like Rome took centuries of weakening before it fell to German and Hunnic hoards, but I think our civilization was built on much shakier ground, so I’m not expecting it to last nearly as long.
Part of the reason why civilizations follow this curve is because they tend to over-expand.
The other reason is they’re natural processes, and all processes have a beginning, middle and end, but often the end of one thing is the beginning of, something else.
How much this or these somethings resemble what preceded them depends on luck, and how well their antecedents were built.

As for the lower classes (which includes the so called ‘middle class’, a misnomer, because it’s far, far…far closer to the bottom tier than the top, I mean as we saw in 08 and 09, a few bad days on the stock market is all that stands between the middle class’ and abject poverty), they’ve been declining since at latest the 1980s, and will in all likelihood continue to do so, until either there’s a revolution, or the elite manage to turn up the heat so seamlessly, the frogs never think to jump out of the pot…but something has to give, either the masses of asses wake up and change something, or, more likely, they’ll continue to decline, until finally civilization as a whole will decline and then collapse, even for the elite (I mean the real elite, the 0.1%ers), many of whom will go into hiding on their private islands and in their underground bunkers and fortresses as the shit really starts to go down and there’s no turning back.

That being said, for now at least, this is the world we’re living in, and while it may crash tomorrow, like I said I’m not expecting it to, it’ll probably take decades for all of this to unfold.
While it’s good to prepare if you can, and I’m planning on making some preparations in the coming years, I’m also trying to enjoy my life and civilization, in spite of its many flaws, for what it is, as well as, challenge peoples perceptions of things a bit.

It will be the later route and we both know that.

Also, check this out.



SOGI 123 - lgbt curriculum for Canadian kids:

Canadian Christians outraged (12:15- 18:10)
“In Canada, parents rights are limited and children’s rights are put ahead, so the child has a right to be protected from the parents when they behave badly.” (~15:40). Damn!

Why couldn’t they just stay in their gay villages and mind their own business?

I always get the feeling Trudeau is the Canadian SJW version of Joel Osteen.

Pod people are real man…

Trudeau visits India?

Trudeau visits Iran?

I think every culture has the right to do its own thing, but at the same time…this is just plain retarded.

What a character.

Trudeau visits the world.

PS: Trudeau played an academic when he spoke at a major Scottish University and yes, he impressed everyone with his Scottish accent. :blush: Pity the images don’t have audio; I would have loved to hear him impress his hosts with his Chinese and Jewish accents. Oh the humanity peopleanity!!! #-o