a thread for mundane ironists

[b]Neil Gaiman

The wise man knows when to keep silent. Only the fool tells all he knows.[/b]

More to the point, only the fool thinks he knows it all to tell.

One thing I’ve learned: you can know anything, it’s all there, you just have to find it.

Anyone here actually believe that?

They might be dirty, and cheap, and their food might taste like shit, but at least they didn’t speak in clichés.

Or groots.

The moment that you feel, just possibly, you are walking down the street naked, exposing too much of your heart and your mind, and what exists on the inside, showing too much of yourself…That is the moment, you might be starting to get it right.

Then you only need the balls to act on it.

I believe that while all human life is sacred there’s nothing wrong with the death penalty if you can trust the legal system implicitly, and that no one but a moron would ever trust the legal system.

So, do they live or die?

The men in the room suddenly realized that they didn’t want to know her better. She was beautiful, but she was beautiful in the way a forest fire was beautiful: something to be admired from a distance, not up close.

So don’t forget your binoculars.

[b]Leonardo da Vinci

Why does the eye see more clearly when asleep than the imagination when awake?[/b]

In other words, if yours does.

He who wishes to be rich within a day, will be hanged within a year.

New thread: How might that still be applicable today?

Marriage is like putting your hand into a bag of snakes in the hope of pulling out an eel.

Point taken. Well, once I figure out what it is.

The acquisition of knowledge is always of use to the intellect, because it may thus drive out useless things and retain the good. For nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first known.

Even though [as we all know] lots of things are.

Truth at last cannot be hidden. Dissimulation is of no avail. Dissimulation is to no purpose before so great a judge. Falsehood puts on a mask. Nothing is hidden under the sun.

Try to imagine the world without dissimulation!
And not just [here and now] in the United States Senate.

Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory.

Or counting his money.

[b]Terry Pratchett

The trouble with thinking was that, once you started, you went on doing it.[/b]

Into the wee hours of the morning for example.

…no one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away…

Unless perhaps dead is dead.

One day I’ll work out what it is you are saying, my lad, and then you’ll be in trouble.

Of course that could take years.

We were supposed to be cruel, cunning, heartless and terrible. But this much I can tell you, we never burned and tortured and ripped one another apart and called it morality.

In the name of, for example, national security.

[b]The place where the story happened was a world on the back of four elephants perched on the shell of a giant turtle. That’s the advantage of space. It’s big enough to hold practically anything, and so, eventually, it does.

People think that it is strange to have a turtle ten thousand miles long and an elephant more than two thousand miles tall, which just shows that the human brain is ill-adapted for thinking and was probably originally designed for cooling the blood. It believes mere size is amazing.

There’s nothing amazing about size. Turtles are amazing, and elephants are quite astonishing. But the fact that there’s a big turtle is far less amazing than the fact that there is a turtle anywhere. [/b]

And [so far] going all the way back to nothing at all. If you believe that story.

Multiple exclamation marks, he went on, shaking his head, are a sure sign of a diseased mind.

Not counting the times you will never have enough of them.

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“One should always aim at being interesting, rather than exact.” Voltaire[/b]

Let’s at least agree that one can take this too far.

“The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity.” Voltaire

No, not just the objectivists.

“Anyone who has to call himself a genius…isn’t.” Stephen King

Who else: Don Trump.

“All the darkness in the world can’t put out the light of one candle.” Confucius

Let’s file this one under, “it’s so deep it’s meaningless”.

“Few people at the beginning of the nineteenth century needed an adman to tell them what they wanted.” John Kenneth Galbraith

Let alone what they needed.

“Enjoy life. This is not a dress rehearsal.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Let’s pray that it is.

[b]Joseph Heller

He began to wonder with genuine concern just what sort of shithead the Pentagon had foisted on him.[/b]

Cue Colonel Haydon and the silver star.

Clevinger really thought he was right, but Yossarian had proof, because strangers he didn’t know shot at him with cannons every time he flew up into the air to drop bombs on them, and it wasn’t funny at all

Just following orders as it were.

[b]Appleby was as good at shooting crap as he was at playing Ping-Pong, and he was as good at playing Ping-Pong as he was at everything else. Everything Appleby did, he did well. Appleby was a fair-haired boy from Iowa who believed in God, Motherhood, and the American Way of Life, without ever thinking about any of them, and everybody who knew him liked him.

I hate that son of a bitch, Yossarian growled.[/b]

This either resonates or it doesn’t.

Death was irreversible, he suspected, and he began to think he was going to lose.

Next up: taxes.

He wondered often how he would ever recognize the first chill, flush, twinge, ache, belch, sneeze, stain, lethargy, vocal slip, loss of balance or lapse of memory that would signal the inevitable beginning of the inevitable end.

THE end one suspects.

He mashed hundreds of cakes of GI soap into the sweet potatoes just to show that people have the taste of Philistines and don’t know the difference between good and bad.

He thought: That explains a lot.

[b]C.G. Jung

For two personalities to meet is like mixing two chemical substances: if there is any combination at all, both are transformed.[/b]

When, instead, neither are.

Every individual needs revolution, inner division, overthrow of the existing order, and renewal, but not by forcing them upon his neighbors under the hypocritical cloak of Christian love or the sense of social responsibility or any of the other beautiful euphemisms for unconscious urges to personal power.

How then?

But what will he do when he sees only too clearly why his patient is ill; when he sees that it arises from his having no love, but only sexuality; no faith, because he is afraid to grope in the dark; no hope, because he is disillusioned by the world and by life; and no understanding, because he has failed to read the meaning of his own existence?

Among others, he means me. And [occasionally] I agree.

Neurosis is the suffering of a soul which has not discovered its meaning.

Not counting the neurotic who don’t have one.

…the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.

In the face of, among other things, mere not being.

What we do not make conscious emerges later as fate.

Some examples please.

[b]Existential Comics

As Michel Foucault famously said, “Stuff is bad. Even way more bad than you’d think at first”.[/b]

Of course he was just paraphrasing Jacques Derrida.

Philosophy can only save us if it is the philosophy of Socrates: ruthlessly criticising the ruling class, and corrupting the youth by teaching them to question the society they were brought into.

Sans God [and Plato] of course.

The problem with capitalism is that you eventually run out of other people’s labor.

Right, I’m sure that keeps them up at night.

When people say “grow up”, they often seem to just mean “quietly accept things as they are.”

Either that or eagerly sustain them.

As the ancient stoic master Zeno of Citium teaches us: shut the fuck up once in a while.

That or grin and bear it.

If I’m perfectly honest, I just don’t believe that I’m going to die. It seems like a totally ridiculous thing to happen.

So, do you think that he will?

[b]Allen Ginsberg

who burned cigarette holes in their arms protesting the narcotic tobacco haze of Capitalism[/b]

My guess: Nobody.

Absolutes are Coercion.
Change is absolute.

In other words, you get it coming and going.

Naked in solitary prison cell he looks down at a hard-on.

And then notices it’s not his own.

Thank God I am not God! Thank God I am not God!

You know, if there is one.

Television concentrates its blue flicker of death in the frontal lobe…

Obviously before television became what it is today. But only if that’s true.

If we don’t show anyone, we’re free to write anything.

Anyone here ever done that?

[b]Ali Smith

Google is so strange. It promises everything, but everything isn’t there. You type in the words for what you need, and what you need becomes superfluous in an instant, shadowed instantaneously by the things you really need, and none of them answerable by Google.[/b]

Let alone by Bing.

Words are themselves organisms…

Sure, we can call them that.

No one remembering that old man.
Except, I just did, there.

Should we file this one under, “big fucking deal”?

The boy was in the Hitler Youth, he says, and he was reading a book one day, he was really enjoying it, until his troop leader found him reading it and gave him a severe warning because it was by a, a Jewish writer, it was a banned book. And the boy was so incensed that this really good book he’d been reading had been banned—was the wrong kind of book, the wrong kind of art, if you like, written by the wrong kind of writer—that he thought twice, he began to ask questions about what was happening, and then, it turns out, he went on with his sister, Sophie Scholl, their name was Scholl, to do this stellar work, to try to change things, make it possible for people to think, I mean differently. And they fought back, and they did change things. They did a lot of good before they were caught. And they were killed for it.

True story: viewtopic.php?f=24&t=179469&p=2351269&hilit=sophie+scholl#p2351269

It is important to know the stories and histories of things, even if all we know is that we don’t know.


Giving is fraught with danger — as is taking.

Yin and yang as it were.

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“Love is a striking example of how little reality means to us.” Marcel Proust[/b]


“Don’t try to add more years to your life. Better add more life to your years.” Blaise Pascal

Could one not perhaps dare to do both?

“Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.” Baruch Spinoza

Or, sure, maybe it is just the absence of war.

“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Me? I’m begging you to destroy mine.

“The most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking.” Martin Heidegger

Like him for example.

“Before you react, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you quit, try.” Ernest Hemingway

You know, in a perfect world.

[b]Mike McCormack

I’ve told you before I’m not guilty of anything; I’m just guilty, that’s all.[/b]

With me though it’s got to be of something.

…no point whatsoever meeting catastrophe with reason when what was needed was our prophets deranged and coming towards us wild-eyed and smeared with shit, ringing a bell, seer and sinner at once while speaking some language from the edge of reason whose message would translate into plain words as we’re fucked well and truly fucked.

Sure, I can live with that. If only once in a blue moon.

I love that we’re living the kind of life where things are wearing down around us.

I sure as shit don’t.

…some things are so awful, you can’t look them square in the face and some things make no sense no matter what angle you look at them from. And of course they happen in other people’s lives, never in your own.

Right, keep telling yourself that.

…telling us that the death has occurred
in the family home
or after a long illness
or after a short illness
or suddenly
or in England
or peacefully at their home in
all the innumerable ways and places in which anyone can die…

This part: youtu.be/ilGahIwQEQ0

…this seemed to be that time in his life when he could suck the life out of any project no matter how promising it appeared…

If only [now] until the day I die.

[b]T.E. Lawrence

He was old and wise, which meant tired and disappointed…[/b]

Then that makes [at least] two of us.

You wonder what I am doing? Well, so do I, in truth. Days seem to dawn, suns to shine, evenings to follow, and then I sleep. What I have done, what I am doing, what I am going to do, puzzle and bewilder me. Have you ever been a leaf and fallen from your tree in autumn and been really puzzled about it? That’s the feeling.

On the good days…maybe.

Mankind has had ten-thousand years of experience at fighting and if we must fight, we have no excuse for not fighting well.

Yep, that’s what it’s come to. This and the military industrial complex.

Many men would take the death-sentence without a whimper, to escape the life-sentence which fate carries in her other hand.

Let’s just say I’m working on it.

The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts.

[i]Shades of G. Gordon Liddy:

Deep Throat: I was at a party once, and, uh, Liddy put his hand over a candle, and he kept it there. He kept it right in the flame until his flesh was burned. Somebody said, What’s the trick? And Liddy said, The trick is not minding.[/i]

By day the hot sun fermented us; and we were dizzied by the beating wind. At night we were stained by dew, and shamed into pettiness by the innumerable silences of stars.

Nature: 24/7.

[b]Ben Goldacre

Torture the data, and it will confess to anything…[/b]

Not unlike people.

You cannot reason people out of positions they didn’t reason themselves into.

Someone cue Mr. Objectivist.

Here we will see that pharmaceutical companies spend tens of billions of pounds every year trying to change the treatment decisions of doctors: in fact, they spend twice as much on marketing and advertising as they do on the research and development of new drugs. Since we all want doctors to prescribe medicine based on evidence, and evidence is universal, there is only one possible reason for such huge spends: to distort evidence-based practice.

How nefarious!

Sham ultrasound is beneficial for dental pain, placebo operations have been shown to be beneficial in knee pain (the surgeon just makes fake keyhole surgery holes in the side and mucks about for a bit as if he’s doing something useful), and placebo operations have even been shown to improve angina.

Where shall we take this?

[b]Just one thing gives me hope, and that is the steady trickle of emails I receive on the subject from children, ecstatic with delight at the stupidity of their teachers:

"I’d like to submit to Bad Science my teacher who gave us a handout which says that ‘Water is best absorbed by the body when provided in frequent small amounts.’ What I want to know is this. If I drink too much in one go, will it leak out of my arsehole instead?

Anton", 2006

Thank you Anton.[/b]

We need something like that too. Not counting the Kids of course.

…there is essentially no difference between the vitamin industry and the pharmaceutical and biotech industries…

You know, if you were born a sucker.

[b]D.H. Lawrence

Never trust the teller, trust the tale. The proper function of a critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it.[/b]

Sounds like something from “The Dangling Converstion”.

Don’t you find it a beautiful clean thought, a world empty of people, just uninterrupted grass, and a hare sitting up?

Sure, with me there to watch it.

Vitally, the human race is dying. It is like a great uprooted tree, with its roots in the air. We must plant ourselves again in the universe.

Nope, not yet.

The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.

Even if it’s true no one knows what it means.

That’s the place to get to—nowhere. One wants to wander away from the world’s somewheres, into our own nowhere.

Preferably high as a kite.

When I read Shakespeare I am struck with wonder that such trivial people should muse and thunder in such lovely language.

Not so the trivial people today.

[b]so sad today

it’s all fun and games until you’re born[/b]


sometimes i’m like maybe i don’t have depression anymore and then i do


i’ll show you my emptiness if you show me yours

Is there even enough time?.

r u goth? what does it mean to u to be goth in 2018? can u be internally goth w/out a goth aesthetic? r there still untread goth realms beyond its corporatization? in light of hot topic & kat von d, can goth still be alt? who r yr fav indie goth makers of music, clothes, makeup?

New thread: Goth and dasein.

maybe if i buy this shit i don’t need i’ll be a whole person

Besides, it’s good for the economy.

what’s wrong with me: the musical

Or: what’s wrong with me: the Saturday Night Live sketch.

[b]Paul Valéry

How can one not feel enthusiasm for the man who never said anything vague?[/b]

Is this even possible? And, if so, is it even wise?

Modern man no longer works at what cannot be abbreviated.

After all, time is money.

For the fact is that disorder is the condition of the mind’s fertility: it contains the mind’s promise, since its fertility depends on the unexpected rather than the expected, depends on what we do not know, and because we do not know it, than what we know.

Not counting the parts that pulverize you.

I have made a similar suggestion for poetry: that one should approach it as pure sonority, reading and rereading it as a sort of music, and should not introduce meanings or intentions into the diction before clearly grasping the system of sounds that every poem must offer on pain of nonexistence.

I think I understand this. Would you like to confirm it?

I think of the presence and of the habits of mortals in this so fluid stream, and reflect that I was among them, striving to see all things just as I see them at this very moment. I then placed Wisdom in the eternal station which now is ours. But from here all is unrecognizable. Truth is before us, and we no longer understand anything at all.

I think I understand this. Would you like to confirm it?

There is no theory that is not a fragment, carefully prepared, of some autobiography.

Haven’t I been saying this now for years?

[b]Naomi Alderman

The power to hurt is a kind of wealth.[/b]

Best perhaps not to go there.

It was like being part of a wave of water, she says. A wave of spray from the ocean feels powerful, but it is only there for a moment, the sun dries the puddles and the water is gone. Then you feel maybe it never happened. That is how it was with us. The only wave that changes anything is a tsunami. You have to tear down the houses and destroy the land if you want to be sure no one will forget you.

Best perhaps not to go there.

What is freedom, in the end, but that no one cares any longer to try to restrain us?

I know, but what if it is true?

It’s not for us to worry about the men, she says. Let them please themselves, as they always have. If they want to war with each other and to wander, let them go. We have each other. Where you go, I will go. Your people will be my people, my sisters.

Nor for men to worry about the women?

…you are trying to steal that which you do not even desire.

On the other hand, don’t ever expect to understand why.

Fox News would say whatever makes the most people tune into Fox News.

Let’s file this one under, “they deserve each other.”

[b]Mary Roach

I like the term “decedent”. It’s as though the man weren’t dead but merely involved in some sort of protracted legal dispute.[/b]

My own personal favorite: Stiff.

The driving aesthetic of military style is uniformity. Whence the word uniform. From first inspection to Arlington National Cemetery, soldiers look like those around them: same hat, same boots, identical white grave marker. They are discouraged from looking unique, because that would encourage them to feel unique, to feel like an individual. The problem with individuals is that they think for themselves and of themselves, rather than for and of their unit. They’re the lone goldfish on the old Pepperidge Farm bags, swimming the other way. They’re a problem.

I know that I was. Just short of a court martial in AIT.

“Morning breath” is hydrogen sulfide released by bacteria consuming shed tongue cells while you mouth-breathe for eight hours; saliva normally washes the debris away.

Let’s file this one under, “where would we be without science?”

This book is a tribute to the men and women who dared. Who, to this day, endure ignorance, closed minds, righteousness, and prudery. Their lives are not easy. But their cocktail parties are the best.

Bonk of course.

cadavers’ intestines hanging like a parade streamers off the sides of tables, skulls bobbing in boiling pots, organs strewn on the floor being eaten by dogs…

Clearly, this cries out for a context.

Nurses on transplant wards often remarked that male transplant patients show renewed interest in sex. One reported that a patient asked her to wear something other than “that shapeless scrub” so he could see her breasts. A post-op who had been impotent for seven years before the operation was found holding his penis and demonstrating an erection. Another nurse spoke of a man who left the fly of his pajamas unfastened to show her his penis. Conclude Tabler and Frierson, “this irrational but common belief that the recipient will somehow develop characteristics of the donor is generally transitory but may alter sexual patterns.”

I know: Human all too human. Or, sure, just men.

[b]Robert M. Sapolsky

Suddenly, I get this giddy desire to shock these guys a little. I continue, These baboons really are our relatives. In fact, this baboon is my cousin. And with that I lean over and give Daniel a loud messy kiss on his big ol’ nose. I get more of a response than I bargained for. The Masai freak and suddenly, they are waving their spears real close to my face, like they mean it. One is yelling, He is not your cousin, he is not your cousin! A baboon cannot even cook ugali! Ugali is the ubiquitous and repulsive maize meal that everyone eats here. I almost respond that I don’t really know how to cook the stuff either, but decide to show some prudence at last. He is not your cousin![/b]

Another smartass imperialist?

Fossey, Fossey, you cranky difficult strong-arming self-destructive misanthrope, mediocre scientist, deceiver of earnest college students, probable cause of more deaths of the gorillas than if you had never set foot in Rwanda, Fossey, you pain-in-the-ass saint, I do not believe in prayers or souls, but I will pray for your soul, I will remember you for all of my days, in gratitude for that moment by the graves when all I felt was the pure, cleansing sadness of returning home and finding nothing but ghosts.

Sounds like a personal problem.

You don’t have to choose between being scientific and being compassionate.

Unless of course there is lots and lots of money involved.

Being healthy consists of having the same disease as everyone else.

Let’s pin down a disease we all have.

The purpose of science in understanding who we are as humans is not to rob us of our sense of mystery, not to cure us of our sense of mystery.

For example: Why is there something instead of nothing?

Why should people in one part of the globe have developed collectivist cultures, while others went individualist? The United States is the individualism poster child for at least two reasons. First there’s immigration. Currently, 12 percent of Americans are immigrants, another 12 percent are children of immigrants, and everyone else except for the 0.9 percent pure Native Americans descend from people who emigrated within the last five hundred years.

And then all that stuff Marx suggested.

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“To know what life is worth you have to risk it once in a while.” Jean-Paul Sartre[/b]

Just don’t get carried away.

"Art and revolt will die only with the last man.” Albert Camus

Update: Or the last woman.

“The need to be right — the sign of a vulgar mind.” Albert Camus

You might mean you, Mr. Objectivist.

“Time is the wisest of all things that are; for it brings everything to light.” Thales of Miletus

Not literally of course. Unless of course it is.

“The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.” Ursula K. Le Guin

And then one by one we’re gone.

“Find a path or make one.” Seneca

Or, sure, you can just take mine.