My Surrogate Activities.

This goes back to the Christian protestant work ethic where idle hands or minds [the leisurely/lackadaisical] were considered receptors of the devil [living embodiment of sin/ opposition to the controlled order of things(state)/ defying the order of God’s will.] and only the hard working Christian [usually the gullible working peasants for their feudal lords] were deemed redeemable under God.[Promised in return with eternal salvation or paradise something only an idiot can believe in.] The hardworking individuals as they are called are merely individuals taught to think of their servitude or service to the state as noble virtuosity[in all actuality subservience to continual tyranny] and under the earlier historical narrative that preceded it obedience to God. [God being entirely a controlled historical fabrication of the state along with the concept of an afterlife or the eternal soul] Under modern political conservatism replace sin with unaffordable social expenditures of the unemployed [There’s that condemnation of idleness again]and God with government.[Government as an organization is worshipped much in the same way as God has been or was as it has morphed into the new godhead.] This of course was the Christian angle or influence in the west but in other religions and belief systems there was similar narrative overtones like Chinese Confucianism as example. [Chinese subservience of the family to the state.]

The reality of course is that the powerful don’t like their subjects too mentally idle[Too much spare free time] because they might start thinking on their own realizing entirely what their complete dependence upon their overlords is really all about [total existential slavery]plotting the thoughts of succession or some other kind of revolution. If too many [free]individuals devote too much of their lives to leisure lackadaisically they might in effect infect the minds of the [human cattle] working in [human farm] society disrupting the whole control structure of the [human cattle ranchers] powerful.

The Russians are coming! :stuck_out_tongue:


Meanwhile in the United States the solution to school violence or possible terrorist attacks in schools, are bulletproof mattresses? :question: :neutral_face: :open_mouth: [WTF?]

My definition of the mundane is doing things which do not benifite your existence.
You don’t believe in the soul, but i call the soul the core energy of our life.
Things which do not benifite the soul or the mind, are mundane.

Glorifying work seems to be almost like, pure arrogance.
It is also about money.

I’m not sure what else to say about it.

Yeah, for me religion is the ultimate form of mind control second only to government. Concepts like an eternal soul and what have you is just an extension of all that.

Soul is a theory about how our vital energy works.
Telling someone that they can only save their soul by obeying the God figure, is mind control.

Yes, but the primary narrative or religious motif of a human soul revolves around an afterlife where the mind control of authority is preying upon people with either the promise of eternal salvation of heaven [reward of obedience] or eternal damnation of hell [punishment for disobedience], moreover this extends in numerous religions well outside Christianity. [In other words it isn’t limited solely by Christianity.]

I see.
So, that is what you meant.

One form of cancer treatment is surgical removal of a tumor.

I think you may have had a religious tumor when you were young.
You decided that human spirituality was too dirty and nasty to use.

That’s just a little speculation, though.
Were you ever religiously minded?

When I was younger I was a southern Baptist Christian and very devout however when any individual endures as much suffering as I have where nobody hears your screams lying in the dark and where all prayers to a God to alleviate never ending suffering go constantly unanswered my conclusion of embracing atheism was inevitable. Not only that but once you understand that religion is social propaganda of authority or the powerful in the same way the state is atheism was the logical conclusion on my part concerning perception.

I’ve studied religions all over the world in the past and I always come to the same conclusion about all of them, they are all pure social manipulation.

Maybe you had a negative-based-enlightenment.
I think such a thing is very possible.
Pain in large quantities tells a tale.

Negative based enlightenment, or perhaps I’ve never seen things more clearly without blind faith.

My dream pet would be a sloth. They’re cute, intelligent, and sleep a majority of the time anyways. If I had an animal spirit or totem the sloth would be mine. Such a shame it’s illegal to own one as a pet.

-Watchers of United States international tyranny and empire abroad-

Red Alert:

  1. Chinese military amassing on North Korean border.

  2. Donald Trump provoking Pakistan verbally.

  3. After having a summit with Israel there appears to be a C.I.A. directed movement to create a sort of maiden spring/ color revolution in Iran.

Extra news:

Supposedly a Chinese space station might end up crashing into earth as they lost all communications with it.

When I am not working I play video games or hang out with Wendy in a sort of individual apathetic resignation to the rest of the world around me. Occasionally I read international news from around the world along with news on international finance where I am just astonished this absurd world has lasted this long. Eventually the event horizon of absolute global destruction will be upon us all but as I get older I wonder what will happen first, me ageing into eldercare or premature death, or the destructive global event horizon itself. For me that is a great mystery and I do not have an accurate answer for but all in all I’m very curious about. As one adage goes, the world can remain insane and absurd a lot longer than you may think it can. For me that adage holds much weight especially now.

Starting to wonder if that whole Chinese space station thing was a hoax as I haven’t heard much about it for a while now. Very tricky to separate what is real and what isn’t in this era as the world is rife with deception everywhere that even the most astute mind can occasionally find itself clouded.

Alright, there actually is an unmanned Chinese space station now confirmed to drop out of orbit between March and April. Here’s to hoping it will land on the White House or the D.C. congressional building. Hell, if it hit the CIA Langley building in Virginia I would settle for that.

Syrians shot down an Israeli fighter jet and now Israel is bombing the western portion of Damascus. Are the Israelis officially going to declare war on Syria now?

Let’s just start World War III and be done with it. I’m so sick and tired of the pretension of normalcy everywhere.

The absolute social political state of American society right now…


While I’m pro-choice, I think it’s pathetic how polarized and simpleminded liberals and conservatives have allowed themselves to become, or rather have been manipulated into becoming by the elite, divide and rule.
What happened to having an opinion, allowing everyone to have theirs, and having a civil discussion about it?
I mean whether the serfs are allowed to have late-term abortions or not, they’re still serfs, and the underlying power structure, the real enemy remains totally unscathed, so let’s reserve our hatred for that.