What are you doing? (Part 1)

Wondering, don’t women who are in relationships cook for their loved ones anymore?

My Sister’s fiance gets excited when she speaks of cooking…anything. wtf? My other Sister’s boyfriend ate my Mother’s Christmas dinner like he’d not eaten home cooking in years and that Sister can cook when she puts her mind to it. Even my Mom is slacking so that her husband is always asking me what I have been preparing and is envious of Joker. Five nights or more a week, I offer a home cooked meal. What is going on ladies?


Wendy wrote:

I have never had a man cook for me or for that matter do housework, grocery shopping or laundry.

It must be fabulous to sit down at meal times and be pleasantly surprised each evening to see what’s for dinner tonight. Bliss…

I don’t know any men who CAN cook.

Sorry to hear that, SM. That totally stinks!

Aussie men are that lame? Seriously, they can’t even grill a steak and nuke a potato? Most men have a few simple meals they will offer up, mostly grocery store processed, they believe taste okay such as spaghetti or fried/grilled meats.

Shieldmaiden, I can cook like a motherfucker. I be putting out charcuterie boards and wine while I’m making a rib roast for these hos out here.

Mr R wrote:

They make up for it in other ways :mrgreen:

Ah, the BBQ duties, yes essentially this is men’s work. HA! but I would not count that as cooking a meal. It appears that a large proportion of Australian men are very spoilt compared to other countries.

We’re a country that likes to think of itself as gender equal but the data tells a very different story. We don’t stack up particularly well compared to the rest of the world.

I know where Wendy is coming from and I am guilty? of the same. When in love to cook for your man is a privilege not a chore.

The movie Bridges of Madison County depicted this perfectly. Have you seen this one Wendy?



SM wrote

Such as? :evilfun:

Yes, I saw it in the theaters, but I don’t remember much except my best friend’s brother, Victor Szelazek (he may have simplified his name cuz it’s a Polish mouthful) played the son in that movie.

How has everyone been?

I’ve been above average i think.
How about you?

Damn. That feeling when you wake up and you realize you are a nobody.

Inner alchemy : turning crap into gold. It’s the next step.

Tell me more


I am nothing but crap. A few years life expectancy in a system many billions of years old.
My society is crashing and burning. I have only a tiny amount of causal energy and influence.


I am a rare one-of-a-kind being. I am special, and important.
In honor of this, i will try to perfect and transmute myself to an evolved state.
I will make a positive impression on my life and the lives to come after this.

[[ i hope this isn’t offensive terms. well, i tried. ]]

Yeah I guess you are right. I can’t seem to focus my mind. It’s all over the place. Uhh.

Changing a flat tyre, taking out the garbage, walking my dogs, changing the washer in that dripping tap… :laughing:

please come over and do my washing…

No loofah bath for you, MP. :evilfun: :laughing:

Watching Season 4 of Black Mirror.

:occasion-partyblower: Happy New Years ILP! :obscene-drinkingchug: :obscene-drinkingcheers: :occasion-partyblower:

shit! already 2 days in. time is flying by!