Poverty in America

Like not to be personal, but what do you contribute to society? Does the value of what you do for humanity outweigh the rewards that you’re receiving?

How old are you? Have you put any money into savings for your own future?

Do you drink sodas or bottled water? Do you smoke cigarettes? Own pets and buy them food? Do you spend money on alcohol or drugs?

If you do any of those things, then what you’ve done is chosen to forego your ability to live comfortably and/or invest in yourself in lieu or supporting corporations that produce soda, cigarettes, dog food and alcohol.

No one makes you do that.

Can you honestly say that you haven’t wasted 4 or 5 dollars a day on things that you don’t really need? That’s a lot of money over time. You could have been buying gold, or bonds, or CD’s, or putting that into a money market account, or taking all the time you’ve spent reading propaganda and instead reading about how to effectively invest, and then BOOM, all these problem that you say are being imposed on you by others wouldn’t even be present.

I think in a lot of cases that people aren’t willing to make any sacrifices at all, and feel as though they should be entitled to the kind of amenities that a parent might provide for a teenager. Housing, transportation, communication, healthcare, etc. But if it’s possible at all that you could have gotten those yourself but that you chose otherwise, then you’ve not really asking someone else to provide for your necessities, you’re asking them to buy your dog food, cigarettes, alcohol and sodas.

Please open your mind for just a second and realize that no matter what argument you give, no one is going to solve your problems for you. You’re going to have to do it yourself. I suspect that you’re in your mid 20s, you’ve still got time to aggressively start building yourself a secure future. The longer you wait the harder it will be and the less compelling your excuses for not doing so well be.

Also lol@ the irony of a Machiavellian victim asking for handouts. Seriously man. You’re entertaining, but your world view isn’t reflective of the actual world in many cases. I don’t mean to trigger you by saying that, but I honestly believe…no…I know that you’re intelligent enough to do what you gotta do to come up in the world. If you were a moron for real I wouldn’t bother saying these things to you.

Why don’t you get a checking account, and prioritize some money toward making a regular bank draft to contribute to your future? If the money comes out and you can’t afford dog food or cigarettes, then that means you can’t afford those things so you either have to earn more or stop buying those things.

50 bucks in dog food a month, distributed instead across a diverse set of stable dividend stocks, over 30 years will make sure that you don’t eat dog food yourself when you’re too old to work. You can have that…or you can have a dog now. But it’s your choice, not something that’s being imposed on you.

Nobody understands the mindset until they’re on the opposite side of the line experiencing it themselves. This is why people who have everything don’t understand this perspective because they’ve never experienced otherwise. It’s only a slave mentality embraced if individuals don’t fight back. I’ve known maybe four individuals in my life who have died living on the street. You can name examples and so can I. Many individuals work hard and make constant sacrifices only to achieve nothing in the end, hard work or sacrifice guarantees nothing. There is no guarantee of anything.

It’s not true that people in one position have necessarily never experienced the other.

There are a few rare exceptions but in no way constitutes a majority of people.

So try and think like the ones that do and see what happens.

Yeah, if it was that easy there would be no poverty and everybody would be doing it.

Classic argument of poor people choosing or creating their own poverty bullshit. What really makes this thread funny is that its creator is supposedly a political liberal that call themselves champions or defenders of the poor. He must be a garden variety limousine liberal.

  1. Doesn’t talk about failing public educational systems of the United States for the general population.

  2. Doesn’t talk about the negative aspects of deindustrialization, foreign importation of workers, automation, stagnant wages, increased taxes, increasingly temp economy, poor access to healthcare, or jobs being outsourced overseas.

  3. Doesn’t talk about the criminalization of just about everything where felons for the large part are barred from the workforce through hiring discrimination. There is virtually no kind of national felon workforce rehabilitation program in place. If you’re a felon you’re practically an open target to be discriminated against.

  4. Wants to lump a majority of poor people with drug or substance abusers and the mentally ill.

  5. Wants to remind everybody that everything is the fault of poor people only and that poor people only have themselves to blame for their plight.

You need money for any kind of initial investment and lots of it.

Your mentality is I got rich and everybody else is lazy in not being able to follow similar in my own footsteps, classical textbook narcissism.

And yours is classic, “no one’s giving me what I want and it’s too hard to get it myself and that’s not fair”. You’re a young, white, able bodied, slightly intelligent male in the United States. What other advantages could you possibly expect? Who’s supposed to pay for you?

For a guy who advocates a world as a jungle, you sure to seem upset about being a gazelle in a field full of lions.

Yes, who grew up as an orphan of which whose parents are both dead where I have practically no family left whatsoever. I’ve always been on my own since day one thrown to the wolves of the world since a very young age. Some advantage huh? No, I’ll get what I want eventually I’m just believing the United States is going to have to collapse first. [Hopefully soon as I grow steadily impatient with each year.] Privileged being white? :laughing: How long as a white guy have you lived in a neighborhood ghetto or lived in corporate housing with illegal Mexican migrants working a job? How many years have you lived on the streets homeless? White privilege? Don’t bother me with such silly bullshit. You know nothing of the harshness, cruelty, or bitterness of survival and you also know nothing of the truest definition of despair.

It is indeed a world of the jungle but the jungle is under total control by the false narrative of moral authority which tends to rig competition in favor of those that call themselves moral authorities, in a real jungle there are no rules, moral qualms, or ethical valuations concerning survival. Someday in the future the real jungle not this controlled one that we have now will return where the caged lions will feast on their gazelle zookeepers that only pretend to be overlords upon escape.

You should go to college.

College degree is not necessary to step over your competition. If you take a closer look around you you will see it to be the case. If you want a more comfortable life, you should concentrate instead on mastering the fine art of networking and strategic ass kissing.

Assuming we don’t have an economic collapse or go into a full world war and that I have the ability to keep a job long enough where I don’t have to worry about having a roof over my head I did plan eventually trying to go back to school in becoming a plumber. Why a plumber? Many trade unions employ plumbers and residential or commercial plumbing companies make an obscene amount of money just for on site visits. Another reason is that I don’t think robotics or automation will replace plumbers in the next fifty years, certainly not master plumbers or engineer plumbing.

Yes, there is certainly a lot of that. My only problem is that I’ve never been good at kissing the ass of anybody and as far as social networking goes I have none.

In many areas of the United States it is all about who you know whether it’s family or friends, in a single phrase occupational nepotism can describe many areas of our economy.

Why does mentally retarded Billy work for the company? It’s because mentally retarded Billy’s father is a manager there that got him the job pulling some strings. The United States isn’t the quaint meritocracy it likes to describe itself under government.

Two days ago my wife and I ordered two plumbers. Plumbers are still needed. But the interesting question is whether they will be replaced by machines in the next fifty years. It is quite possible, because the technological development is an exponential one.

A basic standard plumber maybe but not a master plumber for the simple reason that they are the ones in concert with a building architect that lays out the plans where water or sewage pipes run all throughout a building [residential, commercial, and industrial.] and of course you need somebody to lay them out in construction also. Then you have septic tanks in removal and replacement as well. In large urban municipalities you have large networks of underground sewer tunnels that also requires the services of master plumbers. This is my understanding anyways.


See: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=185562&p=2688864#p2688864 .