My Surrogate Activities.

:-k Being a temporary worker if you’re fired you cannot collect unemployment compensation which means if you’re living paycheck to paycheck on a low income your ass is left financially stranded in absolute penniless destitution. The United States claims to have workplace protections but it is all in name only as the working class here is very expendable or disposable. Workplace labor protection and equality has well been eroded since the 1970’s where the corporate establishment decided that the American working class deserves nothing beyond corporate serfdom. Everybody within the United States knows that workplace labor protection and equality is virtually nonexistent here but for some reason everybody also pretends that it is real for sake of keeping up appearances. That’s all this country the United States is all about concerning appearances and such appearances are always deceptively dubious. Duplicity along with grift is the number one practice here where we resemble more of a national business conglomerate or corporation than that of an actual nation state.

In a nation of establishment lying where everybody lies and cheats each other on a daily basis with a cheap deceptive veneer of morality it’s hard to tell friend from foe. This is nation of cheap whores that are willing to do whatever it takes to make a buck including stabbing you in the back when you’re not looking. I always find it amusing watching our propaganda news talking about our latest war efforts overseas spreading allegedly freedom and democracy since the country I know living here is more that of cut throats, thieves, and useful idiots.

Since 2007 we’ve been told that we are in an economic recovery but this is nothing more than an elaborate lie conceived by the wealthy powerful of the United States to lure the population into a false sense of confidence. More closer to reality this nation hasn’t recovered at all economically since 2007 where as each year has gone by we slowly drift into an economic abyss where only the very wealthy or powerful prevail. When you travel to some portions of the United States you can see entire neighborhoods that have had their life force sucked out of them by the ruling financial oligarchy. The only way you can describe the ruling establishment of the United States is that of financial vampires or zombies.

I graduated high school in 2005 and I feel that my entire adulthood since then has endured one of the worse portions of United States history. It’s all just so very surreal, absurd, and painful.

With all of that said, life goes on, right?

Nope, no going offline, I’m going to keep that from happening if at all possible. :romance-caress: Let’s see what I can finagle.

To Trump and his buddies, “life goes on” means “you are fired”. :wink:


Offline crisis averted. :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t forget New Vegas.

What level are you in fallout 3? That’s the only video game I’ve played in my adult life. I can tell you all kinds of crazy tricks in that one.

Don’t give anything away dude as that is not cool.

Yeah, I’ll have to look into that one.

For the time being.

Currently watching the movie, Silence. It’s an interesting movie about feudal Japan and the failed attempts of converting it to Christianity by Portuguese Jesuits in the 16th century. A very horrific violent and dramatic movie where I give it an A for historical adaptation.

What’s interesting is the Buddhist inquisitors of converted Japanese Christian peasants and Portuguese Jesuit priests. Liam Neeson plays the role of a disgraced Jesuit apostate that turns his back on being a missionary having lost faith through rejection.

If you get a mine, and go into that craterside supply store in megaton, then walk in the door to the left and face the wall on the other side of which is that android security guy, you can throw a mine down while hidden behind the wall, and the security guy will set it off, and as long as you’re hidden you can disarm it and get the xp over and over again.

Yeah, I am just free ranging it at this point wandering around the map aimlessly.

New job is going alright for the moment, if I do well I’ll make it to assistant manager. Nonetheless I don’t really like the new job all that much as it is very stressful and I have to deal with people. I don’t like interacting with people under a veneer of pretense revolving around fake politeness.

Still, it’s not the worse job I’ve been at and it’s close by to where I live to which travel distance is small.

Do you go by car or take the bus or walk instead?

And what is the temperature over there today?


I go by car because where I live is a rural area where there is no other means of travel. Public transit is nonexistent.

Today I think it was thirty five degrees, much colder at night of course.

I am watching currently, The Man In The Iron Mask.

Christmas activities on Xbox.

This is my video game wishlist going into 2018.

Elder Scrolls Online.

Fallout 4

So they made playing too much video games a sign of mental illness recently as a part of an updated [ Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders] DSM. That’s just funny for somebody like me who plays video games all the time when I am not working or caught up in the hustle of the daily grind.

It’s not mental illness but instead a reaction to how the real world sucks, not just sucking by itself in general but also physically and mentally sucking the life right out of you. The world has become a fucking life and soul sucking existential vampire. Is it a real surprise video games or virtual realities are becoming very popular any more in escapism away from it?

No, it’s your fucking entire world that you’ve made that is a form of mental illness not obsessive video game playing! The world has become a fucking insane asylum, leave us gamers alone and stop harassing us!

I remember how the longest time I was an anarchist and how I believed that I would never change my mind for as long as I lived unwavering in my anarchist ideals that I embraced for almost nine years. [Almost a decade.]

What changed my views in not being an anarchist anymore? It’s true that a majority of human beings are cattle where they’re herded around by a small minority of other human beings that are human ranchers. Civilization is a farm of human livestock ruled by finance capital where human beings domesticate and farm other human beings. Now you may think to yourself with all of that anarchism is the only answer (solution) justified and that we need anarchy now but there’s just one problem with all of that which I’ve discovered over the years. You see anarchy if there was ever such a thing before the madness of civilization and rigid highly controlled social hierarchy will only work for a small number of rebellious individuals as a majority of human beings are dumb brainwashed herd animals unable to survive, exist, or thrive on their own. They might complain here and there about the oppressive nature of governments but in all reality a majority of human beings if offered the opportunity to exist in a world and environment without government wouldn’t know how to survive or what to even do with their time living directionless. Also, given the choice between revolution, individual autonomy, or counter culture versus materialistic greed and money understand that a majority of human beings will choose greed every time. So, if you’re a die hard anarchist contemplate all of this in embracing that particular mindset is a lonely one full of despair or constant angst where if you’re waiting for an anarchist revolution globally not only will you be waiting for a longtime for a revolution that will never materialize you will be sorely disappointed to which your faith in humanity will be lost.

Human beings (majority) are psychologically weak, manipulative, and lazy where in the long run this is what caused me to lose all faith in anarchism. For a large majority human beings are incapable of anarchism.

It’s just generally a bad idea to be a political idealist. Look at Uccisore and Kropotkin. Both those guys are always stressed out. I think it’s because they both honestly thing that if everything would just conform to their ideals that they’d somehow be able to escape the human condition. Neither side is correct about how things actually are, they’ve just got pie in the sky ideals about how things ought to be, and since things aren’t and will never align with those ideals, they live in a state of dissonance.

You have to adapt, and holding to principle, at least in a social or political sense is the opposite of that. If you’ve just got to have a principle because of some emotional need for one, then make it an abstract, politically neutral one like you know…believe in the law of non contradiction as it applies to language. But going around stressed out until the economy collapses, or until they tax the rich and give everyone medicine, or until all the trannies have been rehabilitated and everyone has a gun, or until all the mean nazi people in the world have been reconditioned into hippies is well…just kind of stupid and extraordinarily naive. People who do that sort of thing and who’ve got their hearts all in it are generally unhappy and at the most basic and personal level doing themselves a disservice.