Is Christianity much different from Judaism and Islam?

The Jewish God is not the Christian God. That is - by the way - the reason why all monotheists are actually henotheists. They know that certain others have their own one god too and accept him, but they accept him merely as a god of the enemies.

But Christianity is not as much of that kind as Judaism and islam are. Christianity is not a pure henotheism (in everyday language: “monotheism”) like Judaism and Islam are. When Christianity came to Europe, it became more and more adapted to the European religions (later called: “heathendom”), first in the Ancient Roman Empire, then in the rest of Europe. So, Christianity became more and more poytheistic, but never completely.

Polytheism is much different from all that coming from Persia and the Arabian Peninsula: henotheism (in everyday language: “monotheism”). The European tradition of polytheism has almost only to do with projections of the humans: their gods are like humans with one difference: they are immortal, they are “undying humans”, so to say. The Ancient Greek optimzed the European polytheism. Their gods were the said “undying humans” as the said “projections of the humans”.

They’re all a part of the same chimera where the only difference that exists is who is God and who isn’t, or who is the messiah and who is not. Other than those differences they’re all practically identical.

My views on the OP is still the same [there are similarities and differences] as presented in this post above;

but after studying Islam full time for nearly 3 years since then, I have gathered additional information on Islam.

One necessary criteria of comparison should be ‘evilness’ and this must be assigned a significant weightage in terms of the impact to humanity.
‘Evilness’ is defined in terms of human acts that are a net-negative* to the well being of the individual and therefrom to the group and humanity.

  • e.g. Escobar was a drug warlord who help many of the poor which is positive, but the negative acts committed by him was very evil [evidences] and the resultant is a net-negative.

It is obvious the Quran [core of Islam] contains tons of evil laden elements that inspire and compel SOME [20%, pool of 300 million :astonished: ] Muslims who are evil prone to commit terrible terrors, violence and a range of evils upon non-believers and even on Muslims. There are glaring evidences to support this claim.

Christianity [NT] in the NT has an overriding pacifist maxim that prevent Christians from committing terrors, violence and evils on non-believers, i.e. ‘love your enemies’ love your neigbors, give the other cheek, etc. There are no evidence Christians has ever killed non-believers shouting “Jesus-u-Akbar” or calling upon the name of Jesus or God.
Even if any Christian has done so, there are no verses in the NT that called upon and give sanction for a Christian to kill non-believers.

Since evilness is such a critical threat to humanity, it must be given a significant heavier weightages. Based on glaring evidences Christianity is much more positive than Islam.

They all have origins in the Arabian peninsular, are related to each other, but Christianity is much more different from Judaism and Islam than Judaism and Islam from each other.

Yes, all are Abrahamic. Christianity is Judaism, it was never meant to be its own separate religion. Jesus was a radical rabbi of his day trying to reform Judaism while also claiming to be the son of God where the Pharisee rabbi elders wouldn’t have any of that which is why he was crucified with the aid of the Romans. Jesus was the radical rabbi that wanted to make everybody Jewish under the new pact and covenant of God. Christianity is basically Judaism 2.0 on steroids. :wink:

[Christianity was a heretical Jewish sect of Judaism itself that became its own religion after the worst of ancient Europeans adopted it later enforcing it onto everybody else through pain unto death.]

At any rate for the record I maintain the world would of been better off staying pagan as all three religions of Abraham in my eyes are poisonous, pervasive, and destructive. I detest all three religions as a kind of living scourge upon this world. For me there is no such thing as the wise or intelligent Christians, Jews, and Muslims. They all stem from virus plague like religions hailing from the same origin.

Although I’m an atheist pagan values do at least for me seem superior to Christian ones in terms of community, independence, and individual accomplishment. Such values that all Christians, Jews, and Muslims have always lacked.

the main 3 religions- christian, muslim and jew… put complete faith in vague, static scriptures that were written eons ago. people who believe in these books are never critical, they accept no logical faults in the words.

Christianity is a case of ‘a religion is better than no religion’ which is optimal to a particular circumstances and time.
Given the very desperate psychological states of people in the past and even at present, I don’t think non-theistic spiritual practice are effective nor optimal for the masses.
I rate Buddhism [with other Eastern spiritualities] as the most superior of all religions but to be effective it is too advance for the present masses.
Christianity is so easy, just belief and viola one is saved and the angst is suppressed.

As I had stated elsewhere, ALL humans are infected with a ‘zombie parasite’ and when active [in the majority] within the human psyche compels the individual human toward believing and clinging to a supernatural being and therefrom to religion to relieve the related angst.

Thus no matter what if there is no god nor religion, humans will be driven to invent them to relieve them of the related angst, otherwise the majority of human will be paralyzed with psychological fears and anxieties.

The thing with god[s] and religions is some of them contain malignant evil elements that inspire and motivate their desperate believers who are evil prone to commit terrible evils and violence upon non-believers.

Some of the Eastern religions do not have any negative evil baggage in their doctrines thus they are useful to a greater extent than those with evil baggage. Nevertheless the resulting organization and those evil prone believers do commit by themselves but not in the name of religion.

The Abrahamic religions has evil elements with Judaism and Islam [the worst of all] contain tons of evil elements. Christianity has negative elements to hinder the progress of humanity but not as evil as Judaism and Islam.

All religions has their pros and cons in relation to the circumstances and time they exist. But what is very glaring is whatever pros in Islam at present is outweighing its cons into the future. As such we need to defang Islam as soon as possible followed by Judaism, Christianity and all other organized religions in the future and replace them with fool proof self-development programs to deal with the inherent unavoidable existential crisis.

In the future [I am optimistic with the trend of the exponential expansion of knowledge] we will naturally work toward enabling universal human values without a need for a God.

The Ancient Greek religion had been a polytheistic mysteries cult religion without any church and only with cult places before it became a cult church during the first three centuries A.D. (Julian the Apostate [Flavius Claudius Julianus] was one of its supporters, and it was based on Neopythagorism, Neoplatonism, Stoicism and probably part of a “pseudomorphis”). At that time, there were at least six greater religions in the Romam empire: (1) rests of the said Ancient polytheistic mysteries cult religion without any church and only with cult places, (2) the said Ancient Greek religion as a part of a “pseudomorphis” cult church, (3) Zoroastrianism and its derivations, e.g. Mazdaism, (4) Manichaeism, (5) Judaism, (6) Christianity and its many derivations, e.g. Jewish Christianity, Greek Christianity, Arianism, Catholicism …

In other words: Christianity changed a lot within four or (in certain regions) even seven centuries before its real stability through two of its main versions: the Greek (later called: “Orthodox”) one and the Catholic (Western) one. At this time, your mentioned “heretical Jewish sect of Judaism itself” had already vanished for a long time.

“Abrahamic” does not prove that the said three religions are the same and that they accept the Old Testament in the same way. All bananas, all apples, all oranges are subordinations of the superordination fruit, but nevertheless: they are not the same. All elephants, all cats, all dogs are species of the mammalia class, but nevertheless: they are not the same.

If I had (but I do not have [as you know]) to accept your “chimera” supposition and to answer the question which of the three “Abrahamic” religions matches which of the three animals lion, ram, snake the most, then I would say: “the lion matches Islam, the ram matches Christianity, the snake matches Judaism the most”. :wink:



What I said was that Christianity is a heretical sect offshoot of Judaism where originally under Jesus discipleship the goal was to radically reform and change Judaism itself from the inside out not to become a new religion. Christianity only became a new separate religion or identity away from Judaism because the Pharisee rabbis stopped Jesus and had him killed who was himself a kind of rabbi looking to revise the old testament of the Jews. Either way Christianity and Christians embrace a sort of spiritual Judaism, Christians are spiritual Jews. For me there is very little difference between a Christian and a Jew.

If we want to get historically technical Zoroastrianism influenced Atenism which then preceded to influence Judaism. Christianity came about with Jesus and his followers that sought to radically transform or reform Judaism yet failed to do so where later it became its own distinct separate religion despite almost being indistinct from Judaism itself.

While all Christians and Jews never like admitting such Christianity is sort of like a weird step brother of Judaism that nobody likes talking about.

Islam is more of a political response to medieval Christian/European expansionism in that the Arabic nations and those nations surrounding them didn’t know what to do with a unified continental Europe under Christianity. They didn’t want to embrace Judaism or Christianity where instead they created their own religion of Allah with the prophet Mohammad. By doing so the Arabic and surrounding nations were able to compete against medieval Christian Europe yet retain their own distinct identity. It is because of all that Islam has always been a sort of reactionary religion to both Christianity and Judaism.

I still stand onto my position as an atheist and somewhat of a pagan sympathizer that I despise all three of those semitic Abrahamic religions. I am the ultimate anti semite and I make no apologies for being such. The seeds of Abraham are nothing but poison poisoning the well that is our planet. All three religions will not be happy until they bring about a global crisis stemming from the middle east that we see the emergence of today. All the followers and leaders of all three religions are bat shit insane or whacko. Once again, I make no apologies for my comments.

In a much better alternate historical timeline Rome and the rest of the world would of remained pagan where the likes of Constantine never came to be, Jews would of remained in a constant never ending diaspora scattered to the four winds, and the Arabs worshipped Ahura Mazda or similar gods where Islam never existed. If history played out like that instead of with what we have now the world would be better off. It’s unfortunate that we’re not so lucky.

How would you bring this what you just said into connection with what you said in your thread “Did The Romans Invent Jesus?”?

So, there’s two things I believe here. First, Moses was in fact an exiled Akhenaten of the old testament and secondly that the new testament with the story of Jesus was a Roman fabrication as a way to pacify the Roman province of Judea. The Jews back then were rebelling against the occupying Romans where the Roman emperor at the time with Titus Flavius Josephus [A Roman Jew] devised a way to supplant Jewish Rabbinic law or Judaism with Christianity as a way of making the Jews more manageable. While it didn’t destroy Judaism or Judaic Rabbinic law the introduction of Christianity certainly weakened it and the ancient Judea rebellion did also thereafter. What happened next was that this new religion was so successful in subduing a population as evident in ancient Judea that they eventually moved the project into Europe where began the purging of pagan Europeans by newly converted Christians.

I would say no. The historical Jesus may have been a result of both: the Romans’ invention to manage political affairs, but politics being what they are may follow either a belief in historical inevitability, - determination of events without exact causal referentiality, or the idea that people were following creative dictums of their own foreseeable effects of self prescribed causes.

At the very least , a mixture of both of these possible routes of acquisition of religion imply some generic consoderations bearing on religious motives of basic psychic functions of what the religious came to understand as the soul.

Christianity is an elaborate forgery of a religion in more ways than just one and I’m not talking merely about the Romans only either. For instance the very first Christians before Greeks or Romans were Jews, a topic for another time perhaps.

with love,

I agree with Arminius on nearly every reply of his here. I especially enjoyed what James Saint said earlier about the projections of atheists unto themselves, I have been one of those and experienced others like that first hand. After having most of my family pass, seeing some high school friends take their own lives slowly or quickly, and being too poor to continue University studies, I turned to Christianity and I’ve been better off ever since, almost inverting those 3 major suffering points I just mentioned. I have beginners knowledge of philosophy and religious thought and I’ve barely entered adulthood so I doubt I can contribute anything of utility to this discussion due to lack of experience and knowledge.

Ezak42, I find Judaism and Islam much more deceptive and linguistically obfuscated over time than Christianity. Any obfuscations in Christianity can be traced back historically to omissions and transliteration differences. The atonement and the trinity seem clear to me, Muhammad’s magical and violent stature, along with historical studies and the empirical evidence of Moses and his proceeding prophets less clear. The logical faults are probably due to our nature, and to deny any truth in scripture only because of a few cherry picked fallacies undermines the entire purpose of establishing moral foundations that help us evolve and forgive in the best ways, while establishing a personal relationship with God to understand his interaction with us in our confusion. Do you think we will eventually unearth some sort of scientific origin that explains how a bunch of big brained sex monkeys overthrew erectus and neanderthalensis? Do you look at the OT books literally and the NT as a way to overthrow Rome by telling the story of a slave-god? In the beginning our language was confused, not to mention that time further divides our understanding of being. How will you choose to deal with random horrible happenings? Faith is better than no faith, Christianity being the most progressive and superior of all faith, comparable to Buddhism.

It kinda scares me the way zero_sum talks about his outlook towards modern middle eastern upheaval and the embellishment of a Jesus figure in Roman times for the sake of leveraging law and politics. He reminds me of a figure like Abdiel. The discussion of Christ as forgery reminds me of parts Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals, and his exegesis of the early Jews in pagan times. There’s probably a lot of Hasidism in Isreal in modern times waiting for the Third Temple and their political “Messiah” to come out of the groundworks so Jews can be redeemed, a somewhat tribal fervor. Modern scientific study and historical reflection on the data has allowed for a lot more people, especially the younger like myself, to turn to pagan ideas or atheism. I find it related to morals and the evolution of language rather than anything people will usually ascribe to it as dogma, or religion, or truth. I find most of it laughable and share excitement for the future, forgiving and praying everyday along the way. Prayer is a simple, harmless ritual but most people think its schizophrenic or useless. Law of attraction? Alchemy and Paganism in apocryphal texts? Probably, possibly, and currently occurring.

It sux that your life sux but my life sux too, and youre using Christianity to cope.

send them all to the moon in my opinion. Im trying to be nice and not literally hitler, we can build a nice little moon utopia for them to be sent to, but the moon is where they all need to be sent. Same as AI too, put ai to the moon.

My life doesn’t suck, for the most part. It sucked before it most recently sucked which I expect come in random waves in life, but for the past year and a half it’s bucking a downtrend that happened because of random crappy things I didn’t predict would affect me so negatively. I’d love to go to the moon, but I’d rather stay here to learn from each other and have adequate survival resources, also wouldn’t I be missing out on quality animations like that pony garbage if I did go to the moon? Do I get to bring the so-called non-critical logically fallible religious texts with me? Is the AI life threatening like terminator or ex machina? Or is the AI more of a wall-e or sunny who just cleans up after me and helps battle any dissenters?