Do Republicans and pedophile priests share the same vile sex

The vast majority of recently exposed sexual predators in the past few months, including but limited to the pedophiles have been avowed Democrats and Hollywood liberals, so it’s equal parts amusing and pathetic that you would write this now and expect it to strike home. Is the problem that the ‘news’ sources you read just don’t tell you when non-Republicans do something wrong, perhaps?

Sure the vile mindset crosses party lines.

Democrats seem to admit their mistakes and apologise while Republicans do not apologise and try to paint their victims as liars.

There is not moral equivalency between the two parties as Democrat pigs admit to being pigs while Republican pigs try to hide the fact that they are pigs.


K: apparently Roy Moore is a liberal democrat… good to know…


And so your thread has no rational purpose except to express your personal animosity towards one of those parties.

Are you counting all the news agencies only now after 20+ years admitting Bill Clinton is probably a scum bag and a rapist as ‘admitting their mistakes and apologizing’? Do you think they still would have made the admission if Hillary won?

I am a Canadian and do not have a horse in your stupid and corrupted political system.

How the guilty or accused reacts is my primary focus. The more right wing the person, both politically and religiously, the more they seem to deny and lash out at their accusers and I think that is due to the tribal effects.

That is spoken of in this link in the first 10/15 minutes or so. It centers on peer/tribal pressure and false guilt.

I would like to know how and why people let their tribal needs override their moral sense.


OK, since you wrote your post, John Conyors has been accused of paying off women to stay silent about his sexual harassment out of tax payer funds, and the half-dozen women accusing Charlie Rose of misconduct said they remained silent because they were worried the television industry would destroy their lives if they came forward.

So what does that say about how the guilty or accused react?

I Just gave you the example of the Clintons and you completely fucking ignored it. Now we have two more; Conyors and Charlie Rose. Harvey Weinstein maintained a hit list of women he maligned so he he could quickly blackmail them if he decided to speak up. Roman Polankski fled the country when he was outed as pedophile and his co-workers gave him their highest available award in absentia. Woody Allen cracked jokes about being a pedophile and was allowed to marry his child-bride in full view and acceptance of Hollywood. Right in front of your face. Roy Moore comes along and that’s where you think you see a trend?

What the hell are you talking about? Why would you say something so transparently false to the point of self-parody if you ‘had no horse in the race’?

It doesn’t surprise me that you think the majority of recently exposed sexual predators in the past few months consists of Judge Roy Moore. Doesn’t surprise me in the least.

Uccisore, it’s because Greatest I Am Not and PKommunist listen to NPR and related psyop mindcontrol State propaganda machines, which they have been conditioned to think of as “news”.

Really not surprising at all that they are so, I mean this literally, Brain Dead. But I appreciate your so cogently pointing out their insanity. It is indeed telling how they ignore all of the specific examples you mentioned.

Well, this certainly aged well. Matt Lauer is out, Al Franken accused several more times and Dems rallying around to declare nothing bad should happen to him. Garrison Kellior out. Conyors defended until he’s on his deathbed, then thrown to the wolves. Three Vice media employees fired for sexual misconduct. Damn those Republicans!

Don’t know and do not care.

It is the response to the claim of wrongdoing that the Republicans do not admit to and that shows a lot more hypocrisy than what the left have.


We both know you spent zero time looking into the truth of that claim before making it.

I wonder what high profile democrat will be outed as a serial molester tomorrow? Impossible to know for sure. All we can say with confidence is that you and PK won’t have any comment.

Again, the molesters cross party lines.

The more moral response of the left is what I look at and you ignore.


You aren’t ‘looking at’ a moral moral response of the left, you are simply claiming that there is one against all evidence to the contrary.

Not when you count the apologies from the left and the denials and calling victims liars by the republicans.

The right has lost the morality arguments due toi their lies and attitudes of not caring for the victims who are being called liars, by liars.


OK, count them, then. Let’s hear it. Give me some reason to think you have the foggiest idea how many sex scandals are going on right now, the political persuasions of the people involved, and how they have reacted to the accusations.

You know how to use google so I am not going to bother giving you links to ignore.

Name any of the new batch of republicans to be accused who have actually apologised instead of denied the charge.


Yes, that’s how I know you’re full of crap.

What new batch of Republicans? You have Roy Moore, who has denied the charges, and virtually every other accusation I’ve heard of has been at a Democratic or avowed liberal. If you want to go back to Roger Ailes and Bill O’Reilly, then of course I’ll go back to Roman Polanski and Woody Allen.

And anyway, doesn’t judging people by whether or not they deny the charges assume that everybody is guilty? Maybe Michael Jackson denied the charges all his life because he was innocent.

If you’re in the ‘believe women’ camp, and assuming that every accused person is guilty, then the obvious point to make is that far more Democrats seem to be sex offenders. But of course when you created this thread, you were completely ignorant of that and now look foolish. :frowning:

What is foolish is republicans having the lack of morality to call, Moore’s, what 8 accusers, and Trump’s 20 accusers liars.

Sure we are all innocent till found guilty, but only a conservative fool will not do the number crunching and come to the right moral decision as to what should happen.

Either Moore and Trump are guilty, or a lot of women are lying.

Only the most immoral fools will blame the victims when there are so many of them.


So your “pool” of Republicans “recently” accused of sexual assault is a pool of two people, one of them accused over a year ago, and both of them accused right before they were seeking election? Compared to the…20 or so liberals/Democrats similarly accused?

Yes, that’s right. Supposing Moore and Trump are guilty, you still need to compare Moore and Trump to Al Franken, John Conyors, George Takei, Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Matt Lauer, Glenn Thrush, Mark Halperin, Charlie Rose, Michael Oreskes, Garrison Kellior, Louis C.K., Richard Dreyfuss, Dustin Hoffman, Hamilton Fish, Knight Landesman, Jann Wenner and Gianni Versace.

And I’m probably forgetting a bunch. Two things to note is that the list of accused liberals is vastly larger than the list of accused Republicans. The other thing to note is that, in fact, several people on that list actually DO deny the accusations. Another thing I’ll add is that admitting to wrongdoing when publicly accused doesn’t mean much when it’s coupled with lying, threatening, and paying hush money for years, along with plenty of fellow Democrats lying for you and helping cover up your activities, as is the case with the actors, journalists, and politicians on that list.

If you say so, but that still leads to the conclusion that Dems/libs have a much bigger problem with sexual predation than Republicans do.

The right gets the Gold medal on this issue thanks to the false guilt that their churches give them.
