God & The Problem of Evil

Presumptuous, childlike, and the exact opposite of the situation (typical for you).

  1. I said nothing about me knowing, only that you obviously do not, and could not know.
  2. Any ignorant ass can claim that everyone else is ignorant. Such is the way of ignorance - not knowing, but being stupid enough to presume anyway.
  3. You have proven yourself on many occasion to the be “philosophically naive” person that you accuse others of being (also very typical of the naive and ignorant postmodern children).
  4. Logic is currently beyond you, so any argument with you is pretty pointlessly like arguing with a dog or cat.

Gyahd. You really can’t even see that what you proclaimed and what I proclaimed are the same damn thing?!?!?
Geeezz… :icon-rolleyes: #-o

How can my definition be the same as yours when you stated;

I would not accept a limited point like “God has highest control” especially when I have introduced the concept of “absolute perfect God” which you had condemned.

I have just referred to the topic of this (your!) thread: God & The Problem of Evil (see above).

Reason: Your logical fallacy!

The God of the Old Testament is one of the examples showing that God does not have to be good only, but can be and is evil too. The God of the Old Testament is more an evil than a good one.

No, you started with a logical fallacy (see above).

And I know that you are going to go on with it.


Reason: Your logical fallacy!

The fact that physics is the most empirical science does not mean that it is not also non-empirical. Mathematics, for instance, is closer to metaphysics than to physics, but it is needed in physics too. Mathematics is what you call “non-empirical”.

Objectivity is not typical for non-theists and not typical for theists. It does not depend on whether you are a theist or a non-theist. So, you are biased.

You are saying (in your signature) that you are “a progressive human being, a World Citizen, NOT-a-theist and not religious”; you are suggesting that you are a non-theist. But all that is not true. You are either an anti-theist or a theist:

At least you seem to be very religious (see your most active forum: Religion and Spirituality [56.30%]).

Reason: Your logical fallacy! (See above.)

The God of the Old Testament is one of the examples showing that God does not have to be good only, but can be and mostly is evil too. The God of the Old Testament is more an evil than a good one.


I am aware the God of the OT is very evil but note the change and evolution in the NT.

My main point is theism is inherently and naturally progressing toward the idea of an absolutely perfect God.

Theism has evolved from animism, polytheism, monotheism, towards an absolutely perfect God.

The NT is not explicit in stating God is an absolutely perfect God but the greater theologian thinkers are naturally refining the idea of God as an absolutely perfect God. Note St. Anselm’s and Descartes’ presentation of the ontological God.

The path towards an ultimate absolutely perfect God is inherent in the idea of God as driven by a very primal existential impulse as it is only rational no theists will accept their God to be inferior to the God of others.
My argument is based on this ultimate point.

Yours is very short-sighted and is proven wrong as above.

Mathematics is not a posteriori, but a priori which is still empirically-based. Note Kant’s proof on this.

There are degrees to objectivity. Theists beliefs has very low level objectivity. Theists relied on beliefs but theirs are not justified-true-beliefs that can be rationally justified, e.g. repeatedly tested by anyone at anytime with same ‘independent’ results, e.g. as in Science.

What kind of logic is that?
That is a fallacy based on hasty generalization.
A medical doctor would likely spent most of his working hours with sick patients. Would that make the doctor a sick person? It is the same for anyone who is fighting evil acts, they cannot be evil rather they are good.

It is only semantics, I have no problem being identified as anti-theistic but I prefer non-theism, non-theistic or not-a-theist.

At present I [adopting a Boddhisattva’s vow of compassion] have very strong intentions to counter theism because part of it is very malignant with its contribution to terrible evils and violence committed by SOME evil prone theists who are inspired by certain evil laden words of their God [illusory].

To convince such evil prone theists their God is illusory and an impossibility will destroy and ‘defang’ the very grounds they are relying on as duty to commit those horrendous evils.
The majority of theists must also be convinced of the impossibility of God as they are indirectly providing moral support for the evil prone theists hiding beneath the skirts of the majority’s belief in theism.

Hello Prismatic,

I think that this is simply an opinion, and one that lacks imagination. Ever heard of Yin/Yang? The other issue here is the way in which something IS good or evil. Are we defining good in an empirical way? Is it an objective thing? Or is it a perception? And then there is the problem of the observer, the judge: How can the finite judge the character of the Infinite? No matter the reach of our concepts and generalizations we are still judging from our own WTP, thus our judgment is never impartial about reality.

That is false outside of a very precise form of monotheism. If I am a polytheist, then my gods are stratified, probably, by levels of greatness, and thus not ever god has to necessarily be perfect. Then there is the standard of perfect and how it is applied. The perfect hammer is not perfect at every task, but perfect at its purpose, or hammering. Thus gods are perhaps perfect not because nothing greater can be thought of or conceived but because it fulfills its purpose, its nature. Perfect Omnipotence is not necessarily tied to our well-being (with every “evil” being defined as damage to such well-being), but conceived as such by our will to power, to borrow Nietzsche’s concept.

Ever heard of the Tao?

Note my arguments;

  1. God must be absolutely perfect - as argued.
  2. Thus God must be absolutely and perfectly good.
  3. Law of Non-Contradiction, God cannot be absolutely and perfectly evil.
  4. Any elements of evil proves contradiction
  5. Evil exists empirically as defined logically.
  6. God is contradictory, therefore cannot exist

Note the infinite is not judging the infinite.
In this case the supposed infinite contradict itself.
As such logically the idea of God is an impossibility - via reason not the empirical.

Since God is an impossibility, the question of God is a non-starter.

You missed my subtle point.
If one is a polytheist, one is likely to start off believing in many gods.
When it is highlighted to polytheist their gods are inferior they will rationally argued for a master god that is superior and dominate all other gods.
This is what happens with Hinduism where Brahman-God is the most supreme over all other gods.
My point is whatever God or gods are presented, the inherent tendency and psychological intent is to gravitate towards an absolutely perfect God when theists are cornered in some ways. No normal theists will accept any God as inferior to another.

You missed my point.
Note the links I provided re the meaning of ‘perfect’ which is synonymous with ‘absolute’.

As I had stated the normal psychological tendencies of theists is not to accept any God as inferior to another God.
This is what drive the evolution in the idea of god from animism to polytheism to monotheism and ultimately to an ontological God, i.e. a Being than which no greater can be conceived.
Thus a God per-se despite the variations in form MUST ultimately be an absolutely perfect God.
Thus perfect and absolute are inherent in the definition of a God.

For example if you do not claim perfect omnipotence for your God, then your god is then less powerful than another which is claimed to have perfect omnipotence. In this case the God with perfect omnipotence will have the power to control your lesser perfect god to kiss its ass or do other derogatory acts. This is why all rational theists will gravitate towards an absolutely perfect God so that their God is not inferior to any God, thus all theists will end up having the same on par God, i.e. an absolutely perfect God.
Logically there is no other rational way than ending with an absolutely perfect God.

This is how Islam which came later and with advantage of hindsight proclaimed in the Quran, the monotheistic one and ONLY perfect God without exception.
Not to lose out, St. Anselm [1033AD] of Christianity came up with the Ontological God, i.e. a Being than which no greater can be conceived.

Actually I have already explained the above ‘Why’ many times but you have not read it.
I suggest you read the whole of this thread for knowledge sake.

If everyone believed that God is tall, would that constitute a definition of “God”?

There are many things that are tall. Being tall is a single characteristic, but not a defining characteristic. Could the real God still be God without being tall? Perhaps one person’s idea of “tall” isn’t quite the same as everyone’s. Perhaps your idea of tall isn’t actually tall at all.

There are many things that as perfect. Being perfect is a single characteristic, but not a defining characteristic. Could the real God still be God without being perfect? Perhaps one person’s idea of “perfect” isn’t quite the same as everyone’s. Perhaps your idea of perfect isn’t perfect at all.

You would have to perfect understanding yourself to know what is or is not prefect. And though you presume that your understanding is perfect as you preach to others, have you considered that perhaps it isn’t? I am certain that you do not understand perfection at all.

The defining characteristic of God is as stated;
The God ≡ Who/Whatever incontestably determines All that can or cannot be concerning any situation.

Any other speculated characteristic of God is just that, “speculation”, subjective opinion, poetic fancies, nothing more.

And disproving any speculated characteristic concerning God in no way disproves God.

You must prove that the defining characteristic is impossible.

You have ignored this post where I highlighted my intended meaning of ‘perfect’ which is synonymous with ‘absolute’ and other stated meanings.
then you insist,
JSS: “I am certain that you do not understand perfection at all.”

Read the above post again so to understand what I meant by ‘perfect’.
I did not invent my own meaning of ‘perfect’ but refer to that from the dictionary, how can I be wrong.

Note in the other thread ‘God is an Impossibility’
I presented to major categories of perfection, i.e.

  1. Relative perfection
  2. Absolute perfection

In the above you merely talked about relative perfection which is not relevant to the point while my focus is on ‘absolute perfection’, i.e. the perfection of all perfections.

Note this point in my earlier post;

  • In this case, if ‘omnipotence’ is qualified in anyway, then it is less than perfect omnipotence.
    Note the meaning of ‘perfect’ = unqualified - see above meaning.

God as defined generally by theists [not me] is attributed with certain essential qualities.
Point is these qualities must be stretched to the point of absolute perfection, i.e. unqualified, otherwise one’s God would be an inferior God who has to kiss the ass of another.

I fully understand what you mean when you say “perfect”. That is why I said:

Do I need to have “perfect” understanding of myself to say 1 + 1 = 2 is mathematically perfect?

Do I need to have “perfect” understanding of myself to say the following is a description of perfect circle?

The above is the same way how I can discuss the idea of an absolutely perfect God as conjured by theists [not me] which is an illusion.

As for ‘myself’, I believe “I” am an empirical self.
As such there can no absolutely perfect understanding of myself.
However since “I” is empirical, I can have a relative ‘perfect’ understanding of myself.

If you cannot attain perfect understanding of the perfection involved in a “perfect God”, then yes, you cannot claim that you have any proof against one. It would be like saying “The most intelligent person would behave like this…”, even though you are clearly not intelligent enough to know one way or another. And from what I have seen, your understanding of the general concept of “perfection” (as well as intelligence) is minimal.

I find your thinking very st…
If the above is your argument;
If you cannot have perfect understanding of yourself, then your thesis above is worthless.

Nice try, but even forgiving the non-sequitur …
One can claim ignorance and easily be exactly correct, but to claim perfect understanding, especially of perfection itself, is an entirely different story.

You have not shown any understanding of perfection. Several here have shown that your understanding of it is flawed. That means that you haven’t proven anything. And yes, the burden has been upon you this whole time.

This contradiction or - let us say - dichotomy is the way most people “understand” God.

Evil! Yes. :imp:

Whether God is evil depends upon one’s perspective. An “evil” means an “anti-life”. On the personal level, God might be evil, anti-your-life, but that is not the same as the macro-scale of being anti-all-life (“Evil” with a cap “E”).

And from the highest perspective, God cannot be Evil, else throughout the infinite universe, there would no longer be life (and never would have been any). Because of God, there will always be life in the universe … somewhere.

And that is The Problem with The Problem of Evil - “evil” is a matter of level of perspective.

The New Testament (NT) is very much different from the Old Testament (OT). The God of the Old Testament was meant as a perfect one, the God of the New Testament was not meant as a perfect one, but as one who has to share his power with his son (in certain societies it is the mother of this son; so this God has not only a son, but also a mother who is also the mother of his son! ) and with the holy spirit. So this development was just the other way round: from perfect to non-perfect; from what you call “the idea of an absolutely perfect God” to a God who is not perfect but ethically good (whatever that means) and shares his power. The “change” you are talking about is an argument not for, but against your statement that there is “theism is inherently and naturally progressing toward the idea of an absolutely perfect God”:

That is just not true - for several reasons.

Theism did not “evolve” in the sense you mentioned. Also, the word “evolution” should not be used when it comes to religion, because all religions we know are so much different that it has never been a linear or progressive development, no evolution in the sense of the also problematic evolution theory. So instaed of the word “evolution” we should use the word “history”. But that would be another topic. In any case, the “evolution” you are trying to see there, if we really can take it seriously, has absolutely not gone from animism towards a perfect God. Firstly, animism means that the ghosts or gods the so-called “primitive humans” believe in are already perfect, because they are (based upon) their own ancestors. They are so perfect that they have become totem persons and determined the respective taboos. This is an absolutely differnt kind of religion than, for instance, monotheism, so that we should not bring both together in your sense of an “evolution” from “primitive” to “progressive”. There is still animism in the world, and nobody really knows whether animism will end someday or not. Paganism is coming back. Polytheism is increasing again. Except Islam, monotheism is stagnating and will likely decreasing in the future. Secondly, the God of the Old Testament was meant as a perfect one, the God of the New Testament was not meant as a perfect one, but as one who has to share his power with his son (in certain societies it is the mother of this son; so this God has not only a son, but also a mother who is also the mother of his son! ) and with the holy spirit. So this development was just the other way round: from perfect to non-perfect; from what you call “the idea of an absolutely perfect God” to God who is not perfect but ethically good (whatever that means) and shares his power. The “change” you are talking about is an argument not for, but against your statement that there is “theism is inherently and naturally progressing toward the idea of an absolutely perfect God”.

So this is just another logical fallacy coming from you.

Also: Are human beings “evolving” towards perfection according to you?

Wow, “ultimate absolutely perfect”! All three words are not gradable, improvable! So, you just use them rhetorically.

Mathematics is not physics, not a natural science - that is what I am saying. And in English spoken societies: mathematics is not a science at all.

This can also be said about anti-theists (the other side of the “coin”) and about certain atheists, namely those who are ideologs.

This can also be said about anti-theists (the other side of the “coin”) and about certain atheists, namely those who are ideologs.


Prismatic 567 wrote:

Note that I said “you seem …”. I just used a bit statistics and made an assumption according to that - not more. Assumption can be, but do not have to be right. My assumption is based upon statistics, thus upon likelihood. But you should admit finally that this numbers are no lies and “say” something about your posting behavior and also, at least likely, about your real preferences.

But you are not an atheist, but an anti-theist. Most of your postings have shown that clearly. An atheist (I mean a real one) says: “I do not care about theism”. But you are one of those who say: “Theism is my favorite subject”. And the user statistics about you confirms this clearly.

So again: Cou seem to be very religious (see your most active forum: Religion and Spirituality [56.30%]).

Do you really not know the fact that there are evil prone anti-theists and atheists too?

Your logical fallacy again.

Note that there is no proof of the impossibility of God.

Yes. And just this is what he can and will never try to do - for several anti-theistic reasons he has. He is not able to admit that he is biased. Otherwise he would accept at least stringent definitions. His distinction between “relative perfection” and “aboslute perfection” is nonsense. Something or someone is either perfect or not. Perfection is not relocatable and not gradable, not improvable!