Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

Yes, she does, Wendy Darling. Thanks.

Maybe that there are other reasons too why love evolved (if it did at all [because: perhaps love was, is and will always be there]), but this one belongs to them - in any case.

[tab]By the way:

My children are adults now. If they were not, I would not publish any photo of them.

My first child was born when I was 21½ years old.[/tab]

I think that love evolved (if we can use that word) as a way to not only perpetuate the human species but to save it.
There are different forms of love. I think that love is like the ocean, it ebbs and it flows

Your daughter was beautiful. It also says something about you that you would not insert your children online when they are young. I can never understand the human’s need to show off their children rather than to protect them.

You are also loyal to your friends I have found.

Thank you very much.

You are right.

The evolution (if we can use that word) of love is not only a way to perpetuate the human species but also to save it. We can observe this process in those families where parents protect their children as much as it is necessary for the children’s development.

Love is needed for both phylogenesis and ontogenesis. Without love there is no evolution, at least not for "higher“ living beings. The "higher“ the living beings are, the more love they need.

Here on ILP are many (too many?) members who are saying that the will to power is the only aspect when it comes to evolution; but that is only one side of the evolutionary "coin“, the other one is the will to love.

We should have both a realistic and an idealistic interpretation of evolution. Power is always present, but love is not. So, it is more necessary to support, to demand, to premote love. How should we do this? - [1] By practising love; [2] by enlighten others and clarifying what love means; (3) by fighting all enemies of love (how? => [1] and [2]).

You can find the most lack of love in materialistic/hedonistic times where the individual coolness is a fashion and mostly nothing else than hidden weakness because of the lack of love.

Why do you consider power and love to be antagonistic?

You were a handsome little boy.
Was that really a smile? More like an “I dare you” kind of look.
Intense and precocious though I may be wrong.


A little smile only. :slight_smile:

Perhaps, perhaps not. I abstain from such a judgement. May others judge whether I was precocious or not. :slight_smile:

I have never considered power and love to be antagonistic.

This is what I have said:

No consideration of antagonism between power and love!

Loveable people can be powerful, powerful people can be loveable.

But there are many (too many?) people who have diceded upon only one of the two .

Yes, you did say that we should have both.

But consider this. Consider a father who loves his son. What does that mean? It means that the father cares for the wellbeing of his son. It means that he wants his son to be powerful. And not only that, it means that he is motivated to do whatever has to be done in order to make his son as powerful as possible. So love, at least in this isolated case, has to do with power. But not necessarily your own power.

Also, in order to be able to love, you must have some sort of power. You cannot love if you have no power.

Power can be used for the purpose of destruction. You show no love to that which you destroy. You kill an animal or a man. That’s power but that’s no love. So power isn’t necessarily love but love is necessarily power.

Maybe you are saying that power should be used to create and not merely to destroy.
I can agree with that.

Love can be destruction if it is a mercy killing, putting someone or an animal you love out of its misery.

I am not very fond of putting people or animals out of their misery by killing them. But I guess you can say that is love.

Just a few days ago, I decided to ignore my aunt’s cry for help. She was apparently in deep pain. She was beggining to be turned around (she couldn’t do it due to paraplegia.) I choose not do so. In fact, I even considered telling her directly that I didn’t want to do so. Mind you, I didn’t want her to die or to suffer. I just didn’t want to give into her whims. I thought she was quite whimsical. After two hours of ignoring her I decided to help her. Her consciousness started to degrade at a very fast rate every since. She died three days later. She had a metastasis, so I was aware that she was going to die, but not this fast. I feel a little bit of guilt. Perhaps if I helped her that night she wouldn’t have died . . . that thought haunts me in my dreams. But I am not sure that it is justified. She refused professional help and she relied too much on me. I am no nurse. I wanted to help. But I didn’t want to offer her the kind of “help” she asked for. Sometimes, you want to let people suffer. It is the right choice. She denied that she was sick. In fact, she denied she was in pain. She didn’t want me to hire a professional nurse to take care of her. There was no other choice.

Magnus, I think this shows that you have a very strong resolve, but that you also have a living conscience within you.

^ This incident may (or it may not) be a case where the two have come into conflict. I think you have to decide what counts for you, at least in this case, as strength and weakness.

We would probably need the concert of many or at least a few voices from the past carried into the present to establish that. Does past behavior necessarily determine future behavior albeit past experience may very well.


Since my puberty I have been looking younger, first one, then two, three, four, five and at last even ten years younger than I should according to my respective real age. But that has nothing to do with precociousness. Precociousness has to do with the predisposition of being precocious; so it is more a question of the genotype than of the phenotype. Or do you mean that the look, outwardness or other formality of the appearance can clearly show precociousness. Is, for instance, a full beard of an fourteen year old “boy” really a sign of precociousness? If so, then I have never been precocious. I was one of the last three or four (out of 40) pupils in my school class who became pubescent. I think that the word “precociousness” means something different, namely something that has to do with the behavior. Relating to this I can likely say that I was precocious. I do not know for sure. Therefore I said:

Trying to understand what you exactly meant by “precociousness”, I googled the word and found not only other words, but also some photos. :wink:

Does one of the following four photos show - more or less - the meaning of “precociousness”?
If so: Which one ist it?

In every case one can find also other reasons (e.g.: autism, wrong or unidirectional education) why those kids are what we think they are. They are not or not necessarily precocious. Or are they (according to you)?

Current photo

…and how is Ecmandu?

Are you home? Are you feeling well?

I’ve met lots of people who are so desperate for attention, care, and “love” that they will hurt themselves to get it. I knew of a couple that had a psychopathic relationship. The girlfriend would literally hold her boyfriend hostage with threats of suicide. “If you don’t love me then I’ll kill myself.” It’s very cruel and selfish by the person who makes such demands. They are usually women who do this, but sometimes children. Males usually do not do this because of having lesser value. It’s a very depraved and ignoble disposition, without pride, without honor.

Then again, there are those with too much pride, too much honor, and never ask for help when they should, or when they need to. So there’s two sides to this phenomenon.