Weakness is strength??

I also have to say that “totality of potential” sounds a lot like “destiny” which spans multiple reincarnations. A person’s entire existence seems to be completely determined from the beginning of his/her “first life”.

“Surrender” merely accelerates the journey towards the destination.

So, once you reach the “totality of potential”, what happens besides no longer being reborn.

=D> =D> =D>

Seems your subconscious is forcing you to try and understand my thoughts … despite the resistance of your conscious mind. really neat stuff Phyllo.

Who said individuals who reach the “totality of potential” no longer are reborn?

Who will help the rest of humanity still on the road home? :slight_smile:

It’s pretty standard Buddhist stuff.

You use some different words and phrases. Don’t know why you do that.

I don’t believe in destiny. :sunglasses:

It may have the odor of Buddhist stuff … but it sure as hell isn’t Buddhist stuff … Buddhists are selfish :slight_smile:

Constipation of consciousness?? :slight_smile:

Phyllo … I prefer your posts … they seem genuinely spontaneous. Some other people who respond to my posts seem to plug my comments into their AI algorithms and poke around for an appropriate response.



Phyllo … your comment is swimming around in my head … and I can’t swim. :slight_smile:

I’m with you if destiny is defined as a pre written script that we simply act out in our lifetime. May be true yet for me it’s incredible as well.

What if destiny is intended to simply say … another shot at realizing one’s potential … with infinite possibilities waiting for us to bring them to life as we wander through the darkness.?

Well, you said that it is in effect 'pre-written" :

“2) C represents the totality of my potential … it being constant across time and space … ergo an unlimited number of lifetimes.”

Chopping up the time, to get to totality, into lifetimes is really no different than chopping up one life into years and months until a destiny is fulfilled.

I think that personal potential is always in flux, changing with every event that comes our way and with every decision we make. Thus we create our own destinies.

All humans are selfish. Buddhists are human just like everyone else. I don’t see them as any more or less selfish.

How does “your stuff” move beyond selfishness?


So sorry to have disappointed you. C’est dommage. What can I say - I am like the ocean. I ebb and I flow.

I would not say most. But I have also made a comment here and there about the sad state of affairs at times of the posters’ postings ~ in my own words.

I might have in those moments actually admonished myself in the way in which I shall now admonish you:

“Do not see the beam in others’ eyes, PST, until you can see it in your own”.

[Soliloquy] That goes for you, too, Arc.

You, PST, just have a more subtle sly way of doing it albeit your hissing and claws are there too.

Then be a part of the solution, not the problem.

Weakness, in and of itself, is not strength but it does have the potential to change/transform itself when certain catalysts appear and act upon it.

Then again, what we may assume/presume or intuit as being weakness, may be nothing more than our own projection and/or lack of seeing things as they really are. Appearances can be quite deceiving.

Since this thread has become a bit like a farce to me (only my opinion) and more toxic than I would wish to encounter, I am going to bow out of it.



A facade of you participated in this OP though you were never really in it. :slight_smile:

Phyllo … my language is clumsy … really clumsy :slight_smile:

I have some “stuff” inside that I’m trying to get out by reducing it to words … the “stuff” I’m talking about may or may not have any merit/value.

I don’t see it as “my stuff”. :slight_smile:

It mostly deals with identifying and eliminating suffering. Is that bad?

You have assembled a philosophy based on your personal experiences - Canada, China, Christianity, Tao, Buddhism, etc, etc - so it’s “your stuff” now.

Language … can’t find the smile for “sigh” :slight_smile:

My experiences are not “my experiences” … ownership rests with the Author of my experiences. :slight_smile:

Childbirth doesn’t change, only how you view it changes.

Christianity isn’t much different in that respect. Nor are some major philosophy schools.

What do you own? Nothing?

Phyllo … do all educated people feel that mathematics is an important guide to the understanding of human life … ergo … consciousness?

I have always enjoyed simple math … don’t have the brains for the more complex math.

Let me apply my simple math skills to religions …

Numbers testify to the “merit” in current world religions:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_r … opulations

IMO … the author of the stats doesn’t understand Chinese Religion … not surprising the author is likely a Western individual and few if any Westerners truly understand Chinese thought,



Only what I can take with me to my grave. :slight_smile:

Phyllo … I’m going for my morning walk … I hope you have the time … and interest … to continue our meaningful digital conversation a bit more today,

That would seem to include experiences. :-"