Plans for a religion

:laughing: :evilfun:

JSS … so you know I have lied.

So much for your earlier post emphasizing the “I don’t know” phrase. :slight_smile:

(Inner harmony, wisdom, balance, enligthenment) > (truth, facts, knowledge, perception.)

Both are wonderful things, but the group to the left seems more fundamental than the group to the right.

I’ve seen people that read so much, but it is vanity, because they don’t have the “hands” to hold and wield knowledge.
Other people spend a whole life chasing after temporary pleasures, instead of finding the ever-lasting.

Such wisdom =D>

Reminds me of the idiom … “Out of the mouth of babes” … you are so young to “see” this Dan.




One of my biggest fears is that i wont be powerful enough to handle and survive a life in the spirit world.

Modern humans don’t know what true power is, or what it’s like to live near the bottom of the food chain.

When they think about saving their soul, it is usually a path of theism.

Dan … have you read my latest OP “Individuation”?

Your above comment is precisely why so few people enter the “dark night” voluntarily. To enter the night safely one must be tethered to mighty strong spirits. :slight_smile:

Some people get chewed up pretty good in their lifetime(s). :slight_smile:

Still largely true today … tomorrow … who knows eh!

Dan, I can even go atheist to be there with you if you need it. The nooks and crannies of the spirit world are vast. I can tell you one thing: people want the best for themselves - when eternal death knocks, nobody answers the door. Never have, never will.

That, and spend a lot of time developing one’s self where possible.
The universe is packed full of spirits. But finding a good one is up to the person in question.

Jung … a life lived extraordinarily well. There is no end to this guys path, and it keeps getting richer. He died like Crowley died, anticipating.
Id say he is the standard for how we should approach the drive to philosophize in ourselves.

I’m going to point out the obvious to people, though they may struggle with the idea…

Churches and marriages are stages of our and others’ evolution…

We’ll always have what we’re true towards, which in a practical sense is mutual experiences of beauty… even those we consider wicked rely on the kindness of others to do these things… once they figure out that this is what’s the important part, they begin to nurture it more and more…

Dan … my experience tells me spirits find us … we do not find them.

If you check out my writings on the subject “My Spiritual Family” I describe to the best of my limited capabilities how I met the spirits currently in my life. You may also note the list starts with Jesus and Mary … followed by a community of well known Catholic Saints and ends with two non Catholic historic personages … Mao Zedong and Lao Tzu. This confirms what I shared with you in a recent PM.

A religion with hope would be concerned with the ultimate destiny of Man. It would therefore be this-worldly, here and now perpetuation of ecosystems. In the past Utopias such as Brook Farm failed because nobody wanted to do the down to earth menial tasks necessary for maintenance of a viable community. I think Gaskin’s Farm still prospers. The former was an ideal; the latter is a practice. A religion of the future cannot afford to be impractical.

As an issue of being practical, the current Media has control over what people believe to be hopeful and worthy of effort.

And when has it been any different?

What’s the difference between the strategy employed by the current media and the ancient priestly class of Judaism … why do all world religions require heresy, apostasy and so on?

Such wasn’t the point, but there have been times throughout history, far less technological times, when the general populous was far more free of Media mental oppression. Early USA was one of those times when organized propaganda Media was illegal with competition being the primary enforcer. Today, with monopolies reinstated, there is no competition, merely the feigning of it, “Let’s all pretend to argue, while never mentioning the actual truth”.

The point was that if you are to base your new religion upon popular beliefs, you are merely extending the current religion.

oops :slight_smile:


Can you say then in one sentence what to you produced consciousness? I do not mean to simplify things here.

The write-up sounded made it sound really interesting.

Well, that’s just the rub. I don’t think consciousness is “produced” at all. I think it is the foundation of being. To experience conscious is simply what it is to be. It is the experience of “here I am” or just “I am”. Everything that exists, exists in virtue of experiencing its existence in some form.

=D> =D>

The reluctant saint is waking up. :slight_smile: