The UN aggressively sanctions genocide on white people. … embership/

^ winning

Winning? its just trading one evil for another.

So we stop funding some nigger in africa who murders whites for no reason, but then we start funding a bunch of jews who oppress and butcher the palestinians and steal their land. Great trade off


How can I be racist? I have black friends. I dont hate all black people. There are some kind decent blacks. But niggers are niggers.

I guarantee you don’t have a single black friend. Nice try though.

“I don’t hate all whites. I have white friends. But crackers be crackers.”

Yeah bitch it’s racist either way, ironic coming from you, “I’m so edgy” haha. Sorry but being a piece of shit who thinks in terms of skin color is still just being a piece of shit.

I love the whole “hey I have black friends” line (lie), only a true piece of shit could even say something like that.

I don’t care if you use the N word, that’s your right, but it reveals what a piece of shit you are. Not that we didn’t already know. Same goes for all the Jew hating you do.

I would try to fathom even one neurons worth of your brain, to see what strange deformities are there to explain your retardism, but I can’t be bothered. So keep throwing up all over the place, just don’t expect anyone else to clean it up.

Then you’re a simpleton. Because I have some black friends. I’m literally saying 2+2=4, and you’re telling me 2+2=5, then ridiculing my intelligence.

Race isn’t about skin color, but thats a line typical simpletons use. FYI people from India are not Africans, but they have almost the same skin color.

You seem angry over nothing, typical SJW/simpleton.

How does me saying the word Nigger make me a piece of shit? You know who’s a piece of shit? Niggers. I call them what they are. If you really think niggers are equal to whites you’re crazy and delusional. I have no problem with cultured civilized black people, but niggers are beneath the cultured and civilized black person. Who did Hannibal Lectre kill? The cultured and polite black butler, or the rude white person? He killed the rude white person. I hate whites, but I hate them in a different way than I hate niggers.

I’m half black. So you are litterally a racist for saying my brain is a deformity.

Im half black and I can say whatever I want. Nigger nigger nigger. Niggers are the most clique and racist group of America next to the Jews. When I’m around niggers I can sense their bigotry against me. Some of them downright insult me when I am right next to them say I’m not welcome around them because I’m different, because I’m not a “true” nigga or fully black. But what about Jews? Jews are the biggest racists in the entire country and look down on anyone who isn’t a Jew. 60% of Jews run Hollywood and yet Jews make up only 0.2% of America. And you have to suck their elitist penis (litterally) if you want to be famous in Hollywood. And if your Mel Gibson and you accuse Jews of ruling the world, goodbye to your Hollywood career. If you like niggers so much why don’t you move to the dankest, most dilapidated ghetto and surround yourself with them. Or spend a year at an all black high school. I wonder how many days until you’ll be repeating exactly what I’m saying about them. If you’re too old for school, just rent the movie Moonlight it is a documentary about Niggers. It got an Emmy I believe.

Convoluted self-loathing is also a form of existence.

So… troxl exults its intelligence to be able to claim superior judgment to be able to claim black people are worthless to be able to blame them for hurting it, to be able to identify itself as a victim to be able to bring in entitlement rhetoric so as to identify with being black, so as to claim the right to use the word “nigger” as a general insult to blacks.

That’ll be $1200.

I don’t loathe being half black, without it I’d be a cowardly white like the rest. I hate whites and blacks. The only thing I hate about myself is that I am not supremely or perfectly beautiful.

But you just stated that you hate both sides of yourself.

Your hatred is your ugliness.

Maybe you are so ugly as to have no choice about it.

As outside, so inside.

(Bill has been run up to $2400.)

That’s right, I’m the Joker.
Only difference is, my social experiment didn’t fail, I proved humans are shit and garbage.

Jakob my guess as to why you think niggers are equal to yourself is because your taste in music is no better than their’s (and I daresay, worse. :blush: :blush:

Yes indeed. You prove with your own life and example that some humans are indeed shit and garbage. Nice job.

More mindless racial slurs. Why even use such nonsense? You already proved your point. Why keep digging that hole?

Yep. My whole life I have been abused and mistreated by the majority of humans, thus humans are shit and garbage, proven by my life.

The bigger the hole that SJWs fall into.


You are shit and garbage. Thus your mere existence proves that some humans are shit and garbage. That is all.

I don’t give a fuck how you been treated. I been treated like shit too, but I ain’t no fucking bitch ass fucking retard like you.

Too bad you fell into it too.

Why do you think SJWs care so much about skin color? Ask yourself, since you also care about it just as much as they do.

Also, go fuck yourself. Seriously.

No, I mean it. Seriously. You are a fucking waste. You know it and we all know it.

Every single person on this Earth has been treated like shit. This world is will to power.
Whoever are too weak to treat themselves better than they get treated are going to be living their lives down a slope, seeing the quality of it decline each day.

A human incapable of making a true friendship is less than a plant. Thats really a fact.

You sound like a nigger to me. No wonder you stand up for them.

Why do you keep repeating “skin color” like a fucking moron?
Race is not primarily about skin color, you intellectually stunted pea of a brain. I already told you ALREADY, so apparently you have the learning ability of a goldfish.

I’m shit and garbage for looking at reality objectively? I’m simply stating the facts, that 95% of blacks are niggers and that blacks have collectively done more damage to Detroit than the nuclear bomb did to Hiroshima. But keep wearing the modern Rose colored glasses pretending that all races are the same.
How come in most Computer commercials, its whites, but Blacks are always associated with athletic commercials?
Hmm maybe because blacks are genetically wired to be athletic.

Why don’t you watch the movie Moonlight like I said? It was made by a liberal. So watch it, maybe learn some humility and respect for those superior to you.

You folks need a history lesson:

Nigger is the Greek word for black.

Africa is the Greek word for people of the sun (people who end up with more melatonin)

It’s not nefarious or complicated

I’ll add that negro is the Spanish word for black.but dating to the oldest, nigger is just a Greek word meaning black… it’s not a boogie monster!

Oh yeah, words don’t mean anything except their ancient etymological meaning! The word’s meaning itself never changes! Wow!

I can’t believe I never realized! This! Omg!! So much simpler now! Just ignore all current meaning!
