Poverty in America

Favored by housing court.

By example i mean that generally, poor people lack a strong social network.(Exceptions are still-insular recent immigrant groups.) But when they are trying get stuff (like occupancy for one more month, despite eviction) they often have a plethora of advocacy groups and knowledge among the group to help them beat the system. Which they usually can, for a while. I have met people who can’t hold a job for half a day but can sniff out a free ham sandwich on the other side of town.

A more productive social network would form if they would avail themselves of existing social institutions. Try to learn how to work the system rather than beat it short term. Today, I suggested to an out of work individual (long story) that he contact the ACLU. he had no idea what ACLU meant. I’m going to try to get him some free legal advice and have asked a colleague to call in a favor to try to get him a job. Despite that he lied to me, misrepresented his situation. Despite that he has lied to my colleague. And blown her off when he had an appointment. And wouldn’t think of thanking me if I got him straightened out. It’s difficult to help people when they lie to you, sometimes.

And he lied because I’m a guy in a tie and poor people are taught to mistrust and even despise those that are not poor. The way you, wendy, are trying to teach people. Social networks are built on trust and trustworthiness.

Evictions take time and money because tenants have more procedural rights than landlords.

The landlord tenant act is a federal law, that is mirrored in state law in all the states if I’m not mistaken. It favors the tenant. This is common knowledge.

Here we go with the inane accusations. When have I ever dissed a tie?

wendy, your overall thesis is that poverty is cause by too much wealth. If wealthy people would just hand more money over to poor people, there wouldn’t be any poor people. The examples are all over your posts. You claim that rich people are morally obligated to do this.

I have a lot of ties. I wear then to fancy dinners and think about all the people out there boiling rice. Then I order and extra drink so I can drink one for the rice boilers.

Long ago money was based on silver, gold, and copper.
And the rest was farm goods.

The present american capital system is a fantasy.
Like literally a thing made of pure fantasy,
which then can buy and sell real, non fantasy, such as food and water.

Gold isn’t worth any more than a piece of paper unless you need it for some industrial use.

That is true. Old world riches have to do with a large family and a large farm.

I exchanged a pile of scrap gold for paper… It seemed like a fair exchange at the time. The paper has been quite useful on a number of occasions.

I’ve always been a big fan of money.

I used to buy tons of silver eagles when the spot was low, then wait for it to go up a few bucks, tale it all to gun shows and sell it at a big premium to kooky old men who want precious metals that the government doesn’t know they have. Old men at gun shows get boners for shiny American made silver coins.

The ol’ silver eagle to elderly militiamen gambit. Classic.

That’s what I’m saying. Everyone wants a house and a car and a phone and some food and insurance, but nobody wants to hustle at all. Kids these days…“I worked my 40 hours! Why do I still have problems!?”, or “I didn’t earn anything, why don’t I have anything!?”.

They’re all fucking crazy man. Blaming the corporations and the big boogie man government when what they need is right in front of them the whole time.

My beef is with corporate America and how they undervalue their employees, among other things. Wear all the ties you want but keep your own moral judgments about my moral judgments straight.

I definitely don’t like cheats and liars be they rich, poor, or the non-existent middle class.

The funny things is,
you give 1 million dollars to a single guy,
or you give it to 100 people,
the 100 can just as easily waste it or use it to con others.

Public ownership does not reduce crime and depravity.

Maybe im being negative…
but my point seems to stand.

The market values workers. If you want 40 grand, and someone walks up and says they’ll do the same job for 20…what kind of business am I running if I just give you 20 grand that I don’t have to give you. What am I supposed to tell my investors…who had discipline, anf foresight, and saved up to invest, making sacrifices so they could save and have more? I’m supoosed to tell them that your needs cone first and therefore I’m paying you twice what the market would have me pay to get a job done?

Thats charity. Businesses and charities are different.

The market is too free to undercut the workers who have to eat. The government must restrain capitalism before we become a third world country due to the desperate being taken advantage by the overall corporate monopoly having all the purse strings. You do realize that the average majority of people no longer hold the purse strings?

On second thought, I do have a problem with the rich wasting what’s left of our natural resources to operate their cut throat businesses and purchase multiples of everything at home which denies them to people with actual need and the future of need.

Purchasing excessive stuff bloats landfills.

For every rich person who owns more vehicles than the number of people in their families…there’s the tires they replace every 50,000 miles
If the rich would just build their own landfills on their own properties, the cities could stop charging them for trash removal.

It’s not just the rich who are wasting resources, it’s everyone. Single-use products, disposable products, excessive packaging, heat set too high, A/C set too low, food not consumed(both at restaurants and at home), etc.

All part of the “life-style”.

Certain groups of people live the “lifestyle” more than other groups. Poor people are aware of waste more than people with discretionary monies. The poor have to be, they can’t afford to be frivolous.