On Poor White America Versus Liberal Misunderstandings.

We got a martyr here ladies and gentlemen. She’s refusing her inheritance and taking up the cause of the poor and defending her principles against the lies of…um…liberals?

Am I getting this?

My health is important to me so I don’t drowned myself in alcohol to make me feel good at the expense of my longevity.

Being deeply loved by family is a privilege that I am indebted to.


You seem to be going off topic.

Why not respond to the subject matter of the thread. Fact is, you’ve probably had more handouts than you’re ego will let you admit. And that’s why you have a world view that daddy government needs to provide for you. What does that have to do with me having a martini.

Didn’t we just go over the thing about bad arguments?

In the same way that always letting a kid have a cookie makes the kid grow up fat, always taking care of and loving someone makes them grow up emotionally crippled when they realize that the world doesn’t distribute resources the same way mom and dad did.

Then those privileged shit heads start wanting me to pay more taxes so they can have more shit handed to them.

That’s what you’re advocating.

Are you disabled? Mentally ill? Unable to lift 20lbs?

Wise words.

The same reasons you’re mad at immigrants for taking jobs, men should be mad at women for taking jobs.

Just your misspelled quickie replies stand out as less than the normal less that you offer from your prosperous, ignoble, cynical world of brown. Let me know when you have an argument or better yet, answer Fausts’ questions since he’s incapable.

Mr., are you really so ridiculous that you are going to ask me if I’m mentally ill when I have attested to that fact forever? Gawd!

I won every spelling bee in elementary school, and took my spelling tests with the 6th graders when I was in 1st.

Typos and spelling errors are different.

You’re the one who’s deflecting. Why are we talking about typos?

I’m asking because you seem to be saying that you can’t make a living.

I’m unable to make one that would pay for all my health conditions and allow the necessary downtime for when I schizo out for months at a time.

According to you? Or officially? If you cant make enough money for health conditions, then you must be a big supporter of Obamacare right?

You’re upset that you’re too ill to earn a living and that you therefore can’t afford to take care of your health?

Who is supposed to pay for you when you schizo out for months at a time? You wanna save that up while you’re working? Then you’d need to be very valuable to someone, and if you take responsibility for yourself, then you take the responsibility of finding and convincing someone that can pay you that you’re worth that.

I used to pay for myself during those months, but I didn’t understand my situation other than I was in a cycle of what seemed impossible to keep up with when my condition kept deteriorating which it has continued to do my entire adult life. If I were a spring chicken I would wade back out there, but I’m not. I did own several businesses, but I was unable to hang in there when the chips (were not just down, but) flipped out flying across the room. I wish I’d been diagnosed a decade earlier.

So go and get disability, and if you dont think that’s enough, then stop voting for republicans.

And start being thankful for the people who can earn what you need, and for the government who taxes them to take care of you.

Wendy wrote:

Come on, you have to be poor to be honest?!

If you have a debilitating illness, which prevents you from working, why would you refuse an inheritance?

More to that story than meets the eye?

An honest person realises you can’t rely on anyone but yourself when the chips are down and if you learn that early enough you will realise you need to plan for the future.

In your case though, your circumstance is different.

Thanks for the thoughts, I’m already on disability. Ya know, Dan was very brave in a thread of his when he thanked the Canadian government for keeping him alive…I share his feelings even though I complain about all the corruption within it.

Yes, there is more to that story which you probably won’t ever read. I refused a house (my sisters would make better use of it with their families), but I won’t refuse a used car or a little cash.