Economic supremacy wars: Chinese vs. Jews

For me … what separates Chinese religion from the ‘crowd’ of religions is the absence of heirarchy/institution/dogma … ergo … no pope … no dali lama … no caliph … no patriarch and son and so on

The Jews, of course, 10 out of 10 times.

The Chinese are not yet tested against other communities. In spite of so much economic development in China, no chinese individual or companies are yet able to establish a successful big business outside china. On the other hand, Jews have done that successfully all over the world. Chinese have succeeded to some extent outside China only in some Asian countries like Malaysia but have failed to repeat that success in the developed world, both individual and organizational level too.

with love,

And in Africa!


Recorded history suggests the Chinese civilization always … and continues to … prefer insulation and isolation. Until recently, the previous serious attempt to gaze beyond the borders of the civilization occurred early in the 15th century, prior to the dawn of Western imperialism and colonialism. The result being China closed it’s doors to the outside world for 500 years.

OTH … the Jews were expelled from their homeland more than 2,500 years ago … giving them no choice but find a way to succeed on the “outside”. Their persistent success likely gave rise to the ubiquitous envy/jealousy.

In any event … eventually conscience will trump money.

Arminius … your post triggered some new thoughts. New thoughts … like red wine … need time to age for a while before one knows if they have any merit.

Nonetheless … I’m in the mood for sharing. :slight_smile:

  1. Let me repeat an earlier comment … Are we in the midst of an epoch transformation and we can’t see the forest for the trees?

  2. The idiom … "shut/close the stable/barn door after the horse has bolted."T

  3. The law of unintentional consequences … in attempting to expand the boundaries of their “homeland” … the Europeans have lost their homeland.

  4. At this point in the game can Europeans really expect to achieve what the Chinese have worked diligently to protect for thousands of years … insulation and isolation?

Yes, Pilgrim-Seeker Tom.

I think that the Europeans should take the option of insulation or isolation (“what the Chinese have worked diligently to protect for thousands of years”) into account.

Seems the ‘crowd’ supporting your view is growing:

  1. Early in Xi’s term as leadership his motto was … “Restore Chinese Glory”

  2. Trump won the election with the slogan … “Make America Great Again.”

  3. Putin’s popularity stems from his efforts to … “Restore Russian Dignity.”

  4. Brexit is an attempt to … “Restore British Exceptionalism”

  5. Zionism is a project to … “Restore Greater Israel.”

The common denomination seems to be a romantic yearning to return to the past … is this realistic?

1] The motto of Xi is what the Westerners (Europeans [with or without the Europeans in North America, Australia and other regions]) could and should imitate. But this is what the current globalists do not want to be realized.

2] Trump is probably not able and not powerful enough to do what I just have said (=> 1]). Also, he is probably a traitor.

3] Putin is probably the best example when it comes to restricting those globalists who own most major banks and/or major coporations. But Russia is - by far - less powerful than the USA.

4] The Brexit is no good example when it comes to a political union and a military alliance of Europe (at least: Old Europe), but the Brexit is a good example when it comes to the collapse of the EU, although the UK is - by far - not powerful enough to achieve this collapse. So, the Brexit is a good sign, if the Europeans want to see how the EU must be reformed. What Europe needs is a military alliance, the goal must be a political union, a federation, with borders like the Chinese wall, if necessary. The economic union must be included, of course. This all is not easy to do. At first there must be probably given a speech like Churchill’s "blood, sweat and tears“ speech of 1940. What we now have in Old Europe is neither a militarty alliance of a political union nor an economic union for Europeans (but merely for globalists). Currently there is no chance for such an European fortress to be realized. But wait and see. Did you expect during the so-called “cold war” that the Soviet Union and its satellite states would start collapsing in 1989?

5] The state “Israel” is a singularity in history. There has never been such a very questionable founding of a state and such a very questionable “justification” (after about 1800-1900 years!).

Arminius … as usual … very constructive comments.

Brings to mind the American sport “football” … are you familiar with the game?

Until recently … pick a date … the ‘globalists’ seemed to be on the goal line … a ‘touch down’ seemed imminent.

Recent anti globalist chatter and activities suggest they(anti globalists) are now in possession of the ball. Only time will tell if they will succeed in pushing the globalists away from the goal line … a gargantuan task.

One thing is certain … one side or the other will eventually ‘score’ . :slight_smile:

Thank you.

I am not very much familiar with that kind of sport, but I know what you mean. And: I am in agreement with that.

But please note again that there are many problems: the negative demography, the military weakness and the political subservience to the gobalist’s demands - all this works against the interests of a European political unity. So a merely economic unity of Europe does also works against the interests of a European political unity. :wink:

As you probably know, before the Chinese regions became unified and the first Chinese empire under “the first Sovereign Emperor of Qin”, there was a long-lasting time of war, the so-called “Warring States period”.


Qin Shi Huangdi was the “Chinese Augustus”. :slight_smile:

Maybe we will get the European unification after a civil war as it has taken place in the Ancient Roman times. So we will get "Marius“, a "Sulla“, a "Ceasar“ and at last an "Augustus“. :wink:

Blood, sweat and tears.

Our Crisis as an extended period of political instability and social unrest has already begun. :evilfun:

Arminius … cool graphic :slight_smile: … and interesting data point.

The Qin Dynasty illustrates once again that “Conquest” is the easy step … finding a “glue” to hold it all together post conquest is the hard part. Empirical evidence frequently confirms that the shelf life of ‘conquest’ is short … the Qin dynasty lasted a mere 15 years.

OTH the Han Dynasty which followed the Qin lasted 400+ years. Seems state adoption of Confucian thought … which was not new … was a decent ‘glue’.

The kernel of the message of Christ is also a decent ‘glue’ … love. Unfortunately, neither state or church embraced it … both have consistently been mostly militaristic and greedy … particularly near the top of the hierarchies.

Compelling arguments can be made that virtual Global Conquest was achieved twice in the past 72 years … and both were squandered … ergo … they failed to find a ‘glue’ to hold it all together.

Economic interests, especially monetary interests have become dominant. So politics is dominated by monetary interests. Actually, we do not have national politics or European politics, we only have globalistic politics, and this politics is monetary politics, because it is determined by monetary interests.

Why do we - for example - have such a global immigration into Western countries?

  1. The globalists are interested in a great crisis with a great war, because they gain from it very much. Result: They become more powerful.
  2. The large companies are interested in cheap workers. Result: They become more powerful.
  3. The immigrants are interested in using their children as demographic weapons for the conquest of all Western countries and in becoming as wealthy as the Westerners. Result: They become more powerful.
  4. The politicians of the Western countries are interested in continuance in their offices; so they have to support the other three main interests (see: 1), 2), 3)). Result: They remain as powerful as they are.

The first two (see: 1), 2)) are super organisms.
The last two (see: 3), 4)) are organisms and “organs like puppets on a string” of the first two (see: 1), 2)).

Actually, they are, yes. But are Donald Trump and Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus really comparable?


It’s the betray that makes them comparable.

Seemingly, the new nickname for Donald Trump is “Benedict Arnold”.

Arminius … interesting meta imagery … let me add this …

The “super organisms” draw their power from the ‘well’ of “organisms” … having always used money as the agency … the bucket if you will. If the efficacy of money as agency ever diminishes the entire paradigm will collapse.

Ever increasing human consciousness points to —> Eventually conscience will trump money.

We may be closer to this threshold than we want to believe. :slight_smile:


Should there be a global prohibition on interest, Pilgrim Tom?