
The soul is the fundamental concept and definition of what an individually is. It is necessarily eternal, as are all concepts.

JSS wrote

What is your source?

Now, perhaps it is my turn to say something.

Let me ask one more question first.

One’s pulse is stopped completely since some weeks.
One’s heartbeat is stopped completely since some weeks.
One’s brain is stopped completely since some weeks.

Can we say for all practical reasons that now this one is forever dead for sure, and there is no way that it can become alive again ever in the future?

with love,

I will go on a limb and say that one is definitely dead forever.

Of course, the Christians will say that God will resurrect the dead at the last judgement.

with love,

Man became a living soul in the physical realm, but his soul was already in existence in the spiritual realm. You did not offer the proof I requested.

Souls do not die nor are they resurrected for judgement day, they are already existing in purgatory with their history of memories based on their Earthbound behaviors in tact.

I’m gonna dig out my Bible and find you some scriptural evidence you may deny. :evilfun: It’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack which makes for happy hunting.

The idea that a person can exist without a body is a Greek idea. The Biblical Jews did not think that way. Even the ones who believed in an afterlife, thought that those in heaven/hell had physical bodies.

Plato correctly described the location of the soul as I know it to be true (at some point when I refind it, I will provide a copy of his descriptions). The soul has it’s own body able to exist separate from the physical human body.

You cannot know anything that is “permanent” or “infinite”. You can only know what is transient and finite. In other words, you cannot know that someone is dead for all eternity, you can only know that someone has been dead for a period of time. You can also expect that someone will be dead in the future but expectations aren’t reality i.e. your expectations can be proven wrong no matter how certain of them you are.

The key is to understand how intelligence works. Most people idealize intelligence. They think that intelligence is something it is not, some kind of supernatural ability that allows us to travel into the future in order to see what’s going to happen. That’s not what intelligence is.

What happens is that we get tired of waiting for people to “wake up”. You need to set a time limit if you want to find your answer. Otherwise you won’t find it. In other words, you wait certain amount of time and if they don’t “wake up” within the set period of time, you pronounce them dead, if they do, you pronounce them alive.

What kind of body does the soul have? What are its characteristics?

The body is going to rot - it will be consumed by animals, bugs and bacteria. Once it’s gone, that person is not coming back unless he gets a new body. And that means there is a soul separated from the physical body which survives the destruction of a body and can take residence in another body.

Now you’re on board Phyllo. :evilfun: :wink:

No I’m not. Maybe my post was not clear. I merely pointed out the obvious fact the body will be destroyed after death. If you expect someone to come alive again, then he will need a new body. And the consequence of that thinking is that there would have to be a mobile soul.

But I’m not a dualist. I don’t actually think that a soul can exist without a physical body, so I don’t think that anyone is coming back after dying.

It would be the same body reconstructed.
More or less.
You can also view it that way.

Yes, the soul is mobile…I’ve moved mine outside of my physical body on occasion.

You want it’s measurements and location in the human body? I’ve already written about this a few times. I’ll check my earlier posts.

The soul is definitely affected by emotions. The souls can power up on emotions almost like the superhero, Superman, basking in the sun for his strength, however souls are very affected by all strong, pure emotions like love, joy, fear, anger and it depends on the emotion what behavior you will witness a soul enact. Fear and anger may give you super energized destructive ugliness whereas love and joy may give you super energized creative helpfulness. I believe that God’s conscious mind, the spiritual realms, is divided into dimensions of emotional energy, a plane for every pure emotion, where we may pull our very life forces, soul source from. Simply put, the essence of our soul aligns with a dimension in God’s conscious mind that is powered by one of God’s emotions. God provides the emotional energy that fuels our souls. We decide which emotional energies we pull from throughout our human lives, then after we die, we return to the emotional plane with which we most align or were born from, perhaps to be reborn in another body or even the same body (which would account for all my crazy deja vus).

Phyllo, I’m speculating some so this makes more sense to me as I answer your question. It’s quite an important endeavor to discover what lies beyond the physical mortal realm of Earth.

Reconstructed by who and why?

In fact, it does not even matter what kind of body someone is “reborn” into.
Every person has certain key characterics. And in order to remain the same person, these characteristics must persist through time.
I have absolutely no idea what’s inside Donald Trump. And I don’t care.
Because what Donald Trump is is not what Donald Trump is on the inside.
He could be anything on the inside. For all I care, he could be hollow.
One has to learn how to filter through information – how to separate between relevant and irrelevant information.
Because not all information is relevant.
Large quantities of information does not automatically equal good.
Artistry is required. You need to be an artist.

How did you discover all that?

A soul will most definitely exist just not in this physical dimension until it is reattached during mortal pregnancy inside another human body.

I spent several years practicing astral projection techniques until I was able to raise my conscious soul from my physical body during an awakened state.