On Poor White America Versus Liberal Misunderstandings.

Eyes wide shut wrote:

I’ll take that as a compliment.

and the remainder of your post…

unsubstantiated waffling.

Europeans are dwindling in numbers, biologically they are in decline.
The history and ideas of Europeans are under attack and are being replaced as well.
But Europeans are granting themselves too many privileges, says Jew mind.
F***ed up.

We gotta get those poor non-Europeans out of harms way and ship them to a place without Europeans. Get on it.

Orwell, “to see what is under one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” Indeed it does. In the present case, the anti-Semite is under all our noses, and it is well worth the struggle to see him.

So this Jew mind struggles so hard to see “anti-semitism”…
Can’t make this shit up.

Why is it that you had to struggle so hard, Jew mind?
You just didn’t want it to be true, am I rite?

For years I called you out on your Jewish privilege and how you needed to atone for your Jewish supremacy yet your Jew mind didn’t understand that I was being anti-Jewish, tsk anti-semite, leave the Palestinians out of this.
Alas, you did not understand that I’m anti-White, I mean, anti-Jewish.
But thankfully I called you Jew (mind) one day and finally it clicked. “This person says I’m Jewish, this is outrageous anti-semitism!”
“Muh discrimination! You’re not supposed to notice!”

Eyes wide shut wrote:

For years the fact that you have a problem with the Jews has been obvious. I recall you as a savage critic of them and for the most part you have been getting away with it! Your mission it seems, is to invoke a forcible suppression on your Forum at least, with your belief they are to blame for everything, and

For years you have used this as a weapon, mainly against those whom you dislike. For you, they are the common enemy of humanity, (KT needs a common enemy to unite it) which has to be fought against in a determined and unwavering manner and at times I must admit, your approach is disturbingly bizarre.



For years… what an understatement, my White privilege theory, I mean, my Jewish privilege theory has been circulating since the 1980s but people were struggling to see it for what it was because as soon as they opposed me I yelled “anti-White” at them. Thankfully the media is systemically anti-Jewish, that’s why any opposition could easily be ridiculed.

No chance for you Jew-mind, me and my White supremacist friends rule academia and the media unopposed.
Har-Har-Har !!!

No chance for your “White privilege” attack on us, we are the mighty Empire and you are just a bunch of feeble Rebels.
You are the nerdy Harry Potter while I am the dark lord guy or whoever is the bad guy in that seminal work.

We shall proclaim that it’s morally righteous that all non-White countries have to be made White and we will enact policies to facilitate this and if anybody is opposing this then we will call him a Black supremacist, or an Asian xenophobe, or simply anti-White to shut him up.
Of course we will call this all just a natural inevitable process.
We will call him or her anti-White for not wanting to get replaced in his own country.
We will make this into an accepted normalcy, into a moral virtue, we will feed them BS how this is better for humanity.
We shall scream out in pain as we strike them.

Remember it’s all a matter of perspective, whatever interpretation comforts you the most.

The hypocrisy on display shows the contempt for non-Jews.

Imagine being the most influential group in the country, by a long shot, while being at the same time only 2% of the population and then go and talk about White privilege because Europeans in the country have a higher reputation for their trustworthiness.

Imagine having the chutzpah, lol, to go out and claim that Whites are racially biased to their own kind and that that would be something which needed to be corrected because muh equality while being the nepotistic elite in the country.

But the Jew-mind does not allow for such observations to be made, because it’s anti-Jewish. It’s anti-Jewish because Jews might end up falling out of favour in parts of the population and that is not allowed to happen. There is no justification in the world, in the Jew-mind, for people to not want to play that kind of game anymore.
Whites? - Well that’s different, here it’s fine, because it’s totally justified. Anything is justified against them, remember, they are evil*.

*Of course not all Whites are evil, those Whites who cheer or are at least content with the displacement and disempowerment of Whites are good Whites.
Excuse me for almost painting with a too broad of a brush here.

The so-called “monotheistic religions” are religions of the desert, namely: of the desert of the Arabian peninsula. So this religions do not fit Europe, especially not fit the colder climate zones of Europe.

Climate zones:

The “colder climate zones” I was talking about (see above): 1, 2, 3 (or: I, II, III).

Eyes Wide Shut wrote:

HA! you obviously have not read Harry Potter.

“Throughout all seven novels, a big topic of discussion is Harry’s destiny as “the Chosen One.” He’s the only person in history to be attacked by Lord Voldemort (the head bad guy) and survive, so Harry is famous pretty much from day one. By the end of the last book, Harry is acutely aware of his destiny as the Chosen One, recognizing that it he is the one who has to fight Voldemort. After all, it was prophesied, he is the chosen one, and somebody has to stand up to the evil wizard. Might as well be him, right?”

"Bless his little heart” :mrgreen:


This video may contain anti-Jewish messages.
Remember, it doesn’t matter if it’s true or not, whether it’s a fair representation or not.
If it may not be good for Jews then it’s anti-Jewish.

A liberal does not see the same reality that a conservative does. The two groups could view the same scene, newspaper article, legal document and have completely different interpretations.


It’s no accident to have smarmy, smirky people in managerial positions. The objective is to weaken European power and to do this it helps to have those kinds of people in managerial positions. It destroys social group cohesion.
While in earlier times the angle of attack was to stoke resentment among the working class against the elite of its time to replace said elite, today it’s about destroying social cohesion within the group at large.

This cannot be corrected with any form of argumentation. Effectively smarmy smirky people who are this by nature have to leave managerial positions to strengthen social group cohesion.

Unfortunately, this is true.

But it is also true that the Occident is declining. There is a demographic aspect too.

Do you mean that there are two reasons for those “smarmy, smirky people in managerial positions” and for the “objective … to weaken European power”?

There is one main reason, all others are subordinated to it. This one main reason is the decline of the West (cp. Spengler). The negative demographic development, the said "smarmy, smirky people in managerial positions“, the said "objective … to weaken European power“ are some examples for the consequences of the decline of the West. The weaker you are, the more blackmailable you are. Those who decide to weaken European power (thus: German power) are mostly Europeans or at least of European origin.

Europeans would resist this development, if they were politically unified. But they are not politically unified. The more “EU” and “Euro” they get, the less politically unified they are. There are too many powerful people who want to weaken Europe. So the political unification of Europe will probably never happen.

What will happen in Europe is a WAR in order to weaken Europe (thus: Germany). This was the result of the both world wars too. Each result led to more European weakness.

[tab]Greetings from Carthage:


So, Otto,you’re poor and educated. And white. Can you explain why you are all of these things? I mean why you are white and educated yet poor? I talk to poor white people a lot. Mostly, they’re mentally ill or lazy. Or they just don’t care much about money. Or they have a drug problem. What is your story?


That’s anti-White racism.

Replace the word “white” with the word “black”, and you’ll get this:


So, Alf. You’re not too strong on logic. Can you explain why you post on a philosophy website yet seem to know no logic? I talk to people who aren’t too strong on logic. Mostly, they’re good people. They’re just not too strong on logic.

By the way, I rarely talk to poor black people. Mostly because there aren’t too many black people, rich or poor, where I live. Most of them (poor black people that I talk to) have a drug problem. That’s just my experience.

Reporting my particular experience, without generalizing to all poor white people, or to all poor black people, is not racism. It’s just reporting on my particular experience.

No. Obviously, you are the one who is not too strong on logic.

It’s a fact that talking about “Blacks” like you do about the “White” Otto West is called “racism”. Say what you want, but that’s currently the legal regulation. You were not only reporting, you were suggesting too.

And now, you are hiding yourself behind a bogus argument.