On Poor White America Versus Liberal Misunderstandings.

Atheism is an ancient Greek tradition going back to classical skepticism in philosophy moreover we atheists don’t want to be invaded by Islam just like Christians because the only thing Muslims despise more than Christians or Jews are atheists. Under sharia law the punishment for atheism is death. No, I’m not an agnostic. Literally in my belief god is not even a possibility. Just like christians there are a variety of culturally and racially aware atheists. There are even pro family atheists like myself.

There is no inherent contradiction of a person being atheist yet at the same time being culturally and racially aware that upholds pro family values. One doesn’t need to believe in god for this to manifest.

Many like to falsely align atheists with leftist politics or marxists but this simply isn’t true of all of us.(Although I do understand how a majority could be thought as that.) As an atheist I’m more sympathetic with European indigenous pagan beliefs even though I am not a pagan myself. Certainly out of concern for mere cultural aesthetics historical European paganism I view as being far superior to that of Christianity. I’m like a modern day atheistic Julian Apostate.

Yes, I’ve heard Jews call Jesus a bastard son of a whore in conversations. Christians are terribly naive understanding the so called chosenites.

Oh no, you’re cool. I lean theist and I’m currently studying eastern religions looking for parallels with christianity. I’m not sure I accept the mainstream interpretation of the bible, but it doesn’t matter. It’s all a game and whatever you choose to believe is just how you choose to play the game, so you won’t offend me by bashing religions. I’m just looking at the good of society in the context of religion merely for something to do and not that it really makes a difference because, to me and how I believe right now, reality isn’t real anyway; I just like puzzles.

The hindu/buddhist belief is that all life is god playing the “persona” or wearing the mask of who they are in this world as a means of some sort of surprise because being an all-knowing and eternally existing being sucks. Jesus realized that, beat the game, but decided to die anyway in an effort to get the Word out. Or something like that. Honestly, I’m not entirely clear yet.

Anyway, you’re cool. Carry on!

How do you figure all of this came about? How is god not even a possibility? I mean, we could show how the universe came about without needing a god, but then how do we show a god could not be a hands-off observer? How can we be absolutely sure?

Sure, but not everyone is as smart as you. That’s the thing.

Probably because of the christian right.

Yes, I don’t understand the love affair christians have with the chosen people.

As it always comes to most people’s surprise I studied world religions first before becoming an atheist. Eastern religions are interesting to study but lack individualism.

For me there is no universal design or objective to all of life. From there it is rather easy to deduce that there is no god. Of course for those that believe in god this kind of thought comes off horrific.

Yes, you’re speaking of a lack of social cohesion appeal to atheism but as an atheist I believe with understanding that could be rectified. Yes, we atheists certainly don’t have a very good reputation with the christian right.

Well, it’s because Jews created Christianity. That’s one of many problems with Christianity that I have.

It’s not horrific, it’s essential. If the goal is a surprise, then why plan anything?

They created it? I thought they tried to destroy it by crucifying jesus, but it backfired and made him a martyr.

I have to step away for a bit to get some things done, but I’m anxious to continue this when I return. Good stuff!

Life or existence is chaotic and we give it meaning. We plan for our lives and the lives of our descendants, that’s it. There is no greater scheme beyond all of that.

If you study Christianity Jesus sought to reform Judaism not abolish it. Christianity is literally reformed Judaism. Jesus never intended to create a new religion, that’s a Roman Catholic invention and besides Jews having a hand in creating Christianity so also did a decadent group of Roman emporers. So decadent were these Roman emporers that they utilized Christianity to murder their own Roman pagan counterparts in mass. The only difference between Christianity and Judaism is that Christians believe Jesus is the messiah whereas Jews believe the real messiah has yet to come, that’s the only difference. His whole conflict with the Pharisees was because they did not worship or believe as he did. He wanted to convert them under his teachings and they rebelled.

I’m not sure “reform” is a strong enough word. He condemned them to hell:

The reformation that took place was stated best by Paul:

Whatever work you can do will be something you can brag about. Therefore there is nothing you can do to save yourself. That is the reformation: to stop practicing religion!

“Formly you boasted before the guys about how many sins you committed; now you boast before the lord how many virtues you have. Same trap. You’ve traded chains of iron for chains of gold.”

Jesus said, “Whoever seeks to save his life shall lose it.” It means if we try to improve ourselves, we’ll will only make it worse because the reason we want to be better is the reason we aren’t.

There is no way to help ourselves because any act of self improvement will only serve to perpetuate the condition we’re already in. Therefore all we can do is have faith and anything we do should be for the purpose of fun and not self-improvement or to win brownie points with god.

The law was fulfilled, completed, finished. Jesus said on the cross, “It is finished.” He beat the game. The greatest thing an all-powerful god can do is lay down those powers and allow his enemy to kill him. Obi Wan Kenobi allowed himself to be struck down and became more powerful through Luke. Neo in the Matrix was stuck down and rose again more powerful. The theme is used over and over in pop culture because it’s the pinnacle of impressiveness.

Paul said, “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are good for me.”

The Jews could not stand this line of thinking because then they would have no power and no prestige. It was imperative to the jews that we have a set of traditions to follow for the purpose of one-upping each other and that is what condemns them to hell or, if you prefer, an eternity of riding the wheel, never to awaken.

The common denominator of christianity, buddhism, hinduism is the fight against the ego. That isn’t so with judaism and islam which are centered around works.

Oh, I forgot to thank you for being considerate of my potential religious beliefs. That was nice of you. Maybe you can see now where I am with it… there is no religion.

Concerning the existence of god: whether god exist or not isn’t relevant. If there is no god, then there is no purpose to the universe, so whatever, it doesn’t matter. If god does exist, then what would an all-powerful god want to do for an eternity? Surely after a few 100,000 years he would tire of impressing himself with tricks, so eventually he would find himself right where you are right now. Either way you look at it, life is a game and meaningless. It just exists for surprise.

We look for surprise all the time. We lay down our powers of control then jump on a roller coaster to be at its whim. We prefer to watch a ball game slowly rather than have someone tell us who won. If a joke has to be explained, it isn’t funny because the element of surprise is gone. The only reason I am talking to you is that I don’t know what you will say to me. If I knew what you would say, then there would be no point. So surprise me :wink:

Heartbreaking. Very beautiful.
Joker, we can crowdfund your tattoo. As long as it is a swastika.

the Poor White America Party


(check her out, Joker)

Not a national socialist but by all means keep throwing out stereotypes.

That is a perfect example of stereotypes and ignoring the plight of poor white Americans. Way to stay on topic Fixed Cross. For a moment there I thought you were ignoring the thread subject.

This is a long reply and we’re a bit off topic for the subject of this thread here.

Do you mind copying this post and creating a new thread in the religious section of the forum?

Most of it was quoting. The main idea was to challenge that Jesus merely reformed judaism and to show he actually eliminated it as well as all religious law. We can move it to a new section if you want. I can talk more about it if it were its own subject, but I don’t know how much more you have to say. Is it worth it to make the move?

Otto wrote:

Which brought to mind a scene from Mississippi Burning, "My Daddy killed that mule, “If you can’t be better than a ni***r, who can you be better than?”


Hatred of that magnitude cannot be understood.

Do you mean the movie characters or the creators of the movie who projected what the rednecks are thinking?

Is_Yde_opN wrote

Even though one must acknowledge at times this film is murky, it was based loosely on fact, and it does focus on what race politics meant to white people, which was/is a sense of entitlement that whitness often brings. One has only to refer to the history of ‘class’ which has been firmly implanted in the minds of nearly all of us and made patently clear, when the white cop says “If you can’t be better than a ni***r, who can you be better than?”. Whether you like it not, “it’s impossible to deny that being born with white skin in America affords people certain unearned privileges in life that people of other skin colors simply are not afforded”, writes Gina Crosley-Corcoran who came from the kind of poor that people don’t want to believe still exists in the U S of A, similar to what Otto has described here on this Forum. The example above of the white and black man certainly expresses that no matter how low you can go, the black man is lower and because of this appears to give some emotional succour to the whites.

Mississippi Burning is a film depicting appalling and broadly accurate incidents of racist violence, still in existence today.

We live in a time where the forced diversity on people is opening their eyes and the lies of the Luegenpresse are becoming increasingly shrill which is why they are falling more and more on deaf ears. But it’s not like the lying was much different for the last decades, it’s just that people lived a more sheltered life and the mass media was in control of propagating their views and lies.
That’s why they have to begin censoring the Internet more directly as they can’t rely on the self-censorship of the people anymore.
Imagining them making a movie about Charlottesville today gives a rough idea about how accurate a movie made 30 or 40 years ago has been.
It’s roughly the same kinds of people on both sides.

They scream muh hate, muh racism as their agenda is for making America and Europe more brown and to destroy the local communities. That filth does probably not even recognise the irony, they have come up with a whole set of wacky theories to justify their anti-White hate.

Muh White privilege, lol. You don’t have to do anything for it so it’s not earned, am I rite? The thing is, you do have to do something for it, the White collectively have to do something for it. If people put a higher trust in White people than at times even in their own races or groups then it’s because it has been paid for collectively by Whites by not abusing that trust given to them. It certainly isn’t extended to them because of the media, academia and corporations teaching people about the virtues of Whites.

The muh White privilege idea is typical for a Jew mind.
When they write a headline saying “Bye, goy” then that’s anti-semitic, anti-Jewish. Well, duh, because it might anger some people and they begin to dislike Jews.
If a Jew abuses the trust people extended to him and it gets out then that’s also anti-semitic because it might have bad repercussions for Jews.
Other people, other groups are here to serve the Jew, that’s a given.
White people are here to atone for all kinds of things, real or imagined, in the past or the present or in the future (Oy vey, another Shoah is imminent!!!), that’s also a given.

Privileged people in a society are not the target of the elite for their “privilege”. That’s the very opposite of being privileged. Being discriminated against because of the floating idea of “White privilege” is the very opposite of being actually privileged.


You are obsessed with Jews, all your posts inevitably come down to the criticism of Jews and religion.

“Timeo Danaos et dona ferentis”



I’ll take the ad hominem reply as not having a good argument, you Jew mind.

As for your video link, I didn’t watch it beyond the headline but if it’s supposed to prove that the police are more cautious when dealing with Blacks then that’s not based on an actual privilege but on the more violent behaviour to be expected from that demographic.
The privilege is granted by the media circus for demanding that people treat different demographics not according to their own experiences with said demographics but to ignore those experiences because they want to put a burden on certain demographics, e.g. Whites.

The reality is that the police are more tiptoeing around Blacks than Whites when compared relative to the criminal activity because there is a privilege being granted to violent Blacks by the muh racism screams in the (((media))). The reality is also that this will lead to resentment among Whites. To end the cycle of resentment it is very important to point out those (((people))) who are creating these kinds of resentments in other people. When people stop listening to them, when they will have understood and moved past them then that is a big step forward.