challenge to those who attack globalism

Indeed, and I am not an anarchist or anarcho-capitalist at all, I hate those ideologies.

What is needed is to outline a list of all necessary and sufficient functions of government, make sure the list gets everything that needs to be in there and nothing more, and then instantiate that list into law as Constitution that can never be changed.

I think a lot of the operations that government currently provides do not really need to be provided by government. Or rather, the entire nature of what government means needs to be re-thought from the ground up, even if we keep these operations under a heading of something like “public utility” or similar.

We have to amend what we already have.

Or start over from the ground up, if need be.


Both. SAM provides for that.

Recently approved post…

Globalism contradicts the very idea of the nation-state.

The only coherent future for humanity requires the existence of the nation-state as a political reality. Because it is as fundamental to humanity as is the right to reproduce: the right to form a tribe and have a border and make your own laws.

Also, the multi-lateral institutions that enable the global system to function, drastically limit our, the US’, capacity to utilize our most powerful weapon precisely as a weapon, namely our economic leverage, for a kind of lowest common denominator effect happens when a dozen different groups all have to sign off for one simple deal.

The global economy will inevitably collapse as it stands today, we can either all become slaves under global government or choose decentralized territorial societies that manage themselves independently. I choose the later.

In the future I think large nations will become a thing of the past as nations dissolve into several miniature nation states. These splinter nations will represent differing ethnic, cultural, political, and economic factions. The United States will be no exception nor will any other western nation as I think this is the future going forward.

Concerning the United States splitting up on ethnic lines imagine hispanics taking over the southwest, Asians part of the west coast, African Americans the southeast, and white Europeans taking over the midwest along with the north western coast. That’s how I see the United States splitting into several territories.

Also, the native Americans will have their own territorial enclaves as well.

Europe will be divided between muslim territories and native indigenous Europeans.

Putin says: ‘Pope Francis Is Not A Man Of God’

The Pope dreams of a World government and more recently he said Americans need to be ruled by a World Government as soon as possible for their own good! :mrgreen:

President Putin is wise to the Pope’s ruses.

The push for globalism is the push for total power. That is the ONLY reason one needs to oppose globalization. As Lord Acton said “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts, absolutely”

Why anyone would want to hand power over to a group of (mostly) foreigners to tell you how to live your life in your own country, is beyond me.

Even if the new leaders were saints, how long would that last? How long would it be till a group of thugs took over? How long would it be till they changed the laws so nobody could challenge them? Where would you go to challenge them? Where would you go to escape their laws?

There are many reasons to oppose globalization but they’re almost irrelevant to the one above. If you don’t have power over your own life, then nothing globalism promises could be enough.

Chakra wrote:

Well that’s it really, satisfyingly brief and pertinent, nothing more to be said. :astonished:

The push for gloBullism is the push for zero individual representation or power. The higher the governance, the less the individual is known, represented, or relevant. GloBullism is proposed solely for the sake of acquiring such absolute power over all life, that absolutely no one makes any difference. And that means YOU, no matter who you are. Relative to global decision dictators (the current socialist UN), you have absolutely no power or relevance.

And if you don’t believe that, be my guest to just go try to make a difference.

Thank you for this most concise and accurate definition of globalism, as the push for absolute power and control. This is exactly right, it seems to me.

Now I want to ask what accounts for this push? Human greed and lust, Nietzsche’s will to power operating under surfaces, or something else, perhaps a ‘natural’ process of logical consolidation and attempted universalization?

In my work on representative governance I’m discovering that this kind of government and indeed all government is really just a manifestation of s single drive, the drive to “care for” and “represent” human being perfectly and for all eternity. The fact that this drive can never be perfected and thus manifests an essential gap within itself between its aims and its reality is what is pushing governance-power toward absolute status, namely the current mode of globalization. Even the fact that we concede to allow government to care for us and represent us seems to be a deeper problem here, one that is pushing globalization in the way you describe it.

Peter… globalisation would work in an ideal world, but look at the state of the world… I do not think that the time is now, but perhaps in the future when countries and powerful individuals stop screwing us all over for their next mill/bill/trill.

Otto… Britain simply needs to rectify the Muslim refugee escalation and not create a separatist country, as that is not an issue here, but any British sympathisers would be more than welcome to join them.

You don’t understand how assimilation and absorption works Magsj overtime, it is either separation or all out internal war. Separation will reduce casualties on all sides by comparison to the other alternative.

No matter what happens conflict is albeit inevitable, you can either limit conflict or have conflict in total. I think the wise thing to do is try to limit and contain conflict for all sides.

For me separation is more wise than integration. There is no peaceful happy ending to integration of societies, it will only breed more conflict until societies are in full upheaval.

I don’t think integrationists have quite grasped this yet and probably won’t until it is too late.

The most important argument against the globalistic dictatorship is freedom, especially in the sense of free thought, free speech, and autarky.

[tab]My username stands for freedom. In the year 9, Arminius decided to fight for freedom (with a bit less wealth) and against slavery (wtih a bit more wealth). The German tribes on the other side of the Rhine and (later) also of the limes had more wealth but less freedom. The German tribes of the free Germania Magna had more freedom but less wealth. So what? Who cares? The price for it was it worth. In any case: the trade between free German tribes and the Roman empire grew.

Sometimes it is just better to fight than to always look after more and more wealth - as you can also see here:

Okay, we know that humans have never been and will never be absoulutely free. But humans can and should be relatively free. This relative freedom requires a permanent fight. Are you ready for that fight?


The dish in the UK is probably the worst one in the world. So what? Who cares? We do not need foreign food, poisoned food. We want our own food, produced by us, by ourselves. We want our autarky back, we want our self-sufficiency back.

A nation is the largest political, societal and economical form that is capable of guaranteeing a relatively freedom - especially free thought, free speech and autarky - of its population. A “global society” would not be capable of guaranteeing all that. In practice, there is no “global state”, no “global society”, no “global human kind”, no “global humanity”. A “global political and societal form” is only theory, an ideal that the globalistic dictators are using in order to get more and more control over their slaves.

Old Pope I see misses the medieval days where he was God and could rule over all of italy.

Only Peter would go to London, England without reading about Old Britain and its customs and knowing very well that shepherd’s pie and spotted dick are its iconic dishes. Thanks for showing the sane among us that London is a multicultural mess and its original culture is dead to dumb Americans. Hope you enjoyed your visit to India. Next time you visit London, you’ll be visiting Syria.

Otto/Arminius/WendyD… apart from the refugee quota and terrorism problems the U.K. is cool, but thank you for your concerns, and yes… I can speak on behalf of my U.K. homies… because I am a U.K. homie… we are part of the Commonwealth darlings… which I am sure you are all aware of?

You guys are seeing problems where there are none! Don’t!

I’m familiar with nationalist causes from all over the world as I am a ferocious consumer of news and political opinions from all over the world including England.