the second american civil war began today....

Yes, throw those two traits into the SQ as well.

“Black Wall Street” … st-18-2017

“The white supremacists can never beat us…
it is the government that breaks the black community.”

  • It is just sickening, is it?
  • It is, but that is their job.

It must be noted that the US may never have even been culturally noticed by the world, if it wasn’t for its black population.
What makes America great is for a good part that it has so much African blood in it.

It is a double edged sword. One can not avoid stereotypes in the US - Americans seem to thrive on being stereotyped, and stereotyping themselves.


American Supremacy will always need to be a racially mixed affair.
The first ethnic greatness to be calculated with is of course the of the native population.

I have been reading the circle jerk of the last page of this thread
and I find it fascinating… it show a remarkable failure of understanding
by the various writers on this thread…these people have made hatred of
the left as their sole understanding of the world… the world is seen by them
through the lens of their hatred of the left…for example, take the idea
of globalism…they hate it (although they can’t articulate why globalism is
so bad… but they dam well hate it…)and they associate globalism with the left,
so they combine their hatred of globalism and their hate of the left into one nice
easy to understand brew…and the key word in this entire piece is hate…
they freely admit their hate of the left and their hate of globalism and their hate
of liberal values and their hate of Jews, and their hate of minorities and their
hatred of women and their hatred of foreigners and after a while, you begin to
to wonder if they can do any thing beside hate…I often wonder if these people
could even do create a understanding of the universe by the right without using
negative words… in other words, could a right wing person create a manifesto
of the world using positive words…or do as I did, which is give an argument for
the other side… I argued against communism and against liberalism and for
for capitalism and for…ummm, don’t remember, its hell getting old…I
will look it up later and list it…anyway, can anyone on the right even risk
trying the same thing, make an argument for the other side? I doubt it…

when I was young, I believed, truly believed that the world was black and white,
good and evil, right and wrong…these beliefs are one of the curse of being young…
you have simple beliefs like this…I am old now, and I see the world in far different
terms… I outgrew my understanding of the world… you do not see the world the same
way at 58, as you did at 38 or 28 or 18…I have hated in my life and it is so much
work to hate… it takes, saps all your energy to hate…and I don’t have the energy
anymore to hate… hate is for the young…and so I leave to you… your hate…
enjoy it… it is the young who think that a lifetime of hate has any value…
negative values are just that, negative… I shall live out my days with positive
values, values like love and peace and hope and charity… I strive to be a better
person and holding negative values is not being a better person…







Let me know when your hate-filled accusations stop and your message of love and tolerance and understandings starts. :laughing:

Wendy, Marxists have no tolerance. Why do you think they use the term as an ideological flag? This is classic duplicitous and Orwellian double-think. They both think they are tolerant and know that they aren’t, at the same time.

The only truly tolerant position is that of upholding the right of free speech for everyone. I mean everyone. PKommunist has a right to free speech and I would absolutely defend it, I would never try to silence his speech and ideas. Why? Because the best way to address irrationality and idiocy is to allow it to express itself openly; because I am supremely confident in my own position and in my ability to argue for and defend it.

Only the repressive Left wants to censor and silence, because they know they cannot win in the free marketplace of ideas.

Wendy, you have made it clear, you support those in Charlottsville
who hate… the white nationalist and neo-nazi’s and the KKK…
you haven’t denounced them and in fact, you have written your support
of them… that is not me putting words into your mouth, that is you
stating your support of those groups… and if you support hate groups,
you support hate and anger… you cannot state the other side, the left,
is wrong and then not admit that you agree with the right…
if you state one side is wrong and you oppose them, then you are
agreeing with the other side… it is pretty simple… expressing support
for one side is to say the other side is wrong and saying one side is wrong
is supporting the other side… if you say the left is wrong, then you are supporting
the right and that means you are supporting hate and anger…
recall the exchanged where Carleas wondered about the fact that
you seemed to support the hate groups in Charlottesville… that
is the message you are sending out… conscience of that message or not,
that is the message you are sending out…you support hate groups and thus
you are a hater yourself…I don’t need to put words into your month…
you are sending out your own message of hate… at least accept that,
become who you are… you hate… and you accept the message of hate…
and that is fine with me because I choose a different message…
I don’t have to live out your message… I choose another message…
I choose love and peace and you follow another message…
and you don’t have to choose my message… you just have to live out your
life… in hate and anger…


You have no uplifting message as everyone knows.

K: cute speech, wrong but cute… I am actually not a Marxist and that you can’t tell that, is
is very interesting… as for winning in the free marketplace of idea’s… you may not have
noticed this in your confidence but the modern world is a creation of liberalism…
we live in the modern world created by the idea’s of liberals and liberalism…
you have already lost… you just haven’t noticed yet… what you are fighting is a
rear guard action trying to bring back principles of hate and violence and anger,
principles that have already been discredited… or said another way, the
American civil war was fought in 1860 and you lost…that war was fought
again in both WW 1 and WW 2 and you lost again… evil will reign for short
stretches but good will win out in the end…try as you might, globalism
and love and the union of humans of goodwill will win out in the end because
it is the natural course of human affairs…
going from the small to the large, that is the human path…

an FYI, this notion of free speech… a liberal idea written in a liberal
document written by liberals… just so you know that…


K: that you think love and peace and hope is not an uplifting message
doesn’t surprise me… it shows us how much your anger and hate
has filled your soul to the point that you can’t even see love and peace as being
an uplifting message…


Peter supports globalism which means the [EDIT: dissolution] of the USA making him a traitor against the USA government. He’s worse than a Marxist.


K: I do support globalism… I am not sure how that makes me a traitor…

but let us try this…

give me arguments against globalism… I have stated many times why I support
globalism… why do you fight against globalism? what are your arguments against

let us begin with your word in the above… “absolution” what does that word mean
in context…My dictionary says absolution: 1. freeing (from guilt) forgiveness…
2. remission (of sin or penalty for it) it doesn’t seem to make sense in context of
your sentence…


K: so give us a defense of your position against globalism…


One centralized government which means no independence, no sovereignty, no autonomy (all citizens are serfs to this government), no free markets or trade, no capitalism…everyone would live on a government regulated stipend (the government will choose your job and your income and there will be no recourse for you), no banks, no rights to privacy, no free speech, no guaranteed rights to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness, there would be technological tyranny worldwide, it would be a policed world, education would be vastly limited, public access to government would end, no rights to protest or organize or assemble, the corporations would run the global government directly.

What have I left out people who really know?

I edited absolution to dissolution.

I think you about hit all the points. This globalist ideal today is just that, an ideal only. I have serious doubts that it could ever be put into practice, but that doesn’t mean the project and it’s proponents aren’t a serious threat.

If the USA, Europe, Russia, and China crumble, the rest of the world will come under their control real fast through direct military advancements. Problem for the globalists agenda is Russia and China will fight to the last drops of their blood to remain sovereign. Trump doesn’t want to oppose nations such as China and Russia for they are like-minded looking after the care of their citizens. Fuck globalism!

K: ummmmm, ok, you have made a rather large number of assumptions here…
that the future will be a police state… there is no historical precedence
for the situation you have described…if you look at history… you see more of the
same, not the drastically different situation that you describe…

but it really wasn’t what I asked for… I asked for a defense of your position,
not an attack on globalism… once again, you are against something, but
not for something…instead of giving us some imagined dystopia that
has no chance of ever being, try to give us some other conclusion that
comes from your belief… in other words, tell us why we should follow
your own beliefs, (which you still haven’t given) and what should
occur based on your beliefs… if you believe in X then you believe
that it should have some value, so what is the value of holding
your beliefs? why would following your beliefs be a positive thing?
you have stated a negative, now state a positive…
