Charlottesville Virginia Clash.

erm… Russia conspiracy.
Koch brothers…

People tend to want to make sense of the world but there is also a need for emotional stability and security.

An example from the right wing would be the negative emotional conditioning towards National Socialism.
For what I am saying it doesn’t matter if this negative conditioning is good or bad but it’s very much present.
Either way, because of this there is an impulse to denounce everything which looks too much like what we picture as National Socialism but at the same time White people increasingly realise the misery of White Privilege self-censorship, the reality of racial differences and the pushing of anti-White hatred through the media, academia and so forth pushes them to become more ‘fashy’.
So because they can’t embrace elements which are associated with National Socialism in their mind, without their emotional conditioning guilt tripping them, they have to find explanations for it. “Like Democrats are the real fascists/racists and so on.” or “Somebody planted those Nazi types to smear true conservatism.”

The left (as the contemporary right) has no negative conditioning towards communism. It’s no biggie.
But they have other stability concerns, like their dependence on the coalition of third world populations and the shitlibs and their sensibilities.
To keep this mess going they have to come up with all kinds of absurd explanations.
Like their third world populations and their black constituency are what they are because they have been held back and are still being held back by those Republican White Males. Violence? - If there is any then it’s because of racist White people, I swear.
You have to explain this shit to yourself somehow and the idea of racism explains all the shortcomings away as injustice and it’s even perpetrated by the evil racists from the opposition. Two birds with one stone.
What is the evil for them? Unreformed White people. White people who don’t cheer for their displacement, White people who don’t accept that they are evil.

Why did the White people (mostly conservatives today in the USA) wake up and deal with their emotional conditioning? Because life is getting tougher for them and that pain is becoming stronger than their emotional safety zone, which is partly conditioned because of the emotional needs of a different tribe.


^^^ True, the left does have its own conspiracy theories, patriarchy, white males, Koch Brothers, and ect. That’s an excellent way of looking at things.

Democratic Missouri senator calls for Donald Trump to be assassinated.

That’s Democratic Peace and Love speech for you. Nadal don’t speak hate, just murder. Hey Democrats, you elected a real good example of why the right despises your hypocritical bullshit! I doubt this slime bucket will resign or get expelled for her unprincipled speech.

She’s a black senator, nothing will happen to her.

It’s always great seeing America media defending communists. Both liberals and neoconservatives need to stop messing around by coming out in the open that they want a more communist system of governance. The democrats should rename themselves the social communist political party.

Nothing happens to any of the wicked and corrupt House of Representatives or Senators unless they piss off their own governmental gangs.

That’s the Communist ANTIFA flag on the left and the Nazi Germany flag on the right.
This 2016-17 wave of communists actually believe that they are fighting Nazi’s rather than Nationalists who want to save the very countries they all reside in. God, they’re dumb.

If there was an epic clash and neither side had a significant advantage in numbers, only the SJWs would never be heard from again.

No. Using KKK and Nazi symbols is necessary if only as a complete fuck you to enemies, to let them know that we cannot be controlled or shamed in accordance with THEIR standards.

It’s a complete and utter rejection of leftist morality.

True however there are much more SJW’s than there are Nazis.

Bwahahahahaha. Ha.
Yeah this will help their cause.

First of all, is that guy seriously under the impression that he is in the position to give out advice?
Second, is he seriously giving advice to his arch nemesis “for its own good”?

I didn’t know that guy was quite that dumb.


What are you talking there, goy?
The Democrats live in their lily-white communities where the based black people can’t afford to live.
I am a true conservative, I’m not racist, I don’t prefer my own people, I’m not like those liberal supremacists, I have no issue with melting in the cozy hot tub of a melting pot.

Times change and people change. It’s not the 1930’s anymore. All I am saying is that to preserve race, culture, and ethnicity strategies along with messaging must change also. Violence should be used as a last resort.

Half our battle is an intellectual and philosophical one. I know this type of thinking will do little to dissuade modern national socialists embracing specific kinds of iconography but this is what I believe anyways. I’m more of a fan of Varg Vikerness myself anyways as I think that he has the right ideas as I myself am not a national socialist. Intentional communities is where it is at.

To some extent I agree with you.
Imagine the hippies, did they run around as their public image wearing hammer and sickle?
Not so much but what they didn’t do is accuse their opposition of being communists.
That would have destroyed them.
But it’s also more difficult for the right wing today because the media is ferociously and unfairly anti-right and anti-white and there will always be some individual or small group that they can find and take a picture of wearing the wrong iconography, often as a fuck you to the hateful establishment.

But it is also true that the number of those “democrats” who can afford to live in those “gated communities” is shrinking and the number of the others is increasing.

Unfortunately, conservatives are more and more suspected to be nationalists, national socialists (fascists), racists, although everyone could know that that is not the truth about conservatives. It is extremely cynical to lump conservatives and extreme right-wingers together. Doing this has another reason, because it is the goal of the globalists to destroy all genealogy, origin, inheritance, traditions, national history etc… The fight can be called “globalism versus nationalism”. So the globalists have to lump conservatives and extreme right-wingers together; otherwise they would never achieve their goal.

Globalists belong to the terrible people of modernity and are the most powerful terrorists of the present.

The number of democrats living in their money gated predominantly White communities is shrinking, true, but so is the number of White Democrat voters in general. Btw, this was me playing the “The Democrats are the real racists” fool. A fool because yes that’s true, they are more racist but being less racist than them will not help you.

Conservatives today are not fascists and not very racist, less racist than the left, by far (before they changed the definition for themselves that you can’t be racist towards White people). The point is, if they want to protect anything they have and not lose their life then they will have to become more fascist, more racist, more like their forebears, more like those kind of White people who built a civilisation and not those kind of White people who let themselves get kowtowed by mentally ill, destructive people.

That is true.

Conservatives are less racist than all other political groups. But conservatives are the ENEMY of the current globalistic system we have. As I said before: the globalistic goal is to destroy ALL nations and everything that has to do with nations, nationalism, national history, traditions, origin, genealogy, biological and economical heritage, inheritance … and so on; so globalists have to lump conservatives and extreme right-wingers together in order to achieve the globalistic goal.

[tab]Note (for the US citizens, Canadians, Australians, partly also the UK citizens and the Irsih people): The word “conservative” does not so much refer to the meaning that it has in your countries, because it refers to the meaning that it has in Europe, especially in continental Europe.[/tab]

They won’t achieve it anyway and their being bitch slapped by that reality is coming.


Did you catch my video contribution on page one, The Patriot Nurse?