Group pride

What a well in depth reply.

You a racist?

Define racist.

An auxiliary term for “white males”.

Well, as a white male I’m guilty as charged by default.

James, eat a dick. To play victim instead of acknowledge that there’s some definition of racist that doesn’t merely mean white male…you should be ashamed.

Everyone knows joker just drinks whatever kool aid is currently in the fridge. Right now he’s on that Nazi stuff. I’m fucking with him a little to see if he can get far enough outside his own head to notice it.

Every white male who whines about being a victim is an absolute pussy and a disgrace to their race and penis. How can you not feel ashamed when making those arguments?


Everybody, take note from this guy.
Whining is for liberals, black lesbians, Muslims and so on.

What White Men do is defending themselves and those who they deem worthy.

My moral compass is set to high, but it is in my genetic makeup to be so and something I cannot veer from… don’t ask me why, I do not know. I find it a very hindering path, and yet I am compelled to follow it.

In your wildest fantasies.

That tells the entire story, right there.


And btw, also known as FASCISM.

I’m not a national socialist moron. My beliefs are mild by comparison to them.

Be happy to deal with somebody like me for the national socialists are not as tolerable as I am since they’re out for blood.

He’s the whigga drug dealer version of Norman Bates,
who senses opportunities for himself under Neo-Marxist rule.

So… a fast-paced modern society is expected to be overly-altruistic to others who do not have their best interests at heart… whatsoever? and herein obviously lies the problem. The terrorism threat from refugees/their Western-born sympathisers is one thing, and the historically-caused African-American presence another.

If one group is doing something right, and another is doing something wrong, and they get into a fight, you blame the ones who were doing something wrong.

And you’re a basement dwelling nerd who blames society for your failures. Opportunity isn’t decided based on who’s in charge politically. I can make money no matter how stupid the president is.

Shitty people have no problem being around people who are better than them, besides feeling vengeful.
Of course you have no problem with a shitty society and helping and seeing it been torn down makes you feel good.

Ahhhh…the old, “you’re shitty” argument. I guess you got me. Man, I should go and read some books so that I can counter this rhetorical marvel you’ve presented here.

I’m not sure whether to go with…

I’m rubber and you’re glue so whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you", or the time tested, “your mom”.