Why there is belief in an afterlife

Please stop making evidence free assertions and passing them off as truth statements

listverse.com/2013/07/19/10-peop … -the-dead/ Many of these cases have to do with the person’s body being refrigerated and then regaining consciousness. That in itself is freaky. Does the refrigeration give the body time to adapt to repairing itself by slowing all its processes down?

17 hours in this report telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop … hours.html

Science has all the time in the world Wendy and will be here long after we have gone so is very patient indeed

Long after humankind has gone extinct…only God, angels, and our souls will be left.

I meant when one has actually been pronounced dead, when all brain function has ceased, not just the heart.

I don’t think that we can actually think of God in terms of human attributes or language like conscious or consciousness. You said it yourself - God doesn’t have a brain.
You’re thinking in human terms, Wendy.

Can we have an experience of what we believe to be touched by God? Yes, but can we know God, about God? How can we?

Maybe the criteria for determining permanent brain death is only reliable
for most of the time rather than for all of the time as ideally it should be

Okay, this thread is called belief in an afterlife.
What you just gave, Wendy, is your belief but it isn’t necessarily reality or the way it’s going to turn out.
But we are all entitled to our beliefs.

That’s Clinical Death Wendy. That’s not what I am talking about.

[b]According to wikipedia.org, clinical death is the medical term for cessation of blood circulation and breathing, the two necessary criteria to sustain life. This is what you call cardiopulmonary arrest, a period when a person’s heartbeat and breathing stop but can still be revived if early medical attention is given.

On the other hand, brain/biological death occurs four to six minutes after clinical death. This is due to the fact that the heart is the main pumping machine of the body, and without the blood coming from the heart, the brain will gradually cease to function until it achieves irreversible damage. This is when the doctor will formally or legally declare that the person is dead as the neurological damage to the person is really impossible to reverse.

A person can be clinically dead but can still exist with the help of artificial life support. This is the best time to consider the option of organ donation. Technically, the patient is already dead but the organs are still functioning. Once the life support is taken off, the whole body will start to deteriorate and cease its functions permanently. Brain death, either of the whole brain or the brain stem, is used as a legal indicator of death in many jurisdictions.[/b]

Has anyone returned from Brain Death? That’s the end of the line.

If the brain is not getting oxygen for six minutes, that is brain death. I don’t know how many rounds of CPR the hospitals do or how many times they shock hearts but that would depend on the patients age and odds of recovery. Were my examples not dead enough for you?

The universe and existence “remembers” everything. A single human does not. If you want proof of this then just dig around in the dirt a little bit. Fossils, bones, sediment, life and death are cycles of Nature. To believe in “one life” and “the afterlife” simply reeks of judeo-christian indoctrination and childishness. It’s immature and unwise. The pagans were more accurate and true. Christianity in particular fears death so much that average humans cannot deal with that. Humanity cannot accept “one lifetime”, so invented the ideal, the dream world, the nihilistic compulsion, that “we all get to live again in paradise”.

It’s obviously false, but, too appealing for the slave castes to let go. Hence you types are addicted to the notion that “I get to live again and again and again”. You don’t. You get one lifetime. And if you fuck it up, then that’s the end of it. You don’t have a sense of morality. Because if you did have a sense of morality, then you would begin to see and realize how important it is, “if” you have one lifetime. Consider the idea. You have one lifetime, and so does everybody else. Can you then realize how powerful decisions are in life? That you affect others, and are affected by others?

You go drunk driving, “just one time”, and kill somebody? You destroyed a lifetime. No resets. No “afterlife”.

End your christian-jewish nihilistic tendencies!!! You are immoral to believe in “after life” and fantasy worlds! It’s absolutely immoral to believe in these judeo-christian notions of abrahamic god, that “god” takes care of everything for you. That you are not responsible for yourself, your life, your actions.

It’s complete cowardice and decadence. The opposite of “morality”. This is why christianity-judaism-islam are all nihilistic inversions. They claim to be moral, but they are all, at heart, deeply immoral and irresponsible.

Have you ever operated a motor vehicle with alcohol in your system, Urwrong?

The problem is not with your examples but your assumption that they are evidence of something you very much want to be true
There may currently be no scientific answer for them but that does not mean that there never will be one at some point in time

You science types make your definitions and then don’t acknowledge when they fail to represent reality. What is the clinical definition of brain death s57? Now you are going to reject your science’s definitions as being wrong? If everything science and non-science is wrong, is anything right?

Have you??

I did in my 20’s, three times. I can admit my mistakes…you obviously cannot, but rather deflect the question back which makes it easy for me to dismiss your sense of moral superiority as a non-nihilist.

I’m deflecting because when you need to become personal, it indicates to me a loss of your original argument and point.

I’ve driven after drinking, but varying amounts. I have only over drank once in my lifetime, and did not drive then.

But this is all beside-the-point, isn’t it? You’re questioning my moral compunction, as if I do not take account nor stock in my decisions in life? How else could I hold the view that I have, or make these points, on a mere whim? Ideals do reflect those that hold them. And even morality is a form of idealism, the want and desire to take control of your own life and choices. Not everybody is powerful in this regard, spiritually.

Hence why 99.99% of humanity seeks authority, gods, abrahamism, and other proxies and scapegoats to rid themselves of guilt, vileness, evil, bad thoughts, junk, and spiritual rot.

Anyway, my point still stands. It is most moral of all to reject all these notions that humanity receives “reset buttons” from divinity when something bad, embarrassing, stupid, vile, or atrocious happens. There are no reset buttons.

As I said, “Nature” remembers everything, no effort or energy required. The fossils, the dead, the bones, are all under our feet, although most forget this, and have become detached (forgetful) about their own roots and origins.

nonsense. All classical music stemmed from christian romanticism and fantasy delusions of a better world. Fantasy is how whites gain their power.

second of all, you have no idea whether or not we die or live. if we were born for no reason without asking to be born, you are expecting eternity to give us an infinite amount of nothing and some how preventing a birthing from ever happening again. Where is all this infinite force required to stop events that casually happen?

thirdly, a belief where we only have one life is the most nihilistic one of all, what incentive is there to have a family or contribute to this shitty planet at all if you are never gonna have to experience its shittiness for more than one finite moment? in a paradox kind of world where everyone only has one life, but is living in separate, paradoxial informations sets where none will ever intersect with the other, a kind of paradox solipism, of which hypothetical babies will be born which for all an intents and purposes, are not conscious, have never been conscious/will never be conscious and yet are at the same time, conscious according to themselves and according to themselves you are not conscious nor never will be/never have been.

fourthly, the thing i agree is that most christians suck and are hypocrits and suck at the scientific method because they put faith over observation.

Wendy please understand that science is primarily an inductive discipline which means that it deals in probable truth rather than absolute truth
When something is found to be wrong it is corrected as that is how science advances but errors are inevitable because scientists are only human

Philosophy is personal to me cuz I live mine. You don’t get to decide what it means to be drunk when you are inebriated. Buzzed is drunk now, but back in my 20’s that wasn’t the definition of too drunk to drive.

I questioned your ability to be forthright first and you failed my test. If you take responsibility for your decisions why not say what they were and how you’ve learned? Instead you deflect as if I will hide my truth like you.

Answer the question…enough with the excuses that you use as your evidence when it fits your purposes rather than reality.

You lack understanding. Musical ideals and theories can become realized through practice and performance. Ideal becomes real. Nihilistic ideals have no realization. There is no making the “afterlife” real. That is nonsense.

It’s obvious whether we live or die. You’re the one “without an idea” about that. Are you seriously implying to me that you don’t know the difference between life or death?

lol no

Sex feels pleasurable, to fuck a woman, as the instinctive instigation that forces men to chase after women. The results, the aftermath, the responsibility of childbirth and weening, is ingrained in female genetics (XX chromosome pair).

It seems to me that you’re merely complaining about your own life’s lack of meaning, value, and purpose. But as I said elsewhere, your lack of value does not account for others. Being male, you have no choice but to create your own value in life, or don’t. Remain valueless. Males have this “choice”. Females are born with inherent value (manifest as sexual attractiveness). As you admitted already, males are not really sexually attractive. At least, not as women are. It’s categorically different. No “equality” involved.