Why there is belief in an afterlife

You mean life energy in a spiritual sense but I do not believe in that type of energy at all as you know
But the energy that I know exists is physical energy such as electrical or magnetic or chemical energy

When you were conceived, what energy brought you to life?

I have no problem at all with what you believe Wendy. I just do not share those beliefs as you should know by now. We just have different ways of seeing the world
You have yours and I mine. I fully defend the right of anyone to believe or think whatever they want to long as they do not impact upon the freedom of anyone else to think whatever they want to. Just for the record I do not claim to know anything at all I just think I do. So I could easily be wrong about everything I think is true

Electrical and chemical energy that caused cells to multiply and increase in size
And energy from oestrogen that boosts the immune system of the foetus / baby

You, your consciousness, not your physical biological body.

Again what you mean by the word and what I mean by it are not the same thing at all
Consciousness to me simply means a function of the brain just the same as mind does

Neuro transmitters in the brain passing electrical signals to each other that then becomes a thought or series of thoughts
So entirely biological not spiritual in the sense that you think because I cannot accept anything as true without evidence

Once I start accepting something without any evidence then I have absolutely no idea how true it actually is
And that is why I cannot believe anything you believe but like I said I do not really care what anyone believes

In your opinion what’s the difference between the brain and the mind? Your definitions please.

Mind is a function of the brain so it is essentially how the brain operates

A brain can exist without a mind but a mind cannot function without a brain

When the brain dies [ that is permanently dies ] then the mind no longer exists

Consciousness is also a function of the brain and again when the brain dies it also dies

Consciousness cannot exist without a functioning brain as spiritual energy floating around the universe

There is no evidence for this at all which is why I cannot accept it but I know you and Trixie believe this but it is not for me

I am an empiricist and so can only accept something as true where there is actual evidence for it and that is how my mind functions

same here. i would also like to put a one sided board above them to see if they could correctly report what was on the otherside of the board.

thing is, when one brain dies there are other brains for it to go to, thus your conclusion is logically unsound.

i do however support your enthusiasm for more research in proving out of body experiences are real or fake.

I would love nothing more than providing this proof you need, but you might try to explain it away with lucky guessing or coincidence.

science requires repeated experiments, if this is repeated over and over the science is proven. and yes their are lying douchebags out there who make up fake experiments and also douchebags who are paranoid of those douchebags and accuse everything of being fake.

Is science patient? I don’t know. It took me years to astral project one time. Would science wait?

Well if people who astral projected weren’t morons, they would put boards above their heads with a random playing card to see if they can observe the card before they see it.

If people who ran hospitals weren’t morons, they would put boards with secret words above dying patients in order to verify the authenticity of so-called out of body experiences.

Has it actually been proven and verified that a particular person who was brain dead for a particular period of time (I dont know what the official numbers would be) came back to life?
I know that one’s heart can stop for a time and then start beating again but a brain? I don’t know.

Why do you doubt this?

I very clearly stated that science does not yet have the answer to that particular question but over time may

Please stop making evidence free assertions and passing them off as truth statements

listverse.com/2013/07/19/10-peop … -the-dead/ Many of these cases have to do with the person’s body being refrigerated and then regaining consciousness. That in itself is freaky. Does the refrigeration give the body time to adapt to repairing itself by slowing all its processes down?

17 hours in this report telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop … hours.html