Amateur Nihilism

One of God’s mercies may be the memory wipe upon rebirth which only seems a rebirth since the memory wipe took effect.

Now back to your regularly programmed Nihilism rigmarole (back on topic people…geez!).

I would still rather be dead for ever even with a memory wipe which incidentally is straight out of science fiction
The thought of eternal existence in whatever form would be too much for me and so death is far more preferable

Whoever said, “Life is fair?” Least fair of all, eternal life.

Not forgetting your completely ridiculous evidence free astral projection rigmarole

It is not about what is fair but what is true. What is objectively true. That is what I am interested in. Living now then
dying then staying dead forever is what seems the most likely scenario so that is the one I hold to be true. And this is
what I plan on doing. So death can take me any time it wants including right now. It makes no difference to me at all

Just as I thought, you have insinuations and hints that you know what you’re talking about, but can’t provide nor defend anything. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. And you’re wrong about humanism. Humanism is nihilistic because it is the annulment (annihilation) of the individual, absorbed by the whole, the mass, the herd. Humanism is the sacrifice of the individual, so yes, that is nihilistic.

When people bury their heads in the sand, to ignore reality, to huddle into a tight herd, these are nihilistic tendencies.

I agree, the concept of Nihilism should not be used as a scape-goat mechanism, or to call every and anything “nihilistic” as a method of slander and dismissal. If there is truth to it, and there is, then the core concepts should be exposed. I’ve mentioned a few of them. There are some instinctive behaviors that are ‘nihilistic’ in the sense that people flinch in the face of danger. Bravery and courage are rarer in life, and, also symbolic of evolutionary processes and development.

It can be difficult to “look life in the eye”. Nobody’s perfect, obviously.

This is too simplistic though. Nihilism has much more depth than you describe. People create meaning, in life. It’s a matter of faith and hopefulness (positive idealism).

There’s nothing wrong or nihilistic about making an ideal real. To turn the ideal, into the real, that is symbolic of power in life. Somebody who can imagine the world different than it is, and then work to achieve such visions. That’s Art(ifice).

Believing in immortality is nihilistic.

Believing that you have one life, no after-life, and you take nothing beyond death, is the opposite of nihilism.

People become nihilistic when they want to ‘escape’ life, or simply responsibilities in general. People want to pass the blame and causation of existence onto other people, places, things, gods. Hence the main cause for belief in god, is a scape-goat mechanism. “God” is to blame for everything (bad). That’s how the average nihilistic thinks and perceives existence.

I already picked moral and political issues everybody is familiar with. Can you read???


You can give meaning to your own life but still be a nihilist if you think death is all that follows it because it can make it all seem completely
pointless. The way round this is to not think that life has to be eternal in order to have meaning. It simply means that meaning is subjective
But in any case we have no God given right to expect the universe to make us immortal in order to give objective meaning to our existence

I believe in God but I don’t blame Him for everything for without bad you would not know what is good. Then being ready for death in old age is nihilistic? Old people want to escape the reality of life being harder for old people. You mean pass the blame and causation onto other things unnecessarily when its not true to escape personal consequences and responsibilities.

What if we are eternal conscious beings (one life that never ends) and physical death only seems final, but its actually a transition of continued existence (not an afterlife for your consciousness was already living)?

Depends, what would you be arguing for and against? You’re too much of a neutralist from my observations.

People who understand the world or universe is without any kind of objective purpose that subjectively create their own prefered purpose for themselves.

The right objectifies purpose one way and the left another but nihilists unlike both groups of people understand what the illusion really is of this perceived objectivism.

Both the left and right politically are objectivists even when both are in disagreement with each other as to what exactly it is. Both interpret objectivism differently but nonetheless both groups are objectivists. Incidentally both the left and right calls anybody that disagrees with them nihilists as a negative connotation. It’s because both groups fear what the knowledge of nihilism really entails. What nihilism entails simply is doubt, skepticism, and the unknown with the lack of absolute certainty. Both the left and the right don’t like this because they’re all about certainty on every given issue.

Nihilism is very individualist you twit. You politicized twats are the epitome of herd psychology, the right wants their conservative collectivist driven herd and the left wants its communist collectivist driven herd. Try pulling Satyr out of your ass for once and learn something.

You all claim to be masters of reality but in the end you are masters of nothing.

Conservative objective idealists then? Is that what you and Satyr are? :laughing:

The impeccable problem of separating what is real from what is ideal but of course you all have said you’ve finally solved this dilemma.

Idealism is the root of all conflict in this world and incidentally it will be idealism that finally destroys civilization in the end. For sure the world revolves around power and there is no way to alter this natural dynamic but unchecked or unrestricted power eventually threatens all. The ideal of ultimate power is a damning one and it has destroyed many.

How hilarious you preach the folly of immortality yet embrace it through technological progressivism the very embodiment of immorality’s modern popular form. What a very glaring contradiction you speak being a technological progressivism enthusiast yourself.

And let us describe technological progressivism for what it is, the ideal that humanity as a whole can somehow escape its natural limitations and confinements here on earth. The ideal that human beings one day will become technological gods to lord over the entire universe.

Nihilism is negative-idealism in the sense that most Nihilists have no vision for the future. A Nihilist cannot see ‘beyond’ his or her own life, thus many types of nihilism are solipsistic. For example, a Nihilist believes his/her life has no meaning, and is worthless, and could be relatively accurate and true with that judgment. However some lives are more valuable than others. This contradicts modernity and humanist notions of “Equality”. Some lives are worth more than others, hence, some lives have meaning and others do not. Nihilists do not account for this.

An amateur nihilist will say, “all life has no meaning” because his or her life has no meaning. The nihilist is projecting his or her own complete lack of value, negated, onto others, believing that since he has no worth in life, that others must not have worth, and this is false. It’s a logical fallacy. Also most nihilists cannot justify their ideology, beliefs, rationality of meaningless, in such that life has survival instincts. Nihilism cannot properly nor sufficiently explain survival instincts.

Another example, if life inherently has no meaning, then why is all life pre-programmed, genetically, to survive and live and reproduce? Nihilists have no good answers or response.

The “Average Nihilist” is a young, spurned, jaded male, who cannot get laid, and has little to no hope of doing so. A weakling, bullied throughout life. Thus the “Nihilist” believes, usually correctly, that (his) life has no meaning (to anybody else). That’s true. Many nihilists are worthless human beings. And if they died or commit suicide, then yes, nobody would care. To the Nihilists, this is their (moral) validation and redemption, their method of coping and saying, “haha, I told you so, I’m right!”

But it’s “right” in the wrong way.

Objectively, life has instincts, developed and evolved since eternity, and these instincts cause life to continue, despite the minority of excess that “chooses” not to. Over-population is the cause of such ideologies and rationalizations. When there are 10000000000000 human beings alive, then does it really matter if 1 person dies, or 100000 people die? No, because there are still 999999999999999 human beings left. The overall specie is not affected by the minority of nihilists, cynics, nay-sayers, and life-haters.

Life persists without them.

This leads to the notion of ‘Sacrifice’ and the “Social Justice Warrior”. When a specie is over-populated, larger and larger portions of that population can be easily and readily sacrificed for “some great cause” (even if it’s not great, even if it’s frivolous and worthless). Hence Nihilists are a type of human sacrifice, easily lost.

Like an extra limb you don’t need. Who needs a third hand when two do just fine?

Being ready for death in old age is nihilistic when old people believe in the afterlife, heaven, hell, or any other nihilistic notion out there that acts as a catharsis for the fear of death. Religion is the opiate of the masses.

Old people who pass on a lineage, a family, sons, daughters, grandchildren, are less nihilistic. Reality is that “afterlife” simply means having children and reproducing. The son is “after the life” of the father, or daughter of mother, etc. That’s the literal translation.

No magic, no God, no christianity-judaism required. No Nihilism required. Just living with reality. Having a child, or not.

Not having children, for ideological reasons, or out of contempt, self-hatred, is nihilistic yes. And it is also the suppression of the sexual drives, which is the essence of life.