Why there is belief in an afterlife

my thoughts exactly. arc, my consciousness seems to be merging into yours, mind meld as they say.

I have absolutely no interest in meeting any hot woman let alone Aphrodite who was sent here to destroy civilisation
I plan on remaining sane and single till the day I die and then plan on spending the rest of eternity simply being dead

Once again, we have evolved to believe in futures. As for afterlives, I prefer reincarnation as the most morally unobjectionable. It solves the problem of justice deferred.
Asking for proof in such matters is like asking a frog why it cannot speak English.

aphrodite is a fictional character and they were sent here to destroy toxic masculinity and embrace love, not destroy civilization

You can have an acid trip that convinces you you have left your body. You can have a Near Death Experience that does it too. Any altered brain state will. And so
why must astral projection be different? Do you think an observer watching you astrally project would actually see you leave your body? Do you think an observer
watching you trip or have an NDE would actually see you leave your body? I my self can very easily imagine leaving my body without tripping or NDEing or astrally
projecting. But I will still be inside my body when doing so. What is projecting here is the mind and only the mind. The body goes nowhere. It remains where it is

Some special folks believe because they literally see the the future. I have had a brief premonition.

Yes, the mind is the conscious soul and it has its own subtle body that travels outside of the physical body, but once it travels outside of the physical body it is no longer part of the Earth dimension and that is why it is not visible.

And what was that premonition. And how will you explain it away if is then shown to be false
And do you know of anyone else who has had one which turned out exactly as they predicted

I cannot understand why a soul cannot travel by itself but needs a body to travel in
Especially when something which is way simpler such as a photon can do it so easily

Consciousness is it’s own body, but I’m not sure of what it is made of.

I dreamed that I owned a white dog in a specific unfamiliar location when at the time of the dream, my son was a black dog. Owning a white dog disconcerted me so much that it made me remember that white dog dream. A year and a half or so later, my black dog died unexpectedly, I adopted a white dog, Joker and I met on ILP and moved in together into our own place…and that location was the location in which I saw the white dog for a second time as it actually unfolded as reality.

Let’s ask the folks here if they have had any precognitive/premonition-based experiences that they could share. Any such experiences people of ILP?

You think that consciousness is energy and so is that what it is made from

I like this but for me it is just coincidence and nothing else. You may have had many more dreams where nothing that happened in them had any bearing on reality

How is it a coincidence that I already recognized the dog and the building?

Possibly, but I need to project again to gather more understanding.

Dogs and houses are everyday things so dreaming about them is not unusual. Also you cannot be absolutely certain that the dog and house were exactly the
same as in the dream since they may have been different than what you imagined. You want the dream to be true so will not worry too much about details

I accept that consciousness exists and also that energy exists but not that consciousness is energy
I had no consciousness before I was born so will have none after I die as this is the only life I have
I therefore cannot accept the idea that it is forever but anyway I do not want to even live forever

You cannot leave your mind but you can reach such an altered state of consciousness that you can think you have
Any experience is by definition subjective so just thinking something has happened does not actually mean it has

When one dreams or trips what is happening is simply a mental construct and
nothing else so when one astrally projects what is happening is just the same

:evilfun: :laughing: