Fat positive

Once again, people being overworked and the modern lifestyle isn’t helping the situation.

I agree with Otto on this. Most working people don’t really have the time for nutritional and quality analysis of what they eat, and healthy food is usually harder to find and more expensive as well. If you had the choice between sleeping and eating, most people will choose sleeping, and eat whatever’s available, or at hand. With time crunch the only way is to prepare food a week or so in advance and freeze it (it may up the quality of foods you eat but that wouldn’t be exactly fresh). A lot of people also fall for comfort eating- filling and satisfying foods but without any nutritional substance. Rice is one of those foods. Last time I looked at a rice bag label I saw only zeroes. The only positive numbers were carbs and 4% iron per serving. Another filler food that some people mindlessly eat.

To put this in perspective, you work eight to ten hours a day and sleep seven to eight hours.

This leaves you eight hours a day to yourself but this doesn’t include running errands, catching your breath, relaxing, commuting, and studying which chops off even more time off of your day.

The fact of the matter is that our ancestors were more fit than us because they were more physical, had more personal and leisure time, and because they were nomadic.

It also doesn’t help that all modern food is pre-processed garbage and is fattening. Actual organic food is ridiculously expensive and poor people need not apply in consumption.

Technology allegedly and supposedly was to make our lives more easier (healthier) giving us more personal lesiure time with the industrial era but in fact has done the direct opposite.

Also, the modern era is more stressful with our managerial overlords lording over us concerning time management which we can all thank Christian monks for that creating the very concept of time itself with the twenty four hour daily timetable.

We are a culture and society that works to the point of exhaustion leaving us only a poultry sum of personal time on the weekends where most are becoming too stressed out or exhausted at the end of each week to do much of anything meaningful that could aid our health. Then you have some corporations that make it mandatory for their workforce to work twelve hour days five to seven days a week. It is amusing that we keep on asking ourselves why a majority of our population is unhealthy as it is no big mystery but upon further reflection it all becomes ignored through mockery because it would require society collectively to do much more introspection on itself which nobody wants to do especially the current power structure of the west. That’s my explanation on this subject anyways.

en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origina … nt_society

There are those that will say that living in advanced societies require a great deal of sacrifice, time, and effort where the consensus is that this is all good for the progress of society or civilization as a whole but what many people don’t understand is the tremendous costs involved in maintaining such a existence.

The psychological, physical, health, and social costs of maintaining such modern infrastructure where at this point in our socieities it seems there is nobody that wants to address these incovenient realities. At a certain point when costs outweigh benefits societies collapse and this can be thoroughly understand with a glance at human history.

Finding food was not their only job, but when you add in all the other jobs which we take for granted with modern conveniences, they worked much harder, maybe not without breaks, but it was from sunrise to sunset and guard duty at night.

Gathering daily water (walking a distance), making a container to gather daily water (and walking a distance with a heavy load), making clothes and thread and a needle, making foods and trying to preserve foods, even cooking would be a more time consuming operation having to gather wood and make a fire without matches and wait for it to reach the appropriate heat for cooking, making shelter and a few creature comforts like blankets or instruments would be very time consuming, washing clothes (walking a distance and beating clothes out against rocks without soap and waiting for them to dry in the sun), even going to the restroom would require effort to travel a ways from your camp so you are not walking or smelling your own refuse.

They worked more than 15-20 hours a week and if you throw the entire work necessary for a family into the mix, one job to the next would never end.

No they didn’t, they didn’t have production or time quotas like we do now in modern society, you know nothing about the formations of ancient societies. You instead only look at things through modern lens that you’re already accustomed to.

Void, you should patent this troll trap you set up here.

This must be the dumbest thing I ever read.

But yes, gagger, priests of ancient times are responsible for throwing the earth in obit around the sun which caused your perpetual farting.

No, they’re responsible in the creation of the clock or twenty four hour timetable. That’s all the post meant.

People have time to pick nutritious foods that will not break the budget. They also have time to exercise, if they wanted to. It doesn’t matter if they work a lot. These are choices people make, based on their values (or rather lack of values).

When it comes to being fat, most of it is caused by over-eating. You can eat McDonalds every day and not get fat, if you only eat one meal and nothing else each day, and if you get some cardio exercise each day. But otherwise, people are simply eating way too much food, and not exercising. Again, these are choices. No one is a “victim” of being fat. They just don’t want to put in any effort really. Laziness. Value-lack. Victimhood mentality is just an excuse.


Some medical conditions do cause weight gain: thyroid problems, untreated depression, medicine treated mental health problems (cause lethargy too), heart conditions, lung conditions. So it’s not purely one thing or another, but with most modern society members sedentary lives and depression really fuck their weight. They are not moving enough…period. Depression is tricky for it comes and goes when not treated, but a person’s weight can go in the crapper quick during a three to six month bout of severe depression. Unfortunately, people self-medicate with food, sex, drugs, alcohol, and gambling to numb and distract themselves from feeling poorly.

People, especially children, need to be taught to advocate for their health. Kids need to know what is reasonable and what is out of control regarding all the interplaying aspects of health. They need to be made conscious of what’s going on with their bodies at a young age so they can counter their physiological health, they control it, before it controls them.

There is also a fair amount of fat-shaming involved the minute any fat appears on a person’s body… my Chinese friends told me this/vented about their culture.

In South Korea women who are fat can’t even get a job. Read that on an article recently, if people think Europeans are bigoted they obviously haven’t been around Asians for any quality amount of time.

Fat shaming works.

Wish it was that way in America too. We need higher standards, and real values.

Human perfection is a fool’s folly.

Only if you’re so lazy that you can’t even improve at all.