Fat positive

Like I said in the transgender thread if you are a mentally competent adult you can do whatever you want to your body. And that applies just as equally
to being fat as to anything else. But it is not fatphobic to state that being over weight can lead to an increased chance of diabetes and heart attack and
a general reduction in health both in terms of quantity and quality. Neither is fatphobia the equivalent of racism or misogyny or homophobia as one can
not change their skin colour or biological gender or sexual orientation but can change their weight if they want to. But this is for fat people them selves
to decide not me. Because how fat someone is is none of my business

Seriously, you think people are voluntarily fat?

It is far easier to get a sex change than to lose weight.
The former is done to you, the latter you have to do yourself.

No, you are a fat-phobe.

Also, I think we should really protect our sick from being treated differently. Sick-phobia is pervasive. Hospitals are concentration camps guarded by sickophobes.

Getting a sex change involves more than simply have an operation you know. You have to undergo serious psychiatric assessment long before you go under the knife
Why you think that is easier than losing weight I have no idea but you could not be more wrong if you tried. And remember the prejudice that trans will be exposed
to once they have transitioned. The positive feedback a fat person will get if they manage to lose weight can not be any more diametrically opposite in comparison

People believe their delusions. People who have delusions are mentally ill. A transexual will believe their delusion to the bitter end, but they will never be other than their XX or XY original chromosomes.

There wouldn’t be any fat people especially in the west if people weren’t overworked, had access to healthier foods, and had a livable wage to support themselves. You can’t exercise if you don’t have any spare time to do so working forty five to fifty hours a week.

Apparently the reason why there is practically no obesity in China is because their national diet is rice
Compare that to America where one in three adults is overweight in the junk food capital of the world

What if the delusion is so powerful that they feel they have no choice or free will so have to follow it through
For telling a tran that they will still have the same chromosomes is not going to make a blind bit of difference

People, other people, should stop them from harming themselves to live a delusion that will always amount to a lie they tell themselves.

that’s not true. there was once a fat girl i was genuinely in love with as well as sexually attracted to, this can be verified empirically by the fact i had a boner. however, the boner went away when i realized what a cold hearted B she was, i hate her to this very day.

The point is though that they do not think it is a lie because in their minds it is a lie to carry on just as they are so they have to change

wendy, you are just transphobic of me because you are jealous that i have a higher iq than you, so you are using my own kind of reasoning against me, as a kind of vengeance mechanism. but i think you misjudge me because, i am all about a serium of genius which will improve a persons iq, i dont believe people ought to be trapped within the same iq they were born with.

sexchange isnt covered by most insurance, most have to work at a factory for 5 years just to save up 30k because most surgeons dont offer payment plans, rest assured factory labor is the most mind numbing and soul sucking form of torture next to solitary confiment known to man.

Oh boy, here we go…wild accusations against Wendy, so much for our agreed upon truce. And it’s serum, not serium.


Ridiculing the symptoms but not the actual cause. That is how these conversations usually go.

What do you think is the case of fat positivity?

Once again, people being overworked and the modern lifestyle isn’t helping the situation.

I agree with Otto on this. Most working people don’t really have the time for nutritional and quality analysis of what they eat, and healthy food is usually harder to find and more expensive as well. If you had the choice between sleeping and eating, most people will choose sleeping, and eat whatever’s available, or at hand. With time crunch the only way is to prepare food a week or so in advance and freeze it (it may up the quality of foods you eat but that wouldn’t be exactly fresh). A lot of people also fall for comfort eating- filling and satisfying foods but without any nutritional substance. Rice is one of those foods. Last time I looked at a rice bag label I saw only zeroes. The only positive numbers were carbs and 4% iron per serving. Another filler food that some people mindlessly eat.

To put this in perspective, you work eight to ten hours a day and sleep seven to eight hours.

This leaves you eight hours a day to yourself but this doesn’t include running errands, catching your breath, relaxing, commuting, and studying which chops off even more time off of your day.

The fact of the matter is that our ancestors were more fit than us because they were more physical, had more personal and leisure time, and because they were nomadic.

It also doesn’t help that all modern food is pre-processed garbage and is fattening. Actual organic food is ridiculously expensive and poor people need not apply in consumption.

Technology allegedly and supposedly was to make our lives more easier (healthier) giving us more personal lesiure time with the industrial era but in fact has done the direct opposite.

Also, the modern era is more stressful with our managerial overlords lording over us concerning time management which we can all thank Christian monks for that creating the very concept of time itself with the twenty four hour daily timetable.

We are a culture and society that works to the point of exhaustion leaving us only a poultry sum of personal time on the weekends where most are becoming too stressed out or exhausted at the end of each week to do much of anything meaningful that could aid our health. Then you have some corporations that make it mandatory for their workforce to work twelve hour days five to seven days a week. It is amusing that we keep on asking ourselves why a majority of our population is unhealthy as it is no big mystery but upon further reflection it all becomes ignored through mockery because it would require society collectively to do much more introspection on itself which nobody wants to do especially the current power structure of the west. That’s my explanation on this subject anyways.