Why there is belief in an afterlife

God’s Holiness is His being set-apart from all that is toxic, vulgar, and evil. This being set-apart is based in His love, His love for what is beautiful and good. When you love what is beautiful and good, you will naturally avoid, or set yourself apart from what is toxic, vulgar, and evil.

God’s Holiness (being set-apart) emanates from His love, His love for what is beautiful and good.

God’s love is His most important aspect.

You can feel free to butt in whenever you choose, Wendy. :mrgreen:

I think that for many Peace would be God’s greatest attribute. You would share that with them.
But I seem to think that it also depends on each individual ~~ what it is that they value most and desire most.
It’s a highly personal thing and i don’t think that we all share the same sense about that.

For me, though, I am an agnostic, it would be God’s creativity and God’s inner beauty which shows in nature and the universe.
For others, it would be omniscience or omnipotence, ad continuum. God is our oyster.

I think that we can say: God’s greatest aspect or attribute TO ME but I don’t think that we can assign OUR intuitions and feelings about our personal relationship with God to others, Wendy.

He created all. How is he set apart? He favors some creations over others as he favors Jesus over Lucifer, but God is not only beautiful and good even though he favors those qualities.

Thanks Arc, but God’s height, the pinnacle of Heaven, it is not my opinion, it’s my experience in astral projecting.

God is good and that which He creates is also good.

The devil was an angel originally, but decided to become evil.

God is set-apart from all toxicity and evil.
Good people will naturally avoid hanging out with toxic people, such as violent criminals (unless they are trying to bring them to Jesus). God is set-apart from toxicity and evil on an even more infinite level.

But this is just what I am saying here Wendy.

It is an experience unique and special to us individually.

Wherever our experience of God takes place or takes us, within our own minds and souls, whether it is in your astral projecting, Wendy, or my looking up at the sky and the stars in utter amazement and wonder, or reading the words of a Keats or Shakespeare, or another experiencing it in the most logical and beautiful (to him/her) equation, it is STILL our very own unique and highest personal attribute of God.

We are all touched in different ways and I do not think that it can be a good thing to infringe what qualia, intuitions and epiphanies we experience through this God onto other people. We can share them, they will or will not be enriching, but why would we want to put a square into a circle?
They both have their own place in existence.

That to me is one of the very things which gives religion and spirituality a bad name.,

Then there should be no Bible or preaching, but I don’t see you telling anyone else even yourself not to share their experiences, your only getting on my case, why is that?

I am not getting on your case, Wendy. I am just sharing with you…having a conversation with you…sharing my feelings and perhaps sharing some of others with you, like the mathematician, the poet.

Did I take away any of the validity of your personal feelings about God and your journey with God? No, I didn’t.
I included that in my post.

How could Lucifer become something that didn’t already exist?


How did the devil decide to become evil, Erik?

Yes you did, by saying that the way I share is inappropriate, that what I do is somehow different, wrong, to what you or Erik or any other number of people do. Am I trying to convert you or anybody as religions do? I will stand behind my knowledge, my understanding. I’m not guessing. I’m not imagining. I’m not wishing. I’m not intuited it.

Did I wrong you by sharing what I know? If so, how?

What is that…belief?

Wendy I am seriously starting to lose count of the number of times you keep making unsupportable assertions and expect me to believe them just because you do
There is absolutely no evidence for the afterlife or God or the soul and unless there is I am not going to think they exist because that is not how I determine truth

Tell me about Truth. Whatever you know of truth or name some truths. Actually, you do not determine truth, other people do it for you. You either agree or disagree, but you do nothing to check if they are right.

Also, there is no afterlife, only continued existence, so we agree about no afterlife. :evilfun: :laughing:

And yet another unsupportable assertion from you so are you trying to break some record here
Well at least you are consistent and persistent also so kudos to you for that if for nothing else

surreptitious, the problem with you is that you are too future thinking, than past thinking. i only deal in probabilities, not absolutes. Because you cannot predict the future, you use this as verification of your beliefs about the future, while you pretend to present them as vague probabilities they are actually absolutes for you.

look to the past…all of us were born without asking to, we did not choose or cause our own births, it is arrogant for you to believe that it won’t or can’t happen again

My reason for thinking the afterlife does not exist is because of lack of evidence which is an entirely reasonable position to take
But I will find out when I die and so the point is somewhat academic though my position will remain as it is while I am still alive

Wendy wrote:

I really do not know where to go with this.
I have no idea where any of this came from, Wendy.

If you will re-read what I wrote, I think that you will have to realize that nothing which I said in my posts have any bearing at all on the way you are seeing things right now.
For some reason, you have just interpreted it differently and you are probably the only one who can come up with an answer as to why you took things that way.
Just as when I take things in a certain way, I am probably the only one who knows why if I search deeply enough. We all do it at least I know I do it.
This is why the mandate TO KNOW THYSELF (OKAY OURSELVES) is vitally important.

Sometimes we all have to take responsibility for the way in which we are feeling and thinking in the moment.
That is not an easy thing for me and I doubt if it is an easy thing for most.

I have my own way of expressing things. Perhaps I use words differently than you do when it comes to matters about God and one’s relationship with God. That still keeps us on an equal basis, Wendy. Not one higher or lower…just differently. We all use words differently than each other when it comes to our experiences of and interpretations about God.

No, you did not wrong me. I have no idea where that would even come from, Wendy.
This is my point - that we all have a right to our own minds and hearts and experiences.
If we feel that way and others know that, how can one see that as being wrong and be offended by it?

Perhaps this…


Was I saying this to you, directly to you, to take to heart? I don’t know. Perhaps on an unconscious level since you and I were speaking but I still don’t know.
But consciously speaking, I was speaking in the universal sense where EVERYONE IS CONCERNED. There are necessarily others in here who would be reading this - not just you and me.

Tell me what you think, Wendy?

Do I have a right to my own subjective thinking, my own so-called informed opinion about this? Yes, for me, I do because so often in here I see the same thing happening - everyone or at least many feel the need to push their religions convictions down the throat of others or at least do more gently than that.

Politics and Religion!

there as an equal amount of evidence saying it does potentially exist as it doesnt potentially exist, so the problem lay in your argumentation.

I see no evidence but I am patient and so can wait until I die to see if there is any
But I am still planning on staying dead forever if I am vindicated just so you know
For I am not afraid of death and I do not see that changing at all while I am alive

What if you met some real hot woman who was your Venus and Aphrodite rolled into one? Like Dante felt about his Beatrice?
Then would you want to live a long time to come? Then might you be afraid to die? or at least want to live? :evilfun: