Why there is belief in an afterlife

It has more to do with brain health, keeping it from oxidizing, living a happy and rewarding lifestyle, you’d be suprised.

It’s not about brain health, it’s about soul health…sorry.

So like…if you are immortal, and you drink a bunch of neurotoxin, your soul, will carry on, and you definitely won’t go insane?

The body supports the Earth experience, not all experience. You have no choice about your life being eternal, beyond Earthly and there are other dimensions/planes of existence, some more positive than others.

If your soul is ill, your human life will suffer it. Can a soul be fixed on its own? I say that your soul, your nature, is unchangeable…eternal. Human behavior can be changed, but does enacting rehabilitation on yourself actually change the fabric of who you are and how you think, feel, and react?

I think you just contradicted yourself.

The soul body resides inside of the human body. By harming your human body or other bodies, you are acting out the illness residing in your soul, thus insanity.

Be specific in the how.

You said the soul is ill, illness implies a condition different from the original state, also implies that souls can get ill, which directly contradicts your statement that souls are unchangeable.

Unless you mean that some souls are eternally ill, unfortunate souls which are damned and helled for no reason, just born damned.

Bingo. Defective…hope or hopeless? Damned perhaps for not fighting against their ill/defective nature. Remember actions speak volumes…but to who are we speaking with our actions? Ourselves (Don’t we already know ourselves?) or the Big Sky Daddy (Maybe the only one able to repair defects)?

Can a soul be overhauled without losing its essence? That I don’t know.

From what I understand, all souls are female. Men who don’t have the urge to fight just don’t have connection with their souls, in order for hatred and anger there needs to be fear or loss.
Also, I don’t believe there are such things as damaged souls, only damaged bodies and worlds, however I am uncertain of whether or not there are multiple souls (my finger analogy) or just one large and ignorant soul (incarnation and forgetting past lives).

There are multiple souls and they are male and female, but don’t ask me why. It seems that most everybody forgets their past lives. Eternity ain’t no joke and round and round we go until we get it right.

Male souls are by definition unconscious. Female means a receptivity, a sensing of input. Male is the input. Thus a male soul is an oxymoron, it doesn’t exist, since the soul is the seat of consciousness, and by extension, the seat of sensuality and emotion. An unconscious soul is like saying a square circle.

What you call “soul” or “spirit” is the shape of the essence of a body.

Male souls are triangular (edged). Female souls are circular (rounded). They have different shapes, which manifest into different bodies and behaviors.

Souls and spirits are not synonymous.

I didn’t say they are.

By who’s definition? A human female’s body may show a reproductive receptivity, but I’m talking about the body of a soul.

By using “or” you aligned them as the same thing. How are they different?

Spirits are male (+ positive). Souls are female (- negative).

Care to explain?