Fat positive

So pretty much the entire population of planet earth opposed to straight white males… the “oppressed” have some very impressive numbers.

No… ha.
This is it. How I stopped worrying and learned to love Liberalism.
Next step: battle fat-phobia in the airforce.

The worst enemy is of course trans-/fatphobia.

Did you know there is a really hurtful bias in sports vs fats?

Transfatphobicracism is the new social justice frontier.

Yes, the institutional discrimination against fats in triathlons is really a problem. Cmon everyone, stop the hate.

It’s the current year! Allow fats in triathalons! #stopthehate

Well they could have a fat division just like there are C divisions and D divisions in race cars, for the more easy going.

I kno rite! FFS capitalism is patriarchy and greedy hate!

Why can’t we just, like, all understand one another?

#Fats4Triathalons. Get it trending.

Im not a shitlib nor am I a cuckservative. I’d like to think I am a rational person, a beacon of light amidst a sea of chaos.

Well you aren’t. Just to let you know.

Please provide evidence.

And don’t send quotes of some of my older, more flamboyant posts. I was going through hard times, and some serious emotional turmoil, and I needed to vent.

Most people don’t even want to discuss a majority of health problems in modern society as too many inconvenient realities would be let loose into the public. No, instead we’re just left ridiculing and joking instead of actually addressing health problems head on as it is far easier to do. There is also a variety of psychological social interactions at play here which is another subject ignored by the majority of the general public.

Fat women are gross, and the men who stick with them have low self esteem and feel like they can’t do any better. Any normal dude would cheat on a fat girl if a hot girl threw the vagina at him.

Like when you see a couple and the girl is fat, you know there’s more to the story than him wanting to be with her because he thinks she’s attractive. Fat girls aren’t attractive. So look close…you’ll see. Maybe he has bad teeth. Maybe he’s poor. Maybe they both have herpes and are too embarassed so they just stay together then she got fat. Maybe they’re “mental health” types who are always needing each other for emotional support and tbey swap up between being the victim and saving one another because they’re unable to support themselves alone until a skinny girl comes along.

Like if a person can honestly say, “I wouldn’t know what to do without my significant other”, then they need to leave the relationship and work on themselves.

Haha, well said.

Like I said in the transgender thread if you are a mentally competent adult you can do whatever you want to your body. And that applies just as equally
to being fat as to anything else. But it is not fatphobic to state that being over weight can lead to an increased chance of diabetes and heart attack and
a general reduction in health both in terms of quantity and quality. Neither is fatphobia the equivalent of racism or misogyny or homophobia as one can
not change their skin colour or biological gender or sexual orientation but can change their weight if they want to. But this is for fat people them selves
to decide not me. Because how fat someone is is none of my business

Seriously, you think people are voluntarily fat?

It is far easier to get a sex change than to lose weight.
The former is done to you, the latter you have to do yourself.

No, you are a fat-phobe.

Also, I think we should really protect our sick from being treated differently. Sick-phobia is pervasive. Hospitals are concentration camps guarded by sickophobes.

Getting a sex change involves more than simply have an operation you know. You have to undergo serious psychiatric assessment long before you go under the knife
Why you think that is easier than losing weight I have no idea but you could not be more wrong if you tried. And remember the prejudice that trans will be exposed
to once they have transitioned. The positive feedback a fat person will get if they manage to lose weight can not be any more diametrically opposite in comparison

People believe their delusions. People who have delusions are mentally ill. A transexual will believe their delusion to the bitter end, but they will never be other than their XX or XY original chromosomes.

There wouldn’t be any fat people especially in the west if people weren’t overworked, had access to healthier foods, and had a livable wage to support themselves. You can’t exercise if you don’t have any spare time to do so working forty five to fifty hours a week.