Young Jobless Men And The Opioid Epidemic.

Yeah they’re ramping up prosecution of non violent weed offenders, while ignoring the pharma companies and doctors who are basically giving synthetic heroin to millions of people in broad daylight in pharmacies in every town.

My favorite agenda they’re pushing under this administration is the civil asset forfeiture legislation under police departments.

Tried to take my car one time.

Yeah? What was the story behind that?

I got it back.

No, what caused you to have an encounter with the police?

Profiling. Or as a good lawyer might say, “There was no cause”.

Agreed on all points. Well said.

My friend got a DUI and the police just took her car. Like, permanently. It was just not her car anymore, I guess.

Yeah, fuck all this shit.

Took like 2 weeks and a lawyer to get mine back. Never impounded, just hidden at a field office for some detectives.

Took cabs for a day or two then just got a rental.

Most can’t afford a lawyer hence the judicial loophole.

(Crappy state funded public defender lawyers not withstanding.)

Maybe make friends with a lawyer instead. Even poor people can make friends.

I’m going to pretend you’re joking, here in the United States the upper professional class doesn’t make friends with all the paupers, serfs, and peasants. It’s simply beneath them and usually a bad precedent concerning a business model.

That might be true…but I bet you would agree that there’s too many lawyers in society…so I mean…make friends with one of them. It’s not like they’re scarce, and there’s so many that surely they must come from all walks of life…especially with all the URM, affirmative action stuff in higher education. And since there’s hardly any social or economic mobility in America, there’s gotta be a bunch of lawyers in every part of town. Most of them really don’t make the kind of money you see on tv.

I have a friend who is a lawyer. He is a little crazy psychologically, but a nice guy otherwise.

You have to be a little crazy to be a lawyer I think. Especially a criminal defense one.

What was that Shakespeare quote that involved killing all the lawyers?..

You just need to master the fine art of ass kissing. Egotistic people don’t mind, they like their egos stroked by people from all walks of life. :wink:

I don’t like kissing people’s asses and never was any good at it which is probably why I am at a disadvantage compared to most.