Very Fake News

Sounds like a personal problem.

Governments and corporations already own most of the world’s unpopulated land mass. And in the future it will be 100% bought up and owned. You’re not looking at the big picture. Any “freedom” to be won, is by escaping the system completely or living within and slipping through the cracks of society. You did not escape, yourself, so don’t be a hypocrite.

You came back for women. That’s called dependency.

They’re coming for you next! The Jews and the NWO!! Look out!

And these same governments and corporations just how long do you think they can manage societies or the global population with depleting natural resources worldwide? It’s all doomed to fail, it always was from the first civilizations springing up in their inception or creation. Even the total control they enjoy now will eventually crumble and collapse. It will all come and pass overtime.

Escape myself, no, over the years I’ve come to know myself quite well and the years I spent in the wilderness was a part of that.


I think that I found a picture of Void here.

I’ll answer that, because economics is an interesting way of studying the politics, behaviors, motivations, goals, and psychology of your adversaries. Unfortunately most people are inept at it.

Most of the world population cannot mentally imagine $1,000,000.00 or anything above that level. It’s a complete void, unknown in the mind. So what happens is they usually invent boogey-men, monsters, demons, and other types of imagined illusory forces, illuminati, NWO, as attempts to rationalize the highest degrees of wealth.

Maybe it’s equivalent to rocket science. You’d have to be at the level of a rocket scientist to understand macro-economics. But, things can be simplified by analogies. If you can imagine $100 then you can make sense of why and how the markets work.

Bottom-line: a billionaire is not “free” at all, to do whatever he likes. He is beholden to thousands of people, and especially his stock-holders and investors. Can you imagine being responsible for thousands of families, ultimately being the one who feeds them all? so the point is, the more money you have and gain, the more indebted into the system you become, and the less free.

You obviously don’t understand the historical reality and evolution of conspiracy overtime very well.

You are thinking like a pauper…STOP!

The rich have underlings who manage their affairs so the rich have little to do other than sign a few papers and ask a few questions. What you describe is what does not exist anymore where a large business owner used to actually give a fuck about his company and employees beyond his profit, them days are gone…sorry.

James wrote:

Wow! You too James?

These posts have really been an ugly read.

Lest we forget: … 66&bih=662

…and so it goes!

Nobody has advocated for another extermination, only revoking their citizenships and shipping them first class to their motherland, Israel where they can relax and spend their fortunes.

I remember well, your story of your family history.

Joker, why have you assumed the name Otto West?

Why do you feel the need for anonymity here?

Because the world is becoming more of a unsafe and insecure one with the looming threat of the state everywhere

Otto wrote:

So you were not Jewish.


According to him, they owe him. Your naivety betrays you.

Greed is good…applause! LOL and that is how he wins them over.

Otto wrote:

There will be no escape ultimately.

To escape the corruption, where you lived, (the hills or outback) is probably the best place to be, minus some of the hardships you had to endure.

Always remember that no matter how bad it all gets one is simply passing through
And once you are dead you will have absolutely nothing to worry about ever again

The most important space is the one between your ears. Get that right and you are in the most ideal position
You have no control over how reality imposes upon you but you do over how you choose to rationalise it. And
so being non ideological and practical is the best way. Regardless of whether or not the world is going to end

We have no control, nothing matters and you die in the end, so who cares?

Lol. Glad you’ve laid your “philosophy” bare for us to see.

Death is just another state. Namely the state of non consciousness. As both an atheist and nihilist I have no problem with
it especially as it is not something I am ever going to experience. And it sure beats living forever which is infinitely worse