What is The Good?

It’s obvious that his Cross isn’t as Fixed as he thought it to be and his understanding of the concepts he wields is far diminished. He calls himself The Dorian Usurper because he believes it possible to refer to himself as Doric, for one; for two because he doesn’t understand the politics at the time concerning Greece and whatever he latched onto was some forced perception version and he considers himself, now, within the Universal Mind, a Dorian Usurper based on his lack of knowledge and understanding and perhaps he does have a point to be made in ascertaining that the Doric style at the time was and has been the only one capable of sustainability in the long term, but it’s the same point every other culture and path of life and existence is making and so it falls flat. On top of it would be his own ego taking charge and coming into play, again, with his involvement in the current ongoing universal mind; the mass consciousness and his seeking to steal from someone a throne to instill his viewing of a more correct methodology.

In simple terms, he’s batshit insane and staging a coup in his own mind and calls it usurping. He has literally stolen his own marbles and considered them lost. In terms of ongoing social lingo of saying it’s all just our own self in our own mind, etc., that is; In the way I put it: he’s losing his mind and is undergoing the classic psychological effect of having been broken months ago when I posted a response to him in another thread that bypassed all notions of nice and friendly and stabbed clean through to places better left undescribed in death, darkness, etc.; where I even brought him back from nothing and left him on his own two feet and since then he’s been unraveling.

Classic because it’s comparable to the swordfighting where both fighters seemingly attack each other, one misses entirely somehow and the other cuts clean through the other. Also comparable to the Zantetsuken of Odin with his sword, in conjunction with his Spear, tying him into Wodan, God of the spear in old pagan right opposite Frea the Earth mother. Ties also into Mjollnir and his six-legged horse with a name I forget delivering him both unto Norse and Japanese mythology.

Classic because even that is comparable to the Zeus avatar he holds, a God of Thunder and Lightning, so is Odin upon the wind as death incarnate as Thor holds the hammer he forged for his son; a mastersmith. And this goes on into 5 degrees of existence and reality all the way through christian and catholic values to expose their God as a mastersmith of reality and creation and personality which leads once again to me as it flows through me, master of time and space and eternity and eternal warrior.

Nice and neat little bow-tie; dorian bullshit say what? Synchronizes with exactly what I’m about when it’s right? usurpin nothin? a throne already destroyed, they can has it.

-pats fixed cross on the head-

Life never really got easier save by perception, but at least I have enough to keep me busy for countless eternities. Revenge and murder and creation and music and art and shtuff. Drugsh. Oh, and the mixed flavoring of the fixed cross of plato and zeus, etc. creates a really weak blend.

Illiterate scum.

Fucking hell. Ive been called a lot of things, but no one so far was as insolent and plain dumb as to accuse me of resembling Plato in my thinking.

I have never read a post of yours in my life, I just see you come into my thread and start rambling about what you think the Doric order represents from wikipedia

Take your rambling somewhere else, cow-boy.

Dude, I think you’re kind of a good guy, so I can only advice you to not get addicted to the trollish ignorance that you are so comfortably slipping into here. Maybe its too late. Just some warnings:

I am the central object of troll activity, have been since 2013 at the very least, and you are about to join the legion… just don’t. Try to get yourself to read my posts before you respond to them, and when you do respond, respond to actual, existing passages, and do so with literal references.

The words flowing through you must really grate against the nerves. I have been the central object of troll activity since I was born in 1986 and amplified when I began interacting with others on the internet 16 years ago, back in 2001. I have bested and beaten the Legion. You have had Plato ever in your mannerisms and spiritual channeling since our first interactions here some few years ago when I was still toting the name of Idiotic Idioms. In fact, the Plato screamed out so much that I thought your avatar was a caricature of him instead of Zeus. I found that out when I actually did an image search to verify what I was saying to you was accurate a while back; about the time I called Zeus a pedophile and into fucking animals.

If you think me to be trolling, then don’t. I am trolling, but unintentionally to the beat of some other larger beings game of insecurity and their need for control. I’ve been trolling enemies of reality for quite some time and bearing up under it until the end of my days. And, for claiming not to read a single post of mine, you sure seem to be confident that I’m comfortably slipping into trollish ignorance. I could almost swear it’s contradiction city up in every place when the true trolls start rolling through.

The interesting part of it is that to even use the term Doric as you used it and even I used it is improper. Doric would refer to dialect, not to belonging to the people, which would be Dorian. Doric would refer to the inanimate unless I’m wrong, which I’ve always and often been open to. I knew this in the moments I was using it as I was using it and it was background knowledge that I’m now applying. Doris seems to be the possibility of a town or city, being related to the center of Greece. I’m going to look that up real quick, a ctrl+t and google search later…

A district, relating to Dorian…

Sounds like early racism, to me. Classism. Caste system.

It should be noted that the Dorian also is similar to Delorean, the type of car used for time travel in Back to the Future and Dorian is a term also tying into Doctor Who somehow, though I’m not sure, which also deals with time travel and alternate realities and a number of other spacial anomalies and supernatural and paranormal activities.

But, you know… you might be right about me being illiterate. I’m so illiterate I notice the ties that bind and I’m not even related to a Dorian Supremacy or Usurping, though I also don’t know my own genetic or races roots. Almost full blood German, American, Caucasian; Human. I don’t care to know. What can be known that can actually sum it all up enough in terms that I actually care about? Nothing.

I do know that I’m being locked out of my own reality; that the surface of it, what I call the Omnireality, and many other parts of it, have been destroyed and taken over and controlled by another claiming to be me or higher than me. I know I’m getting the shaft and being seen to the door. And I have been labeled as a far worse criminal as others fear the might and power of that being. For the things that I have destroyed in the process of setting it all to right for the neuroticisms and insecurities and fears of the being and a lot of others around me, wanting still to experience enough of life around me until I’m seen to the exit. A vast need for control, an insecurity as it fears a power greater than its own and seeks to destroy it, for it knows it to be me. Come see me, if you ever get the chance, if you actually feel yourself to be a Dorian Usurper; because that label does put you in the arms of my enemies that seek to kill me.

But, you think I’m a good guy. Kind of. That’s sweet. I love hearing my deeds come out of the mouths of others around me and sound so hollow for them to be claiming them. That last sentence was sarcasm. It just doesn’t bother me as much as some things would want it to. Did I mention you and yours were quite the mess of psychological issues for which there aren’t enough tissues?

Clean yourself up.

You are danker than a pack of smoked cigarettes.

Why would I want to convince you? You’ll just end up trolling my threads with more beautiful pictures of pills and victims.

Obviously my name refers to the Doric order. I have assumed most people here know what that is.

The GOOD IS NOT YOU, Fixed Balls.

I don’t like you, turdslimethread.

:laughing: You’re still a bad, sad person! :laughing:

The saddest thing in my life, by very, very far, is your infatuation with me, and the way you handle that.
You could also just opt for staying out of my threads, slimey (a pun on your use of smileys)

Count my trolls bitches.

Even the dude that says he has had armies of trolls since birth is now my troll.

I got young trolls, old trolls, fat trolls and skinny trolls, i got girl trolls and crone trolls, i got dudes and grandpas trolling me, and godfather is lurking.

Thank you all. Youre welcome.
keep it coming, assholes.

Well, we have certainly established here what some of the GOOD is NOT.

At one time, you did write beautifully and I mistakenly thought you had a brain, but no more. Now you are simply a sock puppet joke who needs psych. meds rather than street drugs.

Stop using my name and fuck off into the oblivion you crept out of. I chose Joker, not a whiny bitch like you, never you,
understand, 'Lil lady?


Didn’t someone in here mention that you are going to be a father?

If that is true, my congratulations to you and her.

My Jihad brings all the girls to the yard; damn right it’s better than yours; damn right it’s better than yours… And they’re all like ‘allah akbar! allah akbar! allah akbar!’


Good is this day.

Sorry for anyone who feels shitty in my presence and still has the urge to come seek me out. I will spare myself any further interactions with you, as I assure you I take as little joy in you as I would in witnessing some worms navigate some mud.

And that is precisely how it is - my trolls on ILP are simply worms, ploughing away their lives making small paths through the mass accumulated by greater forces (we, the Philosophers) so as to unwittingly carry some seeds and minerals hither and thither…

A good day to you too, worms. Enjoy ploughing through my work.

Oh, Duder, skater, surfer, DMT-houd, duderino,
The fact that you can’t discern Platos head from Zeus’ head is… amazing, and as a fact, enough standing by itself to illustrate your whole gigantic cosmic ignorance of culture, and by extension, the entire nihilist degeneracy of the West.

You are… the man, for your time and place.

Eventually all Dudebros grow up:

Eventually all Brat Princes become rightful rulers and Kings in their own right.

I see you relate to what I offered you.
