Very Fake News

Nobody knows who owns the Federal Reserve because it refuses to make public who the majority shareholders are. We do know who its governors and chairman are however.

I think it will only repeat the cycle. In times of crisis, many will turn into selfish animals and will grasp onto any means (given to them, by whoever) of survival. Most people do not want to see the bigger picture of causes and effects in which they also play a role, especially when their own personal survival and well-being is at stake.

Yes, more than likely however it will give the bold, daring,vengeful, and fearless of this oppressed rigged system the opportunity to take off their shackles in freeing themselves also. That’s all that matters. It is from those such individuals change might absolutely occur from.

As for everybody else, fuck them. They simply cannot be helped or saved. They have no future, they just don’t realize it yet.

Greed and personal selfishness can be very infectious and I don’t think there is a group or institution in this world or throughout history that has not been affected by it. And it is the gateway to the downfall of a system. It starts with the sell-outs, the disgruntled and the insecure and the uncommitted. The bribe takers. It might be worthwhile to look into its psychological origins (why some people are more immune to it than others… I’m guessing it would have something to do with one’s ethical values and a broader and more long-sighted worldview)

Speaking of mercenary fervor, that is one of the main ways that the Rothschild’s cartel made their bankrolls grow so quickly, by arranging death strikes throughout Europe. For a pretty penny, you paid a Rothschild to ensure whoever you wanted dead was made dead. The fucking Jews orchestrating mercenary kills throughout Europe (well I didn’t read all of it, the kills could have been throughout the world…wouldn’t surprise me any). I mean the poor helpless Jews being forced to deal with villainous people without compensation.

Oh, the irony…lost on a dumdum such as PK Jr.

You apparently have no brain to speak of at all.<—proven above by what you did say dumdum. It is the Jews, dumdum, who are ordinary people, American citizens and businessmen who own all the major shareholding banks 68% (Jew owned & operated) and their major shareholders are Jews dumdum. Yes, there are other non-Jew owned banks 32% who do not have majority vote, so actually no vote dumdum.

"Let us take a closer look at the central bank and see why it is so dangerous. Most people do not understand the central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank. Here is a very simplified scenario that pretty much explains one of the operations of the Federal Reserve.

It is necessary to understand that the Federal Reserve Bank is not owned by the United States government as many believe. The central bank, the Federal Reserve Bank, is a private bank, owned by some of the richest and most powerful people in the world. This bank has nothing to do with the U.S. government other than the connection, which allows the operation described below. The Federal Reserve Bank has a total, government-enforced monopoly in money. Before we had the central bank, each individual bank competed with other banks; the customers, the consumers, got the best deal. Not any more". Excerpt from The Secret Terrorists.

The Rothschilds are an important Jewish family, if you look them up in Encyclopaedia Judaica you will discover that they have the title ‘Guardians of the Vatican Treasury’. The appointment of Rothschild gave the black papacy absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church? — Rulers of Evil, Harper Collins, page 160.

The Rothschilds were Jesuits who used their Jewish background as a facade to cover their activities.

What point are you trying to make SM? I’m confused.

The founder of the Rothschild’s name, was not the founder of their Jewish dynasty before their name change. They had been in bad big business long before their name was changed and they are Jews who…what…posed as Jesuits? I don’t get it. Yes, they have been wheeling and dealing forever, now a cartel of Jews, not to be confused as Jesuits by anyone who isn’t British or of the Vatican fallacies.

Who makes up the Jewish cartel? The synagogues have always financed the Jewish business ventures because they are family, Jew family, but what is their grand design…a New World Order…where everyone is micro-chipped and monitored 24/7…all enslaved by the Jewish banking cabal? How enslaved will people be when they are micro-chipped? The Sandra Bullock movie, The Net, was disturbing, but we are way past that point for people are willingly getting micro-chipped…kiss your autonomy, freedom, and privacy goodbye in one fail swoop. My what a lovely future! Micro-chips with kill switches will be next…an upgrade. :laughing:

It is all very interesting.

Most people are unaware of the “Papal Jews”. They are Jewish but belong and work FOR the Papacy.

The ultimate aim is a New World Order, which will wrest from the people their independence, world wide.

New World Order…currently known as the Globalist Agenda, but what all does it entail? Will you get micro-chipped SM?

You obviously don’t read my posts. LOL :astonished:

I have explained this in another post.

Hahaha! They definitely know how to hide their money or write off most of it. But who, which Goys, Blacks, Latinos, Arabs, and Asians, make up their cartel?

That’s the micro-chip already released in Europe and started spreading recently here in the US. Didn’t you read my posts? :evilfun: :laughing:

It’s just like getting your ears pierced and then you will have all your information near your fingertips(the chip goes in your hand for the time being, but in the future, it’ll be placed elsewhere in more secure locations…for now they don’t wish to scare people so they tell everyone that it comes out like a sliver.) … employees/


Confusing real life with a Dan Brown novel, all because of a few crazies making YouTube videos and dubious “connections” between powerful or famous people. Hilarious.

I bet it really sucks being you.

What’s being confused, All Powerful Intelligent One? You better make this good.

Wendy wrote:

No, not necessarily. There are many other ways.

The awe that people have for the Pope, (is obvious even on this Forum, which may also include yourself), will carry the day.

The fear that many have for the future and the fear they have for their own survival will ensure that most will accept stringent measures to ensure their own safety.

i.e. Herd mentality and obedience.

Fear-mongering/protectionism/terrorism - for profit.

So banks are responsible for you being dependent?

Sounds like it’s your fault. Independence is a matter of individuality. Freedom isn’t free. If you’re a weakling, or stupid, and can’t gain independence, then you always have the rest of humanity to fall back on.

You people have a couple obvious choices:

  1. You can run away from civilized society, into some Canadian backwood, and try to live off the land. But let’s be realistic. Most of you cannot live without internet-injection for longer than a week, or 24 hours. So this option is ruled out. Most of you cannot live life alone. Desperate attention-seeking behavior exposes this fact. Most modern people are desperate for attention. So they would never even think of leaving civilization outright.

  2. You can try to gain fiscal, financial independence, which means, making enough money to retire and live the rest of your days out. This is more realistic for the average person. And if you live in a car for the rest of your life, then you can retire with a small chunk of cash. However this is unrealistic, because 99.999% of you sleep on soft beds. Enjoy your soft bed, climate control, 4 walls and a roof, television, running water, hot water, sewage, electricity? All that costs money.

Let’s face reality. Most of you cannot do without such amenities and luxuries. It’s called “standard of living”. And once you have it, most people won’t give it up.

None of this has to do with jews and international cabals. None of you really have anything to worry or think about, until you get into the $100,000,000.00 range. Are you a millionaire? Do you own over a hundred million in assets, companies, employees, stocks? No, then why the fuck are you even talking about this stuff? The world elite, “top 1%” only know life over the hundred million dollar range. Average people don’t even understand that level of economics, society, and wealth.

A concluding point for now: rich people, top 1%, are not “free” and independent people, like you are mistaking them to be. When you own over $100,000,000.00 in assets, guess what happens? You have no free time whatsoever. Everybody is always trying to talk to you, complain, pass their problems onto you. You would be responsible for thousands of employees and people, families.

If you can’t take responsibility over your own life, “man up”, then what makes you think you can criticize the institutions that are responsible for millions of people?


That doesn’t say anything, really, other than that some people are weak and powerless in life. Others are stronger and powerful. Almost always, or always, complaints are mere excuses. Instead of rising to power, yourself, people just complain, talk, and do nothing. It’s easier to bitch and moan, scapegoat the jews, than actually rise in power yourself.


No, they’re not, not really. You are keeping yourself down. You lack faith. You lack discipline. You lack a positive outlook on life. You lack confidence in yourself. You lack self-love, and the proper nurturing that your biological parents should have given you as children. Perhaps your life was fucked over when you were 5 years old. Maybe it’s not the jews, keeping you down, as it was your own flesh and blood mother and father, ever think of that? Because that’s what it really sounds like.

It sounds like you give up whenever you scrape your knee and bump your elbow. What have you sacrificed for power, in life? Have you cut off your own limb? What are you willing to give, for what you want? How about your first born, ever sacrificed a child or human life?

Because the institutions you are up against, with thousands of years back logged of history, have made those sacrifices. The wars were fought, centuries ago, hell even last century. It sounds like you don’t want to fight for what you want. It sounds like your values are superficial, easy to break, like fags and twigs. No inner, spiritual strength.

If you can’t last 1 week, then what makes you think that the power you lust for, could last 1000 years? As some of the human societies, civilizations, and institutions have in fact? Some civilizations have lasted for centuries and thousands of years, and still persist today.

Bitching and complaining is not helping you. And your premise is flawed. Chasing dollar bills is a dead end, and you admit that is the direction of your life, chasing somebody else’s, some bank’s dream. Congratulations, you are a victim of your own consequence. Being hooked on dollars is like being hooked on drugs. The drug-addict cannot see beyond it. The capitalist cannot see beyond the dollar.

You can see the means, the dollar bills, but not the ends to which people use them. You cannot see the goals, the dreams, the ideals, the directions by which people live their lives. So you’re basically blind to the big picture.

I’d like to hear of the “many other ways” which will be as efficient as a microchip linked to the cloud/satellites.