Is Europe dying? G20 ANTIFA

Yes, Im glad we get to address this more sociological layer of the situation. European sociology is opaque to the rest of the world, which tends to generalize the nations under one umbrella, not seeing how France and Germany can not be calculated or predicted by the same logic.

It is precisely because the continent has been forged into a superficial unity, that there are no positive values or inclinations or character traits to exult as “our own” - in my childhood we all instinctively sensed the absolute difference of us (Dutch) from the Germans, and the even yet greater difference between us and the French or Italians. Italians were as different from us as Chinese, and this made for a lot of value. To travel to such a country was always a pure enriching experience, every day a miracle of sorts. Today, to travel from Amsterdam to Rome is a real mundane affair, it is hard to get excited about any culture in Europe now, as all is covered up and made equal in temperament by this thin film of EU-ness thats come to cover all of it. It is suffocating, and that is also part of what causes the anesthesia - a simple lack of “cultural air”, I don’t know how else to call it - the equation of Such culture to German culture through the medium of the continent has effectively stifled all Dutch cultural expressions, and thus all our creative spirit is in paralysis. Except those solitary new philosophers, which number, of course, at best one in a million. But at least we are here.

Here is a thing that value ontology, i.e. self valuing logic, or simply the exploded WtP logic, which is what my theory is at basis (what else could interest a scientific mind) makes very clear: remove particular values and destroy particular being. As soon as the Dutch had to value Brussels instead of The Hague as government city, Holland slipped into a coma. The same but worse for France. When it had to give up Paris for Brussels as the signifier of power, obviously this killed most of French structural integrity.

Our structural integrity is that of a valuator, therein is out consistency. EU simply has insufficient value, in human terms, to sustain its people as positive entities. In the North, people have been reduced from entities to particles of the wannabe-entity of a European cultural economy. All culture has leaked out, the education system has dropped its positive, factual and historic content for mannerisms aimed to causes as little effect as possible - Europeans are quite literally being trained to go through life as corpses.

Ill post this now, it addresses some aspects of your writing. There is much more, but here is a start. It really does appear like Europe can simply only be understood through the lens of Nietzsche. And perhaps, Nietzsche can only the understood through the lens of Europe.

So the strategy of Germany could pan out like this.

Europe keeps taking in refugees as a perfectly inevitable consequence of Frances policies in Lybia and NATOs policies in North Africa and the ME in general. Europe was simply not aware that if you set fire to your neighbours house, the fire might spread to your own. It seems to have been merely really dumb to unleash total war just a few hundred kilometres from the borders. But it appears that Germany is profiting from the situation in the way discussed, and at the same time the French bankers regime, which started the Lybia war under Sarkozy, has now with Macron established “peace” there, meaning French/banker ownership of the nations riches and resources. And with the defeat of Le Pen and the victory of such an evident banker as Macron, the way has been opened for a German-French allegiance that is willing to efface any culture that stands in the way of building a giant economic machine relying on low immigrant wages and unfathomable high end economic scheming. The European indigenous population is caught between the fires of on the one hand the ubiquitous islamic code of silence-or-violence, and the other the increasing emptiness of what it supposes to be its birthright, the ever more evident absence of classical European philosophy of power, with its Judeao-Hellene logos vested in the individuals reasoning capacities. Reason is quite literally being made illegal in the Northern European countries - at least for the plebs, the paper-readers, the tv-watchers.

For a short moment, the proletariat had its moment of enlightenment. Then it chose that power to forever uproot the growth of such power. The plebs has proven to be unworthy of knowledge, Europe has proven that aristocracy is necessary for humanity. But it is too late, all that was excellent in the sense of developed, cultured, invested-in, cultivated, has been eradicated. North Korea is now a more culturally aware and significant nation than the Netherlands. So are Guatemala and Cameroon. People from there are literally more capable of reasoning. The West has somehow successfully employed its strength of mind to make sure that the minds of its young are properly blocked from functioning. As someone astutely put it a while back commenting on a few politically correct statements: you have to have had a higher education to be this stupid.

In the end it was probably the wholesale access to university education granted to the lower classes, the removing of conditions and qualifications for higher education, that killed us.

The logical end is very simple: equality only exist in death, in non-existence, in the non-particular in goo. And that is what the European Man has become: goo, the individual has been deconstructed:

“A virtuous man is a lower species because he is not a “per-
son” but acquires his value by conforming to a pattern of man that
is fixed once and for all. He does not possess his value apart: he can
be compared, he has his equals, he must not be an individual —” [WtP 319]
And this is what serves the strategy of Germany for dominion of the continent - they now might

“employ democratic Europe as
their most pliant and supple instrument for getting hold of the
destinies of the earth, so as to work as artists upon “man” himself.” [WtP 960]

This is a great analysis and I agree up until the point where you turn on the people who are really the victims here, the European people. This scheme has been foisted on them by their corrupt leadership, and the situation established wherein the European people are unable to speak up without risking their jobs, friends and family, and indeed their very lives. As you said, the Islamification of Europe leads to absolute silencing of the people to speak out, because Islam is this Weapon of Silencing. Everyone knows it. If you speak out, you will be targeted. And European people know this, and it does not only come from Muslims but also from their governments.

So what exactly are they supposed to do? If you read 1984 you do not end up concluding that the average citizen is to blame for the dystopian hell they are all living in. At least that is not the proper conclusion to draw.

I too bemoan the fact that most ‘average citizens’ seem too apathetic and uninterested in the world around them, but we have to remember that when they are living in an oppressive and potentially violent, threatening climate where there are not only physical but also social, economic, and media weapons pointed right at them, staring them in the face 24/7, you are naturally going to have the effect that most people simply do not step out of line. That is what it means to point weapons at someone who lacks those weapons or any defense against them… that is what it means to be a “victim”, and in some cases it is appropriate to blame the victim, but in other cases it is not.

I am contemplating your comment about aristocracy, because I do not entirely disagree. I used to equate aristocracy with the current corrupt globalist class, but I realize that the two are not the same. Aristocracy of values rather than of mere ‘power for its own sake’, mere wealth as such, would be good. Or rather, I would simply like a meritocracy, an aristocracy of values through merit-recognition spread through all strata of society. The place this was most closely approximated is, of course, America.

But look, Ive been fighting with all I had in me for twenty years, making tv, music, in basically all my conversations about politics - and in 20 years Ive never had public support from anyone once.

In private, two persons have admitted to me that Im right. But all the hundreds of others that I used to know have simply ceased talking to me apart from death wishes.

Ive been putting all I have on the line, including my life, for twenty years trying to find someone who isn’t a fascist drone. Ive found a handful of possible non-drones. But the vast, outstanding majority, at least 99 percent, is fascist drone and insist on being it.

So I do blame them. And I know that they all voted for PvdA, the party that was responsible for the mass immigration from the 60s through the 10’s.

the European leaders did not turn wretched and subhuman as an exception to the rule, they simply represent European vileness and apathy which truly is very widespread.

So I really do put it all on the population. Just like I put Trumps victory on the American population.
Europeans are, on the whole, fascists, and Islam is just something they welcome to silence people that wish to raise their thoughts above the herd.

In Holland we have numerous sayings like “Act normal, then you’ll act crazy enough” and “never put your head above the field” (because it will be cut off) - this is Dutch ethics: to shut up, make money and pay taxes.

I have for many long years sough for vital humanity in European populations, without success entirely. So any assertion that the European populations are not to blame, or that there is real potential for increased human activity in them, will require factual examples.

In my experience, which is extensive, and stretches across al of western and Central Europe throughout 15 years of travel and migration, there are no such examples.

Even in WWII it was very rare that people resisted the nazis. Holland gave up relatively more Jews than any other nation, and without complaints. It is not like in the US there - there is no basic consensus that existence and value are related.

A new type of mankind, entirely mixed breed, will come to dominate Europe in the coming decades - a hedonistic worker bee, a worker bee that has such simple standards that it can feel like a privileged hedonist while doing low wage labor 40 hours a week.

This seems to have been the post WWII plan of the Germans, and it has simply come through for them - without any significant resistance, because the populations at large made sure people that spoke in truth were silenced, expelled or in case of influential people, killed.

And these same murdering populations funnel their most opportune, most conscientiously conscience-less members up into the bureaucracy, the executive branch, and the financial institution that controls that branch.

Europeans love fascism and oppression, it gives them a sense of security.
They aren’t human yet, or not anymore - this is what Nietzsche addresses, this is what “God is dead” and the mission for the Superman really signify - the fact that humanity itself had disappeared from the continent.

This is what Nietzsche is really saying, why he has such strong loathing and such a strong sense of fate and destiny. None of that loathing, nor of that sense of destiny, has become less relevant. On the contrary - it is all coming to a head in our time. It is up to philosophy and philosophy alone whether Europe lives or dies as a human form.

I understand and cannot refute your perspective, because I am not European. But I cannot so easily write off 99% of citizens throughout Europe. Although my experience talking to Europeans online does seem to conform to what you are saying, I would put the percentage at around 85% or so, ballpark estimate.

I can work with this sort of margin, it is more about it being the overwhelming majority.

Of course there are many degrees of wastedness.

Lets say 85 percent is truly hopelessly dehumanized, but over the course of centuries this must have been happening, and this is what N also points to - and then we have 14 percent where all sorts of signs of life are still capable of surfacing.

The crucial question is what kind of strengths, virtues and assets these 14 percent have that can be cultivated to assimilate into a striking force rooted in philosophical ground, across the next decades.

How to recognize, assemble and instruct the remaindering humanity? This is a question the answer to which would be no less than a strategy, so we should ponder this with some force.

I will add that, by virtue of the overwhelming degree of human corruption, we can not rely on any groups, nor political movements. Assimilation into philosophy can only happen on an individual basis, and with strong emphasis on the undesirability of group behaviour, group standards and group nature.

The enemy of humanity is collectivism. All human collectives that don’t require individual virtues and merit from group members but includes them simply on the basis of being a bag humanoid meat are direct threats to health and sanity.

The collective must be destroyed. And this, fortunately, will prove possible, as the collective hangs together by the pain of being small, and the related fear - we may actually ruin the cohesion by making its ground more explicit to the members. We could cause a form of shame that could turn into the impulse to pride, being.

Definitely, I think this is part of the motivation behind the more recent attacks on the left/SJW types, especially online. Normal or average people see the collectivist souldeath that infects these far leftists, and are repelled by it and inspired to attack and laugh at it. This will also sink into some of those leftists themselves, those closer to the middle. And as more are influenced by sanity and health, the effect will spread further leftward.

I think that is much too optimistic. The average person in Europe is fascist. In other words, the average person doesn’t actually exist. The far left person in Europe is simply absolutely genocidal and absolutely stark-mad. And that is probably 30 percent. These optimistically hypothesized 14 percent of hopefuls (which would live in other countries than the Netherlands) are perhaps for 50 percent likely to have an independent thought, and then it remains to be see whether they have the heart to follow through. This applies to them:

“A virtuous man is a lower species because he is not a “per-
son” but acquires his value by conforming to a pattern of man that
is fixed once and for all. He does not possess his value apart: he can
be compared, he has his equals, he must not be an individual —” [WtP 319]

My own experience is that there is at best 1 percent still remotely human - but I always cave to optimism. I would like there to be that 14 percent, but I haven’t seen it. Even all my dozens of blood relatives, except my parents, but including my sister, have excommunicated me, when they discovered they hadn’t succeeded in destroying me. The one who was truly human, by grandfather, was put in a nursing home to die by his own wife even though he begged to be allowed to stay in the home that he paid for. Europe is a sickness unto death. Your hopes are, I think, as misguided as my own 15 year travails in search of remnants of culture and dignity on that continent.

That is a very sad state of affairs. But I will concede the point, simply because this situation in Europe has been so ongoing now for decades, and only getting worse (with the exception of Brexit), so clearly there is a lack of will to alter trajectory.

At least in the US, when the trajectory is bad, the will to get back on course is immediate and strong.

I feel a relief at your concession. Me, a pathological optimist, can’t afford this optimism anymore where it concerns Europe. Ive been disappointed without exception and always worse than I had thought possible.

Some of the poststructuralist were right that after WWII it had become impossible for Europeans to be optimistic enough to create art - woe, it turns out art is life. But in turn, WWII was the result of WWI which was the result of the collapse of the imperial world, which in turn was all that Europe, as continent, has ever represented. From the outset, the Roman Empire, the unification of the European continent under infrastructure, law, language, religion (philosophy for the people) and scientific methods has been a totalitarian affair. The EU is only the most totalitarian effort so far. Brexit would be great if the EU hadn’t immediately cleverly fortified itself at the cost of England - one thing in which they rarely fail (these central European authorities that reside predominantly in Southern Germany, Switzerland, Western France, Northern Italy, and the several micro mountain states exclusive to millionaires among them) is networking. We may as well envision the literal existence of a vast network of tunnels underneath the Alps that has served under Hitler and before, of which CERN is now an integral part, as the reality that drives the European unification; it is a technocratic project that uses the elements of condensedness and obscurity that the continent offers in its spinal region to maximal exploitation of the unwitting human resources.

One trip from Italy to Germany through Switzerland can illustrate all this ominously. Landscape is really very important in warfare and economic divisions, behaviour of officials is especially telling. But whats even re eloquent is a look at Switzerlands (and its border regions) corporate assets and the history of the value of its currency against the Euro. We can’t look directly into the country affairs, it is the best hidden power of the Western Hemisphere, but we can see the degree of leverage and how that has payed out over time. I meant to write played out, but.

My concern is that the European human is simply not equipped qua self valuing spinal density to even discern, let alone dent the powers that “be it”.

Perhaps Europe lacked one or two truly great artists post-WWII. A single artist genius can alter the culture irrevocably.

Only when and if they are granted media attention (then they don’t have to be truly genius at all).

My resistance comes primarily from the fact that I don’t want to lose my positive view of Europe, as a place of history and culture that I would like to visit again someday. But I suspect the Europe of my idealized imagining no longer exists in the majority of places in Europe anymore. That is very sad. Europe usess to be a cultural beacon, a place for artists and writers and philosophers. But no more, I guess.

If Balkanization happens this could bring some of that back, if the EU and Islamism is isolated to only certain areas.

Well your last two messages can be combined into an imperative.
What if an American saves Europe out of a love for the continent that isn’t available anymore from within.

It would not be hard for an American to take hold of European destinies, the American type is far superior to the modern European. Anywhere where Americans do choose to settle in Europe they gather people and optimism around them effortlessly.

We can see this as a Trumpentyped retrocolonialism of the old empire by the new world.

Yeah, Europe needs a Milo from America.

No, rather a very severe, serious artist like Coppola or Kubrick.
Europe can not be swayed by light feet.

It needs to be a small army of professional artists with profound, severe agendas of human taste. All of these artists are American individuals, all of whom have made their own fortunes through their arts in the world at large. This could save Europe. You are right, this is what was lacking, the courage for art - Adorno did represent the pulse of the continent.

What if powerful American dynasties or just families that root into European nationalities go back to their old country and re establish their line there from a position of wealth?
What if there was to be a network of American lineages that traces back to all the various ethnicities of Europe? This network would contain many unspoiled traces of European culture that have not been subjected to the “evolution” that came with the unification wars of 1914 and 1939.

That would be awesome.

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