Very Fake News

Jews roll your money like a snowball down a hill of their interest, then combine all those enormous snowballs together, and invest in whatever the hell they want to with all that accumulated interest, mostly their agenda to rule the world, using governments as pawns in this game that is so far reaching that its insane to comprehend how deep it runs. I never said they keep your money, I said they invest your money dumdum so they make money off of it.

It’s more like the wealth and value from the entire Earth you dumdums.

I’ll explain the basics to you.

Most banks make money on fees and services, that’s it. Money made from interest on loans are a gamble. Some loans do better. Most people pay their mortgages and car payments, for example. And it’s best that people take loans on material assets. A car or house can be repo’d.

As I mentioned, the bank is taking risks when they write out loans. Some “investment banks” are more focused on lending and loan interest for their profits. This is a minority of banks, and in no way represents “all banks”. Because when a bank starts focusing on lending, they become Creditors, like a credit card company (JP Morgan Chase). A credit card company is not a bank. Although they do often partner up.

At the core, the function of a bank is to 1) store wealth and 2) maintain wealth. Hypothetically, if you deposit $1,000,000 in a bank then in 50 years, you can return and collect as much as you first deposited. The interest, debt or credit accrued, is symbolic of other factors, which I repeat, counts for factors such as inflation. However banks diversify their assets. This means that money is backed by other goods. It used to be gold directly. It doesn’t have to be. It can be precious metals, jewelry, bonds, things that people keep in safety deposit boxes, collector items, etc.

The purpose of the bank is to safe-guard your wealth, not necessarily “to make money”. Making money is the byproduct of a successful business, or any institution that dominates and forms monopoly. Monopolies form out of success. McDonalds is like that, because people develop relationships, trust, and expectations. You go to any McDonalds and you expect to get a hamburger, fries, and drink for $5. That’s the bottom line.

People use banks because you want to deposit your $1000 paycheck from your job.

Same difference.

It’s original purpose may have been to safeguard money, well that’s what they…the jews… told people. Banks are money making institutions…period. Have everybody withdraw everything they have in a non-lending institution and they will close their doors because that money is not there sitting in their vault collecting your interest, it’s elsewhere collecting them interest, your money has been made liquid in wheeling and dealing, it’s not actually sitting there collecting dust…or can’t you grasp that?

Look at all the fucked up crap the Jews push as family entertainment, very liberal, eveybody(excluding Jews) sleep and reproduce with everybody, trans fluid families built on love and acceptance. How many transfluid, interracial, gay Jew families are there? How many smart asses? Yes, the traditional American family is dead and with it common sense.

Did I ever say that? No, and that has no bearing on anything.

You apparently have no brain to speak of at all. Keep taking your Depakote.

Where do you think the federal reserve comes from? It was created by law, by congress and signed by the president. It’s structure is outlined in the bill that created it. The congress has to approve the president’s appointments of governors to the federal reserve.

But the federal reserve itself isn’t part of the government, it is a weird quasi-entity that is actually private but was set up by the government, by legislation, and the government (Congress and the president) fill the high posts within it.

I suppose all that is far too complex for you to understand, though.

The GDP of u.s. is far, far, far greater than the investment power of worldwide jewry and zionist interests.

The u.s. government and economy is much more powerful. So you don’t know what you’re talking about in terms of macro-economics. Although, yes, it’s true and obvious that jews can influence much if they worked together. Do jews work together? How? Why? Toward what end? Do you know any jews? What’s their end goal?

Explain how jews are going to “take over the world” when the u.s. GDP already far exceeds their buying-power.

You’re also missing a huge piece of the puzzle: Military dictatorship. Jews are not renowned warriors or military leaders. European countries particularly have dominated history with military advancements, experience, and power. The World Wars are the obvious examples, and also, the current Middle Eastern wars, where u.s. soldiers are being used as mercenaries by the oil tycoons.

Armies can easily roll into a country and seize all the assets of a bank.

Much of world history, especially recently, involve a great deal of competition and hostility between military forces and banking institutions. Somebody has to pay the armies, and feed them. Armies can very much take banks by force.

The average anti-semite over-estimates the value of money, the influence of banks, and misunderstands how jewish people actually are, in real life, and operate. Jews tend to be very humble people, and friendly too. Jewish people are very friendly with non-jews because it’s nice for them to find people who are not paranoid, distrustful, and do not buy into stereotypes. However jews have tenuous social relationships, because, in the end they know that it is really their own kind, kin, family that they can trust. This causes social divisions among jews and foreign peoples across the world. Hence jews tend to remain loyal, at heart, to their ancestral homelands and tribe (Israel, Jerusalem). However most, if not all jews, would be very friendly and accepting to a non-jew who wants to form a relationship.

Jews tend to absorb and convert non-jews through such allure. They’re not so bad, but, misunderstood.

From my personal experiences, jews are regular people for the most part, but the above-average intelligence is clear. Because, historically, as a persecuted, bullied, and scapegoat group, jews have compensated through the centuries to develop higher intelligence as a means to survive backlashes against them. Whether these backlashes are justified or not, I’ll leave for another day, topic, and thread.

Most anti-semitism is “blind hatred”, a simple scapegoating practice. And when people think of scapegoating other humans, who usually is #1 at the top of the list? The jews.

I’m personally against scapegoating. Never liked it at all. That’s why I have never been “a racist” or “a sexist” although been accused of such countless times from just about everybody. I really do look at every single individual, every single cause, every single context, every single factor. I study everything. I study everyone, to the best of my ability, before judging or gripping tightly on a judgment. Scapegoating is easy, to redirect personal hatred, pettiness, squabbles, and resentiment, to a weakling. It’s a bullying tactic.

Daddy or mommy spanked you, and so being spurned and upset, you sought out the weakest member on the school playground the next day (the jewish kid), and so you took it out on him or her.

However, I admit, what can humanity do about scapegoating? What do you think Pop Religion is all about? What is Judaism-Christianity if not a 2000 year old doctrine on the morality and immorality of scapegoating each other (“Jesus Christ”)?

The Rothschild’s financed Alexander Hamilton’s, Treasurer of the U.S., first US bank dumdums, so they have been participating/influencing American politics from the get go.

Omg, someone financed a politician. Stop the presses.

Influence does not mean ownership:


Money doesn’t mean everything. You obviously over-estimate the value of money. Maybe because you’re so obsessed with chasing dollars?

Someone? A someone of coincidence? More like financed a government dumdum, but with no strings attached I’m certain. :laughing:

When are you going to change your moniker to Peter K jr.?

The analogy you just used, Wendy, is this.

The school bully keeps beating up the playground weakling, happens to be a jew in this hypothetical example. The jewish kid then hands his lunch money over to the school bully, a bribe of sorts, “protection money”. The bully begins to enjoy that money, gladly takes it, maybe even feels a little remorse “was I too hard on him?” But the bully and jew form a relationship over time. But the jewish kid doesn’t have any money for lunch. So what does he do? With the few nickles and dimes he has, he trades candy around school, and makes a few bucks. He gets his money back, and learns how to make more money.

This is essentially the archetype you just communicated. Jews bribe, fund, influence, “participate” in u.s. politics and hegemony. Well duh, of course. This is nothing new. This is 2000 years old.

What do you think the Jews were doing in Roman, and mingling with Christians 2000 years ago? The same as today. Influence affords protection. That’s what “Zionism” is, or even “global politics”, internationlism, globalism, etc.


Except I don’t have any money in a bank and find ways of circumventing around them.

Says the zionist sympathizer. Don’t worry, when the day western economies collapse in domino fashion globally the playing field will equalize itself temporarily (level out)where everybody that deserves retaliation will receive it in kind.

Only then will the real mark of failure reveal itself in true competition of survival. We’ll see who clings onto fantasies or delusions then, won’t we?

Is that why the first thing out of the Judaist’s mouth is, “have sympathy for the poor oppressed Jews”?


:-k Now I wonder if the Rothschild’s have financed all the governments for the last three hundred years…makes sense, since they own most all of the international banks, I mean their shareholders do(other banks they own who hold the majority votes) and these “thrifts” which are probably more Jew-owned companies.

What’s a “thrift,” Mr. Reasonable?

Yeah, because Jews got where they’re at by hard work not by grifting or conning people, right?

You know where hard work gets people these days? Massive health problems, little to no financial gain, and an early grave. Hard work is for suckers, I’ve seen this pan out time and time again.

If there is anything one can learn about this world is that it respects deception not hard work.

:romance-heartbeating: Pow! Pow!