How much of modernity (the last 20 years) is precious?

One gives meaning to ones own life if one can or wants to. Not everyone necessarily can but if you can then the meaning you give to it is not for others to decide
upon because it is true only for you and no one else. So since meaning is personal to one then what others think is entirely irrelevant even if they agree with you

Homosexuality is problematic, but it has been a part of societies throughout time. There is no way to wipe it out genetically especially if it is in part exacerbated by genes and chosen as a way of life as well. I really don’t believe that homosexuality is an exclusive sexual requirement for I know for a fact that some fairly flaming men do find a few woman attractive enough to sex up, but I’m not so sure that the gay men who find themselves all of the sudden infatuated with a woman can handle that truth. These gay men flip the fuck out when a woman’s presence gives them a stiffy and they retreat back into the ultra gay male world to escape this new jolting reality. Since I’m no psychiatrist, I can’t tell you why they run back to Gayville.

Monsanto…now bought by Bayer

Another reason, ramping up hormones in dairy cows for larger milk productions…not good for humans over the long term.

I’m a big fan of the banking system, and I think taxes suck.

In America, if you start young, buy and hold, and can manage to scrape up 50 bucks a week or so to put into your retirement, and you pay attention to it and diversify and all that, then you can retire with money even if your contribution to society is actually worthless. Because this is the land of the free. People who refuse to help themselves in that simple way cause people who do to have to pay more taxes, making it harder for people who care about themselves and their futures to end up with what they need.

Like why does anyone give a shit if the illuminati controls the world? They’re not stopping you from bumming 25 bucks a week on the street corner, and they can’t stop you from reading financial news.

Worry about yourself. If everyone did that, then we would only need welfare for people who are missing limbs and for people who are retarded or get cancer or hit by a bus. Then there would be more freedom for those who exercise discipline and who sacrifice more to help themselves to have a better retirement.

Like when I was a kid, people “invested” in beanie babies. That was dumb. Now you can access the entire market from your phone and trade instantly. That probably does more for the idea of equal opportunity than anything else that’s happened like ever.

Mr., why are you rambling, multiple posts, in many threads that have little to nothing to do with those threads? Did you start happy hour at 10AM?

Nah I’m resting today and tomorrow. Got an event Thursday and a friend coming into town, so there will be an all day happy hour then.

How is my statement about instant trades without brokers, and unlimited access to financial news and company data not on topic with regard to the question of what’s great about modernity?

Used to people could blame wall street for their problems, and they still do. But with less validity. We know you can’t beat them, but at least anyone can join them now. I think that’s really, really relevant.

Highest: freedom and range of choice.

Lowest: more brats who bitch and complain.

Another highest: instant world-wide communication.

I too was expecting more from humanity as a whole in my lifetime, and I am disappointed.

It will be many millennia before those leaps are bounded.

Without common sense, when one aspect of reality can be interpreted a million different ways, is it such a wonder that humanity is screwed?


Videogames are our only outlet of freedom where we can return to nature, without any rules and laws telling us what’s what.

Most importantly, videogames offer an aesthetic that isn’t run-down garbage like most forms of inner-city living.

  1. The slide into the abyss has accelerated. Suggesting the end … of the slide … is near.

  2. Consciousness of 1) hasn’t changed much.

It is looking that way, isn’t it… and the prospects remain bleak. :laughing:

Well, let’s at least have fun on the way down! :evilfun: :laughing:

A “Noah’s Ark” moment?

Gib… it would be rude not to, and a waste of the offerings laid out before us… courtesy of the laws of attraction. :smiley:

Tom… well, the weather patterns have been atrocious. :slight_smile:

More like a Kevin Spacey moment from Hurly Burly:

“I mean, we’re all going fuckin’ under. So, how about a little laugh along the way?”

I get it … “A titanic moment” :slight_smile: