Abusing America


PKommunist is afraid to acknowledge that his glorious leader was a petty despotic coward who expanded war in the Middle East rather than, as he campaigned on, ending it.

Very Orwellian of him… oh it doesn’t count as “military invasion” if we just drop thousands of bombs on civilians from invisible robots in the sky. That isn’t really bad because it isn’t really “military invasion”. I suppose robotic death machines and bombs and terroristic mobs funded and trained by Obama aren’t “an invasion”, then? Ha. Maybe we should ask the people who are living in places where these drone and “freedom fighter” tactics are used whether or not they think it’s a military invasion. I can just picture PKommunist trying to tell them it’s not.

War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength

The motto of PKommunists everywhere.

PKommunist should congratulate himself for having mastered doublethink and newspeak. He did a Double Plus Good job of self-enslaving! Comrades everywhere, cheer his great achievement.


Are there any videos or photos of those invasions that PK could “see?”

How would I know? He would simply close his eyes if presented with them.

K: a drone strike, as horrible as it is and I am against drone strikes, are not an invasion…
they are one off, single strike against a target that cannot be hit any other way…
take a country, say Pakistan for example, we hit “Joe blow” with a drone strike,
that is not an invasion, no troops on the ground, no supporting troops are sent in,
no other action is taken… so how is that an invasion? as I said, I am against
drone strikes because they so often result in many innocents deaths because it is
so dependent on intel that may be wrong or the wrong target might get hit or
the drone misses, the result is wrong in any case… but I cannot stop drone strikes…
but I shall continue to express my unhappiness with them


Obama violated his own rules with Yemen drone strike

President Obama Explains Drone Strikes

Obama Drone strike casualties in Pakistan

There’s lots out there, but it’s up to Peter to wake up.

Seriously Peter? Obama calls on our military to send out military vehicles loaded with bombs to repeatedly invade and attack another nation and to you because we have no boots or vehicles on their ground, we have not invaded? This is your logic?

You support a party and its ideology that says it’s okay…to wing it…with our bombs…over another nation’s soil?

PKommie at the above gathering in Pakistan:

“Dude chill, we aren’t invading you!”

I’ll leave it to you to imagine what would happen to him there, in response to his saying that.

No…no…he says, “They aren’t dead, they’re just taking a long nap.”

K: a drone strike is not an invasion, no matter how you paint it…
is it wrong? yes, very, but that doesn’t change the fact, a drone strike
is not an invasion…

my handy dandy dictionary says this about the word… Invasion: an invading or being
invaded by an army… so you are stretching the idea of a drone strike into being
an invasion which it is not…

I am impressed however how far you all are willing to stretch the meaning of
the idea of a drone strike into a invasion… very alt fact of you…as you cannot
even defend your idea that Obama INVADED any country…I am sure this is the best
you can do… changing the goal post to try to make your point…

and as usual, you are attacking me and insulting me… pretty much par
for the course as you all have nothing else…

as for your insults and attacks… you haven mistaken me for someone who cares what
you think…


If the Army owns the drones, then they were invaded by the Army.

So nuclear warheads are not an attack either? Okay, just remember that as your ass gets blown to smithereens by the Russians who may invite us to Sunday Tea. It’s good to know Peter that we cannot be invaded by nukes.

K: as I have stated multiple time before, I AM AGAINST DRONE STRIKES… I don’t know how
many times I can say this, with that said, he did not invade… the political structure of
the countries hit did not come under attack, the military in that country was not engaged,
the infrastructure of that country was not attacked… single targets were attacked…
that does not, DOES NOT mean it was an invasion… and once again, I state for the
record, I AM AGAINST DRONE STRIKES…and in case you didn’t notice, Obama is no
longer president… 45 is… and you still haven’t proven your point… what countries did
Obama invade? you are stuck on this point because you don’t have anything else…


Wendy, you can’t fix stupid.

Multiple bodies and multiple buildings for a single target? How’d that happen Peter?

Is an invasion against a nation, it’s people, and it’s way of life or is it a solely military exercise aiming for specific targets be it spies, leaders, or the government’s strongholds?

When civilian bodies and buildings are decimated, when citizens cannot continue their ways of life due to being dead, an invasion has occurred Peter.

K: now that has a different effect… think about it… what is the point of a single drone strike?
what is the point of a nuke attack? they are different things trying to accomplish different things…

context is everything… in a nuke attack, the point is to destroy the cities and infrastructure
and the political infrastructure whereas in a single drone strike, a single person or a couple of
people are being targeted… totally different agenda and totally different tools are being used
to accomplished the goal… you cannot seriously compare nuclear warfare with a single
drone strike on a single target… think about it… try to compare a nuke attack with
a single drone attack…jeez louise, are you really going to make that comparison?


No boots, no vehicles, no army…those were your stipulations for an invasion. You moving your goal posts now Peter? Peter’s adding amendments and stipulations to his definitions now.

lol you just pissed off an entire starbucks full of liberals reading this thread

You mean if I beat him in the head with truth and logic, he’s still a lost cause? Pow! Pow! Maybe I should have gotten my degree in Political Science…this is fun! :evilfun: :laughing: