The Philosophers

Yes, it is just like those people who claim that given infinite time a group of monkeys pounding on keyboards would produce Hamlet. That is simply false. Just as it is false to assume that given an infinite amount of time, frogs would eventually build a space shuttle and reach the moon (assuming they remained frogs, rather than evolving into something else).

It is an analytic mistake. Just like in quantum physics where they make a similar mistake by misinterpreting statistical probability curves as if that were ontology.

And equally Nietzsches projection of the infinite recurrence of the exact same states given infinite time and a finite amount of ontos.
This is not how time and being compute.
Being is not a passive variable that responds to the magnitude of time. It is being that pushes forward time by cohering in entirely particular, specific and maximized forms.

Nice to see you back, Fixed.

There is no “ontology” there is only “epistemology”.
Which is why QM is not making a mistake.

I can agree.
Quantum Mechanics is not making a mistake, as it makes no ontological claims. It only pertains to degrees of certainty of knowledge. It is thus indeed epistemology.

Quantum Physics on the other hand makes claims to ontology, but based on a known uncertainty (the epistemic certainty about ontic uncertainty) and is thus fallacy.

All supernaturalistic theories about being based supposedly on the uncertainty principle are missing the point of QM entirely, and they do so much like Leibniz sees Descartes as missing the point of statistical probabilities.

What is needed is a third frame of reference: the coherence of the structure of knowledge with the strategy of its application. This is truly advanced philosophy, pro-active thinking.

QP as opposed to QM does indeed make the error of ascribing to ontology what are actually epistemically attributes. Reality itself isn’t “statistical” simply because when we posit what we know in the absence of sufficient information we must use statistics as a guide.

We must remember that physics is an empirical science and is not philosophy.

The last thing you said really strikes me as crucial. I had a similar thought yesterday regarding locating the perfect ground-seed of an idea in order to perfectly expose the error in that way of thinking. Thought expands and grows but if you can identify and elaborate the seed of error as such within that thought, then the whole structure reconfigures instantly. We could think of it like entanglement: every thought-form is entangled with its errors, and every structure of thoughts is entangled with the totality of its errors. If you locate the center of gravity, the universality of those errors and express it to the structure itself then you instantly change the structure as it communicates instantly with itself in a new way. This is, I think, what all philosophy is always trying to do.

And what VO finally accomplishes.

The logic was making all possible steps from its own center, exploding all the error in the fundamental assumption of a specific direction and thus the negation of another, and is now unfolding in a downward direction that Pezer has conceived back in 2015 in our discussions on BTL and that we are now revitalizing. He has basically found a proper element to be reified qua synthetic self valuing, so that a centre of a world can be conceived. You should get back in touch with him and we should work on this together in more discrete environment.

Yes, VO not only identifies a universal ground-seed but shows in method how other such seeds within more individual structures such as in thought can be found.

Self-valuing is a ‘positive’ such seed, not an error. But I also want to locate the seeds of errors so that individual thoughts and thought structures can be reformatted more properly. For example there is in “leftism” such a seed of error, probably more than one, that if we found it and successfully expressed it to the whole of leftist thought structure then that structure would simply decohere. I’m working on finding the seed, the notion of anti-individuality you mentioned gets close, but isn’t quite exactly there yet.

In a way, I am hunting archetypes.

Archetypes of error, nice.

I would see as the bone marrow of such types one fundamental error, which is failing to rout ones self valuing through the empirical world, as giving rise to all “slave mentality”, i.e. inclination to not be structurally responsible for ones weight in the equation. It is impossible in this world-science to fully establish a rational centre of cohesion of action and thought, until such a centre has been radically implemented, as a primordial crime if you will at the outset of a paradigm of law. This law birthing truth must relate to the most earthly of realities though, that funk Pezer brought into the equation to stabilize it.

In any case I agree that the path to wisdom is largely the discernment of error. To that end, there is a beauty to error, as it becomes a simple path, a reality along the outlines of which the light of truth gives opportunity to navigate and be -
perhaps truth would simply not allow us to navigate, to explore, to be truthful - truth might compel us to err, and that is what might have happened to Nietzsche - at least in this way we can understand the Birth of Tragedy as turning to the Will to Power.

To this end, this grounding particle so to speak, I now see the breakdown of great orders into small chaoses as useful, as they would eventually just end up becoming the highest type of meritocratic capitalism.

I think we should think about reinforcing the religious thinking around capitalism, that is, if we want to restore to it its proper excess. Money is always been the blood of god, and a load of it was spilled into the dank urf.

Haha, yeah. I have also been working on the polarity between “good” (useful) religion and “good” (useful) scientific/philosophical atheism as it pertains to the strength and structure of culture. This daemonic polarization is very strong in the US, I think it is part of the US cultural strength. And that cultural strength translates via economy and politics into societal and military strength.

The “right” (at least the old right) wants to collapse the scientific/philosophcial atheistic side into the religious side, while the left wants to collapse the religious side into the scientific/(non)philosophical atheistic side. Both of those approaches are erroneous. The polarity must be preserved, and it maps out a space wherein those on the right cannot go too far toward science and philosophy without decohering their own paradigm and personality, likewise for those on the left with how they cannot go too far toward the “religious” (non atheistic) side.

Two dominant personalities here, in tension. Most people somewhere in the middle.

To break apart the neoliberal centralized-monopolized capital into more micro-units for release of meritocracy would be tremendous. I think Trump and the phenomenon and movement around him represents this idea, perhaps at the unconscious level. Since centralized communist-neoliberal monopoly capitalism doesn’t work, we can assume that as it continues to suffer breakdowns the system is slowly being naturally reconfigured back toward a more proper meritocracy, where money has true value again. Currently money has only false value, as debt and mere invention of unreality (often no actual real values produced).

And of course the new categories are far less monolithic, as the “left” no longer has a stranglehold on “rationality and non-religiosity”. This is a very good development.

Ive kept myself from writing as I am deeply angry about almost all views and have no expectation of change until I make it. This is how I understand my philosophership.

In 2011, before we set out making this forum, I set out a timeline that has been remarkably accurate so far. What I can tell you is that the coming presidential term is not going to provide the opening yet, but the one after that is likely to begin showing true cracks; that is to say, invitations (for new law, for the lawgiver to step in).

Now here are my unfiltered sentiments on the subject of Globalism.


We are destroying the Earth. Whatever is growing on the surface is dying under our touch.

Our touch is globalist.

Globalism equals Earth-rape.

The only reason there is globalism is remorseless profiteering. The only reason to deny that humans have their own local natures, values, joys, character’s narratives, lives, souls and beings, or to want to replace them with something ‘better’ in the sense of an invisible horrormachine that steals or turns to shit everything nature had them born into and that they loved, to replace it with plastic morals and plastic food to serve all the so-deprived and depraved equally with the purest synthetic nothingness, is to steal the values on which these values rely. That is globalism; rape-robbery made into a Universal Imperative.

Value Ontology has entities as local, ontically grounded in 2 things; principle of necessity (self-valuing) and its deep derivative, the environment (causation, values)

Self-valuing dies immediately under globalist purview. Only a discrete entity, a soul, who financially owns the Earth could possibly value this in organic terms at this point; and only in the sense that he’d be able to pay for its restoration across some thousands of years. The way in which the Earth is held now by disparate and competing interests none of which is grounded in any sort of reality principle, nor has any incentive to get grounded, is the antithesis of self-valuing; to uphold a collection of disparate tastes and standards as one entity in order to enforce the individuals affirmation of it, is to undo all these individuals.

Globalism is ontically only possible when I or we, that is to say, when Philosophy, firmly rules, and has for a while firmly ruled, the reasons for it. And that means primarily that value has to be understood as a derivative of self-valuing; all else follows from that; and nothing relevant follows from anything else.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 1:09 pm
I am in agreement except for a slight point of difference; I see the cause of the earth-rape as not globalism or globalization but simply the tragedy of the commons on a massive scale: this has happened before, check out the history of Easter Island, it’s pretty interesting. They completely wiped out their vegetative environment in order to build those massive statues, in some kind of obsession and ended up collapsing into starvation due to environmental ruin. It’s essentially the fact that in a society or situation/world of many different, individual self-valuings there is an inherent lack of values-overlap when it comes to the most abstractly shared, given spaces. Classic example is public grazing land, each farmer values not over-grazing the land for his own cattle due to wanting to preserve the space, but he knows the other farmers feel the same way, therefore he can squeeze out marginal extra value foe himself by secretly over-grazing or only slightly over-grazing; of course every other farmer thinks and does the very same thing, and the plot of land is consumed.

I don’t see how self-valuing alone can address this problem. In this sense we must understand a self-valuing as a reflection of its society/history/culture/family. The ‘self’ of a self-valuing is not irreducibly complex nor is it given, nor is it immutable, nor is it a-historical. I absolutely do not want to undermine the notion of self-valuing but I do want to condition it to the actual, real causes that bring it into being, namely the language, ideas, experiences it is exposed to upon being born and growing into itself. And this gets to my positive vision of a possible globalism that is by, of and for individual human self-valuing while also providing the highest possible social construct at the planetary level capable of preventing tragedy of the commons type problems.

Right now absolutely nothing can prevent tragedy of the commons problems. Current globalism has little to no interest in it, and absent a global capacity to act in concert self-valuings alone are incapable of preventing it either; it is in the nature of a self-valuing to try to squeeze out more marginal value where logically possible, this impulse must be rationally, moderately tempered by what we call society, “global” constructs and systems. To me it’s always about a balance between these, balance between individual and social and that balance always striving to become more accurate and ideal over time.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 4:38 pm
Capable wrote:
I am in agreement except for a slight point of difference; I see the cause of the earth-rape as not globalism or globalization but simply the tragedy of the commons on a massive scale: this has happened before, check out the history of Easter Island, it’s pretty interesting. They completely wiped out their vegetative environment in order to build those massive statues, in some kind of obsession and ended up collapsing into starvation due to environmental ruin. It’s essentially the fact that in a society or situation/world of many different, individual self-valuings there is an inherent lack of values-overlap when it comes to the most abstractly shared, given spaces. Classic example is public grazing land, each farmer values not over-grazing the land for his own cattle due to wanting to preserve the space, but he knows the other farmers feel the same way, therefore he can squeeze out marginal extra value foe himself by secretly over-grazing or only slightly over-grazing; of course every other farmer thinks and does the very same thing, and the plot of land is consumed.

The reason I attribute earthrape to globalism is that globalism is driven by un-earthy motivations; it being beyond nationalism, which is fundamentally a love of the soil and physical values and qualities, of locality, which is the locus of self-valuing as a principle, it isnt able top be contained by earthly, earthy values. It simply has no impetus to stop destroying the world; it was never founded on, never made contact with earth. It is purely theoretical wealth, money-derivatives, coercion schemes, that drive globalism and anchor it in reality.

This is why I say it must be almost entirely reversed before it can be sanely implemented.

Quote :
I don’t see how self-valuing alone can address this problem. In this sense we must understand a self-valuing as a reflection of its society/history/culture/family. The ‘self’ of a self-valuing is not irreducibly complex nor is it given, nor is it immutable, nor is it a-historical.

I’d note that the principle itself is almost a-historical, that is to say a property of pure synthetic logic (where synthetic logic is still a historicity); but that indeed no manifestation of the principle is separate of its environment; of the substance that it assimilated into its ‘self’ (a term I dont take too heavily).

The principle helps in as far that no logical approach is possible without it. That it does not by itself unfold as an approach, that is what Ive been discovering the past years; what VO requires is that one becomes radically, ‘objectively’ subjective. This is the agent that builds the objective world, that hones it, sculpts it.

The perspective of power is the final objectivity. The whole of the world is shape-shifting every electronic instance and in different ways as seen from any perspective, more so as the perspective is more substantial.

Quote :
I absolutely do not want to undermine the notion of self-valuing but I do want to condition it to the actual, real causes that bring it into being, namely the language, ideas, experiences it is exposed to upon being born and growing into itself. And this gets to my positive vision of a possible globalism that is by, of and for individual human self-valuing while also providing the highest possible social construct at the planetary level capable of preventing tragedy of the commons type problems.

This conditioning to the actual is the aim. Has been the aim. As I said above, I have discovered, not without frustration, that the actual can only be conditioned (with philosophical consistency and ‘lastability’) by example.

We’ll actually have to demonstrate that our philosophy is superior. This is the only way to get it implemented into actuality. And that is what Ive been trying to sniff out the past years; the path to take.

After close to a year of conclave with Pezer I am quite close to having discerned where that path starts.

Quote :
Right now absolutely nothing can prevent tragedy of the commons problems. Current globalism has little to no interest in it, and absent a global capacity to act in concert self-valuings alone are incapable of preventing it either; it is in the nature of a self-valuing to try to squeeze out more marginal value where logically possible, this impulse must be rationally, moderately tempered by what we call society, “global” constructs and systems. To me it’s always about a balance between these, balance between individual and social and that balance always striving to become more accurate and ideal over time.

I disagree. I think it must be kept in check locally only. For several reasons; one of which is the important factor that at no point in history has globalism leaned to being successful in reducing misery. The main reason though is pure self-valuing logic; I would never take orders from a global state, Id much rather die. That is the glory of humanity; we arent tied to our survival to uphold our values. The idea of fighting to the death against the globalist machine is pure joy. It is fighting for everything I love in a very direct way; I love animals, I love plants, I love molecules, I love humans. All of which grow, orient, live, love and die locally.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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    Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 4:47 pm
I see globalization as akin to an impulse to have every organ and body part fulfill the exact same function.

That function could never be a function of the body; globalisms function is never of humans; only of an alien logic come about by flattening thought processes and abusing leverage that seeks to harvest the organs to burn them for some momentary heat.

Humanity’s beauty is fully due to its diversity. That is what keeps it vital, what keeps it interacting with itself, what keeps it growing and appreciating.

Our modern cities are dead because they are homogenized in terms of the values they extract, offer and project; they are organized under the presumption that all humans hold similar values, tastes, priorities. This is why people like Sauwelios and Parodites dont leave their houses for years on end; the homogenized world is simply only fit for another, a far less alive species.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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    Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:04 pm
The bottom line could be approached as follows;

True wholeness, the type that is actually whole-some, existent, requires the highest standards being alive and attainable for all the parts; therefore, it can only be established by the most comprehensive and highest parts; i.e. by the Philosopher, in a specific sense - by the man who leads purely by example, and who is able to lead all aspects of humanity by example. Man, or more likely group of men. - I don’t think women can really lead militarily except as pure scourges, which must preclude US presidency - but this is not an analytic judgment - certainly Im prepared to debate it… I cant see a woman leading men by example, and it is men who need to be led.

I am convinced we will have to step up, right up to the government, much as philosophers have defined their philosophership in the past; by carrying the actual responsibility overtly. That is my intention and has been my intention since VO came about. Given the clarifying and sanitizing power of merely acknowledging the principle, it would be a crime of negligence not to approach politics with the pure intention of dominating it entirely.

And to this end, it is an invaluable possession, this highly significant difference between our positions.
I know I am eternally and infinitely right about the principles working, and I know that gives me nothing directly about how to proceed, how to act; rather, the understanding of the principle has made the problem infinitely deeper; or it has revealed to me the true depth of the problem of philosophy with respect to humanity.

It is not to be disregarded, the fact that philosophers have occupied humble positions until now. That must and will end. There is no sensible way in which one can expect to be able to do actual honest commanding if it is not openly acknowledged that ones impulses are sublime and superior. No more power behind the throne. The world is our throne. Anything less, we’re better off selling groceries.

Our violent temperaments and unbreakable pride are absolutely instrumental to real-world purpose. The bottom line: only the highest valuing can establish a fitting “universal” working-value standard. Anything less is rape.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:15 pm
How do you conceive of the ontological difference between local government (including I suppose all the way up to the nation-state) and global government? I feel like I could find may examples where global institutions have done good in the world. I agree that practically speaking much that is deplorable and harmful comes out of global government, but one could say that of any government; in contrast I can’t see a necessary “evil” in the notion of government at the planetary level more so than at the continental or regional levels.

In fact I’m tempted to change the terms in the discussion and start referring to the distinction between planetary government and continental or regional government. The US is a continental government; Italy is a regional government; a theoretical global government (something like the UN but with actual legal and enforcement power) would be a planetary government.

You mentioned how globalism is an alien logic trying to make everything so the same, I agree. To me this is what globalism as global capital machine is all about, a pure ‘analytic’ monstrosity. Wealth as blood, and not the vitalized kind of blood but just the kind that drains our and represents a loss. Blood without a body-- that is modern global capitalism. But again; two points, 1) I could, I feel quite confident, come up with examples where ostensibly global institutions have done good (yes I will actually find evidence backing this up), and 2) my aim is to advocate a form of planetary government that is made by, for and of human self-valuing at both individual and social levels. To be totally honest, I see absolutely nothing NECESSARILY about global/planetary-wide government that prevents it from potentially being rational, sane, emancipatory, dignified. Remember that I parse “government” as an entity into two categories: the people who work in government, and the institutional incentives and norms (along with strict legalities). A government with the right people working within it can do tremendous good, and a government with the right institutional incentives and norms will attract and reward a certain kind of good, dedicated employee. I see government as just a system for organizing people and ideas, including up to the legal use of force which is absolutely a required construct for a civilization of free self-valuing beings (the paradox is, on the surface, that free beings would require legal structures prohibiting and allowing various things, when in fact this isn’t paradoxical at all because without such legal structures we have nothing but anarchy and rule of animal might makes right, mafia rule essentially, in which higher values get buried within lower ones-- think about trolling online; without structures preventing trolling, truly free and valuable conversation can’t even get off the ground (e.g. ILP)).

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:49 pm
Quote :

How do you conceive of the ontological difference between local government (including I suppose all the way up to the nation-state) and global government? I feel like I could find may examples where global institutions have done good in the world. I agree that practically speaking much that is deplorable and harmful comes out of global government, but one could say that of any government; in contrast I can’t see a necessary “evil” in the notion of government at the planetary level more so than at the continental or regional levels.

To start with, language. That is perhaps the basic ethical framework the human is provided with. One can not govern people properly if one isn’t subtly versed in the best their language has had to offer since its beginnings.

In general, the less local a government is, the less of an idea it could possibly have of what it is supposed to do to benefit its people. The EU has shown that a central government spanning many language groups powerfully and relentlessly acts to eradicate value, integrity. It has been able to reduce 2000 year of culture to nothing in a few decades. It has become a huge haunted house.

Quote :
In fact I’m tempted to change the terms in the discussion and start referring to the distinction between planetary government and continental or regional government. The US is a continental government; Italy is a regional government; a theoretical global government (something like the UN but with actual legal and enforcement power) would be a planetary government.

Clearer terms; still, I don’t see a planetary government happening without eradicating most of humanity. Not within 500 years.

The mass pathologies ruling most of mankind are organisms, festering flora, that will have to outlive their time. Until they have withered away, a planetary government would have to pay lipservice to horrific stupidities. So before all of it has left the planet, all organized monotheism, there will only be religional governments that have some real support of the people.

Quote :
You mentioned how globalism is an alien logic trying to make everything so the same, I agree. To me this is what globalism as global capital machine is all about, a pure ‘analytic’ monstrosity. Wealth as blood, and not the vitalized kind of blood but just the kind that drains our and represents a loss. Blood without a body-- that is modern global capitalism. But again; two points, 1) I could, I feel quite confident, come up with examples where ostensibly global institutions have done good (yes I will actually find evidence backing this up),

It would be good to categorize that, have a list of merits.
I do believe that they can be found.
I think that the determines vastly outweigh them, but that only makes mentioning tem relevant.

Quote :
and 2) my aim is to advocate a form of planetary government that is made by, for and of human self-valuing at both individual and social levels. To be totally honest, I see absolutely nothing NECESSARILY about global/planetary-wide government that prevents it from potentially being rational, sane, emancipatory, dignified. Remember that I parse “government” as an entity into two categories: the people who work in government, and the institutional incentives and norms (along with strict legalities). A government with the right people working within it can do tremendous good,

I only could agree with that on a solid basis if we are talking about philosophers, as the right people. Philosophers and those who understand them and are driven to carry out their ideas with great passion and cool.

I truly do not believe that anyone but a rigorous philosopher could have the faintest notion of what to do with an entire fucking planet.

Quote :
and a government with the right institutional incentives and norms will attract and reward a certain kind of good, dedicated employee. I see government as just a system for organizing people and ideas, including up to the legal use of force which is absolutely a required construct for a civilization of free self-valuing beings (the paradox is, on the surface, that free beings would require legal structures prohibiting and allowing various things, when in fact this isn’t paradoxical at all because without such legal structures we have nothing but anarchy and rule of animal might makes right, mafia rule essentially, in which higher values get buried within lower ones-- think about trolling online; without structures preventing trolling, truly free and valuable conversation can’t even get off the ground (e.g. ILP)).

We regard animals in a fundamentally different way; I regard birds and mammals as high beings, gods in a sense, much purer than humans generally. This would say a lot about how we regard strictly human institutions; I tend to see them as terrible deviations of nature, torture instruments allowed only by excessive erring. Also I see government mostly as the disease of bureaucracy.

Lastly, since indeed self-valuing relies for all its actual substance and forms on the environment, the philosophical empire that I work for must also use environment to substantiate; for this environment I am looking at Rome. I believe Rome must still subject near Asia, and that far-Asia will be very happy to sustain it in that effort.

China will gladly follow the rules of a philosophical Roman centralized philosophical government, since it is impossible for a philosopher not to respect the Chinese as standard-setters; this will become the planetary ethos once it becomes relevant; the world greatest oldest traditions will respectfully dominate a vast, rich tapestry of smaller, but equally vital cultures that are protected by some notions of freedom that will be imposed on the Chinese and others, at all costs -

Nations will eventually modify their laws to philosophical standard, but not to any lesser ones.

I aim straight for the top. There are no stairs; we are the stairs.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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    Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 6:01 pm
There are a few fundamental concerns that I can already tell are crucial to global health. The main one is our food. We dont value our food, its substance. We are torturing billions of animals to death at every given moment and we are harvesting all of our forests to feed these tortured animals. That is the system, our ecosystem.

Human perishings and hells arent important at this point. What first needs to be fixed is animal and plant life. After that, long standing human concerns can be re-addressed. If we address humanity before animal and plant life, before bringing back from hell what we are literally made out of, we will not be able to sustain processes of reason among each other.

From this it should become clear how far removed I stand from all philosophy until now; the self-valuing principle allows me to see humans as as disparate as they are in value and valuing ways; it allows me to see that what passes for human these days is far less than most animals and plants, in terms of its value to itself, its joy and justification.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:41 pm
Fixed Cross wrote:
I see globalization as akin to an impulse to have every organ and body part fulfill the exact same function.

That function could never be a function of the body; globalisms function is never of humans; only of an alien logic come about by flattening thought processes and abusing leverage that seeks to harvest the organs to burn them for some momentary heat.

Humanity’s beauty is fully due to its diversity. That is what keeps it vital, what keeps it interacting with itself, what keeps it growing and appreciating.

Our modern cities are dead because they are homogenized in terms of the values they extract, offer and project; they are organized under the presumption that all humans hold similar values, tastes, priorities. This is why people like Sauwelios and Parodites dont leave their houses for years on end; the homogenized world is simply only fit for another, a far less alive species.

I will respond at this point, for reasons. I must say I agree with Fixed Cross. I can see where Capable is coming from, however. All beings are self-valuings. But only some self-valuings are self-aware as self-valuings. Thus: “what VO requires is that one becomes radically, ‘objectively’ subjective. This is the agent that builds the objective world, that hones it, sculpts it.” This is why I’m taking the course I’ve taken with my “State of the World Address” and its sequels (my De-Waal posts or impact-driven piles). This post is not one of those, as I need to be high on psychedelics to write them. Anyway, my problem with Capable is that he seems to me to be too idealistic–not necessarily in a philosophical sense, but in the popular sense of the word. I may be able to illustrate this by the fact that, in his “Text analysis: an ideal politics” thread in the Kurukshetra forum, he did not quote all of what I said in the “brief conversation with [me]” he mentioned in that thread; in that conversation, I also wrote:

“[Q]uality should always come before quantity (unless quantity’s provisionally coming before quality is a necessary means to quality’s ultimately coming before quantity)–as it does in 4 out of the 5 instances in which you mention the two. Better to have a few self-valuings of the supreme quality than many of a lower quality!”

Now it may be my bad that I brought this up as a minor problem I had with his excerpt. It was a minor problem compared to the major one I had with it, but I still think it’s a major problem. He seems to aim at the ideal of democracy as the universal aristocracy. But what if this is unrealistic? Then the best democracy is imperfect democracy, with a large minority–the “elites”–being relatively noble and the majority being ignoble. But this best democracy is not the best possible regime (practically, not theoretically possible: thus better regimes have actually existed!), and if a literal aristocrat, a most noble human being, actually becomes actualized in that democracy, he will therefore vindicate the imperfect democracy as well as the ideal of democracy in such a way as to transcend them both! The ideal of democracy as leading to an ochlocracy which may lead to a new Caesarism, and the imperfect democracy as having made possible the very actualization of this philosophical Caesar!

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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Sep 17, 2016 11:46 pm
Ha, thanks for joining us. I will directly go for the pressure point; I will address the issue I have with your post, which appears only at the end; it is however significant because I find what leads up to it very powerful; up to the following I am in agreement;

“[To] vindicate the imperfect democracy as well as the ideal of democracy in such a way as to transcend them both!”

And then it becomes radical. Too direct for my narrative sensibilities; I can simply not imagine what a new Caesarism is like in this age. I can only see Caesar as an ancient Roman, in a world that does only in unchangeable ways apply to our predicament. On the other hand, Caesar is in my soul. I don’t know what he is arranging there but I’m sure Rome is preparing new conquest. So essentially my issue is a bequest; rephrase “Caesar”.

What I imagine is closer to a Nietzschean artist-tyranny like described in his final notebooks. The man was a political genius the likes of which none will ever need to exist again. If humanity manages to set up his artist-tyranny so as to become the pillars to a Dionysian world, the artist tyrant would then be Apollo. And Apollo would have notions like Capable’s; ambitions toward a comprehensive ethical order that guarantees the Greek gift of liberty.

Quote :
The ideal of democracy as leading to an ochlocracy which may lead to a new Caesarism, and the imperfect democracy as having made possible the very actualization of this philosophical Caesar!

If this is the path that appears, and it springs to mind that I am not in Europe right now, and that this accounts for my distance to the virtual inevitability of ochlocracy, then hail fucking Odin. And Caesar. What a bloody mess it will become.

I’m too sentimental to go there in thought, truly. But if it happens it will be clear what to do.

How are things in Europe?

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 18, 2016 10:22 am
Sauwelios wrote:
Fixed Cross wrote:
I see globalization as akin to an impulse to have every organ and body part fulfill the exact same function.

That function could never be a function of the body; globalisms function is never of humans; only of an alien logic come about by flattening thought processes and abusing leverage that seeks to harvest the organs to burn them for some momentary heat.

Humanity’s beauty is fully due to its diversity. That is what keeps it vital, what keeps it interacting with itself, what keeps it growing and appreciating.

Our modern cities are dead because they are homogenized in terms of the values they extract, offer and project; they are organized under the presumption that all humans hold similar values, tastes, priorities. This is why people like Sauwelios and Parodites dont leave their houses for years on end; the homogenized world is simply only fit for another, a far less alive species.

I will respond at this point, for reasons. I must say I agree with Fixed Cross. I can see where Capable is coming from, however. All beings are self-valuings. But only some self-valuings are self-aware as self-valuings. Thus: “what VO requires is that one becomes radically, ‘objectively’ subjective. This is the agent that builds the objective world, that hones it, sculpts it.” This is why I’m taking the course I’ve taken with my “State of the World Address” and its sequels (my De-Waal posts or impact-driven piles). This post is not one of those, as I need to be high on psychedelics to write them. Anyway, my problem with Capable is that he seems to me to be too idealistic–not necessarily in a philosophical sense, but in the popular sense of the word. I may be able to illustrate this by the fact that, in his “Text analysis: an ideal politics” thread in the Kurukshetra forum, he did not quote all of what I said in the “brief conversation with [me]” he mentioned in that thread; in that conversation, I also wrote:

“[Q]uality should always come before quantity (unless quantity’s provisionally coming before quality is a necessary means to quality’s ultimately coming before quantity)–as it does in 4 out of the 5 instances in which you mention the two. Better to have a few self-valuings of the supreme quality than many of a lower quality!”

Now it may be my bad that I brought this up as a minor problem I had with his excerpt.

Not at all, please bring up every problem you see, minor and major. The reason I truncated your part of the conversation when I re-posted it here was three-fold: 1) It was not a proper response to you anyway, but just me riffing off of some issues that were raised (I should also point out that, as far as I remember, I was the last one to offer a comprehensive reply in our ongoing conversation, unless I am remembering that wrong which is certainly possible), 2) I did not have your explicit permission to repost it, and I am usually conscious of the fact that re-posting someone’s private words from a PM conversation could be a violation in their view (I satisfied myself to a point that Kurukshetra is a private forum here, so not publicly visible), and most importantly 3) that I have no value whatsoever for comprehensively for its own sake when it comes to writing and text, I am not scholar, in fact I would say I am an anti-scholar in the sense that I do not literally give one fuck for proper form and structure of citation or for making sure I carefully cover every intricacy of the argument and what was said in its entirety in order that no one could ever accuse me of not paying proper respect; fuck that. All I care about is the truth, so I will cut out what is extraneous and go to the heart of the matter, and post that instead. In this way I tried to address the core of the issue that you brought up. The part that was not posted, as you mentioned, was simply extraneous as it had already been satisfactorily addressed. (In terms of, yes quality is always primary to quantity, but quantity is also necessary, and quantity can also be a means to quality, and it is important not to legislate a qualitative tyranny prescriptively over quantity, especially when it comes to writing for new readers (people not yet well versed in this stuff)).

Quote :
It was a minor problem compared to the major one I had with it, but I still think it’s a major problem. He seems to aim at the ideal of democracy as the universal aristocracy. But what if this is unrealistic? Then the best democracy is imperfect democracy, with a large minority–the “elites”–being relatively noble and the majority being ignoble. But this best democracy is not the best possible regime (practically, not theoretically possible: thus better regimes have actually existed!), and if a literal aristocrat, a most noble human being, actually becomes actualized in that democracy, he will therefore vindicate the imperfect democracy as well as the ideal of democracy in such a way as to transcend them both! The ideal of democracy as leading to an ochlocracy which may lead to a new Caesarism, and the imperfect democracy as having made possible the very actualization of this philosophical Caesar!

I would not characterize my political position as one defending democracy as universal aristocracy, nor am I particularly hung-up on democracy itself; FC will recall some text I’ve written to the effect of exposing democracy as little more than the attempt to enslave nobility and leadership to the ‘ignoble masses’, and this view is quite accurate in its own way. Democracy only still exists because most people do not want to be bothered with being invested in the administrative requirements of society or life, therefore they outsource those requirements to “experts” and “politicians”, and I also wrote which FC may recall, that where a true democracy has existed there was no need to call it by the name “democracy” because such a truly democratic organization of people simply acted to instantiate its commonly-hend value, acted without needing to talk about it; any true democracy is one that would probably never bear the name “democracy”.

But I am not bemoaning this “(named) democratic outsourcing” I mentioned; the positive effect of this outsourcing is two-fold as in 1) most people get to be free from wasting their time having to have endless community meeting to address issues of local government, as Zizek pointed out that he doesn’t want to constantly have to go to meetings about how to regulate water in his local area and other such mundane concerns that can much better be addressed by a more distant bureaucratic system (his point that he wants to be “pleasantly alienated” from all these mundane concerns and realities, which I agree most people want that kind of alienation, us here included (philosophy itself demands this kind of alienation from the mundane)), and 2) outsourcing to politicians and experts achieves the effect of pushing problems up toward greater scope and significance of social application, namely out of the merely local and toward the global.

I want more global work, more global action and thought and valuing; I do not idealize or romanticize the notion of localism. Localism is fine in so far as it is necessary and inescapable, which in some ways it certainly is, however it is not the highest or final value here. My value is more like the federalist system of government applied to the planetary level: I want what the US has in terms of local, regional, state and federal spheres of overlapping government but I want to extend it a step further:

  1. local (city)
  2. regional (county, district)
  3. state
  4. nation-state
  5. planetary

Each of those above spheres of government should have its own functioning governing bodies and systems, its own structure. I want a super-federalist system that peaks at the planetary level, something like the UN but with real power.

Of course FC’s point is very valid, that the larger one moves up in governance the more distant and dis-overlapped it becomes with language, culture and values. The EU’s problems for example, seems irreducibly in so far as EU member states have such vastly different languages, cultures and values.

But this inner tension is only something potentially productive in my view, a true daemonism. We should not aim for the ideal of removing or reducing that tension, we should wish to harness and use it. This diversity and difference is humanity’s strength, we should not want to flatten it away. But neither should we be scared to approach it as difference qua difference, as the irreducible remainder in the equations of large-scale governance.

A truly planetary federalist system of government would not bemoan these irreducible differences, it would find ways to turn them into strengths. For one thing, the highest peak level of government (the truly planetary level as peak) would be the exception and in most cases subservient to more local factors, in order to provide stability to the larger system. In fact we could simply re-define the value of the planetary-level to not only include the obvious values such as being able to sanely address environmental, energy, human rights etc. issues, but also the simple value of providing a minimally common frame of reference in which the real differences between people and locales achieves an abstract, possibly higher synthetic value, a kind of “future shadow of cooperation”.

Individual people within the same culture, region, or nation-state already have that shadow of cooperation, it is simply their commonality of culture, region or nation-state that binds them together in this indirect-abstract manner; at the individual level we have this commonality, an invisible brotherhood of human binding-ness that can act to partially reconcile and justify even the most severe individual differences in values. Likewise I think a new shadow of cooperation is materializing, the notion that we are all members of the human race. Whether or not we like this notion, whether or not we are prepared to admit certain lowly forms of humanity into it, is all beside the point; it is happening, this abstract ideal of coming-together at the species level, and I would argue in the philosophical sense it is absolutely necessary for any sentient self-conscious species to achieve this kind of species-wide recognition. Humanity has already achieved it at the regional, cultural and national levels; why not at the planetary-species level too? It is necessary that we do so, so I am not interested in trying to justify IF we should be doing it, but rather in HOW to do it.

I reject the assumption that a large number of people must be necessarily excluded from “the good society”, from justified participation and value in and by government. The fact that in reality many people are excluded and seem to have little value to themselves is only a contingent and not a necessary fact; it is contingent upon humanity still being in the dark ages where our social systems and governments literally create these “miserables” of the human race. We are literally creating low-quality people with near-zero value to themselves or others. Why are we doing this? Because our systems of government and society are still so antiquated and dark-ages-inspired. For myself, I personally value and think from the position of the future looking at all this present world as a distant past; we can do better, we must do better. We must instantiate sociopolitical systems that at least strongly incentivize people to be better versions of themselves and provide the means for higher values-realizations, so in this way no one would be left behind to low-quality near-zero value except by their own choice, which would mean the impossibility for human systems to ever approach perfection and the severe law of diminishing returns that applies as we push these systems closer and closer to the ideal of perfection. Not absolutely of course, but practically speaking I think “everyone” can and ought to achieve freedom from low-quality near-zero valuation and self-valuing. Compared to FC and maybe the others here it seems that I see a much higher value and priority on how society creates the possibilities and landscapes in which individual self-valuings realize themselves and self-value, how individuals become what they are. I reject the implicit view that society and government are somehow inadequate, inept or superfluous to the processes of individual self-valuing realization. I think that all of us here are always-already benefitted highly from how our respective societies and governmental systems have laid down landscapes of possibilities for the kind of high quality self-valuing that we represent. We may be prone to not seeing this because it acts as a given and invisible background, but to me that is even more reason to prioritize it at the level of our philosophical analysis.

FC, I agree with your comments about the importance of food and how right now we are torturing animals and destroying plant life in irrational manner. But I do not come down on the side of vegetarianism or veganism, I think human beings should self-value whatever they want in terms of eating or not eating animals. But yes there need to be some very clear and enforced standards when animals are consumed.

I find your view interesting, the way you see some animals as higher than humans. I can agree to a limited extent in certain cases, I have a deep respect for and fascination with animals. But in general I always see human being as the highest instance we know of of life, of consciousness, and of being. The very things that make humans deplorable and detestable to us are indeed signs of this elevated position of humanity over the other animals – humans are capable of being irrational, immoral and of low-quality or contradictory/dishonest self-valuing yet this is only possible because human being is already above the pre-human animal level where such things aren’t even possibilities. And the elevation of humanity over the other animals/plants is not a license to just “do whatever we want” to them but is a deep responsibility that we view the earth and all life within it as our own personal and sacred charge. We are not “above” something in order that we should de-value it, quite the opposite: we should be the ones recognizing, creating, instantiating and securing the value of these things which we are “above”, including animal and plant life. Of course “above” here is an imprecise term, it would be more accurate to just talk about the progression of subjectivity-consciousness and philosophical Being and where on that ladder or continuum human vs. other animal life rests. As Nietzsche said that man is more ape even than ape, this too I agree with; we do not leave behind what we have surpassed, we work it within ourselves and re-incorporated it in new and interesting (sometimes fatal) ways.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 18, 2016 11:30 am
Alls I can say is, I don’t know about all 'at.

I follow fertility gods, those do little in terms of helping one to understand all-laws.

Imposition. I’ve come to understand that my central puzzlement at the world at large is how much it seems to like it.

dionisius against the cross…
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 18, 2016 12:59 pm
I’ll make some isolated comments on different points raised.

Animal cruelty / Vegetarianism; I will always eat meat, but I want animals to have lives before they are butchered. That will not only be better for them and the planets overall well being, but the meat will be better, more wholesome. We eat all sorts of hell.

Imposition: Life is will to power, one either imposes, or is imposed upon. Mostly, both. But it is a scale; obviously I don’t need to explain this. What might warrant explanation is peoples desire to be imposed on; if one doesn’t have the stones, to impose is terrifying, and then the only option left is to be imposed on. There is no such thing as passive freedom. Freedom is essentially existence at its most real, active, violent and caring.

The impositions I would allow for, the type of world-government, or planetary government, which sounds scarier and realer and more beautiful, is an imposition of an abstract order, in one sense like the US constitution could be interpreted to aspire to, by Libertarian romantics; a guarantee of freedom for the individual, absolute violence sanctioned against the abuse of children (though how to define that is a tricky matter) and more things of such ilk; basically a government that protects from tyranny, so in many ways, from itself.

No single human ruler could be allowed here, nor any particular group, except if it is our own, or affiliated. That is the strange situation we find ourselves in; philosophy can no longer be impartial and on the sidelines. The correctness of a planetary governmental system relies entirely on the quality of its design, and it must hermetically philosophical. No other intelligentsia at this point even wants such power; it is up to us to cohere with the Chinese, the Indians, the powers that will determine Eurasia for the next thousand years, etc - and there is no question that the Chinese will appreciate these impositions, as it is a logic that prescribes purely sustainable growth. Global economic cohesion and sanity would draw a lot from history. VO and all out philosophy allows for this, unlike modernity; history. The world as it returns to health will draw heavily from its past, its body. We will see confirmations and explications and expansions of puir philosophies when they make contact with the ancient Chinese and Tibetan sciences of the organism.

South America will not be imposed on. These people have found a way to impose on each other personally, directly, through perfecting the viscerality of culture. South America is the jewel of the world, or the wet pussy, however you want it… of course the continent falls within the envisioned planetary order, but rather than using it as a canvas, we use it as a model, for deriving local governments.

To derive local governing principle, this relies entirely on funk, to bring back Pezers term for the earth-element.

Like QM and Relativity are disparate logics because they describe micro and macro, which can not be integrated without a meta-logic (such as VO) so planetary government and actual governance are disparate working logics; the former relies on principle, the latter on smell, touch, looks in peoples eyes; the moment. This, to cultivate form the present, rather than from an eternal principle, is what must be the actualization of the eternal judgment… and I now propose formally that South America be the locus of ongoing designing work on local governing and.

As Pezer proposed earlier this year; an institutional front is required, but one that is structured only by principle, by an agreed upon philosophical code of necessity; a government without ‘mass’, in a sense; a government guided and calibrated by the Library.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:28 pm
I’ll be goddamned if it ain’t so.

The other piece is of course the US. They are still in a position to impose, and none but US thinkers can pentrate it.

In the Venezuelan national anthem (beautiful bastards) there is a line: America whole exists as a nation.

Still the beat to our funk, so to say.

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:44 pm
Some of what follows was intended for Capable, but I’ve cut it up and generalized it.

Indeed as Fixed said, Trump’s election will not bring the change that is required, but will open the political process to that change, which is necessary. We have an opportunity in the US to do this in a very civilized manner, through an election- as opposed to armed rebellion.

I do not see the possibility of a world-culture being brought into existence or have a desire that a species wide system of values be instituted either organically or by some kind of directed intention. Besides, it is impossible to create the kind of globalist institutions that could combat things like climate change without diminishing the power of the masses, the public, the individuals. Globalism is by its very nature a concentration of political force in the hands of the few. Death is preferable. Power doesn’t come out of a void somewhere. In order for these elites to have more power, I have to give them some of mine; we have to give some more of our power, our rights, our individuality, our emancipatory potential, some more of our father’s and forefather’s blood, to them. Not only am I not interested in empowering these soul-less agencies on the flimsy misplaced hope that they’ll combat the threat of a warming planet on our behalf as opposed to just stuff their fat fucking pockets, I want them to be completely disbanded and virtually all political power returned to where it belongs, the hands of the people.

You, I, a lot of other people have surpassed culture and could orchestrate a fair global system on a philosophic rulership, yes. But the difference I think in our perspectives is that I recognize that this overcoming of culture and national boundaries will never occur on the level of the species: because of that, any global system will inevitably concentrate power in the hands of a very small elite political class and take power and freedom away from individuals. When a person who has not overcome their culture through universal ethics and philosophy has their culture taken away by the impositions of an elite class, by politicians and immigrants, they simply become alienated and disaffected and it creates social chaos that can become civil unrest and real violence.

What you are free to do is meaningless. What you are free from is the only thing that matters. That we are free to numb ourselves with Netflix and iphones and whatever flavor of ice cream we want is irrelevant. We are free from- very little. As far as global institutions doing good in the world, for every “good” they have wrought, I could point to ten negatives. We could fight climate change- if you actually think it’s that big of a threat, if we allowed private industries to simply drive themselves with competition and invent better solar technologies.

I agree with Fixed about globalism’s failure, but I depart insofar as I lack any desire to create a metalogic with which to organize a global scale system on a philosophic rather than merely political basis. I do not desire either the present globalist system, a super-federalist system like Capable’s, or a globalist state founded on philosophic rulership. My intention is to restore for civilization the dynamic and destructive surplus-energetics that has been lost in the 20th and 21st century and to instantiate the wheel of the next kharmic aeon, maybe we can even crucify the political elites and use them as spokes for it. That a philosopher condescends to rule is already an aberration to me. Philosophers exist between the human world and the world of the Gods, we shepherd the daemon of man between the worlds, we maintain the balance of the creative and the destructive potential of each kharmic aeon. We witness to man, how it can be used, and broken.

If being branded a racist because you hang a flag in your yard or something is “Nietzschean playfulness,” then fuck it. Perhaps Capable is simply not aware of the extent to which modern Leftist deconstructionism has reached in its diffusion and destruction of culture or what exactly I mean when I use the term. A lot of what I have said in even these messages would immediately get me kicked out of most academia for “thought-crime and hate-facts.” I’d get kicked out even for mentioning the fact that South African had 2 million white slaves in the 15th century. But, as I said here:

No poetry is as eloquent as time, which numbers the dead in as indifferent a silence as the
wind numbers the fallen leaves, for, as Santyana says in his discourse on madness in the
Dialogues in Limbo, no truth is eloquent save for truth unspoken. And yet what
eloquence there is in those names of our fallen kingdoms- what poetry in the lofty
syllables of Elam, Babylon, or Nineveh, as are dutifully recorded by our histories, the
winsome compact of whose beautiful name will never again be as pretty as it was when
the truth of their era remained unspoken, for, with Valery in the Crisis of Mind, even the
kingdoms now know that they are mortal.

Perhaps we should not have spoken so much- for, to the poets, bestowing a name on something is the highest honor it can possibly be paid, and, in honoring our own history, with all the deeds of our fathers, perhaps we have finally been crushed under the weight of their sins, their misdeeds. Valery was writing about what has taken place; the diffusion of our cultural inheritance into the hands of larger and larger institutions and groups, which nullifies the emancipatory potential for transformation, for the liberation of the daemon to a new era. Such emancipation depends on the concentration of cultural wealth in the hands of the few. The few: the philosophers, those who understand philosophy as it was understood by Plato’s republic, as the capacity to utilize power, power being knowledge and culture.

[ This coming phenomenon, moreover, may be connected with another to be found in every nation: I mean the diffusion of culture, and its acquisition by ever larger categories of individuals.

An attempt to predict the consequences of such diffusion, or to find whether it will or not inevitably bring on decadence, would be a delightfully complicated problem in intellectual physics.
– Crisis of Mind, Valery. ]

Well we no longer have to predict the consequences, the decadence is abundantly clear. Not just the decadence of culture: the annihilation, the political suicide, of culture. But Valery makes another inquiry at the end of this essay:

[But can the European Mind – or at least its most precious content – be totally diffused? Must such phenomena as democracy, the exploitation of the globe, and the general spread of technology, all of which presage a deminutio capitis for Europe…must these be taken as absolute decisions of fate? Or have we some freedom against this threatening conspiracy of things?]

The ancients thought about time as I do, and with that, the ebb and flow of civilizations.

Knowledge is power. But philosophy is not knowledge. Philosophy is knowing what to do with knowledge… what to do with power. That’s the basis of Plato’s marvelous Republic. Agnosis- that is, knowledge, along with all our ideas and history- our cultures, amount simply to the karmic aeon, to the collective soul of a people. Each generation is born into a cycle of karma, that karma being an inherited accumulation of past history and ideas and debts and causes and effects in arrangements of power. Dharma is gnosis, as opposed to agnosis; it is the understanding of how to manipulate the karma in order to free yourself from its repetitive cycle; how to re-organize it in order to eventually generate a new aeon, a new karma. The circles of time I was talking about are this karma, and the goal of philosophy is to escape the karmic aeon of your generation, in daemonic ascent continually liberating power to power’s other side, namely love; this liberating capacity is virtu, the strength of love; to escape one cycle of karma into a new one, continually re-ifying life in higher and higher forms, higher karmic aeons. This is the building I am talking about. I am intent on dissolving and shattering the current karmic aeon, utilizing philosophy to rearrange the social power structure- (memetic warfare like the gnostics repurposing the Abrahamic god or like I am repurposing sanskrit philosophy right now or like how N. repurposed Zoroaster) and liberating power to the purpose of forging the next, higher cycle of karma, the next karmic aeon in which to entrap the next generation of souls upon the wheel of life and death, upon samsara, a Sanskrit meme Nietzsche took and re-branded as the recurrence of the same. This is why what I am speaking of is not just a game for the sake of power. This kharmic aeon has become too heavy, too saturated with past guilt, too polluted with past assemblages of power, too paralyzed by the weight of its history- the weight of this karma is too great for anyone to ascend into gnosis and become philosophers- save for the few, the bodhisattvas who saw through its illusion and could have absorbed our consciousness in the paradaiscal godhead but decided to stay behind in the corrupted world of matter and power in order to guide the next generation into a new cycle of time and karma, a higher and freer one. So like all the aeons before it, this current circle must be closed, so that the next kharmic aeon can begin, which will only happen when the latent power in this one is liberated, when its tension is reified, so that life can once again be reinscribed in a higher cycle.

Agnostic philosophy works within the kharmic aeon; gnostic philosophy simply closes it and siphons power from it to forge the next kharmic aeon. Mastering both as I have done is necessary; you must start in the current karma to work with its power structure and see through to the next karma.

The cyclic view of time is correct due to the fact that at the highest abstraction dialectical synthesis ceases to function and no Hegelian absolute exists in which a linear time could unfold toward geist; the arrangement of power and wills cannot go anywhere, it can just re-organize into different kharmic aeons, each one forming a cycle in which a power structure repeats itself in accordance to its daemonic intensification. The daemon of man oscillates, ascends and descends in it, until one masters its dharma with philosophy, (rather then devotes one’s self to it in amor fati like Nietzsche’s ubermensh) and reifies the cycle in a higher level cycle, freeing the daemon to explore a new aeon. These cycles are ultimately grounded on the larger cycle of the universe, samsara, which the perfect dharma provides an escape from. The cycles, these kharmic aeons, form a spiral; they get tighter and tighter as the daemon, as life, ascends into continually higher forms. In the last universe, perhaps we were still using vacuum tubes at this time.

There is no global state at the end of this, that is utopian and Marxist in nature, a product of the linear view of time and a kind of unconscious desire for an end of history. The nation-state will continue to exist, as well as true diversity, namely independent cultures in different nations, not multicultures. Every attempt to fulfill the Utopian vision has produced death, and so Trump is needed to discontinue these globalist policies. The linear view of time only appeared with the Abrahamic religion, every other culture and mythos and philosophy understood time as a circle not a line going in a specific direction. The fact that technology builds on itself and “progresses” is meaningless as Heidegger pointed out, because technology is only one form of human techne or knowledge, one that like the others freezes the image of Being in stasis. Heidegger tried to destruct those forms of techne- technology, metaphysics, and religion, but that is useless; Being is truly disclosed in the progressively heightening aeons, in which power is recycled and purified throughout time.

Rather or not the total decay of culture into the globalist multicultural utopia is an inevitability of fate- and culture is the formula of the great kharmic aeons, the wheels upon which the daemon makes its ascent into higher and higher dharma and forms of life; rather or not this destruction can at least be undone, that has not been answered yet. But it soon will, for the sins and deeds of the past aside, the left-right paradigm will no longer even exist soon, when the circle of this age is closed in about 50 days and a fate determined, either to continue this path, or to transition. The fascination with globalism, Utopianism, feminism, and Marxism, with the consequent deconstruction of historical forms, the reality of sexual differentiation, and the relativization of moral ideals; the demonization of our forbears as mindless racists and misogynists, all which was carried out at the end of the last generation, has left this generation divorced from its own karma, from its very ancestry, and without any power to forge a new age for themselves, which had been accomplished by every generation precedent to this one. The circle of time has been flattened out and undone, stretched into a line pointing toward the Messianic fulfillment of history which will never come- a lie easily fed to the masses under the guise of benefiting the emerging and beneficent global state, a new international solidarity, the metapolitics of free love.

The Greeks didn’t need to set down and discuss what being a Greek was. The Greek ethos emerged from their daemon, their oral traditions, taking on the granite of speech in the voice of Homer. Likewise, this is all beyond the sphere of debate. This is occurring, this determination, over which course to take.

With the transition beyond the left-right paradigm, so comes also a transition beyond the socialist-capitalist paradigm.

The model of capitalism is a direct mirror of Freudian psychology. In Freud, you have a natural drive, it gets repressed by the super-ego, and then sublimated by the ego to create a surplus-drive which cannot be contained by the strictures of the ID, so that we create art and civilization to utilize it, just as in capitalism surplus wealth gets reinvested to perpetuate itself. It explains things from the inward to the outward. Capital and surplus value is literally just the economic analogue of libidinal sublimation. The stages of capitalism I pointed out some time ago are relevant in this comparison.

Communism’s explanation begins in alienation as a consequence of material conditions, which limit man to certain patterns of life. It assumes each man contains the whole of the species-essence, ie. we can all magically be philosophers, mathematicians, farmers, etc. all at the same time due to the perfect equality of human nature, so that the structural limitations of social existence impose definite occupations on us that limit our phenomenal reality in an unnatural way. I don’t feel I need to remark on how this is stupid. The underlying equivalence of individual and species-essence is why you will see the word cultural Marxist applied to social justice warrior types.

National socialism is not inherently worse than the other two. It borrows some insight from communism and gives the government the ability to divert capital resources to what it sees fit, particular technological sectors or entire industries, but it takes insight from capitalism and allows the market and competition to coordinate that capital at the level of individual businesses. It has the foresight of a top down vision imposed by the few heads of government as well as some of the hindsight of nature, ie. forces of competition in the market. However, this makes national socialism incredibly statist, which is no good if you wish to separate culture and government like I do. The national socialist government has direct control over the culture because it can divert capital to industries it values and take it away from those it does not, and they easily foisted a hyper racial supremacist pseudo-mystical vision on their populace.

" Dialectical
materialism (communism and Marxism) cannot produce the episteme necessary for
effective revolutionary consciousness and the mobilization of knowledge in the form of
empowered political action, that is, the component of energeia or energizing tension,
while the negative-reflective consciousness of tragic subjectivity- the spirit of poetry, art,
and even religion itself in the view of Holderlin, Kierkegaard, and Schelling, (despite
their numerous theoretical differences) cannot produce the component of entellecheia,
identity, and affirmative content… "

The Nazis and Heidegger (and Russia) sought the later, [everyone is always surprised by Heid. endorsement of the Nazis] thinking they could salvage from the decaying dreams of Europe a new racial identity from behind the history of the Aryan people which was hijacked first by the Asiatics in Greece then corrupted and twisted even more by the Jews in the Roman era, and inaugurate a new political regime as a dispensation from Ousia itself to dasein, which would assume the form of a pure Aryan reborn, freed from the distorted history imposed on it by the other races of the earth. Obviously the communists and socialists and now our Leftists seek the former. Neither will win against the spiritually emaciated and philosophically brain dead spirit of liberal American-European secularism, which has no positive meaning, which has no future vision for humanity, nothing with which to establish a human identity in our postmodern techno-apocalypse. Its destruction will come from within, not from without. And as it falls so will the globalist paradigm, which has been the only thing holding us back from nuclear war, a shadow that still looms as much as it did during the cold war.

Capitalism succeeded out of these three for a reason. It is not the most effective- none of the three are very effective, as they all reflect inaccurate understandings of human psychology. The reason it succeeded is because it naturally aligns itself with the Leftist secular humanism, and allows a complex to form between corporate power, democratic processes, the media, science, and military (via globalism) whereas this is difficult if not impossible with the other two alternatives. This complex is very powerful, physically speaking, if spiritually emaciated and lacking any vision for humanity or affirmative content, lacking ethos. It was inevitable that capitalism would win by allowing this complex of social forces to form.

The left, with the star of its fate firmly poised on the lofty horizon of post-wiggerdom neo-hipster Marxist transgenderism, can destroy the idea of sex differences, the idea of the nation-state and culture, etc. and that’s not perceived as destructive- it’s fine and progressive, but destroying the globalist neo-con neo-liberal plutocracy along with the welfare state which it champions as its social mask and foists over the bemused gormless faces of the public with the assistance of the corporate media shills to convince people it’s good, along with all these federal and internationalist institutions with their over-extended spheres of power, etc.- destroying that is anarchic, chaotic, nihilistic. This system is diffusing culture as I said in the last message- while doing the opposite with power, concentrating it in a steadily narrowing group of elites in control of the whole institutionalized bureaucracy now blanketing the earth. Culture diffuses; power concentrates- is the result of these policies. The people are then both being robbed of their identities and cultural inheritances, and of their power. Being robbed of their power alone is something that the masses can recover from, it’s happened all throughout our history, culminating in the collapse and rebirth of nations. But with the diffusion of culture accomplished by the left, well, perhaps there will no longer be a rebirth. Whenever a people were subjugated too greedily under the foot of a tyrant, they could always turn back and draw on the wealth of their collective soul to discover the emancipatory potential of their kharmic aeon.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 18, 2016 8:26 pm
Really quick to a central issue of the idea of globalism, before I take more time to process these posts and respond more completely: as far as I can see there are only two logical differences between a continental and a planetary government: 1) the fact that a continent has a zone outside of itself whereas a planet does not; or, a planet’s logical outside is just empty space, a moon, and eventually some other planets and moons but that’s a long ways off still in the future. And 2) the differences between the peoples, cultures, histories, values-forms that obtain within a continental scope are less severe than are the likewise types of differences obtaining within a planetary scope. In plain terms, there’s a lot more variety and difference of stuff if you make a group out of “everyone” than if you make a group out of “everyone on a given continent”.

These two points are the only real factors I can see that would guide a different outcome and logical construction when it comes to comparing a federalist-rational sustem of government at the continental vs. planetary level. If, for example, we imagine the US system loosely adapted to the entire planet and every current nation-state becomes a state within the larger Union, other than the practical problems of increasing the number of states from 50 to around 200 and obviously increasing the number of people in the states, there are those two primary logical problems of difference to contend with: (corresponding to the above), 1) the global government has nowhere outside itself to which one might escape (in contrast, if you live in the US you can always denounce your citizenship and move to another country if you want to), and 2) there would be a lot more different feelings and ideas competing for political shared space, most likely making it even harder to find compromises on practical issues such as fiscal policy and taxes, individual rights, punishment and retributive justice, allowable norms vs illegal prohibitions (such ax for easy example slaughtering animals and letting their blood wash out into the street, which is probably violating some kind of health law in most US states but obviously some people around the world wouldn’t want such a law), and all the rest kinds of issues that always come up.

I think these two logical problems are serious, but I don’t think they are fatal. I think it is possible to find work-arounds to where a planetary quasi-federalist representational system of governance could still work; most likely this will involve a divestment of most powers at the planetary level and the reservation of most powers to state levels (in this case, to the world’s nation-states). My idea of planetary government doesn’t involve the dissolution of nation-states anymore than the idea of American federal governance involves the dissolution of the now 50 states in the US. The higher most summative peak of governance should derive its structure and power from less summative categories, in every case descending down the ladder of scope toward greater real-world (“earthy”) complexity and vitality, as FC was saying. The highest level of planetary government would be tightly restricted on what it can and cannot do, just as in the US the people are still always most affected by the policies coming out of their state and local governments rather than those coming out of Washington DC.

So basically my idea doesn’t involve the forced homogenization of cultural differences, or even languages; my idea of planetary governance would accomplish two essential tasks: it would provide an only abstract higher plane of categorical sameness and possible reconciliations across all people everywhere, and it would allow a mechanism for addressing the most serious and life threatening, self-value threatening problems that affect humanity as a whole. Everything else would remain basically the same with only very limited marginal homogenizations occurring only within the most far-removed and most agreed-upon rational delimitations, with everything else (the bulk of human life and political-administrative issues) being such powers as are reserved to the states, as it says in the US constitution for example.

And quickly touching on the first of the two problems, I consider this one to be the most serious one, since the ability to leave one’s nation-state jurisdiction is an important check on abuses of nation-state power just as I think it is an important individual right. However, it should be possible to address this if we combine the fact of stark limitation of peak-global governing powers to only those most absolutely pressing and critical with the fact of some “outside zones” where it is still possible to escape global-state jurisdiction, such as perhaps space colonies or some manner of free zones that could be set up. Maybe a certain number of regions around the world could be designated as exempt from global government power, and people would be free to renounce citizenship and move to those places if they want. I don’t know, it’s definitely a serious problem. But we could also look at the aspect that perhaps this “outside zone” is either unnecessary or could be effectively maintained at the level of migrating from one nation-state to another just as how in the US we are free to migrate to other states within the US and thereby find those states with which we most agree on issues of practical governing policies (taxes, etc.) In short I don’t think that many people in the US are lining up to leave the US for another country, but definitely people often move from one state to another and this capacity could be replicated at the nation-state level within a larger planetary federalist system.

Ok now that I’ve laid out the only meaningful differences between a federal government system at the continental vs. global levels, and provided a very brief initial outline for how those differences as problems could be addressed, I’ll spend some time taking in the many other points raised over the last five or so posts before this one, and have more to say later. In the meantime I want to know if anyone here sees any other serious logical problematic differences between government at the continental level vs. at the planetary level, other than the two logical problematic differences I’ve just identified above. Such differences must be exhaustively identified before we can begin to make claims such as saying that government on the planetary level is impossible, requires the massive forfeiture of individual rights significantly more so than in the current US model of government, etc.

Note that if such logical differences (either the two Ive just mentioned, or any others you might find) prove to be insurmountable problems then I will reject the possibility of a sane, rational planetary government and turn to a new paradigm instead, one that doesn’t involve any kind of “globalism” at all; however, if the logical differences are not found to be fatally problematic then we must rationally accept that planetary government is acceptable to the exact same degree that continental government is acceptable.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Mon Sep 19, 2016 12:14 pm
“I agree with Fixed about globalism’s failure, but I depart insofar as I lack any desire to create a metalogic with which to organize a global scale system on a philosophic rather than merely political basis. I do not desire either the present globalist system, a super-federalist system like Capable’s, or a globalist state founded on philosophic rulership. My intention is to restore for civilization the dynamic and destructive surplus-energetics that has been lost in the 20th and 21st century and to instantiate the wheel of the next kharmic aeon, maybe we can even crucify the political elites and use them as spokes for it. That a philosopher condescends to rule is already an aberration to me. Philosophers exist between the human world and the world of the Gods, we shepherd the daemon of man between the worlds, we maintain the balance of the creative and the destructive potential of each kharmic aeon. We witness to man, how it can be used, and broken.”

It is more because the logic, with VO, has become available, that I see no other possibility than that it will be implemented, by someone, eventually; the collapse of this age, might very well be allowed, in a Schellingian/Heideggerian way of emerging from a chaos of drives, by providing a code for the disintegration of the purely political, extortionist system of superstitious fear used as leverage.

I think that the aeon will die spasmodically, pure muscle reflexes clinging on, because the instinct for universalization of economy and politics is the depth of a few billion souls, all willing toward an impossible, but nonetheless forging some possibility of something else, - thinner, a rulership more like mountain air; a pure principle that guides, to which people across the world of some intellectual weight can all subscribe, because its rule is precisely not to infringe on the Earthly.

This is, I believe, the anarchist ideal, and it is also the only possible global legislative ethics. That means not to say global legislation. I do not believe in that, except for a non nuclear proliferation pact. I be,ieve that mankind can add a principle to his environment, to insert it into his world at the side of air and water, to allow him to breathe morally, politically, looking-into-the-future; this is what the New Aeon will require, for it to be born from the increasing chaos; perspective.

This open space, removal of the choking bag from the head of humanity, the introduction of philosophies of our spirit, is what becomes the philosophers home; freedom in the world begins with creating freedom for the philosopher.

Liberating Prometheus, Chirons death, symbolizing the philosophers departure from his dank cave into the exalted firmament.

Naturally the dank cave isnt actually given up. It’s just that the sky is also our birthright.

Or, essentially, the world best freedom begins with, is anchored, rooted in, the world being regarded as a playground for philosophers. That, at least, is the proper aesthetics to uphold in order to drive for the right changes.

I see all great politics as the explication of standards, ruling by example. What the Brits did in India, and how India responded, gives a good idea of what is possible for a rising culture aiming to imprint it on the fertile ground of a decaying old one.

And it is my increasingly solid belief that we, being with such a significant group of philosophers, a kind of grouping that hasn’t ever occurred except at the roots and in the crowns of empires, actually do represent the weight of an entire rising culture. The flimsiness of what is left of the old cultural structure actually will allow for us to - well.

Im not talking about taking over shit physically or organizationally, but intellectually. The west is ruled by think-tanks. These think tanks are occupied by proud men and women. That’s all we need to know, really, if we’d consider stepping forward and getting things rolling our way. I ve entirely surrendered to astrology for giving me the timing. Right now, we;'re in the 10 day window of the Jupiter-Sun conjunction that, last year, was the frame of the Pantad, and threads about politics, that lead to my voyage west.

Jupiter rules philosophy, not in a symbolic way, but in a physiological way. When he comes conjunct the Sun, philosophy becomes viable in the daylight.

The year of Jupiter has 13 months. We are in the end of the 13th month of the first year.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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    Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Mon Sep 19, 2016 1:28 pm
Im not asking anyone to believe in Jupiter, but I am asking all 4 of you to respect the calendar as a means, to a cycle; respect the cycle as the ultimate form of power and value. The Aeon of Jupiter. I am the Pontifex. Ive seen myself as a high priest of Jupiter - a holy Fool an Magus going for the World Entire on a whim of Olympian laughter - since in a vision I saw the world collapse in 1998; where I differ with Parodites is that I have seen the world as already leveled to the ground for a good time; I am perhaps even more cynical, and equally a romantic, thus my scheming is deeply ironic, and in accordance to how he describes magic, I both firmly believe it is real and fully know it isnt and needs first to be made real by ‘some dark magic’ - which is Will, or self-valuing pure; the cohering of the most self-valuable materials.

The world is in flames, flames turn to dragons, dragons turn to flames.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Mon Sep 19, 2016 4:03 pm
At this point I think the only thing we can do is make our own values statements, and leave it at that. It appears no real compromise is possible, our respective positions are simply too far apart. I think this is the danger of philosophy moving toward politics: the political is a dimension that forces philosophy to attempt to posit itself “in reality” and in the practical sense, which is often enough not only an invalidation of philosophy as such by returning the premises of such a philosophy to pre-philosophical status, but even more so is something for which philosophy is woefully unprepared. Just because we might have been philosophizing on the mountain tops for a decade or more doesn’t necessarily mean one bit of worth when it comes to trying to translate and apply that philosophy to “the real world”, at the sociopolitical level.

It would take another decades-long deep work to create a philosophical politics on par with our philosophies. By no means is a justified, truthful, sane or good politics ensured by any height of standard or achievement at the purely philosophical level. We should let this fact humble us; that is the first step at least in starting on that long path toward real progress in the philosophical-political, progress in something that really doesn’t even exist yet. To the extent that philosophy is a rarity, a philosophical-politics is far more rare; a philosophical-politics would only be possible after the successful development of a philosophy and after many more years of hard work attempting to translate philosophy to the political, ‘real world’ substances which, again, are almost always pre-philosophical in nature and so cannot help but seriously offend our true philosophical taste and noble pathos of distance.

. . .

World-culture is already coming into existence, under the mandate of US-driven (western) global capitalism. Whether or not we want a world-culture seems irrelevant at this point, as one has been developing for a while now and seems poised to keep developing. What are the old religions, ideologies, political powers compared to the youth of every country on earth watching and uploading videos to Youtube on a daily basis? As Sloterdijk said, there is a sphere of globalism in which some are included and outside of which most are excluded, yet those on the outside are always trying to get inside. Equally we have Reich noting that people desire their own repression, desire some form of “fascism” and I think Zizek perfected this insight by realizing that what we desire isn’t fascism so much as a kind of pleasant alienation from the mundane: we do not want to be heavily involved in administrative decisions and requirements of society, no one wants to go to community committee meetings every week to determine how best to regulate water usage in one’s area, etc.; philosophy itself is freedom from the mundane, and self-valuing subjectivity is always already philosophical at heart.

There is no reason that planetary government would demand absolute forfeiture of individual rights, in fact as Guattari and I am sure many others have noted it is only by granting individual rights that modern globalized political structures are able to maintain their power. Democracy isn’t about individual rights, democracy is about using the pretense of such rights to establish a sociopolitical structure that can endure over time. From the perspective of society (of every society that has existed so far) individual rights are just the price paid by that society for its long-term stability, just like how voting isn’t about political participation at all and is simply about 1) giving the people an excuse to delude themselves into believing they are politically viable, and 2) creating the false impression of legitimacy by consent of the governed. Now, I want to eventually reverse these trends within the sociopolitical, but we should be absolutely clear as to the real justifications so far of these systems. Likewise, we must be absolutely clear that there is no such thing as absolute individual rights, nor “natural rights”; rights are something human beings create and enforce within a social order, not something inherent to nature, given by some god or universal decree. Individual rights are a pact of compromise between individuals and the social structures in which individuals come up and develop/individualize. There is always this element of middle-ground compromise involved, there is never going to be absolute individual rights, the very idea of that is a contradiction in terms because it supposes the non-existence of the sociopolitical dimension, yet it is the sociopolitical dimension that grants the ontological possibility of individual rights in the first place. Otherwise we simply have mafia rule of gangs and the rich oligarchies using pure force of muscle and fear/violence to get what they want, which is a situation akin to internet trolling whereby the higher values are impossible to appear due to the ubiquitousness of unchallengeable lower values.

It has taken humanity thousands of years to get to this point it is at right now, and I am not about to embrace the idea of throwing all that away and burning it upon a pyre just because we see some problems with global capitalism, or just because the idea of rebellious anarchy feels good at the personal pathological level of one’s narcissism and feelings of disaffection. Nor am I going to capitulate to hyperbolic statements that continuously skew the reality of the situations, onto-psychological dynamics and real-world consequences and values that truly underlie issues of the sociopolitical in the world today, such as the constant hyperbole of Trump and those like him. The reason they speak like this is because they need to talk down to people in order to win their support, their statements resonate somewhere at the 4th grade level; and when you talk down to someone, you actually start to create that exact same low standard in them. This isn’t complicated nor is it rocket science. All politicians do this dumbing-down, but Trump really takes the cake on this.

Quote :
The cyclic view of time is correct due to the fact that at the highest abstraction dialectical synthesis ceases to function and no Hegelian absolute exists in which a linear time could unfold toward geist; the arrangement of power and wills cannot go anywhere, it can just re-organize into different kharmic aeons, each one forming a cycle in which a power structure repeats itself in accordance to its daemonic intensification. The daemon of man oscillates, ascends and descends in it, until one masters its dharma with philosophy, (rather then devotes one’s self to it in amor fati like Nietzsche’s ubermensh) and reifies the cycle in a higher level cycle, freeing the daemon to explore a new aeon. These cycles are ultimately grounded on the larger cycle of the universe, samsara, which the perfect dharma provides an escape from. The cycles, these kharmic aeons, form a spiral; they get tighter and tighter as the daemon, as life, ascends into continually higher forms. In the last universe, perhaps we were still using vacuum tubes at this time.

I am going to need some examples from history to really get an idea of this. Are you talking about the Egyptians and their pyramids, or what? I am not sure. I already highly dislike this Eastern Buddhistic terminology, which makes it hard enough for me to go along with this analysis, but the idea of a purely cyclical history seems false to me. If we look at the last 2500 years of history we can see a definite gradual progression over time, granted it has its fits and starts and there are small cycles here and there where old forms are recouped more recently and altered somewhat to fit present circumstances, but the general trend is one of linear progress. I honestly have no idea what you mean when you talk about “the arrangement of power and wills cannot go anywhere, it can just re-organize into different kharmic aeons, each one forming a cycle in which a power structure repeats itself in accordance to its daemonic intensification”… in fact, the power structures we see today are quite different from those of the past, the forms and contents are different even if not absolutely so, and even as power ‘cycles’ back and forth there is definite, real world progress being made atop that cycling. We can now edit out own genes, land on the moon, map distant solar systems, communicate instantly from one corner of the globe to the other, and more importantly philosophical ideas have permeated the unconscious strata of human being, such as with the example of all this Nietzschean postmodernity deconstruction stuff, but also at the level of more directly informing a kind of innate, intimate artistic being-valuing of the individual human that is sometimes (mis)translated as apathy toward all that has a low quality. The average person today has a higher standard for themselves, even ideology while it continues to spread is losing its grip, hence the relative collapse of religious and traditionally political ideological power to the newer ideological power of the global capitalistic.

What we do with freedom is not meaningless. What we do with freedom is a sign of our values and self-valuing, and the positivity of freedom is equally a cornerstone of the subjectivity-consciousness as is the negativity of freedom. I wrote about this in my recent book, I can paraphrase somewhat here: the positivity of freedom is the feeling of free will that we all experience, yet the content of that feeling is a pure negativity. We cannot have one without the other, there is no negative pure content of freedom without the forms of positivity that instantiate and replicate it in real time and space, likewise there is no positivity of freedom without the receded content of the pure negative actual reality of this freedom. Every void-negative content actualizes in realtime and realspace to construct positivities, the world itself is such a field of positivities. It makes as little sense to embrace the world-positivity without the negativity content underlying it as it does to embrace the negativity-content without embracing the world-positivity in which the negative lives and by which it gains its negativity at all.

As for the karmic aeon and the anarchic collapse, I have no idea what this really means. Can you give an example of this happening in history? As for a collapse and return to anarchic relations, how do you think that will go in the modern age of drones, nuclear and biological weapons, and stealth bombers? How can anyone realistically think anything productive could come out of a total global collapse and return to anarchy relations? When ancient Greece collapsed it was absorbed into Rome, when Rome collapse it was absorbed into Medieval Europe, and when the great old kingdoms of Europe collapsed these were absorbed into modern democratic classically liberal civilizations… throughout this entire project we have a progressive climb of humanity up the scale of civilization, toward more truth, more subjectivity-consciousness, more developed knowledge in science and technology, more universalization and objectifying of human being out into the world. Yet Greece, Rome, European monarchies did not have nuclear weapons at their disposal; the situation today is fundamentally different, even if we were to see those historical collapses as some kind of resetting of the karmic aeon, because the stakes are so much higher now, they are truly global in nature. There is no longer a possibility of rebellion of the people against society as such, against the government, because society-government as simply too much power now. Look at the Arab Spring states, these rebellions only further deepened state power and further invalidated the authority of the people over their own societies.

This conservative, anarchic idea that the people will rise up in mass rebellion and “take back their country” is so fucking stupid it would make me laugh if it were not also so pathetically tragic. No amount of rednecks with guns is going to overthrow the modern military; the government has drones, surveillance, access to trillions of dollars of capital, not to mention nuclear and biological weapons and who knows how many psychological weapons and secret technologies we don’t even know about. If this reactive conservative anarchic strain really succeeds, through Trump or someone else, of pushing things to the brink all that will take place is that the government will crack down so hard that individual rights, freedom, and the people’s involvement in their own political process and futurity vanishes overnight. Trump is probably the secret wet dream of the global fascists, of those who want to instantiate a 1984 world, because no one can light that fuse and give that justification for total takeover of the people as someone like Trump can. Trump feeds the lies and bad thinking reactionism that leads otherwise intelligent people to somehow think they can gather their friends and march on Washington…… no, it doesn’t work like that anymore.

The ONLY way to change the future and affect sociopolitical realities now is to actually participate in the political process, through think tanks like FC noted, through writing books and speaking and making videos that are shared with thousands of people; we must engage the political structures and not sit around in our fantasy land that these structures will somehow collapse and instantiate a Pure Anarchy of Absolute Freedom and Individual Rights. Trumpism is utopian thinking in the extreme, whereas the Left-liberalism paradigm is at least somewhere in the middle-ground between reality and insane global capitalism trying to etch out a middle space where humanity can actually exert real control over its future. But for some reason the pathology is very strong that rejects any kind of compromise and seeks only the black and white extremes, a fallacy of excluded middle… whereby it is either “anarchy or death”. I cannot accept such thinking.

And again, all this postmodern deconstruction stuff is just the inheritance of Nietzsche’s effect on humanity. It isn’t a serious threat, it could never build anything lasting or significant nor could it ever have a true effect on human being itself; it’s like kids playing with their toys, only as Nietzsche showed us, we are our own “toys”, and most people lacking philosophy and a proper Mind will simply play toy games with themselves on the emotional, physical and social levels rather than at the intellectual and mental level as we all do here. But regardless of all that, none of that has any bearing upon actual truths or human being itself, it is just a side-effect of the world as now thoroughly Nietzschean. Postmodern deconstruction and global capitalism are thoroughly Nietzschean inheritances, ones befitting pre-philosophical humanity. In any case the philosophical, higher standards will always be the exception and never the rule; I too have no desire at all to “rule”, nor do I have any delusions that philosophers could somehow become Kings in Plato’s idea, nor that the masses of people will somehow someday become philosophical. The only thing that can happen is that the average person becomes unconsciously more aligned to a gradually higher standard of truth and power, of will to power, and that is precisely what we are seeing with all this postmodernism, deconstruction, critical theory, feminist studies, gender identity stuff today. If we allow ourselves a mental-emotional collapse into pure reactivity of looking at all this from the lens of “Decadence! Ah!” then we are simply cutting ourselves out of the processes whereby reality actually becomes aligned over time to truths, just like Trump and the nationalists are driven by their own reactive anxiety to cut themselves and their countries out of the power-games of influence that in reality actually shape the world and the future of humanity. Anarchy represents a deflation of one’s “will” to seriously engage the actual reality of the world, in favor of a kind of self-satisfying fantasy paradigm that in fact serves the purpose of preventing oneself from ever needing to seriously engage reality at all. I have no desire for such things, but neither do I have much desire to get highly involved in engaging the realities of the world either; so my position is one of a more or less neutral observer standing on the side and watching things, with an eye for the highest truths. I am not going to collapse myself into anarchic deflation and utopian fantasy just because, as I freely admit, I have little desire to actually engage myself and my energy and time seriously in the practical affairs of changing things in the real world; my ideas come from the place where, were I to actually have that will, that energy and time, I would hold already the most accurate, truthful and highest value ideas as possible. That way I can at least right now provide this higher standard and context for others who might feel driven to get down to earth and really do something in the world. But in any case, philosophy catalogues truths and truth’s effects on human being, before any kind of “real work” can begin.

. . .

Again to my points about planetary governance, I want a minimal standard here, not any kind of global fascist behemoth to which everyone must sacrifice everything. I don’t believe in stupid utopian fantasies, and my idea of planetary government is neither utopian nor fantastical…. it is simply a logical extension of the political constructs that have been developed already over so many hundreds of years, to their logical next-step of global context. But again this is a minimal kind of globalism, just as the design of the US political system gives a minimal kind of power to the federal level and reserves other powers for the states and the people. That model obviously cannot just be adapted to the entire planet, but some kind of global construct is going to form whether we like it or not, so we might as well roll up our sleeves and start getting our hands dirty a little bit with trying to work out the details and realistic scenarios of what is going to happen and how best we want to envision and steer that toward our own values and ideal ends.

The kind of stark, raw anarchic drive I see today, the deep cynicism and skepticism is, from my perspective, deeply utopian and impotent. My position is not utopian at all, it is just my best attempt to apply philosophy to the practical real-world of the human sociopolitical in light of a naturalistic analysis of what I see going on in that world and with little regard for “what I want to happen”. I have my own desires, as you can see in how I form the idea of a possible minimal planetary government as well as the kinds of values I want humanity to aspire to in the future (space exploration, clean energy, environmental cleanup, human rights, an end to mass mobilized warfare, an end to religion, etc.), but those values that I hold do not over-determine my theoretical approach to how I look at what is really happening in the world. Globalism is here and it isn’t going anywhere; if Trump or anyone else succeeds at collapsing the present global order they will likewise only succeed in doubling-down the sheer absolute control of, violence toward, and loss of true political power to shape its future, of humanity. There is no going back, no re-writing history; we must make do with what we have, and engage reality as it is and armed with our high philosophy. Anything less is infinitely beneath us.

Global capitalism is just a nascent stage of a planetary-wide sociopolitics. The United Nations is another nascent stage. In fact, global capitalism today is playing the role of content to the pure form that the UN represents; we should try to reconcile this form and content to each other, to naturalize them and thus understand what is going on at the truthful level, as Nietzsche’s brand of naturalistic philosophizing would have it (philosophy as non-pathological, non-“moral” and simply truthful and honest at all costs… non-teleological). Any standard less than this I have no interest in.

Edit: apologies for any offense that I have given. These are simply my most truthful views and ideas, not any attempt to offend anyone. But I refuse to not completely speak my mind simply for the sake of sparing someone from the impact of my statements, at least when it comes to fellow philosophers (as FC noted about the idea of philosophical friendship, we must be able to call each other out as much as possible and laugh at each other’s, and our own, weaknesses. True friendship is infinitely beyond the level of “hurt feelings” (not that I am assuming anyone’s feelings are being hurt in the process of these discussions, but again I felt inclined to point out the obvious here that no such offense is intended or should even be valued by us at all)). Let’s keep pushing these ideas absolutely and as far as we possibly can, with the only thing we care about being the discovery of truth. Truly Building Thought to Disclose the Future. And if in the process of this we come up against irreconcilable divides in our respective ideas, so be it; that is a small price to pay for being able to participate in this high level of conversation and friendship. We can even laugh at our differences, as we ought to be able to equally laugh at ourselves. In any case I am fully prepared to admit that any of my ideas here is wrong, provided that this is demonstrated. “Men seek agreement, the philosophers seek disagreement” as I wrote, or another that applies to the philosophers the most, “Disagreement is context.”

New analysis:

Trump’s concerns and their legitimacy:

  1. Terrorism. He wants to ban all Muslims from entering and track those already here. Is his fear of terrorism legitimate? Yes. Is his response to this fear a rational, useful response? No. Problem 1: not all Muslims are Middle Eastern. Plenty are African, African American, Asian, or white. This is why the Left claims there is no such thing as “Islamic terrorism” because the terrorist groups and sympathies out there are not inherently Islamic, rather this terrorism has sprung up within only certain isolated sub-groups within Islam and is quite regional in nature. Banning and tracking people based on their religious affiliation is like banning and tracking all Irish people because of the IRA, or all Christians everywhere because of some extreme anti-abortion groups that threaten murder and commit violence against abortion doctors and workers. Or use whatever example you want, the point is that terrorism is not inherently tied to Islam as such; Trump needs a better way of addressing it, and I agree it needs to be addressed. Problem 2: the terrorism that does exist within regional and ideological sub-groups of Islam must be addressed in significant measure by other Muslims within those sub-groups as well as to some degree by all Muslims. Here Trump’s proposal has a positive and negative aspect: the positive is that by alienating all Muslims without regard to who they actually are and what they actually think, Trump would put more pressure on all Muslims to step up and address terrorism within these sub-groups more directly, because the rest of the non-terrorist Muslims do not want to be lumped into that group and seen as terrorists; the negative is that you also risk alienating and removing the very people who are most effective at preventing terrorist sympathies from developing in Muslim youth, namely the Muslim community at large most of whom are just regular religious people who want to live their lives in peace and do not hold extremist views, but of course could potentially turn to extremist views at some point (as could just about anyone, under the right conditions). This brings us to problem 3: the ban and tracking of all Muslims is going to create more hatred, confusion, alienation and disaffection among Muslims everywhere and especially in Muslim youth, in other words the same emotions and economic circumstances that are breeding grounds for developing terrorist sympathies; Trump’s plan will most certainly increase the number of terrorists and potential terrorists out there, just as US bombing and drone campaigns right now are increasing the number of terrorists and potential terrorists (lowering the threshold for what it takes to push someone over the edge from poverty/hate/pain/anxiety/disaffection/confusion and into full blown terrorism).

Trump’s concern for terrorism is legitimate, but is approach to solving the problem is akin to killing a fly with a sledgehammer. Or rather, trying to kill dozens of flies like that, it isn’t effective and actually is going to make the problem worse (a sledgehammer won’t make the flies breed faster, but a Trump USA policy toward Islam will certainly make terrorist sentiment breed faster). So what is the best approach?

One critical fact has been overlooked in the terrorism debate everywhere: the fact that it will always be possible for one person to injure or kill another person. We cannot treat terrorism as an issue similar to open war with another nation-state; there are no parallels, and Trump treating it like that is making things far, far worse. The unstated assumption behind his approach is that we could theoretically create a situation in which certain people aren’t able to injure or hurt othets, but that is not possible (his position is similar in this way to the naive liberal position that we can stop terrorism and violence by banning weapons). One person will always be able to hurt another, and no amount of walls or immigration limits will stop the spread of ideas; Trump’s philosophy here logically culminates in near-total control over the Internet and all means of communication in an effort to stop even the ideas of Islam and extreme Islam from entering the US. Think about it: if you believe that banning all Muslims from coming to the US is the way to address terrorism then you’re going to be forced to also ban the entry of ideas and communications into the US, and you’ll need an apparatus for doing so as well as for tracking and removing such communications and speech within the US already. This is only one clear example of how Trump and his followers are proto-fascists. So how has terrorism gotten to be the way it is today, if it had always been the case that one person could always hurt or kill another?

Modern terrorism is a version of political guerrilla warfare. It appears in Islam because Islam can provide the needed psychological component to actualize this particularly virulent form of guerrilla warfare: an ideology capable of removing the natural self-valuing of a person. Terrorists are willing to die and even want to die; this is the true logical heart of terrorism. The real basis of modern terrorism is this fact of not caring if one dies or not, and Islam is just a means to achieving that pure ideology, and also Islam is selected for this psychological type because of those regional conflicts alluded to above. Western treatment of the Middle East since WWII has caused the conditions for terrorism to ferment, and now the ideological “wanting to die” perversion of self-valuing that Islam provides for was the match that finally set it off.

Now this modern terrorism is out there, the genie is out of the bottle and there is no going back. This kind of virulent guerrilla warfare is always going to be a potential problem. So you address the real roots of the problem as follows: not by naively treating it as if we are in a state of traditional war with another nation-state as Trump proposes, but actually addressing the real root cases of terrorism: 1) poverty, disaffection, violence and trauma, fear and alienation that people and especially young people experience, and 2) addressing the lack of desire to live and the desire to die. It’s very hard to defeat a guerrilla army, especially one that can cross any border just by the spread of ideas and information; terrorism could easily be used to justify the loss of privacy and freedom of speech and thought across the entire western world, and indeed that is the final rationale of the kind of approach Trump is taking.

Terrorism is a means to meaning and self-value for those who think they have no other possible means to those. The delusion of life after death and martyrdom provide the oil in the gears of pain, disaffection, lack of economic opportunities, alienation etc. to potentiate the formation of a psyche bent toward terrorism as a method of subjective realization, just as Schopenhauer notes that sometimes suicide is a way of preserving oneself. This is the real, deeper philosophical meaning of terrorism today; and all this is something that Trump not only does not at all grasp but is in fact pathologically incapable of grasping.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:07 am
C - no hurt feelings, the opposite how could we consequentially discuss the lives of 7 billion without arguing to the depth of our convictions? Surely anything we may end up producing as guidance for the species will take years of heated disagreements in our forges to take any kind of recognizable shape.

As I see it we do not fundamentally disagree, you and I, on the envisioned outcome, at least not on the envisioned best possible outcome. But we have vastly different work to do toward that outcome, and that work is what, really, we are discussing, shaping the outline of in our souls.

I differ with Parodites in that I think the worst has already come; the world is already in ashes, rubble, chaos, Europe is already leveled, in terms of what it once was there is little left, and we are bracing ourselves for a big fight against monotheism again. I’ll go back to Europe to fight that fight. I need to protect my family, clean and simple.

The problem with Islam is not terrorism. Terrorism isnt even Islamic, usually, it’s 90 percent false flag, I think we all know this. The problem is far worse. Its education. It’s soul-rape. It’s reading 3 year olds from the koran. All of that is sub-human, ‘even’ sub-animal - it is basically a kind of excess of pure disagreement with self-valuing, a thing possible only in the human memetic realm; humans as functions of a moral and intellectual no to existence. Of course they kill each other all the time,. and of course they try to kill others, and of course they die young and withered, of course all no longer young men are deeply sad to the point of rot, of course their cities dont sell any books and of course women stuff poisonous plants in their vagina when they have had sex. Of course it must all die. And of course we must weather that storm of death. And of course many future ones born of muslim parents will join us in weathering that storm. But we must see that this storm is as short as possible, and we must not try to postpone it.

There is no philosophical excuse in excusing monotheistic world-religion. At least no more than there is for napalming cities. We must be honest; would we want our children to grow up afraid of an irrational, jealous and badly writing god, i.e. his ignorant piece of shit parents and priest? If not, then any excuse of Islam is inexcusable, anti-philosophical.

Philosophy requires a host of enemies and adversaries. It makes no sense to attack racists in ones own country and not attack Islam. It makes no sense to expect sanity of politicians before we actually tell them what to do. It truly doesn’t. This is what philosophy is, has always been - the voice in the ear of power. This forum has caught the attention of several agencies, Im pretty sure, having studied the ip addresses of guests and lurkers the past years. It would actually be very odd if it hadn’t; given the level of internet surveillance - about as much processing power is used to trace content as to produce it, and the very real logics we work with as pioneers - it is nigh impossible that the US government does not take an interest in this world of scrambling for shreds of the ever coveted power-logic. This is how the US works, why it is the moist powerful nation. It tries to use everything that has a slight potential of becoming useful. Take remote cognition, all that, the CIA took the father of my best friends mate, who was a sufi-guru, in from Switzerland and employed him during the 80’s for telepathic services to the army. Im not saying it worked, though it very well might have, but Im saying they tried, and not superficially.

I do not think they would think they can afford not to test our thoughts to all sorts of algorithms that they have going. Of We are one of the few places online that actually produces long term strategic value. Internet surveillance never was for tracing terrorists, obviously - believing in the terrorism narrative is like believing in Santa, its a pleasant belief and therefore justified, but it is one sided, Santa doesnt believe in himself - it has always been to steal thoughts. And Ive always been writing with this in mind. Our governments treasure us, you can be assured of that. We are resource of the highest value, and because of the internet they dont have to employ us.

Consider the real value of absolute online surveillance. Is it not harvest?

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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    Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:21 am
Once more, all I write is in the suspension of disbelief; paradoxically this is a requirement of truthfulness. I can not verify that we are being watched, but I need only to make the following two observations: Our work is objectively powerful, and the US government dominates by implementing objectively powerful theory. It is the only nation that works purely in this sense, the sense of opportunism; the very soul of the US is the desire to take in the best minds of the world.

My philosophical model has emerged in Austria from German philosophy, and yet, it will come to the benefit of the Anglosaxon world. Because the USA is the greatest valuer on the planet. It knows what value is. The future is entirely American. But that means that any world government will be resisted by its own very roots, by criminal families discussing the merits of this and that apple pie in dusty yards - crime is actually the final protection against government.

I prefer mafia rule to NATO rule - NATO is mafia with nukes and ‘legal’ police forces. Enlightened governments usually rule through controlling crime organizations, not by dismantling them. Same internationally. You cant dismantle ill-will, or egoism, or thrill seeking, or anger, or jealousy, or sheer possibility, or the human spirit. Crime is a fact of life, and its not the worst fact; government-sanctioned mass murder is far worse. And that is what globalism means as long as it isn’t understood as enlightened value-distribution.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:34 am
Parodites brought up an excellent idea regarding all this: the idea that human society is a reflection of nature, in my interpretation he means that human society and social forces and constructs are basically nothing more than the same kind of social dynamics we see in the animal world. If this point is correct then much of the liberal-postmodern critique of social construction of identities, implicit institutional bias and repression, would fall apart. That critique rests in large part on the idea that human societies codify psychological, economic, interpersonal norms and expectations and enforce these upon individuals over time, but if society is instead just a mirror of the natural animal dynamics then there would be no way for society to provide this function (except of course to the extent that social identities and institutional repressions were in fact reflection of nature, which would mean that if Parodites is correct there would be no basis for working to change those identities or reduce those repressions since after all they are “innate”); he added that identity-based differences such as gender and race differences are innate differences and he implied these could be reduced (in total or in part, I’m not sure the extent he meant exactly) to genetic factors.

Obviously to any of you who know my ideas by now, I do not accept that gender and racial differences are entirely the result of innate factors such as genetics, but I also accept Parodites’ idea of the status of the human social world as a mirror of animal nature… I accept it but not yet convinced to accept this ideas as the sole explanation for the social. For one thing, the way I understand our human emotions is that these express a condensation of meaning over time with relevance to sociodynamics: 1) the feeling itself, the affective experience rooted in either pleasure or pain is physiological and involves destabilizing the “affective background state” of the proprioceptive self-experience in such a way that some awareness rises over the background, thus making itself known to us (if you imagine the background affective state as the sum result of hundreds of individual feelings of body changes such as feeling the heartbeat, blood flow patterns in various parts of the body, muscle contractions or relaxations, glands excreting hormones, that sort of thing, then when a certain configuration of these individual feelings-changes succeeds in rising above the background to which it also contributes we feel that configuration in a unique way, the self becomes aware of it as distinct); 2) over time and given the regularity of certain kinds of experiences people have given their social dynamics and social-cultural structures and systems, certain of such configurations of stand-out feelings-changes will reoccur many times given those regularities in the kinds of experiences we have; 3) the “emotion” is the fact that the feelings-changes reoccurring configurations in the individual act as a bridge between the final self-affective conscious experience that we feel and the deeper historical reasons for why that particular configuration has reoccurred over time. What this means is that the reoccurring feeling-change configuration of stand-out proprioceptive awareness comes to embody and represent the meaning or reason for its own having recurred, and the final awareness and subjective quality of the feeling in self-consciousness innately and inherently reflects-represents this meaning and reason although in a non-cognitive manner, in the manner that a feeling-state itself has come to act as a stable sign for a certain range of meaningful facts and aspects about the history of our human lives. This “being a sign” aspect is what transforms the configuration of the feelings-changes into a true emotion.

This is one reason why I think the social must be more than just the reflection of the animal-natural, because human beings automatically imbue the social with meaning in so far as we draw the actual causes and reasons for why certain social dynamic regularities reoccur up and into our cultural and individual experiences of what various feelings mean, wedding concepts with affects in the development of our emotions. For example, human beings still tend toward monogamous relationships and there are many reasons for this (increase chances of healthy survival of the offspring, stability and predictability in the interpersonal supports and pleasurable experiences we can predict for ourselves, reduction in the energy cost of interpersonal interactions) and those reasons in total and at the unconscious level actually comprise the meaning and content of the emotions in question which emotion acts as the sign of the reoccurring feelings-changing configurations of the physiological body, and those reoccurring feelings-changes are the affective qualitative subjective feelin of the emotion itself, although all collapsed together into a single feeling rather than as all of the individual feelings of the many body changes themselves that are so grouped into the reoccurring feeling-changing state.

All of this means, to me, that the social is more than just a reflection of nature, that for humans the social has been transformed into something more than just that reflection; the social is still this reflection as Parodites said, and indeed many of our social dynamics and norms do reflect the same kind of natural instinctive responses that can be found elsewhere in the animal world (play-fighting, displays of dominance and territorialism, submission gestures such as in primates we show the palms of our hands as a submission gesture (humans do this and other primates also do this), averting or making eye contact), all of these sort of social dynamics are animal-instinctive in nature. We humans even reconstruct these social dynamics in our languages, as language has many words or sounds or linguistic forms that serve the role of recreating those same animal-instinctive dynamics. But the social also deepens past this natural sphere, in part because of how we have emotions as I just mentioned and therefore the social sphere begins to represent and comprise meanings in was beyond what it can do in other animal species, but also I think because we humans do indeed use the social sphere to instantiate certain contingent or arbitrary norms and expectations, predictive forms, from one generation to the next. It is just inevitable that this would happen; humans are always reprogramming the social in part to cause the social to absorb as reflect-concentrate certain expectations and norms, certain patterns of information and prediction power, and this reprogramming is a kind of secondary war of forces of meaning within and upon the social.

I think this impressing of new meaning upon the social is another aspect where we cannot say that the social is ONLY the reflection of nature; humans go much further than other animals and we actually use the social as a field or substance on which to impress our other meanings, I would say religion and politics are clear examples of this. But in general I agree with Parodites that the social is to a large extent the reflection of nature; but in addition to this the social can be involved in contributing to or inhibiting certain “social constructions of identities” although never absolutely, because the left-postmodern paradigm is incorrect to assume that no hard innate differences exist. There are hard innate differences between men and women, also probably between one race and another, it would be absurd to claim no such differences exist between races; but I would be careful not to use this fact to claim there are significant meaningful differences between either men or women, unless we define a standard of measure such as “become a philosopher”: in that case it is clear that women innately have less of the enjoyment of conditions favorable to becoming a philosopher than do men, but that does not mean that women are intellectually or subjectively incapable of becoming philosophers. I think women could become philosophers as much as can men, intellectually and subjectively speaking, but it’s just that women don’t really want to do that, they are not driven by their desires and pleasures toward those conditions that are favorable to philosophy. The issue of race and philosophy, however, is less clear since western philosophy is part of the European (“white”) tradition and it naturally takes outside cultures longer and more work in general to penetrate into that tradition when they are not a part of it; in other words there is a natural a contingent pressure in the social that acts to keep westerners philosophy within the western world and regardless whether or not other cultures or races could in fact success equally in that philosophy as do westerners (“white”) people. But even if we assume there are significant genetic innate differences in other races that make it less likely for them to seek and enjoy the conditions favorable to philosophy (such as I agree with Parodites that this is the case with women in general) that will always admit of individual exceptions, and again this is just one standard of measure we have chosen by which to determine if there are significant meaningful innate differences across genders or races. Regardless of the answer to that question for any given standard of measure, it is still the case that to some degree the social does indeed act to construct certain possibilities and predictive expectations upon certain identities, in part with reference to any innate differences that exist but also in part with reference to the secondary reprogramming of the social, but as to whether any actual person conforms to those identity-construct pressures will be more of a matter of individual lives and experiences. Of course another problem for the theory of innate racial differences is that most people today are hybrids of different races, that we can go back so many generations and find one great-great-grandparent or whatever that came from another culture or race, and even if we cannot do that there is no “white race” but just the many different European cultures and races which are somewhat genetically distinct from each other. So Europe itself as tradition of western philosophy demonstrates how it is possible for many different races to contribute into the same activity such as philosophy in this case. Although it’s also interesting that certain European races contribute more and in somewhat predictable ways to philosophy (the Germans, French and English all have a generally different approach to philosophy, for example). How much of that is “only cultural” versus generic and innate? Since the cultural comes from the innate and since the innate is refocused and concentrated in certain of its aspects by the cultural, there is probably no way to know for certain. In fact it might make the most sense to view the innate-generic and the cultural as a single substance with multiple parts, rather than as two fundamentally distinct substances.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:00 am
I tend to a similar view as Parodites, because to me there arent any analytic differences between beings, as long as they are self-valuings (of course there are heavy and crucial synthetic differences); their structure, their working, the way they integrate parts into their own wholeness, is identical in any living being. A culture, a people, is obviously a living being. Such a being responds instinctively for 99 percent, and there is a small degree which can be said to respond consciously - parliament, referendums, or very talented statesmen, etc. But in general, my issue with global government is that it would by definition be a beast.

Obviosuly, there is no neutrality in the world. Self-valuing precludes it. So any construct, however balanced its parts against each other may appear to be at one point, will be a monster. It must be. It would be an entity so large that it scopes the globe, and thus it would incorporate all human malice.

This is absolute; One can not organize humans without accumulating their malice. Hence, why states are always at war with some other state, in some form.

At no juncture could be logically expect any lessening of malice, of subjectivity, of self-interest, of ‘wisdom’ let’s say, by the means of combining more people under less heads.

The Social: all animals are social, they all live in organized groups, and all mammals have complex emotions. If you interact for some hours with a dolphin or a cat, or with a wolf, or with a horse, you will see that they have emoptions quite comparable to the sort of emotions 99 percent of humans have - the only difference is that the do no think (equally like humans, generally) and thus have none of ther deeply complex emotions that form an artists soul, which is a soul that, through art, is implanted in most humans, on top of their proper, animal emotions.

Most mammals are monogamous. All nature has organized functionally, this is what self-valuing is - all behaviors are ‘instinctive’ - no matter of their are atomic or human or divine or plant - even computers behave in the same way, when they are well integrated in a workflow and network. Humans are computers environments; they self-value in terms of us. But they are entities.

What we know, Anglosaxons and affiliated culture, is that we like individual freedom, and are willing to play a big price for this. What Arabs want is clearly something somewhat reversed; they always go for group-identity at the cost of individual liberties. Fine - let them. If there are exceptions, theyll come to the west. But if the west invites all of thje non-exceptions, the west is going to have to fight for its life, its values, its instincts, its freedom - and change, expel or kill the newcomers. Since our values preclude killing them inside of our borders at least, and our governments force us to take them in, we can only change them, or accept that they change us. Hence, we have war to look froward to, and this is only to blame on the ones who thought it was wise to invite these people without setting some standards for them, so that they can adapt to the part of life they now have come to serve under, which is freedom.

This is what we, the west, should say, regardless of anything we do overseas; Freedom is our religion, and if your religion is okay with that, then ours is okay with you. If your religion denies freedom, you need to get the fuck in a boat and drown at sea.

Literally, all that exists, is standards.

If we sacrifice our standards for the comfort of others, we are nothing but death waiting to happen.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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    Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:20 am
Im going to introduce a big and clunky psychological concept into this discussion. Whether a man identifies more with his mother or with his father, in terms of worldly outlook. It just struck me that this must be fundamental. The mother represents the home, the father the outside world. So a maternally oriented outlook might produce more of a conservative patriotic mindset, whereas a paternally oriented one would produce an progressive, idealistic one. I wonder if this is the case - I know it’s true in my case, that when I consider my mother, I know Ill destroy billions of lives in a second to keep her safe, so thats conservative. If I think of my father, I dont think of protecting him, but I think of designing, of a cool mind that can insert magic where it wants, and has no fear of losing its base.

Im bringing this in because we need to cover a lot of bases first - most importantly of all things political and organizational - what drives the human to his extremes?

Reasonability, normal ness, humaneness, common sense, all that is wiped away in an instant when passion rears its head. Passion shapes the world, and it is only passion that I seek to direct. Therefore I dont believe insetting rules or cognitive standards before redirecting passions. On ILP that is all Im doing now. To rout passions away from oblivion, relativism, nihilism, moralism, into the will to penetrate into the heart. Thought follows from this passion. Some people have that passion latent in them. These people, those are my people. I do not care about any of the rest. This month Ive emotionally cut off much of my family, cousins, all that, because they have shown that they’re opting for standing by. Fuck everyone who opts for that.

I now only care for people who actively cultivate their passions in a philosophical way. These are my ‘race’ - these are the ones I fight for, and with these, we will create the capital of a new order, a structure of worldly ethics of which we now only know that it at its centers is a library.

This is how I see the mothers and the fathers boys come together. Local, truly pleasant centers of culture that radiate outward in ideas. But no fucking institutional enforcers of any sort, in my world. Just real humans.

Any time a state grants a man the right to decide for another man, it creates two vampires. It breaks two beings.

Once more, consider that Im writing this in an associative way; the coming Jupiter year will be a year of debating and finding common ground; the previous year was one of creating foundations. 13 months from now, in the next year, which is of Scorpio, our work will begin to turn to political power. By that time, many organizations will be have their hands stretched out, as the only surfacing part of a drowning body - as has been the case in all greay political crises, philosophers will be the last resort for the wicked in power - because all others are too afraid to look them in the eyes.

At that moment, the tide, which has stationed the past year, will begin to turn. When we look the politicians in the eyes with a judgment so vastly differing from what they feared, our standards will begin to take over the global standard of power-thought.

All paradigmatic battles come down to a staredown. And all staredowns come down to what is behind the eyes. No man in this word has more fire behind the eyes than the people right here.

This is what standard-setting is in the final human instance; demonstrating ones fire.

A nod to Heraclitus, who understood this so well.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law

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Posts : 3183
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 11:50 am
Fixed Cross wrote:
I tend to a similar view as Parodites, because to me there arent any analytic differences between beings, as long as they are self-valuings (of course there are heavy and crucial synthetic differences); their structure, their working, the way they integrate parts into their own wholeness, is identical in any living being. A culture, a people, is obviously a living being. Such a being responds instinctively for 99 percent, and there is a small degree which can be said to respond consciously - parliament, referendums, or very talented statesmen, etc. But in general, my issue with global government is that it would by definition be a beast.

Obviosuly, there is no neutrality in the world. Self-valuing precludes it. So any construct, however balanced its parts against each other may appear to be at one point, will be a monster. It must be. It would be an entity so large that it scopes the globe, and thus it would incorporate all human malice.

This is absolute; One can not organize humans without accumulating their malice. Hence, why states are always at war with some other state, in some form.

I don’t put inter-state warfare down to malice, in most cases I think such war is the result of economic factors internal and inter-related to states combined with a political escalation of subtle psychological factors amongst leaders and between leaders and their people, such that “saving face” requires continuing the escalation rather than diffusing it. The end result of such political psychological escalation is open war, but it isn’t malice that causes this to occur, rather the psychological effect of political realities that are still largely unconscious and depend on things like not appearing to be weak or back down; and again coupled with economic problems within and between states.

Those economic problems provide the ground on which those political psychological (pathological) factors such as needing to save face and not appear “weak” end up driving a gradual escalation of tensions until the point where the high level of tension sparks a military encounter, at which point the same pathological factors that led to gradual escalation now force escalation of military hostilities.

I don’t give leaders or countries generally the kind of credit to suppose that something like war would be the direct result of something like malice. Leaders and nation-states generally are still far too unconscious for that.

Quote :
At no juncture could be logically expect any lessening of malice, of subjectivity, of self-interest, of ‘wisdom’ let’s say, by the means of combining more people under less heads.

I tend to see it differently. I think group dynamics can contribute to reductions in personal pathological states such as irrational malice; note that in one of the Zizek videos I recently posted he talks about how for a jealous husband, even if his wife is in fact cheating on him, his jealousy is still pathological. This is how ideology works, it simply uses truths or falsehoods to feed itself but doesn’t at all reduce in itself to true versus false states or situations.

Aggregating people into larger social groupings will achieve conflicting ends; it can and will reduce some pathological factors but also can and will increase others. It comes down to the KINDS OF social group forms that people are gathered into. The group form imposes its meaning and value standard upon those in the group as a kind of potentiating psychological model.

The view you espouse seems to preclude the possibility of individuals forming large groups in stable ways; but individuals already do that and have been doing it. We already have nation-states and international organizations and bodies, for me the next logical step is to continue universalizing these groupings, just as thought itself, subjectivity itself are always attempting to best universalize themselves. Of course even a true globalism isn’t a universalization, but just an attempt in that direction. To me, global doesn’t mean homogeneous or universal, it means a common minimum standard of interaction.

Quote :
The Social: all animals are social, they all live in organized groups, and all mammals have complex emotions. If you interact for some hours with a dolphin or a cat, or with a wolf, or with a horse, you will see that they have emoptions quite comparable to the sort of emotions 99 percent of humans have - the only difference is that the do no think (equally like humans, generally) and thus have none of ther deeply complex emotions that form an artists soul, which is a soul that, through art, is implanted in most humans, on top of their proper, animal emotions.

I think there is a risk of falsely anthropomorphizing animals. How can we really know if their inner experience is on par with our own, emotionally speaking? I think true emotions come from inner distance imposed on the self as well as a highly conceptual-based accumulated experiences of meaning. Since a dog for example has no idea what a tree or a squirrel or a human being actually is, much less could know what it means to be alive or the fact that itself will die someday, how could a dog or any other animal really imbue its experiences with meaning, with understanding? I think emotions are very much products of meaning, understanding, accumulated daemonic inner differences formed hierarchically over time in such ways as to act as Signs pointing to meanings in derivation, predictive consequences of significance. I just don’t see animal other than humans able to do that. But I know from being around my dog that dogs at least do have strong feelings, like affection and fear and contentment and excitement, I just don’t think that can be on par with human emotions or if it is on par then it’s on par at the level of pure affective quality of feeling only and not because the animal really “understands” these feelings at all. I definitely want to keep developing theory here.

Quote :
Most mammals are monogamous. All nature has organized functionally, this is what self-valuing is - all behaviors are ‘instinctive’ - no matter of their are atomic or human or divine or plant - even computers behave in the same way, when they are well integrated in a workflow and network. Humans are computers environments; they self-value in terms of us. But they are entities.

What we know, Anglosaxons and affiliated culture, is that we like individual freedom, and are willing to play a big price for this. What Arabs want is clearly something somewhat reversed; they always go for group-identity at the cost of individual liberties. Fine - let them. If there are exceptions, theyll come to the west. But if the west invites all of thje non-exceptions, the west is going to have to fight for its life, its values, its instincts, its freedom - and change, expel or kill the newcomers. Since our values preclude killing them inside of our borders at least, and our governments force us to take them in, we can only change them, or accept that they change us. Hence, we have war to look froward to, and this is only to blame on the ones who thought it was wise to invite these people without setting some standards for them, so that they can adapt to the part of life they now have come to serve under, which is freedom.

This is what we, the west, should say, regardless of anything we do overseas; Freedom is our religion, and if your religion is okay with that, then ours is okay with you. If your religion denies freedom, you need to get the fuck in a boat and drown at sea.

Literally, all that exists, is standards.

If we sacrifice our standards for the comfort of others, we are nothing but death waiting to happen.

This goes to what I posted in Archives, we need to identify the means and meaning by which our own cultural values are instantiated as standard. Physically removing people who do not conform to our values already exists, we call it the criminal justice system and prison. The law exists to define a line within which differences of values are tolerated and outside of which they are not, and the law does include plenty of determinations as to a person’s values beyond their actions, as it should. Muslims living in the west going to their Mosques and praying in public isn’t a violation of our laws, and I don’t think it needs to be. Enforcing integration at the point of a gun is sociopathic and fascistic in my view, and the mere fact that we feel a need to enforce it like that already indicates our own values and our faith in them has severely waned. The west is secular and tolerates a huge range of differing values-sets, and those we do not tolerate must be established in law as illegal.

Whatever it is that immigrants to the west do that is so offensive to us, those things must be clearly labeled illegal or we have no rational basis for pointing a gun at such people and demanding they leave. I agree that freedom is our “religion”, but freedom is not absolute nor “God-given”, and it’s meaning does change over time. I also agree that western nations should set reasonable limits on the number of immigrants allowed in, and some western countries have clearly exceeded such a reasonable limit. But I don’t think that justifies resorting to nationalistic xenophobic fascism. Again, the impulse to such a form of nationalism is pathological even if immigrants do indeed pose challenges to our societies.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 1:02 pm
We need to clarify our intentions toward Islam-- the nationalists are taking advantage of a huge gray area here, and the left-liberals aren’t stepping in to demand clarity but are using that same avoidance of specificity to advance their own agendas.

What will the new laws be that we write regarding 1) Islam, 2) Muslim immigrants, 3) the teaching of Islam to children. The last one is the most problematic because it is so pressingly important and also there exists no historical context or legal precedent that I know of for doing this. Is it true that in Muslim countries and culture there are really no books except for the Koran? I’ve heard there are some kids stories and kids books, maybe a few, otherwise is it actually the case there are no other books but the Koran? That is insane if true. We can use such examples to inform the new laws we will write. And we can use the immanent danger to children as another solid reason, but then we’re stuck with the problem of differentiating between teaching Islam versus other religious beliefs. Do we really want to make it illegal to teach any religion to children? I don’t think we could do that even if we wanted to.

Fascism is when the immanent perception of need is supposed to outweigh our more general lasting and deeper values, and to collapse contradictions to one side only, the side based on immediate fear and need to “act”. I want to avoid subverting our thinking to such a need, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see how pressingly important these problems are for Europe.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:46 pm
Capable wrote:

I don’t put inter-state warfare down to malice,

Nor do I - I put it down to bureaucratic power, which is basically a power not backed by ontos.

I dont see how globalism would work without massive increase in bureaucracy, rather than massive decrease, which is a first prerequisite to sanity.

Did you read the Law of Parkinson link? Its an Englishman work that anecdotally, but credibly proves how bureaucracy can not avoid becoming bloated. But we only need to look with our own eyes.

Open war on the other hand is just the explication of valuing. It is much preferable, because it is always temporary, as well as actually existent.

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At no juncture could be logically expect any lessening of malice, of subjectivity, of self-interest, of ‘wisdom’ let’s say, by the means of combining more people under less heads.

I tend to see it differently. I think group dynamics can contribute to reductions in personal pathological states such as irrational malice; note that in one of the Zizek videos I recently posted he talks about how for a jealous husband, even if his wife is in fact cheating on him, his jealousy is still pathological. This is how ideology works, it simply uses truths or falsehoods to feed itself but doesn’t at all reduce in itself to true versus false states or situations.

Aggregating people into larger social groupings will achieve conflicting ends; it can and will reduce some pathological factors but also can and will increase others. It comes down to the KINDS OF social group forms that people are gathered into. The group form imposes its meaning and value standard upon those in the group as a kind of potentiating psychological model.

The view you espouse seems to preclude the possibility of individuals forming large groups in stable ways; but individuals already do that and have been doing it. We already have nation-states and international organizations and bodies, for me the next logical step is to continue universalizing these groupings, just as thought itself, subjectivity itself are always attempting to best universalize themselves. Of course even a true globalism isn’t a universalization, but just an attempt in that direction. To me, global doesn’t mean homogeneous or universal, it means a common minimum standard of interaction.

I said that humans can only organize in groups, as equals, as individuals. This is the exact opposite of having overhead decision making processes.

Groups are, as you know, formed around values. They are similar valuings grouping together to become stronger.
Values are by definition differentiated though - they are very much product of the environment. And this is beautiful.

I find diversity beautiful, good, righteous, true.

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The Social: all animals are social, they all live in organized groups, and all mammals have complex emotions. If you interact for some hours with a dolphin or a cat, or with a wolf, or with a horse, you will see that they have emoptions quite comparable to the sort of emotions 99 percent of humans have - the only difference is that the do no think (equally like humans, generally) and thus have none of ther deeply complex emotions that form an artists soul, which is a soul that, through art, is implanted in most humans, on top of their proper, animal emotions.

I think there is a risk of falsely anthropomorphizing animals. How can we really know if their inner experience is on par with our own, emotionally speaking?

How can we know this of humans?
I kmow for a fact that I emotionally interact with animals ona sophisticated basis, and that with most humans, this is impossible.

I know no beings inner world except my own - I find the belief that one can know another humans motivations and inner workd to be pure superstition - humans differ from each other more than they do from animals.

All creatures feel pain, all warm blooded creatures emote. Birds have very complex cognitive processes in time, as proven by their ultra sophisticated behavior. Look at a crow solving a puzzle.

Only I experienced the creation of VO, but a raven was sitting in the windowsill, keenly observing me. Between that bird and me was friendship.

I dont care for people who disbelief in my friendships - philosophy can take so many forms that maybe two or three humans happen upon. That’s what I share with Pezer - the love of the wild. It totally trumps any desire to control my fellow species. ALl I wish to do is to allow people to experience the wild, which is all that is needed to end fascistic impulse, which is all that is really needed in general. But to this modest end, everything that the highest men can summon is required. Because what we are attaining, slowly, philosophers and artists and all vital humans, is the end of slave-instinct.

It is the slave instinct thsat requires government, rather than friendship.

Friendship will be the rule of my kingdom. It is the rule of my kingdom. Step by sterp I expand my kingdom, utterly uncompromising, always placing the individuals self-valuing above universal ideas, always thereby selecting individuals that can endure other individuals.

The only thing that ever goes wrong in a society is having too many dependent people.

Student debt is a means of creating dependency, of destroying human resilience to humanity.

Ah yes - humanity, the phenomenon that means only resilience to itself.
In its very highest form, the principle of government comes down to the same. It can thus never be imposed top-down without contradicting its only justification.

A contradiction well have to live with, but the influence of which I will be minimizing with every post or article or book that I write.

Self-valuing logic virtually precludes bureaucracy; there is only one way in which it can work, which is as an extremely proud, thus self-correcting function of a very fluid entity. Empires in their prime have functioned as such, but because these empires were built on plunder, that phase was always short.

We’ve never had a vital bureaucracy based on production. I think that is because bureaucracy is essentially derivative. It is simply the element of laziness. It works fine with pride as long as there are immense violent gains, but when the lands are stripped bare, bucreaucracy consumes first its subjects, and then its lower ranks, then its mid ranks, and then turns to military fascism, and then kills itself in a conflict between various honorless factions. It is the road to absolute annihilation, as we’re seeing in the middle east, which is a function of the bureaucratic “Peace Process”…

har har.
This is why we must be romantic not to turn cynic. Or why only romantic philosophers survive.

Quote :
I think true emotions come from inner distance imposed on the self as well as a highly conceptual-based accumulated experiences of meaning. Since a dog for example has no idea what a tree or a squirrel or a human being actually is, much less could know what it means to be alive or the fact that itself will die someday, how could a dog or any other animal really imbue its experiences with meaning, with understanding? I think emotions are very much products of meaning, understanding, accumulated daemonic inner differences formed hierarchically over time in such ways as to act as Signs pointing to meanings in derivation, predictive consequences of significance. I just don’t see animal other than humans able to do that. But I know from being around my dog that dogs at least do have strong feelings, like affection and fear and contentment and excitement, I just don’t think that can be on par with human emotions or if it is on par then it’s on par at the level of pure affective quality of feeling only and not because the animal really “understands” these feelings at all. I definitely want to keep developing theory here.

All mammals understand death. All mammals have complex emotions. I content that they are usually far more complex than human emotions, and that these mammals are far more conscious of what it means to exist than any human who spends more than 4 hours watching tv.

Ive seen my cats, two brothers, grow up and die, Ive seen them as they saw the death of one of them approaching, I saw them preparing the dying together, I saw the good-byes, I saw the mourning, I saw the psychological transformation, the depth increasing behind the eyes, the thoughtfulness of his gestures toward my sister, who was also sad…

Elephants treat death in a way that proves they are far more aware of what it is than we are. No walking self-valuing is unaware of itself, awareness is nothing besides self-valuing in a changing environment. Rather, it is the speaking self-valuings that have partially grown unaware, static; precisely because they began misunderstanding awareness as a static state, as ‘contemplation’ or ‘reflection’ rather than the most intense acting, which energy expenditure wise, it is.

You could tell me all of this is projection - but I assume you know me, and human nature, to well for this. Either all of it is projection, or we learn to trust our experiences as the only reality we have to work with. And when that happens, we begin to discern what we project and what is truly there.

That is how self-valuing came about as an idea.

Ill respond to the other segment on another post.

The above is summarized more or less in this;

The self-valuing principle is the only universal. All phenomena that are brought into being by this principle permutating itself so as to create being in time, are particulars.

Values are particular, so are self-valuings; they are synthetic functions of each other. Values and self-valuings together amount to self-valuing in terms of acting, and will to power in terms of being.

The will to organize the global value-grid in homogenous terms is perhaps the strongest will there exists, at least the most tyrannical one - but it is a will that if it will not bend, and thus must ultimately break; as all that does not bend does break. Especially light.

Then again, broken light is hardly wasted light.

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 3:45 pm
Capable wrote:
Fixed Cross wrote:

If we sacrifice our standards for the comfort of others, we are nothing but death waiting to happen.

This goes to what I posted in Archives, we need to identify the means and meaning by which our own cultural values are instantiated as standard. Physically removing people who do not conform to our values already exists, we call it the criminal justice system and prison. The law exists to define a line within which differences of values are tolerated and outside of which they are not, and the law does include plenty of determinations as to a person’s values beyond their actions, as it should. Muslims living in the west going to their Mosques and praying in public isn’t a violation of our laws, and I don’t think it needs to be. Enforcing integration at the point of a gun is sociopathic and fascistic in my view, and the mere fact that we feel a need to enforce it like that already indicates our own values and our faith in them has severely waned. The west is secular and tolerates a huge range of differing values-sets, and those we do not tolerate must be established in law as illegal.

Whatever it is that immigrants to the west do that is so offensive to us, those things must be clearly labeled illegal or we have no rational basis for pointing a gun at such people and demanding they leave. I agree that freedom is our “religion”, but freedom is not absolute nor “God-given”, and it’s meaning does change over time. I also agree that western nations should set reasonable limits on the number of immigrants allowed in, and some western countries have clearly exceeded such a reasonable limit. But I don’t think that justifies resorting to nationalistic xenophobic fascism. Again, the impulse to such a form of nationalism is pathological even if immigrants do indeed pose challenges to our societies.

I think we need to clearly separate three forces, rather than two; there isnt just the immigrants and ‘the west’ - but there are immigrants, peoples, and governments.

For the past 60 years, governments in the west have excluded their peoples from decision making, while at the same time importing huge amounts of peoples with radically opposed values. As people defended themselves against female circumcision, condemnation of science, beating women to death in their own house, etc etc, the governments started labeling this as racist and xenophobic.

So we have three forces:
international fascism

Among all muslim peoples are individuals. By inviting people over without stripping them of their most horrible customs, we both destroy the chances of freedom loving Arabs and such, and we destroy our own values.

On the other hand, if Obama hadn’t been such a fool of monstrous proportions, millions of coming immigrants would still have homes where they were born - so it is already too late - because France was such a big part in this disaster, Europe cant avoid absorbing these people in any sensible way - its all the result of meddling in the middle east - still none of that excuses in the least giving away a hairs breath of our freedom… that is precisely the wrong approach to take.

After all, we did not invade Lybia, or draw red lines in Syria. We did nothing to cause these people to move to our cities - it is rather that we are the only ones who can salvage the situation, precisely by not conceding to either the muslim priests or our own unelected institutions.

The EU and the US government arent anymore related to any standards of proper occidental quality. This is why they are falling apart. This is why Trump will win; he represents basic human values of the not fully civilized individual, of the raw culture-building forces.

“Culture and civilization are opposites.” - Weary Locomotive
There is much sense in this. Civilization could be seen as the circumference of culture. When it gets too heavy, i.e. too sensitive to weakness, it crushes its heart, the cultivating self-valuing that produced it as a mere facilitator.

When a civilization begins to speak out universals, it is about to splinter. It has lost its particular focus, its ‘spin’, its perspective - it will no longer be able to cohere with other particulars.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:01 pm
Capable wrote:
We need to clarify our intentions toward Islam-- the nationalists are taking advantage of a huge gray area here, and the left-liberals aren’t stepping in to demand clarity but are using that same avoidance of specificity to advance their own agendas.

What will the new laws be that we write regarding 1) Islam, 2) Muslim immigrants, 3) the teaching of Islam to children. The last one is the most problematic because it is so pressingly important and also there exists no historical context or legal precedent that I know of for doing this. Is it true that in Muslim countries and culture there are really no books except for the Koran? I’ve heard there are some kids stories and kids books, maybe a few, otherwise is it actually the case there are no other books but the Koran? That is insane if true. We can use such examples to inform the new laws we will write. And we can use the immanent danger to children as another solid reason, but then we’re stuck with the problem of differentiating between teaching Islam versus other religious beliefs. Do we really want to make it illegal to teach any religion to children? I don’t think we could do that even if we wanted to.

Consider that when Christianity held sway, there weren’t any allowed books except the bible. A religion can not possibly maintain itself if books are freely published. Whatever is published is filtered and edited to fit precisely into the ruling code. So authorship isnt a cultivated quality. Literature isnt spontaneous, it’s the result of centuries of deference to the free mind.

Im sure you are familiar with Salman Rushdie. He was just one guy who, despite mortal danger, decided to puyblish a book. He isnt safe anywhere on this planet.

Do you want to tolerate that? I dont. I even think it warrants nuclear holocaust and elimination of human life to prevent such codes from ruling.

All this is self-valuing. Placing real particulars higher than hypothetical universals. I act only out of love, and love only what I truly love. I dont pretend to love what tries to kill me. I happily send to its grave all that wants to kill what I love. I believe that the west is infinitely superior, and has the duty to eradicate childrape. No universals are in play here excpet self-valuing itself; universal monotheism simply is a negation of it. Only Judaism is valid as monotyheism, precisely because it is tribal, particular. It is their god. So they fucking leave us the fuck alone.

Quote :
Fascism is when the immanent perception of need is supposed to outweigh our more general lasting and deeper values, and to collapse contradictions to one side only, the side based on immediate fear and need to “act”. I want to avoid subverting our thinking to such a need, but that doesn’t mean I don’t see how pressingly important these problems are for Europe.

We can only rely on one thing, which is our own values. Everything else is about to collapse.

This is what it means to be philosopher in a cultural cataclysm. The last man standing.

Like Tolkien, in the trenches of World War one, consolidated the values of his friends, who were dying around him, in a manuscript that eventually became the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, much in that way we must collect and assemble the highest values of our culture, and produce a grand narrative-architecture, within which sciences and culture can continue to thrive in freedom.

We are going back to a time of castles and wilderness. Philosophy is the only discipline that is happy in both. Our time is actually coming; but it is coming to only our most bold and proud aspect - in a word, Jupiter.

No man will ever rule the Earth. No human government ever will. The hearts of humans will always rule, and this is why ‘the gods’ are in charge.

Hence, Government of Muses. A muse is an intermediary between man and god. A muse makes sure that both exist.

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 4:21 pm
If you invite something as hideous and coercive as Islam into the midst of your people, you must also allow all other types of bigotry and bias to run rampant, simply to protect life from this great bias against life itself.

It is all too easily forgotten that these gods of theirs all claim that man and this world are bad. This alone is enough to banish it from this world. But this does not mean banishing individuals. It means destroying gigantic power structures that have been rising for over a thousand years. It means terminating narratives that have run for millennia. It means, to so many, the end of times.

What one should tell an individual muslim immigrant here is: you are extremely welcome, to learn to be free here - if you speak one word of your sinister god to my children, ill wring you through the meatgrinder. That is how you show someone who doesn’t know what freedom is the path to freedom; by clarifying its worth to you - given that you would kill and die for it. Only one who holds it as dearly as that can make it understood, felt.

It must replace the idea of god, or at least force the idea of god to coincide with it. It is a pathos, a courage, a constitution.

As I formulated in Pezers ILP thread, for a full fledged being, freedom means to be free to ones values… and nothing besides!

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:09 pm
Parodites wrote:
Indeed as Fixed said, Trump’s election will not bring the change that is required, but will open the political process to that change, which is necessary. We have an opportunity in the US to do this in a very civilized manner, through an election- as opposed to armed rebellion.

I do not see the possibility of a world-culture being brought into existence or have a desire that a species wide system of values be instituted either organically or by some kind of directed intention. Besides, it is impossible to create the kind of globalist institutions that could combat things like climate change without diminishing the power of the masses, the public, the individuals. Globalism is by its very nature a concentration of political force in the hands of the few. Death is preferable. Power doesn’t come out of a void somewhere. In order for these elites to have more power, I have to give them some of mine; we have to give some more of our power, our rights, our individuality, our emancipatory potential, some more of our father’s and forefather’s blood, to them. Not only am I not interested in empowering these soul-less agencies on the flimsy misplaced hope that they’ll combat the threat of a warming planet on our behalf as opposed to just stuff their fat fucking pockets, I want them to be completely disbanded and virtually all political power returned to where it belongs, the hands of the people.

Beautifully said. I have shared this elsewhere, among some other writing that you permitted. I do not worry that it will come to total chaos - civil life in most western nations of great international trade-networks is regulated in part by the significant layer of crime between law on the one hand and order on the other. Crime families that run local police stations are a veil that separates global elites from power on the ground, at least in democratic nations where the semblance of ground up influence is required to maintain civil society.

Capable takes the more difficult (bordering on impossible) approach - and this is crucial too as elites will continue to press for power, so the closer philosophy gets to relevance here, the more these elites can be curtailed to jobs that might actually be necessary, such as the containment of WMD. That is actually the only thing I can think of that justifies globalism in some way - it is curious that this view dawned on me reading a Jewish Kabbalah site that explained nuclear technology in these terms.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 6:31 pm
All functions of government are meant to ward off some tyranny. Of war of hunger, of poverty and ignorance… or of political tyranny in the direct sense, either autocratic or ochlocratic - of harsh capital distribution, of all kinds of persistent discomforts and threats. But in no other way was it ever necessitated other than as as a measure against something. All the aspects of these things, peace, prosperity, culture, fairness, etc etc, these are all products of local human ingenuity and soul on the ground.

Mostly, government came to be as violent repression and extortion, simply out of the haphazard way in which nature distributes qualities and virtues. Mostly, that is what it remains. All the good that it claims is the work and initiative of the people it extorts. Governments are the parasites of cultures. They exist because the parasitical possibility is an implication of the self-valuing nature, but we need to get rid of the silly belief that they preside over them. We elect a scumbag to represent our more scummy instincts in an arena where no creator can breathe. Eventually it’ll die out.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 22, 2016 7:10 pm
A government is essentially a crime organization that is so big that it can force people to call it “representation”. This is exactly how Mafia works (‘protection’) - but just bigger, and representing more slavish folk.

Italy will never be enslaved, precisely because their crime families represent roots to a more vital time, of more powerful governmental codes and values. Ive come to regard crime as preferable to systemic moral coercion, which is why I support Trump.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 23, 2016 9:49 am
For the same reason that government can never get rid of all crime, crime can never get rid of all government. Government and crime share bureaucracy in common, the mafia families have plenty of their own bureaucracy too. Petty chaotic crime is unable to ontologically structure itself into something socially significant and lasting; this is the problem that both government and the mafia have solved.

It is a problem of diminishing returns from either angle: if you want to get rid of crime or government corruption it is easy to start and deal with the biggest move obvious instances, but as you get closer to perfect elimination the task approaches impossibility. Malice, as you said, is part of human nature and bureaucracy is a perfect system for regulating (not eliminating) malice.

I see bureaucracy as a necessary part of human life. If not for it we would not have such things as computers or the internet, for an easy example. We would be restricted to mere localism and barter system type quasi-anarchic modes of life, which to me is fucking pointless. So the trick is to see how bureaucratic forms can evolve over time; this is what capitalism represents, I think. And my position toward globalism is entirely motivated by the fact that I see globalism as inevitable, so my personal feelings either way are entirely irrelevant. I might hate or love the idea of globalism, but globalism is going to be the case either way. Globalism is basically just the logic of the nation-state with no exteriority (with the exteriority posited internally rather than externally). Yes this raises definite problems and risks, I agree. So I want to look at how to mitigate those risks and solve those problems.

In my view time (history) only moves in one direction – forward – and never backward. Like a mind, history is always looking back and recollecting things, reanimating them in the present moment but this is always done at the express logic and behest of the present moment posited forward toward its predictable future/s. The past only lives in the present because the present is the condition of possibility of that past-recollecting; and the ways in which the present is able to posit-predict its possible futures is going to determine the ways in which the present recollects elements from its past. If we look at the last 2500 years we see a clear progression of history. I have not studied anthropology and pre-ancient Greek history enough but I assume that if we were to extent that to say the last 10,000 years the same would hold true… but even if it didn’t, modern history of the last 2500 years is sufficient to demonstrate the case that we are now on a more or less linear track, and globalism represents the limit of that linearity in so far as positing itself under the old models of interior/exterior mediation of forms. Society itself needs to be rethought once a truly global situation presents itself. And with the re-thinking of society comes the re-thinking of the subject and its psychology as well – Marx for example understood the globalizing nature of capitalism, and Marx thought that this global capitalism would reach its limit and then collapse into world communism. The only justification of capitalism is that it organizes production so efficiently that it is able to produce all the objects, machines, technologies, capital etc. that will later be distributed throughout the world in a communist State; his idea of communism was a post-global capitalism situation and not really the kind of nation-state communisms that we saw in the last century and which mostly all failed. (Not saying that I agree with his idealization of the world communist state, of course, I think he was utopian just like Nietzsche was, namely precisely where they were positing their higher values in imagined future forms of a theoretically pure or total absolution.) Capitalism will always eat such communisms, but only until capitalism reaches its final limit and collapses; that is Marx’s idea anyway. But Zizek uses Hegel to point out that it is impossible to envision this collapse and reformation in advance, that any attempt to achieve a revolution is doomed to failure yet it is precisely that failure and the how and why of it that is the condition of possibility for the later realization of the ideal of the revolution as such, albeit in some other form (modern capitalism is the realization of the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat, we have won out freedom “from” the old labor systems but this freedom is only a freedom “for” converting ourselves into subjectivity-as-labor as such, the self as its own commodity, for example.)

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson

Last edited by Capable on Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 23, 2016 10:40 am
Another interesting point here about nature and its relation to human being: “Imagine all of nature waiting for the invention of (human) language so that it can finally be expressed how bad it is to be a vegetable or a fish.” Lol. This point is a Heideggerian one regarding dwelling: rocks have no world, animals have a desire for a world that is not present to them, and only in human being is there the possibility for truly Dwelling (for having a world). To employ Zizek again, the idea is that we should not be asking what is human language that it cannot step outside of itself to perceive nature or animal “in themselves” as if we could never escape the ontological horizon of our own meaning therefore such a stepping outside is impossible, therefore we can never know nature or animal “really”… No, the idea is that we should ask “what is human language to nature”, what is the invention of language from the perspective of the non-linguistic natural world and how does the arrival of language allow that natural world a new means with which to articulate its truer reality or essence?

The idea of course now is that self-valuing can mediate this distinction; because nature is a self-valuing and because an animal is a self-valuing and because also a human being is a self-valuing it is now possible, armed with a theory of self-valuing as such, that the gap can be bridged on account of the true ontic similarity between all beings of all kinds in that all beings are always already self-valuings and therefore in some way both obscure and immediate are able to “know” each other. Perhaps a crow knows that a human is a self-valuing, for example. But this glosses over the idea that there must be radically different kinds of self-valuings and that even if one kind can always approach another at the basic level of form (being a self-valuing) it is still possible that no actual content could be communicated or transferred there; but I believe that self-valuings admit of degrees and progressive development not only formally as Heidegger said that man is that being for which its own being is an issue, but more significantly because man is that being for which its own being has become able to be an issue for it —why “able to be”, what does it mean that this holds for a human and not for a crow or a fish or a vegetable? I think that the consciousness is a substance and that self-valuing prescribes the basic form but not the actual contents within that form. And that it is the actual contents that, in sum and as accumulated hierarchically over time into metaphorical, metonymic logical structures within being, are really what defines what a being is or what consciousness truly means.

So I’m less concerned with the pure form of “all being is a self-valuing” and more concerned with what are the actual contents and experiences that have so far been accumulated to a given self-valuing and what does this say as to the potentials and powers open to that given self-valuing? I think it is on the basis of shared contents that truly significant (and ontic or abstract-transcendental) relating between beings is possible, and not simply on the basis of a shared form (of being a self-valuing). It is as if the shared form is just a condition of possibility for relations of shared contents to appear. In this sense I think we can say that being or consciousness is literally its contents and nothing besides. And so that raises the question: what are the contents of the consciousness of a crow, or a dog, or a fish, or a vegetable?

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:32 am
To the last post first; I would say the content of a crows self-valuing is far closer to mine than the content of a typical Hillary Clinton voter. I mean that - as indeed of course humans seem more alike in their capacities, also for holding things in the mind, but crows can actually solve puzzles that people with low IQs can not. Animals also have extensive memories, and gorillas can learn to paint figuratively. That last fact is proof of representational and abstract consciousness. But so is the crow solving the puzzle.

I am leaning to the idea that them brain is really more of a filter than a construct of drives.

Likely it will simply be impossible for us to come to terms on this view on animals - I expect Parodites will agree with you… but I do not see the regular human as capable of existing in ways remotely similar to how I exist, am conscious of myself - this is precisely why I turn to specific animals – cats, wolves, squirrels and crows most notably now - they inhabit a world of values and instincts that resonate with me, that vitalize me, that clarify things to me.

Here and there, a human with a historical mind exists. Absent that historical mind, human consciousness is not, to my understanding, much more complex or involved than animal behavior, except in that it forms more complex knots - but these arent functional.

So far Id say human complexity vs animals has mainly resulted in a diminished self-awareness, and a strange construct of ‘awareness as such’, a kind of collective conscious that does not really partain to much except its own permutations and lust for itself… valuing humans in its terms.

truly I do not consider the human species as homogenous at all, least of all in terms of awareness and historicity. My experiences with creatures tell me that awareness isnt sufficiently hierarchized in terms of species, but also needs to differentiate specimens inter-species.

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 23, 2016 12:25 pm
I agree that is pretty cool of the crow to do that. I’ve seen gorillas smoking cigarettes, chimps using sticks to get at insects inside logs, and there was an experiment that supposedly demonstrated dogs can use logical deduction (the dog is walking down a hall following the scent of food, when it is confronted with two passageways as the hall splits in two directions. The experimenters have set it up so that the smell of the food stops before the split, and no smell of food continues down either passageway. The dog would sniff the first passageway and, not finding the scent, immediately dart down the second passageway before even testing for the smell there… the obvious idea that the dog deduced “if not this one, then that one” which is a purely rational deduction).

I certainly agree that animals can do these sort of things. But I don’t really think this speaks to my larger point. A crow doesn’t know what the Earth is or even that there is an Earth, much less other planets, gravity, it cannot solve arithmetic equations, it cannot formulate in philosophical or conceptual terms something like justice, love, hope, truth, art, beauty, or freedom; such ideas are simply beyond that range of non-human animals as I see it. But certainly animals possess the kind of instinctual organic basis in which these conceptual ideas are themselves originally rooted, namely pleasure and pain differentiations and trying to maximize pleasure while minimizing pain, and making self-valuing distinctions of which other animal or situation or food is more valuable than another, etc. Animals can definitely do those things. But I think humans do those same things as well as build atop them. And this is the reason why some humans aren’t even as “pure” in their self-valuing as the animals: humans are capable of making mistakes, of not acting according to an immediate values-need for example, precisely because humans have surpassed that level. The capacity to make a mistake is an active, positive capacity whereas the capacity to solve a puzzle is just rote learning. Undoubtedly that crow had to go through extensive training on how to do those things it did, putting each piece of the puzzle together and then in what we saw it performed this all over again but in a slightly different order or arrangement of the steps… yes indeed that is impressive, but I don’t think the crow is able to make a mistake in the way a human can make a mistake. Making mistakes is divine, it isn’t a mark against humanity that we are often stupid, ignorant, pathological, because the fact we can do these “deplorable” things is simply the fact that we have developed something more than rote immediacy of animal consciousness and are now in the middle stages of trying to unpack and learn about this “something more”, we haven’t perfected it yet but we are in the process of doing so.

It is as if, you watch an ape being taught by its parent how to use a stick on the anthill to get the ants, well the ape at first just smacks the stick around randomly and doesnt perform the finesse needed to get the ants, and so you declare that the ape is somehow less evolved or lower in consciousness than other animals that simply use their long tongues to get out the ants much more effectively. But the young ape is learning something higher, and just because it isn’t quite there yet doesn’t mean it isn’t already entirely beyond those other animals that use their naturally specified tongues or whatever to get to the food. The difference is categorical.

Precisely humanity’s deplorable, pathological, unrefined, ignorant qualities proves that humanity is already beyond the level of the rest of the animal kingdom. Not very many animals will act with cruelty toward another for no reason other than to be cruel, humans will do that and so will some other primates, but that is all the examples I’ve heard of. Likewise other animals do not go to war for ideas or because of the joy of war, to self-actualize themselves, they will fight for concrete reasons such as territory or access to resources. Mobilized war and human psychopathology are deplorable not because humans are less than animals, but because humans are still in the much larger process of learning about precisely how humans are always already much beyond the animal level. At least this is how I see it.

I am not criticizing your connection to animals at all, I have this connection too. I am just not using such a connection as a means to demean humanity simply because humanity must, in addition to being “immersed in the immediacy of pure natural instinctive awareness” or whatever kind of idealized state of nature we might imagine they exist in, actual work and suffer and error in the process of discovering who and what it really means to be a human, to be oneself. The error in man is beautiful, as Holderlin’s “where danger is there grows the saving power”, humans are in a state of danger for which there is no parallel in the animal natural kingdom anywhere. A crow does not have an existential crisis, is what I mean.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 23, 2016 1:59 pm
I also reject the opposite polarity as yours, the one that says all of nature is brutal pain and suffering and horror, and that only the human world overcomes this and introduces any semblance of meaning or value into existence. I think these two views represent polarities and the truth is somewhere in the middle. The “state of nature” is not something that I idealize, simply because I imagine having to live in the wild scrounging for food all the time, being cold and dirty and in fear of predators, probably usually hungry; even if I were incapable of aspiring to any kind of human values or quality of life, that still sounds miserable. But neither do I think that nature is one massive horror show of suffering insanity and constant death and meaninglessness, a “rabid rat trapped in a cage forever devouring itself” as I remember Inmendham called it in one of his videos. That isn’t correct either; we should try to develop a philosophy of nature, a true theory here. In such a theory I would tend to come down more on your side Fixed than on the other side.

I see humans are entirely natural, except that we “broke the wheel of evolution” as I think Parodites said once, and because we are no longer subject to natural selection (since just about any human and regardless of the state of his genes can procreate). But our selection mechanisms are different ones now, we can align them to truths and to fact as such, at least as far as we are able to tell thus-far (yeah we make plenty of mistakes here, but I think over history we are getting better, closer to truths).

Here is an easy example of what I mean: imagine someone like Einstein or Shakespeare or Nietzsche, highly intelligent and refined emotional and creatively, with tons to contribute so much so that the future of humanity can be altered just by this individual person’s work… except this person lives in a state of nature type anarchy society, and one day they are assaulted by a gang and killed for their cash… the false paradigm of anarchy would say because the person could not defend themselves physically they “deserved” to die, because as we know this paradigm believes that might makes right. But that isn’t correct at all. The value of Nietzsche or Einstein or Shakespeare or any number of great genius people is infinitely more than their capacity to physically defend themselves from others, and the standard of physical defense is infinitely lower than the standards by which the genius individual operates and can contribute to. Imagine a world like this, a humanity where “might makes right” it somehow or another to some degree instantiates as moral truth; that would be a fucking disaster, hardly anything good could arise out of such a world. Certainly humanity would evolve at a snails pace under such conditions, and indeed the slow curve of progress that was early humanity until the last couple thousand years represents this fact: culture and knowledge, higher values, were unable to be valued directly in the ancient past because indeed might made right in that past, humans were still very close to the state of nature and dominated each other physically or through surrogates of physical violence (fear, psychological tricks (religion), etc.). Now finally we have started to climb up the curve of progress and escape that state of nature.

The state of nature is just fine for animal life because animal life is unable to aspire to higher values; an animal pursues pleasure and avoids pain, and would rest in a state of comfort, but otherwise isn’t able to value a higher quality of life, or values as such. Animals do not care for knowledge, for truth, they cannot really build anything like culture at all. This is also why I still disagree with Parodites’ view that human society is a reflection of nature, because while it is true that part of human society is indeed this reflection, there is much more about human society that is far beyond that level. The state of nature for animal life, the natural societies of animals entirely lack what we might call culture or higher values, overall knowledge or progression toward truth, precisely because they are locked in the survival of the fittest game of might makes right, so that higher values are unable to appear (and even if they did appear, they would vanish just as quickly). Humans struggled for probably 50,000 years or more in that kind of state to gradually, gradually overcome it by the tiniest of increments until finally we founded culture, language, and were able to somewhat escape the state of nature into something ontologically higher on the continuum of being.

I agree with the respect and love for animals, I consider my dog to be my true companion and indeed we understand each other very well. But I think were I differ from you is that I still hold humanity in highest regard, and I consider whatever is best about animals is precisely what defines human being already, even or perhaps especially where human being is capable of erring in terms of it. We should show more respect to animal life because what is best about human being and ourselves, this is also shared, at the foundations, with the animals. And you are right in the sense that we can never really know the inner world of the animal, the crow might have a fully developed subjectivity, personality, forms of knowledge, a kind of understanding of values like justice etc., I cannot say for sure that it doesn’t. And regardless if it does or not, its form of life should still be respected, and not only because we too share in that form of life of the animals, but because our human form of life is not necessarily the highest or best one; we preference our own form of life because it is ours, in proper self-valuing fashion. The ‘objective’ measures that we use to defend that anthropocentric valuation notwithstanding.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 25, 2016 9:18 am
About Trump’s Muslim ban- he revised it a long time ago to be a ban from specific regions in the world, not a religious ban- regions of the world with a known history of sponsoring terrorism. Regions of the world where ripping a girl’s clitoris off is common- a crime that goes basically unpunished by European and British authorities who don’t want to be racist and prosecute Muslims.

And one quick thing on globalism:

“You can’t solve this problem, so you, the people, have to surrender your power to us, to our political elites and social institutions, we will counter these problems on your behalf…” that is the kind of thinking behind the worst catastrophes of the last century, rather it was communism addressing poverty or now globalism addressing climate change. In a text on Zizek, I find the following, directly admitting this elevation of the political elite to illusory heroes to save the masses from themselves:

Speaking against democratic values: "There is a name for the politics that glorifies risk, decision, and will; that yearns for the hero, the master, and the leader- that prefers death and the infinite to democracy and the pragmatic; that finds the only true freedom in the terror of violence. Its name is not communism, but fascism. In his most recent work, Zizek has unarguably revealed himself as a kind of fascist. He admits as much in Violence, where he mentions “the re-emerging left-Fascist whispering at the borders of academia, where I guess I belong.”

This is fucking disgusting, to be blunt. That a person like Zizek not only admits the thought-policing fascist scheme which the Left basically represents now, which would have me thrown out of academia for what I’ve said in this thread, which would bring back book burning if it could, along with this heroic elevation of political classes who ask us to give all of our power to them- so that they can betray us, and even seems proud of it… I have very little respect for the guy, and zero respect for his politics.

This country, the US, was founded on exactly the opposite principles: it was founded on the de-centralization and the separation of government powers. It was founded on: no heroes, no masters. And this country became in 200 years the most powerful force on earth because of it, only so that I now have to endure people preaching the virtues of taking a completely opposite path, people saying “fuck localism,” or to translate it, fuck having a functioning community, fuck having a politically empowered public, etc. Give all your power away to them, these political classes. That, in order to combat climate change or poverty, we must surrender our power to a centralized government, to larger and more powerful institutions, is a religious idea. You also mention that somehow without these piece of shit administrators that parasitize us and betray us we wouldn’t have computers and the like. How? Centralized government and Statism are the enemies of enlightenment, philosophy, and civilization. The state has held civilization back, not pushed it forward.

I do not perceive the leveling to have been completed yet, as Fixed does. You want my vision of the future of society, the completion to this leveling, at the coming dawn of the new, post-globalist era of western civilization? Europe continues its globalist policies, imports another billion Muslims, gets rid of borders and the idea of nation states, centralizes the power of its people in larger social institutions, and experiences economic meltdowns and civil unrest, to eventually become a third world, decimated kingdom of ghosts and broken dreams. The US does what Washington wrote of and told us to do centuries ago- it uses its unique position, separated from the rest of the world by an ocean, with an entire continent to itself, to isolate itself completely, becoming perfectly independent from the rest of the nations, then inherits the world after Europe collapses over a new pact with Russia taken over the corpse of Europe, clenching humanity between a new East-West alliance. Contra Zizek, you can see the collapse in advance, I do see it in advance. This is the inevitable future, not globalism: because globalism doesn’t work. Europe will never be a united states of nations because of its population density, because of its economic position, because of the fact that racial and cultural differences in humanity are real and social integration will never take place at the level required to push these globalist policies through to their conclusion. Europe will fall in the coming wars, the US will not only survive, but find the courage to conclude its true destiny, inheriting the Western mind and its legacy for a new continent. The left-right, capitalist-communist idealogical paradigm will be left behind, (I mentioned how capitalism won the battle for the soul of modernity in my first post in this thread) with a new post-ideology paradigm emerging between America and Russia, between our anti-globalist anti-statist system and the Eastern nationalism with its return to tradition, utilizing the familiar forms of the Church and christian symbolism to reconstruct a new national identity. The Russian constitution explicitly denies the existence of ideology, our constitution explicitly denies the existence of centralization. In this new paradigm, it is impossible to determine where the left and right are- this election cycle is just an intimation of this new karma. The new political axis will form between the political emancipatory potential of communities and the metapolitical emancipatory potential of traditions, not between left and right idealogy, not between the economic division capitalism and socialism. The axis and division I conceived between the State and Culture, will be brought to exist, as the alternative to globalism. The next aeon will begin, a new era for western civilization. It would be wise to mobilize our philosophies and the general philosophy of self-valuing toward filling the space of this new political axis that is forming, to become the logic whereby the new determination is made as to where one falls in it, as opposed to where one falls in the dying left-right axis. That is what I am concerned with doing anyway.

The light of Being has, as in Heidegger, been snuffed out by the accumulated forms of Being on the part of Western intelligence, (with postmodernity offering a glimpse into the abyssal end of history, the emptiness of neon lights and malls and Iphones) by the traditions and cultural forms which Liberalism has busied itself with rejecting, so that the final oblivion of Being has been reached, and nihilism touched upon all things; but, on the other side, the rejection of these forms, the Leftist push, has paralyzed the spirit of humanity upon the precipice of our karmic aeon, and deprived us of all emancipatory potential. This deprivation is what makes globalism and the end of history appear to be “inevitable.” This is why, as these old forms were done away with, no new forms arose to take their place, no “pure forms” as Capable imagined. Man turned out unable to fill the throne that he relieved God of. Nothing filled the place of God. But a people with no history or culture had taken an entire continent for themselves and attempted to form a new kind of society based around empowering the masses and stripping the political elites, while the Russians in the East worked off the failure of the German reich and attempted to piece together a new nationalism, a new national identity, with the tattered remains of Christian symbolism inherited from the church orthodoxy. And in the middle, Europe embraced the end of history, the Messianic fulfillment, leftist secular humanism and globalism, only to be undone by it, only to be mistaken. As the Europeans evacuated their nations of their cultural forms and traditions, as they accomplished the destruktion of culture, the Russians collected the shards of western intelligence in an attempt to peer through them from behind history into the light of Being, to dispense in the revelation of pure Being the foundation for the next karmic aeon to dasein, and salvage an ethos and new racial identity for the nation, while we, in America, outlined a new, thoroughly non-European form of government, to provide the masses with true political force. On either side of Europe, between these two formulas, between antistatism and nationalism, the new political axis will take shape as the left-right axis and globalism’s alternative.

The unspoken contempt has always been: there is no place for the Americans and the Russians in the new globalist utopian multiculture. The Americans especially have to sacrifice their leading position in the world, their economic power and independence, we have to export all our jobs to other countries, bankrupt ourselves on aiding them, send the fucking Jews 100 million dollars a day: Obama is right now trying to transfer control of the internet to the EU, by giving away our US controlled company that dispenses all the domain names.

But the real truth is: there is no place for Europe in the new dawning karmic aeon, the next political paradigm. Europe is dead and it’s head will finally be cut off in our lifetimes, and the globalist vision it has been at the center of blown away like the pitiable ghost it always was.

The first blow against globalism was struck with Brexit, Trump will win for the second blow, and not long from now this current system will fall.

Nobody wants to return to a state of nature, that’s not what anarchy means. We can have a stateless society, a society where the masses administer their own government to themselves, as opposed to giving their power away to be concentrated in the hands of an elite administrative class and centralized federal government. This is what the US was planned to approximate. It was the only government designed on philosophic principles, the spheres of power among the branches of government balanced mathematically in advance, to ensure the greatest freedom and emancipatory potential for the masses. Every other nation and government emerged out of the chaos of nature, arbitrarily.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:04 pm
“The unspoken contempt has always been: there is no place for the Americans and the Russians in the new globalist utopian multiculture.”

I laughed at this. Word to your mother, I did not realize the cluelessness.

Fuck Wagner.

dionisius against the cross…
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 25, 2016 12:27 pm
That Europe thought it could deny America its destiny is not the absolute punchline, it is not the most laughable thing. We have the three political fronts for the battle over the soul of modernity at the 20th century: communism, fascism, and capitalism. Capitalism won for the reasons I mentioned.

[Capitalism succeeded out of these three for a reason. It is not the most effective- none of the three are very effective, as they all reflect inaccurate understandings of human psychology. The reason it succeeded is because it naturally aligns itself with the Leftist secular humanism, and allows a complex to form between corporate power, democratic processes, the media, science, and military (via globalism) whereas this is difficult if not impossible with the other two alternatives. This complex is very powerful, physically speaking, if spiritually emaciated and lacking any vision for humanity or affirmative content, lacking ethos. It was inevitable that capitalism would win by allowing this complex of social forces to form. ]

This complex it formed: between capitalist economies, corporate power, the media, our electoral cycles manipulated as they are by the media, science, fetishistic technology, and the military through globalism…- this complex of social forces, is leftism. That is the punchline to the joke, leftist secular humanism isn’t even an ideology. The political, ideological axis between the right and left isn’t even real, it never was real. It’s a complex of various social forces that have integrated themselves into a single force, a single will, it’s not an ideology. It’s been using the myth of ideological struggle and that it has provided the end of history by concluding that struggle in order to keep itself in existence.

Additional afterthought: Heidegger thought that Leftist idealogy, with its annihilation of Being in the forms of being (culminating in technology replacing culture) originated with a core of enlightenment rationality implanted in the original Greek dialectic by the Asiatics, then later modified by the Jews in Rome, which has now broken forth and taken control of the whole thing. But truly, science and rationalism are merely another set of social forces transformed by and integrated within the complex that capitalism’s victory has enabled. So this was his mistake. And Nietzsche’s: the nihilism he saw rising had already been formed, hiding in the myth of ideology: the Leftist, leveling secular humanism has no intrinsic core, it is a totally phenomenal apparition- the struggle of ideology has not ended, because it never began. Nietzsche was himself the last man, for he was the last man to believe there was ever any struggle of ideas behind the dialectic of history. God did not die, he was stillborn: the dialectic of history that began in Greece never had a dispensation of Being to dasein, never had an intrinsic core, and because of that, this devastating complex of social forces has formed and taken control of the momentum of civilization. This leftist secular humanism has given us an apolitical world- it has shown us what the movement of history always was; a world where political decisions have been replaced by bureaucrats managing the masses of humanity in a purely economic and administrative capacity: Nietzsche was the last to truly believe there ever was a possibility for grand politics. This is why I envision my counter logic to the historical dialectic and my metapsychology, self-valuing, American constitutional political philosophy, and the Russian project of salvaging nationalism, ethos, and identity, as all converging on a metaphysical attractor point, which is gravitating all the marginal history, all that European culture has diffused and thrown away, to itself, upon whose precipice a new karmic aeon can be derived, upon which a new history can begin. A history grounded on the constant reification of cultural inheritance in higher forms, on the continuous derivation of epistemes or guiding images of thought as expressions of various communities’ emancipatory potential and identity, each one proving itself not so much in a debate or struggle against the others but in a nomadic bid to prove how effectively they can each capture the momentum of history for themselves.

Because America and Russia both provide a means at attacking and overcoming this social complex centered on capitalist economics, ie. Leftist secular humanism, they represent the two sides to the true axis, and we must concentrate our philosophic vision on the task of negotiating it and working within it, on navigating it, in order to successfully cross the line into the next era of human civilization.

They always wanted to squeeze America out of the world stage specifically, with Russia secondarily. Our two constitutions are at odds with the intentions behind the globalist push for world domination. We have nothing to offer them. That’s why the US fails on every agreement it reaches with foreign nations. Obama said explicitly that “America must give up certain freedoms and power, to realize this level of international cooperation…” or something like that, as he gives control of the internet away. But we have much to gain, as Europe falls.

The new era will confront this one, not like a debate, not like a battle of ideologies as existed in the 20th century and culminated in the cold war, but like the possible confronting the actual, like spirit confronting material. The time for debating is over, there is nothing left to discuss. Now it is much more simple; those who can see the line, cross it. Those that cannot see it, stay behind. The fact that the cold war was cold: the fact that the bombs never went off, is proof that the ideological struggle was just an illusion all along. They should have dropped, and they didn’t.

Everything that Europe threw away to reach its present vision of the end of history- all the discarded stones, those are the cornerstones of the next era. Russia understood that, hence their attempt to reconstruct a new Russian national identity through the rubble of Christian orthodoxy and Christian mystical symbolism; hence the Nazis attempting to reconstruct the identity of the Aryan as it existed prior to being co-opted by the Asiatics in Greece and then the Jews in Rome. There is something to that, this dwelling in the marginalia of Western history, feeding on tidbits of historical knowledge and identity for fear of starvation entirely. But it is not the whole story; the emancipatory potential of the masses in America allows a common project to emerge out of this, (due to our localism, the power and independence of our communities both from one another and from the state) whereby this fragmented marginal history can be truly organized into functioning identities, while the statism of the east, of Russia, is an encumbrance to be overcome- the state has sway over culture there, their identity is organized from the top down, and so their history will never become cohesive, will never become an episteme or guiding image for thought.

Nobody is going to help in the new territory that opens up when crossing the threshold into the next karma, the new aeon. The most the philosophers heretofore can do is help point out the way, but I am stepping over it because I’ve found the way, even if the risk of something going wrong in this transition means a nuclear holocaust or climate change disaster or the aliens finally get tired of us and annex our planet. I’d welcome a nuke over this shit.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud

Last edited by Parodites on Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:02 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:27 pm
So in this axis, despite our overt differences, America and Russia both pursue a way out of this unipolar globalist state, a way out of the end of history, a way out of the diffusion of culture Valery was talking about and the destruction of identity and the forms of Being’s revelation Heidegger was seeing, a way out from the oblivion of being, a way out of the nihilism Nietzsche was seeing, a way out of the loss of all national sovereignty to the globalized monoculture, a way out of all of it. Capable is correct in that globalism is an organic development, it is nature speaking again through humanity, inasmuch as the complex I noted around capitalism was a natural development; it is the flattening of time by inertia, and so no mere debate will abrupt its course. What is required in order to pass the threshold into the karmic aeon I envision, is no mere political struggle, no mere economic struggle, no debate, no twitter war, no viral youtube video, but rather, a metaphysical struggle- a struggle against nature, a philosophy.

The world economic crises we are seeing are just the beginning. Part of the globalist push is that we can delay the total meltdown of the world economy by pulling everything together. But again I reiterate, America is in a unique position, it can utilize its geographical position among other things to gain what our forefathers intended: total economic independence. Let Europe burn, the faster it does so, the better.

" Man either crushes his heart underneath his deed or his now accomplished work
and thereby perjures his conscience of things, or in the last case his hand is found to
tremble, as he stands back arrested at the highest moment of his act, at the serene calm in
the consciousness of necessity, wherein he was to meet with his very triumph and, like
light poured back into the dead embers from which it issued, is found luminance without
heat, and fire that reveals but does not burn. It is by the most tremendous deeds that
civilization has lost the most, that man has been compelled to take upon himself the
heaviest sacrifices; yet, it is only by the heaviest sacrifices that any future for man can be
determined. "

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 25, 2016 1:45 pm
Heidegger thought that Leftist idealogy, with its annihilation of Being in the forms of being (culminating in technology replacing culture) originated with a core of enlightenment rationality implanted in the original Greek dialectic by the Asiatics, then later modified by the Jews in Rome, which has now broken forth and taken control of the whole thing. But truly, science and rationalism are merely another set of social forces transformed by and integrated within the complex that capitalism’s victory has enabled. So this was his mistake. And Nietzsche’s: the nihilism he saw rising had already been formed, hiding in the myth of ideology: the Leftist, leveling secular humanism has no intrinsic core, it is a totally phenomenal apparition- the struggle of ideology has not ended, because it never began. Nietzsche was himself the last man, for he was the last man to believe there was ever any struggle of ideas behind the dialectic of history. God did not die, he was stillborn: the dialectic of history that began in Greece never had a dispensation of Being to dasein, never had an intrinsic core, and because of that, this devastating complex of social forces has formed and taken control of the momentum of civilization. This leftist secular humanism has given us an apolitical world- it has shown us what the movement of history always was; a world where political decisions have been replaced by bureaucrats managing the masses of humanity in a purely economic and administrative capacity: Nietzsche was the last to truly believe there ever was a possibility for grand politics. This is why I envision my counter logic to the historical dialectic and my metapsychology, self-valuing, American constitutional political philosophy, and the Russian project of salvaging nationalism, ethos, and identity, as all converging on a metaphysical attractor point, which is gravitating all the marginal history, all that European culture has diffused and thrown away, to itself, upon whose precipice a new karmic aeon can be derived, upon which a new history can begin. A history grounded on the constant reification of cultural inheritance in higher forms, on the continuous derivation of epistemes or guiding images of thought as expressions of various communities’ emancipatory potential and identity, each one proving itself not so much in a debate or struggle against the others but in a nomadic bid to prove how effectively they can each capture the momentum of history for themselves. (Ie, a cyclic, as opposed to linear, timeline.)

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sun Sep 25, 2016 6:58 pm
So indeed a big difference between me and Fixed’s view is that: I see the leveling of Europe to not only not be finished, but to have not even truly begun. All that happened was, the fire was lit. The migrant crisis is an insignificant murmur of the actual civil war to spill into European streets. The economic bubbles are pre-quakes; the earthquake hasn’t happened yet. The illusion that the cold war solidified will be broken, we and Russia will wake up from the dream of ideology, and nothing will be left to hold back the bombs. Indeed the light of Ousia, of Being’s pure revelation, of the Event, will be seen again on earth, probably through the flames of nuclear holocaust. And I see this as necessary to initiate the next era of the West, to lay the foundation for a new karma, a new aeon. I fully support the Muslim invasion (to Europe of course, not to the US) and anything else that can hasten this collapse, and over Europe’s corpse we and the East will come to bear terms for the new covenant, a new social contract of sorts.

Once that complex of social forces that people unconsciously call leftist secular humanism formed, enabled by capitalism, and won out against fascism and communism, that marked the illusory end to the illusory struggle of ideology, ie. the end of politics, and the first moment of the 21st century. For this secular system was never political, and its economics replaced all political force with the force of capital. The termination of Europe and the globalist program it initiated, will spell the defeat of this otherwise unbeatable complex.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Mon Sep 26, 2016 11:56 am
Capable wrote:
For the same reason that government can never get rid of all crime, crime can never get rid of all government. Government and crime share bureaucracy in common, the mafia families have plenty of their own bureaucracy too. Petty chaotic crime is unable to ontologically structure itself into something socially significant and lasting; this is the problem that both government and the mafia have solved.

The advantage of a crime family over a typical intrusive modern day government is that the former does not make claims to values, only to power.

But the two are related, in that government is nothing besides the continuation of a primordial crime, as Zizek phrases it nicely.

Quote :
It is a problem of diminishing returns from either angle: if you want to get rid of crime or government corruption it is easy to start and deal with the biggest move obvious instances, but as you get closer to perfect elimination the task approaches impossibility. Malice, as you said, is part of human nature and bureaucracy is a perfect system for regulating (not eliminating) malice.

Indeed. It festers.
Whereas in more natural human life, malice is weeded out.

Bureaucracy follows laws almost identical to cancer.

Quote :
I see bureaucracy as a necessary part of human life. If not for it we would not have such things as computers or the internet, for an easy example. We would be restricted to mere localism and barter system type quasi-anarchic modes of life, which to me is fucking pointless. So the trick is to see how bureaucratic forms can evolve over time; this is what capitalism represents, I think. And my position toward globalism is entirely motivated by the fact that I see globalism as inevitable, so my personal feelings either way are entirely irrelevant. I might hate or love the idea of globalism, but globalism is going to be the case either way. Globalism is basically just the logic of the nation-state with no exteriority (with the exteriority posited internally rather than externally). Yes this raises definite problems and risks, I agree. So I want to look at how to mitigate those risks and solve those problems.

I dont think it is fair to attribute scientific development to bureaucracy. In fact I dont believe there is much of a relation - I see bureaucracy in tech mostly as the attempt to make money off geniuses work, or make weapons out of them.

I know plenty of people who built their own computers from scrap. Well, used to know them in the 80’s when I was a kid. Who knows what they’re building now.

These were also the people that built most of the internet in Europe. Just a network of students and hackers. A bunch of them now work for a company called xs4all. I certainly do not consider universities to be esse4ntially bureaucratic, as much as todays establishments pretend this is necessarily the case. That precisely is what has led to the death of education and the loss of Europe. Why I have turned to internet philosophy, and why my and our power is so immense.

All the old powers of mind are either dead or like writhing on the ground. I consider our clan nothing less than the monarchs of the coming intellectual order. You people are the only ones I have ever read or met in this age that have the capacity for intellectual integrity, the hardness and depth for it. Of course I am well aware of the megalomania that speaks out of this - - bit I am not the one sending drone armies to bomb schools to bring “world peace”… I dont think Im the megalomanic one, even if I would claim to be the origin of the universe I would still not be as megalomanic as Hillary Clinton or such very-far-from-humans. Ive never killed a single man. let alone half a million. Plus, the actions that I do perform usually have results more or less in concordance with what I aimed for.

We can not seriously continue putting trust in these butchers, and the system they propagate.
Globalism is, in realistic terms, nothing besides the instrument in the hands of a group of unfathomably dark butchers.

Quote :
In my view time (history) only moves in one direction – forward – and never backward. Like a mind, history is always looking back and recollecting things, reanimating them in the present moment but this is always done at the express logic and behest of the present moment posited forward toward its predictable future/s. The past only lives in the present because the present is the condition of possibility of that past-recollecting; and the ways in which the present is able to posit-predict its possible futures is going to determine the ways in which the present recollects elements from its past. If we look at the last 2500 years we see a clear progression of history.

My values force me to object here. I consider everything that happened between 400 BC and 1400 AD to be regression.

Quote :
I have not studied anthropology and pre-ancient Greek history enough but I assume that if we were to extent that to say the last 10,000 years the same would hold true… but even if it didn’t, modern history of the last 2500 years is sufficient to demonstrate the case that we are now on a more or less linear track, and globalism represents the limit of that linearity in so far as positing itself under the old models of interior/exterior mediation of forms. Society itself needs to be rethought once a truly global situation presents itself. And with the re-thinking of society comes the re-thinking of the subject and its psychology as well – Marx for example understood the globalizing nature of capitalism, and Marx thought that this global capitalism would reach its limit and then collapse into world communism.

Well it will, except the “communism” is civil war, man against man, war penetrating into families. In Europe this is already under way, has been for a decade. Parodites says that it has yet to begin, but this isnt true. Europe is already dead. This is why I am here. Sure, a lot of violence and shit will still follow, but what was once proud and alive is now forgotten. War will be a revival of life there, not the death of it.

Quote :
The only justification of capitalism is that it organizes production so efficiently that it is able to produce all the objects, machines, technologies, capital etc. that will later be distributed throughout the world in a communist State; his idea of communism was a post-global capitalism situation and not really the kind of nation-state communisms that we saw in the last century and which mostly all failed. (Not saying that I agree with his idealization of the world communist state, of course, I think he was utopian just like Nietzsche was, namely precisely where they were positing their higher values in imagined future forms of a theoretically pure or total absolution.) Capitalism will always eat such communisms, but only until capitalism reaches its final limit and collapses; that is Marx’s idea anyway. But Zizek uses Hegel to point out that it is impossible to envision this collapse and reformation in advance, that any attempt to achieve a revolution is doomed to failure yet it is precisely that failure and the how and why of it that is the condition of possibility for the later realization of the ideal of the revolution as such, albeit in some other form (modern capitalism is the realization of the revolutionary spirit of the proletariat, we have won out freedom “from” the old labor systems but this freedom is only a freedom “for” converting ourselves into subjectivity-as-labor as such, the self as its own commodity, for example.

I consider Zizek a brilliant author and epistemist, but completely savage and blind as a political philosopher. Communism only ever worked within parliamentary democracy, if we’re talking about not mass-murdering but being useful. There are that I know only 2 countries where it ever worked; Holland and Italy. But remember that communism is only the psychedelic format Marx threw over simple workers revolt out of England. If there has not been a Marx, workers right would have been much stronger now, as a result of mere humanity, rather than psychedelic ideology of bloodthirst.

The Concet of capitalism is only value-exchange; the alchemical knowledge that values increase as they are intelligently exchanged.

The system has been derailed quite a bit, as the concept of value is far from perfectly understood by the middle men who have to justify the actions of the top men, who likely often damn well understand, and use that knowledge, but the system works like nature works. It is pure chemistry. Communism is only a mechanical, clunky, very clumsy idea, it has no chemistry, it’s stupid and murderous without limit.

Zizek and other communist are utterly in the dark about value. This world will not progress toward anything without value ontology.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Mon Sep 26, 2016 6:39 pm
Fixed, trying to hit on all the points that you raised:

If bureaucratic government is the original “criminal act” that makes claims to values (as opposed to the mafia type crime that supposedly does not make claims to values (I’m not sure about that)) as you say, then I would say that bureaucratic government is a superior form of mafia criminality simply because bureaucratic government is reaching toward values. A point where I disagree a little bit with Kant is on his idea that simulating (faking, through polite conversation for example) values that we do not really hold can lead us to ultimately embracing those values and thereby becoming more refined, sane, moral; this isn’t the justification, valuation as such needs no justifications like that. Values self-justify.

And yes, technologies are invented often enough by genius individuals in garages, but it takes inherently bureaucratic systems of infrastructure and policy-making to scale up those inventions to the level of society at large. Ford needed the assembly line, he needed to make production “bureaucratic” to even make cars a feasible thing, General Motors needed to corrupt politics to buy out railways and streetcars to pave roads, for example; so much more so with computers and the Internet.

Government often gets the values wrong yet I claim this is mostly because it gets them wrong in practice, namely a failure at the political level. Similar to how I see human error as a means to overcoming that error, government is a means of overcoming that in government which is still in error. The solution is not to give up on the attempt, but to keep attempting. “Keep trying, try better, fail better”.

Cancer is a loss of the principle of limitation at the organic level, repetition for its own sake; an empty symbolic obsession for its own sake. We often repeat this error at the level of psychology and sociopolitics. But we can cure cancer without killing the patient – the very idea of a society without class distinctions, as I think Parodites mentions above, is just the basic communist idea as such. The impossible ideal that serves to mobilize reality toward its higher state.

The kind of globalism you mention that the butchers use is not the kind of globalism we need. This isn’t even globalism at all, it is the impossibility of globalism (see my other post on the philosophy of culture). Tools are appropriate to butchers because those tools work; we should not be trying to reverse history and undo the existence of such tools, we should progress in that tool-development so that we become the masters of said tools.

I see there was much work still being done in the dark ages, I don’t at all write this off as pure reversal. Christianity needed the dark ages as a long enunciation of the depths of error within Christianity (the Romanized “Jewish Buddhism” that Christianity is). Such periods are necessarily dark because such ugly errors cannot be worked out directly or consciously.

I can’t speak to the state of Europe, but I imagine something like a new dark ages is upon it. Not its death, but its deeply unconscious process of working through certain ugly errors.

I agree with what you said about communism being a stupid clunky system compared to capitalism. Communism is either a pure ideology or a merely absolutely practical drive to overcome classism at the “earthy” level. I respect this latter aspect of communism but not the former aspect. Capitalism is indeed about values-exchange and yet the pure core or repressed truth of capitalism is that market forces left to themselves would destroy themselves, some kind of “stupid bureaucratic government” is needed to pose a limit to pure market forces. Look at market speculation today, we have whole countries economies hinging on a market system that can be sunk almost immediately by mere rumor, we have huge bubbles right now (artificially high stock and commodities markets) that is due to the excessive psychic impulse behind capital-transacting at the level of individual speculators-- market forces are not some kind of Divine as libertarians think, they in fact are an exacerbation of the economic Tragedy of the Commons; but of course markets are good and necessary, its just that their pure logic unchecked leads to massive, world-level self-destruction. Capital for its own sake replaces proper values-determinations that should really be guiding economic transactions, yet those values cannot be properly accounted due to the system we have now of not only billionaire-level swaps of speculative capital for immediate short-term gain (the wiping out of time, the end of long-term valuing; we can see examples of this in modern corporate charters, by which shareholders can actual sue CEOs if those CEOs prioritize long term growth and stability over immediate quarterly gains) but also the fact fhat computers are trading millions of shares in a microsecond. This isn’t globalism, it is “nationalistic” (fetishized and narcissistic individualism) capitalism without proper political (human) delimitation. True values can still appear, but only very narrow kinds of such values, and the general prohibition of values appearing is much larger than is the sphere of values that are able to appear within this system we have today.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:51 am
Clarifying my position on the leveling of Europe:

I mentioned that the current karmic aeon has been paralyzed by the weight of its own history, and that the masses must realize a new episteme from the creative potential of their collective soul (an Asiatic mirror for my idea of the episteme in this scheme is the mantra, which is an auditory semantic-memetic sigil chanted in order to provide a point of gravity around which to begin generating the seeds of a new karma for a new soul) with which to generate from the preceding aeon’s surplus energetics- from its daemon, the foundation for the next karmic aeon. This current paralyzed karma, our current dying aeon, is identified with the Messianic order that runs like a memetic infection from the decadence of the post-Hellenistic philosophers to our leftist secular humanism and its idea of linear time and social progress: the European karma was overlaid in Greece by a strain of Platonizing egyptianism imported from the East, which was taken up again to further poison the West by the Jews with their Abrahamic god, a blasphemy against the cyclic conception of time intuited by the original proto-Indo Europeans: this destructive karma is what broke the wheel of the Roman Empire, the first Reich, from within and later the Third Reich from without. It will break Europe when the true completion to the leveling is finished: the dying karma has been reifiying itself in tighter circles of time, through the collapse of the Roman Empire, to the collapse of the Reich, to the final collapse of Europe, the most important regression and repetition of time. [The pride and vitality of Europe was forgotten as far back as Rome, the completion of the leveling requires much more than forgetfulness.] Both the Reich and Russia attempted and are attempting to piece together a new national ethos and identity with the broken shards of European intelligence amid the sea of non-European karma that has been heaved on top of the Western soul, in order to dispense from behind history, in the revelation of Being unfettered by historical distortion, the foundation of a new political order to dasein: but the Freemasons brought America into existence upon a set of metapolitical philosophic principles which were intended to provide the masses with the capacity to express their emancipatory potential against the tyranny of the state. Putting the two designs together, we see that expressing that potential through the reborn national identity, instead of using the power of the State to impose that identity as the nazis did, as all the three Reichs did in their own way and Russia presently, will alone offer the means of defeating globalism.

The epistemes. We generate the idea of stasis as a negation of the observable motion that characterizes the natural world, and so it is that all our concepts originate out of negative-reflectivity, as a series of primogenial antitheses formed in relation to the Kantian sphere of empirical datums corresponding to observable reality, as we are given to understand in the epistemology outlined in Plato’s Phaedo. Yet, the border between negative reflectivity, its intellectual contents, and the empirical sphere penetrable to the logos, is not perfectly established until reflection reproduces its own negativity as an object of thought, as an episteme, and so it is that the concepts we have formed, like stasis, are eventually re-absorbed into the sphere of the logos, wherein their thetic arrangements, motion in this case, are organized- ie. the meta-language of philosophy dissolves into the object-language common to conventional human witness: at that point a new antithesis develops for negative reflection and, just as the concept of stasis was formed in relation to the empirical datum of observable motion, now a new concept, namely entellecheia, forms as an antithesis in relation to stasis, with a corresponding transformation of motion taking place, the later becoming energeia, so that a wholly new series of antitheses have developed- entellechia and energeia from stasis and motion, with the conceptual tension preserved or reified rather than dialectically relieved, namely in a higher order of terms approaching the episteme. The dialectic (agnosis) only describes the process of modification through which the empirical datums like motion are transformed, while a new logic (gnosis) must be developed in order to describe the process by which the epistemes are created from the reification of negative reflectivity’s contents, like stasis in this case. To further explore it, I use the two forms of logic employed in the West by the Greeks and the Jews. The ten sephirot stand as the ten fundamental point-principles in Jewish thought- the ultimate abstractions. For example, the sephirot Keter or unity. These abstractions combine in different arrangements in a dynamic process of reconfiguration rather than an Aristotelian category-logic or a dialectic, which is the major difference in Greek and Jewish philosophy. The Jewish logic is simply life itself, the dynamic process of configuration and organization, and pathos and logos are not separate. The philosophic point principles which the sephirot represent, are also the basic human emotions, or alternatively the ten basic numbers 0-9, etc. This ability of Jewish logic to transfer information in a text on human life or ethics directly to a seemingly unrelated text on the nature God, back to a text on number theory, etc. and then a discussion of sexuality, is kabbalah. The cabala and Judaic logic of the sephirot are equivalent to a semiosis of the generative moment of speech itself- indeed, the full text of the Talmud is taken as a single, long divine name for God by the ancient Jews. The Kabbalah is a kind of synthetic logic that interpretatively combines and recombines all linguistic datums across all domains of knowledge which nonetheless requires in the Organon of the Aristotelian categories and its basic counterpart, namely Greek logic, which delimits rather than interprets knowledge, a means of restricting the infinite potential of its constructive hermeneutic. As Abulafia recognizes all languages as mere shards of the perfect language that must be fit together rather than merely translated from one to another, a way of fitting Greek and Jewish logic together is needed, as well as the Greek mythologos and Jewish prophecy. Greek logic is simply agnosis; Jewish logic, gnosis.

Now, the distortion of European karma by the East and the Abrahamic faith was not arbitrary; the history of that distortion corresponds to the unfolding and the agnosis or differentiation of the topos or epistemes in Greece, from which point man has progressed through the three foundational epistemes- the ontic, immanent, and transcendent, while the history of the episteme, the history of gnosis, itself is very different, to be concluded once the negative core and intrinsic lack of the former history lived out in the dilution of European intelligence is itself understood, reified, and reproduced as an object of thought. Only the Event can bring that reification and understanding. The event that concludes the leveling of Europe with such poetic clarity that its negative core is reproduced as a positive object of thought, as the episteme for a new karmic age. The Event that is to come.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Tue Sep 27, 2016 3:17 pm
And to be blunt about the Event: A world economic crisis of unprecedented scope combined with civil unrest thanks to the loss of national sovereignty and the migrant crisis will precipitate a third world war between the EU superstate that has yet to fully form but is well in the process of forming, the US, and Russia- a war which will culminate in at least the partial destruction of the European continent by nuclear and conventional bombardment, with the US and Russia in the end coming to a new political arrangement and a territorial agreement after bartering the remains of Europe between themselves, forming two new political forces, a Western and an Eastern empire, with the US expanding its new imperial force over the greater part of the remains of EU territory in exchange for Russia taking more territory in the East, to even greater than Soviet-era levels of occupation. The coming event is not something I wish to happen or am advising people to actively engage in bringing about, but rather, a prediction: it will happen, I am only interested in comprehending its meaning.

The right-left paradigm is liberalism; it is liberal secular humanism- one is either to the right or left on those issues now characterizing the modern political discourse, those issues revolving around the premises and values of liberal secular humanism, ie. the universal rights of man, social progress, racial and cultural equality, feminism, etc. Because liberalism is just the concealed mask for an entirely non-ideological complex of social forces empowered by capitalism’s tertiary function, the left-right paradigm (which pretends to be the political expression for what is in reality an apolitical system) is nonsensical. The fact that it is nonsensical and doesn’t mean anything- that it in fact never meant anything, is something the world is simply waking up from- hence Brexit and Trump. Communism and fascism (the far, far left and far, far right of the left-right spectrum grounded in liberal secular humanism) emerged as political alternatives to an order (ie. the liberal progressivism that came to dominate American politics and fueled the globalist regime of Europe) that was mistakenly interpreted as political itself: as the later was never an ideology or politics, the political and ideological alternatives to it that fought in the 20th century are also nonsensical. The end of history was a myth that allowed man to continue believing there was an ideological and true political struggle underneath all the death and war: none of it was ever political, and the nonsensical reality of the left-right paradigm and its alternatives that stained the 20th century with so much blood is the dream that man is now waking up from. Hence what I wrote:

[ Insofar as kinesis is a movement of the
imperfect toward the perfect, following Aristotle’s definition, the kinesis of the polis is a
movement from present material conditions toward eudaemonia or happiness, from
reactivity coordinated within an organism toward the timeless perfected activity of a soul,
but since this movement takes place on a passive ground it can never arrive at its object,
for the polis, in its organization of re-active forces, creates the very dimension of time or
kinesis which it wants to escape from- a dimension we call history. History is the
reckoning of its own end.]

That passive ground is what is being removed from the equation, for its own intrinsic negative core will be reproduced for thought as an object of thought; the kinesis of human civilization toward the eu-daemon will then be truly enabled. Hence my own version of self-valuation:

[ The perfect, timeless activity of philosophy is that which supplies the passive ground of
value or meaning, it is in other words the creative act, but philosophy is not constituted by
the value it creates. This is the central problem of Plato’s Phaedrus. This asymmetry is
inexplicable at present, standing beyond the scope of Nietzsche’s various schema, and
requires a new language, which I inaugurate with a term “reification”. The Will-to-Power
is then quite simply the fact of this asymmetry, which must be corrected for by the
creation of a value whose affirmation is the affirmation of philosophy, of valuation in
Nietzschean terms, itself. In what I have written of the Daemonic, the real-ego and ideal-ego,
as time and eternity, or freedom and necessity, transcend themselves within one
another but also transcend themselves as a relation, thereby stabilizing this asymmetry,
for this later transcendence- the transcendence of the relation, which I call reification,
(just as I identify relation with language) also constitutes the form of the logos, that is, the
form of philosophy itself, in its perfected activity, in its self-grounding. ]

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Tue Sep 27, 2016 10:22 pm
To the above – yes, the form of reification is as you say, and I’ve been refreshing on Hegel and found already the perfect description of this in Phenomenology of Spirit, which is many pages and I will re-type here to post soon, but the point Hegel also makes here is one that we must carry forward to the polis as such: most people can only actualize this reification by “denying” it, which means specifically that they do precisely what I’ve been saying is the root of ideology and which apparently Hegel already described way back then in this book: sinking themselves into the contents of their consciousness, contents as such, which is precisely the form of non- or pre-philosophical reason and nothing besides, and this “unconscious reification” is the activity of universality in so far as we cannot help but perpetuate a fidelity to our own Ends even as those ends are, not even denied, but not at all are these people, this polis, capable of realizing that this is what they are doing. Modern liberal humanist values are these realizations, these unconscious reifications that achieve their ends because they resist and deny those ends, which means that paying fidelity to the “false” ideals here (false only from the perspective of a “higher” philosophy) ends up pushing that truth in the false and which grounds it. No merely empty moralism on the world scale has ever been just emptiness, simply for the fact of propagating itself at the world level.

Philosophy demands too much, this is philosophy’s error: to expect the seed to be that tree which it will only yet become, to judge the seed as a failure precisely because it is a seed. Humanity today, the polis, Europe, modernity as liberal humanism as a mask for pre-political drives and “archaic psychologies” is this seed, and the tree it will grow will shed that fruit which is and has been for 2500 years in the works. Russia lacks the masks; Russia is still directly Marxist in believing that the pure drives themselves can succeed as masks for the Christian, while Europe has achieved the realization that new masks are needed and are already upon us. The truth is in the masks and in the need behind their realization, not in some kind of “pure Christian soul”, which is the irony for Russia since the mask they employ is pre-existent even to the false Christianity that “truly” grounds the Russian ethos.

It is true that Russia and the US are alike in this way, but Europe has already transcended that. The power games at the level of “the real” of the US and Russia are not a transcendence but a stalling, a stasis as the relative youth of both US and Russia at the cultural levels (Russia and US were both made in the late 1800s to early 1900s) still cannot deal with the much more developed culture of Europe, whose cultures are actually roosting in US and Russia who now instantiate it at the political and “real” levels. Europe is ancient from both the perspective of Russia and the US: the joke is that Russia and the US were both made by Europe, Europe created each of these world powers. Russia and US really only exist today at the symbolic level, attested to by the fact of the orgies of military prowess and drive-psychology out in the open and asserted by Russia and the US as if any of that constituted a fucking personality or an ethos, which of course it does not. At the ideal level it would be hard to say that Russia or the US even exist, evidenced by the silly political games of dick-wagging and the fact that US cultural hegemony constitutes a fucking coke bottle. Only Europe continues to drive something like values from within Capital. What is the EU, then? A German joke, or a capitulation to the silent logic of vegetative law?

Europe has created Russia to the east, US to the west. In Russia is the grave of Kant, Eastern Europe is still “Russian”, Marx is still the love within the Russian heart even as Nietzsche competes with his “post”-modern formulas of radicals reconstruction of the values-constructs and US culture bleeds into Russia from all over, Russians still make that culture thoroughly their own. Putin is the internal principle of tension holding the subjectivity of Russia together from the early 1800s to the 1920s, but that tension cannot last forever. Precisely where the greatest shows of crude power are, there you may look for the collapse that will come. A nuclear bomb is not non-philosophical, it is anti-philosophical.

Speaking of nukes. The US, Britain, France and Israel have plenty between them to erase Russia from the fucking map in any event of open warfare. Even without Israel which might not be counted upon in such a situation, US nukes in Europe plus those owned by France and UK are plenty to decimate Russia forever, yet of course Russia could lay waste to all of Europe as well. It’s a nonsensical horror story, it has no meaning.

Europe is still the Mind that governs the “bodies” of Russia and the US. A body does not survive without its mind. Neither Russia nor the US have been able to build a mind for themselves, and for good reason: both are still, unlike Europe, thoroughly Christian. Liberal modern humanism, so called, is just a system of guises and mask-logics with which to force the faint stirrings of Mind into both US and Russia, and by extension to the rest of the world. Equal rights, tolerance, transparency, non-pathology, and creative playful liberation, these aren’t political values, they are the values of consciousness as such.

"We should be clear that only those who have worked through Christianity have minds; Christians themselves do not and cannot have minds. This is just philosophy. The entirety of Europe is essentially always already this having worked through Christianity, that is literally what Europe is made of, post-Christian refinement. The US people are so interesting because of how they are combinations pre-philosophically of both Puritan repression and “immoral” joissance-like freedom, a sort of weirdly enlightened yet stifled “egoism”. Americans are children, and children are pretty cool. I suspect it’s much the same with Russians although I’ve never been these so cannot confirm that.

Systems of ideology deployed at the level of the State are like the fences around the playground of American and Russian children. You can’t just expect those fences to be removed and anything but chaos and confusion to follow. Americans have no idea what to do with power, which is why they are so good at pushing power for its own sake, it’s all they can do, it cannot be used/spent for anything coherent except to sell coke bottles and hamburgers, which is also why American power in the world is so destabilizing and works so well with tyrants and petty dictators. The European soul is much deeper and older than is the soul of Americans, I suspect it’s the same with Russians too that their soul is still highly youthful. Youth is good, but we can’t mistake it for some kind of philosophical telos capable of guiding truly mental efforts and values. Youth is great. But the love of youth stifles youth itself, since youth only exists to eventually give birth to trees from seeds. Complex ideological systems prescribe limits in which youthful energies are forced to turn upon themselves in interesting ways, so that minds can somstimes develop out of that, youth transcended as it is supposed to be. And we should also realize that youth achieves its fullest being in the knowledge and perspective that age brings. The being of youth is read backwards from the position of post-youthful subjectivity, in such a position youth is truly able to be realized meaningfully, if the heart is both strong and light enough in its wisdom for that. Trump for example is someone whose aged heart is neither strong nor light, therefore he is not post-youthful wisdom (philosophy) able to read back the being of youth in the present moment, so instead of that Trump is just a child in an adult body, like many people are. His many fits and tantrums and bullying behaviors are just the lashing out of a kid with family problems at home.

Emotions are not non-philosophical, emotions are the seed-logic and guide growth. Mind is delimited by what it is not, its “other” is a mirror in which self-reflections can developed. “Guilt is only the first form of knowledge; and pride, not even the first”. In this sense the German joke might be an expression of a more refined pride, and can be read ideally as the stirrings of mental activity but read materially as just the “oppressive parent figure” who children are supposed to lash out against. Bodies are never aware of minds, the mind is just, to the body, an alien principle that forces it here and there. Equating mind with body as Nietzsche/Foucault/Deleuze do from one direction and eastern mysticism does from the opposite direction is just a convenient mask to justify this situation to the body, to form a small sphere of mental activity that never needs to generate in itself any guilty feeling, and so isolates itself from what could properly be called “Spirit” in Hegel’s sense. Geist is mind-spirit, the body can accept this fact only when it forgets it, when it “falls into it” as the pure activity of the free play of contents at the drive-level and this is even below the contents of the unconscious reification that we were talking about, although those contents at the pre-universal level give raw impetus and cathartic potency able to negatively work universalism into and as world activity although again as a kind of delimitation of excesses, as Christianism.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:14 am

" And yes, technologies are invented often enough by genius individuals in garages, but it takes inherently bureaucratic systems of infrastructure and policy-making to scale up those inventions to the level of society at large. Ford needed the assembly line, he needed to make production “bureaucratic” to even make cars a feasible thing, General Motors needed to corrupt politics to buy out railways and streetcars to pave roads, for example; so much more so with computers and the Internet.

Government often gets the values wrong yet I claim this is mostly because it gets them wrong in practice, namely a failure at the political level. Similar to how I see human error as a means to overcoming that error, government is a means of overcoming that in government which is still in error. The solution is not to give up on the attempt, but to keep attempting. “Keep trying, try better, fail better”.

I don’t see what the government has to do with managing the Internet. It’s just a bunch of computers tied together with networks, there is no centralization or top down management.

About automobiles. Let’s take a more obvious example. A bunch of workers are using an outdated technology for agriculture, someone then creates a technology that does what 100 men do with the energy requirements of a single man. That puts a whole lot of people out of work. But it is a short term consequence. Because what has happened in reality is that a bunch of human labor has now been converted into free potential labor- as new industries must appear in order to make the technology market-viable. There is also always a bunch of unemployed people wandering around asking for jobs; the infrastructure that would need to be built around the new technology that originally put that group of people using its precedent out of work would need to be created. The demand for employment would cater to the transition; the corporate powers employing the new technology would be able to satisfy that demand by drawing on the pools of now free labor. So for example the automobile is invented; a bunch of stage coach making douches are out of work and will try to prevent the automobile from taking off; but the pools of free labor that exist create a demand for employment among the populace, so the infrastructure required to bring the automobile to market and make it viable would itself potentially satisfy that demand and thus the infrastructure would be able to be easily created without government intervention, simply by fulfilling that demand in the masses of unemployed workers. In order to bring the automobile to market, many factories would need to be made, and that would satisfy the constant demand for increasing employment, as it would allow whole new markets to exist, like steel, like oil, etc. No government intervention is or was required for this process to take place: in fact, exactly the opposite- the less government intervention, the more smoothly it all goes. With intervention, what occurs is a delay between the freeing up of potential labor and the emergence of industries centered around new emerging technologies that might satisfy the demand for employment in the populace. This delay in the primary and secondary cycles of capital transference I talked about awhile ago created by government intervention is the reason why we aren’t using more solar power right now.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:43 am
Modern liberal humanist values are not values, they are merely the complex of social forces enabled by capitalism’s tertiary function that I talked about some time ago. They are not a mask for anything; they are a barren womb. The generation of epistemes is a process divorced from the metamorphosis of concepts in the dialectic, that dialectic is not the womb out of which the episteme or transcendent relation emerges, which is why Hegel and his geist will deceive you:

" In what I have written of the Daemonic, the real-ego and ideal-ego,
as time and eternity, or freedom and necessity, transcend themselves within one
another but also transcend themselves as a relation, thereby stabilizing this asymmetry,
for this later transcendence- the transcendence of the relation, which I call reification, "

This relation transcending as relation is what I was talking about with stasis and motion transcending itself as a relation through entelechy and energeia:

" so that a wholly new series of antitheses have developed- entellechia and energeia from stasis and motion, with the conceptual tension preserved or reified rather than dialectically relieved, namely in a higher order of terms approaching the episteme. "

You said: " Systems of ideology deployed at the level of the State are like the fences around the playground of American and Russian children. You can’t just expect those fences to be removed and anything but chaos and confusion to follow. Americans have no idea what to do with power, which is why they are so good at pushing power for its own sake, it’s all they can do, it cannot be used/spent for anything coherent except to sell coke bottles and hamburgers, which is also why American power in the world is so destabilizing and works so well with tyrants and petty dictators."

Your defense of this totalitarianism is obscene to me, but I take it as a result of misunderstanding rather than character. As I’ve been saying, liberal secular humanism isn’t an ideology. Liberal secular humanism is just the mask for an apolitical complex perpetuating the myth that there was ever an ideological struggle by posturing itself as the end of that struggle. Globalism, a European force with a European origin, which was forced upon America by the corrupt politicians you seem to think are necessary, is what has been making deals with tyrants and dictators and fucking off in the middle east. Is that the great “European mind” that still governs the US? It’s an octopus with its tentacles in the empty heads of the corporate rulership that has been forced on the US, that’s all. Our founders told us to do exactly the opposite. We were supposed to utilize our geographic advantage and create a continent independent from the rest of the world, where the masses were truly empowered and the polis was mathematically balanced in the branches of government, a true society to carry on the Greek spirit that was snuffed out so long ago before ever attaining its destiny. And that was stolen from us.

You said: " It is true that Russia and the US are alike in this way, but Europe has already transcended that. The power games at the level of “the real” of the US and Russia are not a transcendence but a stalling, a stasis as the relative youth of both US and Russia at the cultural levels (Russia and US were both made in the late 1800s to early 1900s) still cannot deal with the much more developed culture of Europe, whose cultures are actually roosting in US and Russia who now instantiate it at the political and “real” levels."

You have misunderstood much of what I have said.

Europe hasn’t transcendent shit. Europe is a regression that is in its death throws. Europe has diffused the core of its original Hellenistic insight through the infection of non-European ideas from the East and then the Jews, through the dialectic- it has identified philosophy with the dialectic, and the original insight that was lost is being reified in the agon of these collected shards of true Western intelligence- through the episteme, shards and seeds which Europe threw away and the US and Russia have been collecting. And through them a new ethos will be created, an episteme for a new political order. Christianity is simply the process of this diffusion, a waking up from the infection of non-European ideas, of foreign karma, which was perhaps needed in order to create the dream of history within which to mature these shards and seeds in secrecy until the time was right to establish a true independent order among the world-powers. In order to get back to the beginning of it, to reawaken the original intuition that transformed the barbarian Doric tribes into the first philosophers- we must go through to the end of it, hence history is the reckoning of its own end, and Christianity is simply the womb within which this has been taking place. Christianity was the mask, the dialectical womb for the episteme and the final revelation of Being, the final emancipation of philosophy, and it has not yet been thought through or gone beyond by anyone: liberal secular humanism is just a corporate byproduct of cokes and Iphones, of economics masquerading as politics. And Europe has thrown Christianity away to exchange it with liberal secular humanism! And the infection of European ideals and globalism is attempting to convince America to forsake it as well. And this liberal “culture” you claim Europe to have: is less than a joke to me. It’s an anti-culture.

Haha, Trump a “bully.” See, this pretend higher than thou “culture” to me just sounds like a prating old woman, a school teacher’s moral loft. Europe is an intellectual vacuum, the original heart of Hellenistic enlightenment has been totally diffused from it, the empty dialectic of history has absorbed it and ground it away with the rocks of foreign soul, and the womb of Being’s true revelation, namely Christianity, has been imported to America and Russia, and America will liberate the episteme that has quietly matured in it once the masses realize their emancipatory potential.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud

Last edited by Parodites on Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:58 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 10:50 am
Parodites wrote:

" And yes, technologies are invented often enough by genius individuals in garages, but it takes inherently bureaucratic systems of infrastructure and policy-making to scale up those inventions to the level of society at large. Ford needed the assembly line, he needed to make production “bureaucratic” to even make cars a feasible thing, General Motors needed to corrupt politics to buy out railways and streetcars to pave roads, for example; so much more so with computers and the Internet.

Government often gets the values wrong yet I claim this is mostly because it gets them wrong in practice, namely a failure at the political level. Similar to how I see human error as a means to overcoming that error, government is a means of overcoming that in government which is still in error. The solution is not to give up on the attempt, but to keep attempting. “Keep trying, try better, fail better”.

I don’t see what the government has to do with managing the Internet. It’s just a bunch of computers tied together with networks, there is no centralization or top down management.

About automobiles. Let’s take a more obvious example. A bunch of workers are using an outdated technology for agriculture, someone then creates a technology that does what 100 men do with the energy requirements of a single man. That puts a whole lot of people out of work. But it is a short term consequence. Because what has happened in reality is that a bunch of human labor has now been converted into free potential labor- as new industries must appear in order to make the technology market-viable. There is also always a bunch of unemployed people wandering around asking for jobs; the infrastructure that would need to be built around the new technology that originally put that group of people using its precedent out of work would need to be created. The demand for employment would cater to the transition; the corporate powers employing the new technology would be able to satisfy that demand by drawing on the pools of now free labor. So for example the automobile is invented; a bunch of stage coach making douches are out of work and will try to prevent the automobile from taking off; but the pools of free labor that exist create a demand for employment among the populace, so the infrastructure required to bring the automobile to market and make it viable would itself potentially satisfy that demand and thus the infrastructure would be able to be easily created without government intervention, simply by fulfilling that demand in the masses of unemployed workers. In order to bring the automobile to market, many factories would need to be made, and that would satisfy the constant demand for increasing employment, as it would allow whole new markets to exist, like steel, like oil, etc. No government intervention is or was required for this process to take place: in fact, exactly the opposite- the less government intervention, the more smoothly it all goes. With intervention, what occurs is a delay between the freeing up of potential labor and the emergence of industries centered around new emerging technologies that might satisfy the demand for employment in the populace. This delay in the primary and secondary cycles of capital transference I talked about awhile ago created by government intervention is the reason why we aren’t using more solar power right now.

I agree, I see it this way also. American capitalism at this level fully demonstrates the power of free market forces. But the point is that this power is so radical that it ultimately undoes itself, as once you convert so much human labor into mechanical or technological labor thus concentrating labor and displacing workers, the burden of the unemployed is just a cost to society; an available pool of unemployed potential workers drives down the cost of labor which is good for capital owners but there is no inherent mechanism in that situation of having a large pool like that that would inherently drive production in new ways: those unemployed workers can just as easily be used to dig sewers or work on assembly lines or whatever else that already perpetuates existing economic relations and products, it doesn’t inherently develop new relations or products. And in the increasing rate of displacement in modern capitalism we have millions of people becoming obsolete because their labor is replaced with non-human labor, all the largest corporations today employ relatively few workers (Google, Apple, etc.) with the exception of Walmart and fast food, but soon those workers will also be replaced by robots and besides that work-labor is menial and should be replaced anyway.

I’m not at all against free market destruction of old industries to make way for progress, but my point is just that at a certain point this destruction runs away with itself; machines and computers can theoretically displace almost all human labor, it’s just a gradual process we are on of doing that, the economy and society as a whole can only handle a limited displacement because too much unemployed reduces spending by consumers, raises prices, drains social reserves of capital for welfare, and can cause civil unrest and increase in crime. It’s a balancing act, and the economy can more or less find that sweet spot on its own, yet at the point we are at today with automation technologies the ultimate logic is that 90% of people will have no surplus labor to sell to the capital owners, this 90% will be essentially unemployable except in ways that utilize the lowest standards as humans can be pushed into extreme menial poverty-producing work simply out of desperation, so that the cost of sudh marginal cheap labor can actually be lower than the cost of running robots and computer systems.

That isn’t s good end, to have 90% of people either unemployed or employed in the lowest kind of work simply out of desperation. This is something I remember reading in Marx, he criticizes Smith’s idea of the economy because of how Marx saw there is an inherent imbalance between the position of the worker selling his labor power and the capital owner buying that labor power: the imbalance is precisely that the worker is immediately desperate for a job, while the capital owner already owns capital and by sitting around renting it to workers he isn’t desperate in that same way, he can always liquidate his capital and move it to other enterprises or simply into cash, market investments, etc.

Also my point about government bureaucracy was actually about bureaucracy itself and not really about government: bureaucracy appears in the private sector as well, every corporation is a small bureaucracy, a “little government” of sorts. The Internet may self-regulate like nothing else in the history of mass mobilized technology yet to build computers, electricity, to make code, to homogenize systems and code to each other so the Internet can be more or less universally accessible by any device, all of that takes serious corporate-level bureaucratic organization, the imposition of strict hierarchical structures upon workers and which structures are heavily administrative in nature. Likewise, to make sure computers don’t explode sometimes or leak dangerous radiation, to make sure companies aren’t polluting, etc. we need bureaucratic administrative systems at the level of society as such and which systems are divorced from a profit motive, so that the goals of those systems can be pursued without recourse to conflicts of interest and corruption that would ultimately reduce the effectiveness of those systems in pursuing their goals (making sure products are safe, making sure companies aren’t polluting the environment or hurting workers, etc.) There is a division in economy here, the point isn’t that the government should take everything over, that would be a disaster; the point is that neither should the market take everything over, that would also be a disaster.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:14 am
To your other post, the difference between our views I think reduces a lot to our different understandings of what “liberal” and “dialectic” mean. To me, liberal means the values of equality (all are “created equal”), human rights including freedom of speech and assembly, tolerance (the actual societal and economic (but certainly not “absolute”) instantiation of the notion of equality, namely equality under the law), and creative expres​sion(science, art, philosophy-- learning as a value in itself), emotional sanity (romance, friendship, basically not seeing other as mere objects). To me these aren’t even political values, they are purely rational values, they are literally the values of self-consciousness or “mind” itself.

There is another dimension of liberalism called neoliberalism, which isn’t at all what Ive outlined above and which you seem to mean when you use the term “liberal”. As I see it: neoliberalism is an excess of true liberalism that was made possible as excess by the rise of modern capitalism, the converting of capital as such info direct sociopolitical value, the takeover of the political by the economic as you said. We agree here. But I divorce liberalism as Ive outlined above from its more recent excess of neoliberalism; they aren’t at all the same thing. People like Clinton use the image of liberalism to push their neoliberalism, for them liberalism becomes a convenient mask to hide other agendas entirely, and yet they are still required to wear that mask in public and to at least a little bit pay fidelity to the mask. That is the key: the Clintons and other neoliberals are playing a dialectical role of synthesizing two opposite forces, the forces of true humanity (politically identified by the liberal values I mention above) and the forces of neoliberal domination, objectification of humans, crude physical power, capitals accumulation as an end in itself, etc.

I want to have a dismantling of the neoliberal dimension too, but I don’t think that can just happen overnight or by some world nuclear war, because the internal conflict must be totally realized namely capitalism must be reckoned with true liberalism, true civilized rational human values. What are your civilized rational values, do you have any? You mention the Hellenistic project; equality, freedom of speech and assembly, tolerance, creative development of sciences and ideas and art, all of those things I just mentioned were present in Ancient Greece. Yes they had slaves but that is just because they didn’t have machines to convert human labor into autonomous labor, as we have today. From what I understand the Greeks didn’t even treat their slaves that poorly.

I think you and I want the same thing, more or less, unless you reject the values I outlined above, in which case what are your values here?

As for the dialectic, there are two ways to read it: that things develop as a result of their inherent internal contradictions, or that the developments is external as two different opposing ideas come together and are only overcome by being enveloped by a third, larger idea that retroactively reorganizes and defines those two original ideas. I see both forms of the dialectal logic are at work in humanity and the world. But I’ll keep reading Hegel and let you know if and when I find in him the principle of the daemonic and the excess, and the logic of reification as you’ve laid out. It seems to be erroneous that Hegel is often thought of as proposing a totalized Absolute toward which history progresses, as if the internal tension of difference in the material-ideal could ever be totally dissolved; I don’t see him saying that at all, his point seems much subtler than this, as I was explaining in my newer post on self-valuing. But as I said I’ll keep reading and report back what I find.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:31 am
Hegel thought that the dialectic emerges because matter is imperfect. That’s the reason history exists at all for him. Because matter, because Being itself is imperfect, so nonbeing emerges as its negation. Then the two terms struggle and synthesize creating spirit or geist, in a process attempting to extract the original imperfection, and we go on and on. Absolute spirit is the perfection of logic toward which history is progressing in Hegel. Not that subtle.

Exactly as you said- freedom of speech and treating people equally under law aren’t values. It’s just basic social contract stuff. Those are not my values, because they aren’t values. They are things I agree to under a social contract because without them society could not function. Liberal secular humanism, out of which both the common species of leftism and neoliberalism have emerged, is not that simple: it involves the myth that the struggle of ideology has ended and that it is that end, it involves the myth that Christianity has been surpassed and God has died, etc.

Neoliberalism is connected to what I called liberal progressivism, which communism and fascism proposed themselves as alternatives to in the great war of the 20th century. It’s evolved into the SJW feminist black lives matter shit because it is naturally focused on rejection social forms associated to the true ideological conflicts in Christianity, it is focused on turning over the power of the masses which they concentrated in their religions to the hands of the State- all these ideas of having gone beyond those forms of society, the nuclear family, marriage, Christian based things- all that is just brainwashing by the State to convince people its good to renounce their emancipatory potential and turn their power over. But both it and the liberalism you speak of as equality of races and relativity of cultural values- they are both expressions of one thing: liberal secular humanism, born of the Enlightenment era. The left-right paradigm is an expression of that basic source in liberal secular humanism, which Nietzsche championed as the death of God. That basic source is as I read it just the result of “Identifying philosophy with the dialectic itself”, which I talk about at the end of this message. Through it, politics has been brought to an end, as capitalism in its tertiary stage was enabled by it to form a devastating complex of social forces, connecting military, media, science and globalist regimes together under one will.

" Russia and US really only exist today at the symbolic level, attested to by the fact of the orgies of military prowess and drive-psychology out in the open and asserted by Russia and the US as if any of that constituted a fucking personality or an ethos, which of course it does not. At the ideal level it would be hard to say that Russia or the US even exist, evidenced by the silly political games of dick-wagging and the fact that US cultural hegemony constitutes a fucking coke bottle."

These globalist European motherfuckers are the ones that infiltrated our system through corrupt political classes and convinced us to become their central puppet in the bid for a globalist superstate, by granting access to our military to foreign nations, fucking around in the middle east and moving around the chess pieces in the game of power for the benefit of our European allies, sending tens of millions to Israel every goddamn 24 hours, etc. This military dickwaving you are talking about is the result of the globalism you defend; it is the result of European manipulation, not American spirit, which is based in completely opposite intentions.

The anti-Americanism and pro-globalist, pro-idealogy, pro fascistic, pro-European, pro politically correct liberal stuff is difficult for me to take, so restating myself as objectively as possible with no personal feeling about it: Christianity is the dialectic of history: it has absorbed the material of foreign non-Western cultures. Identifying philosophy with that dialectic has produced liberal secular humanism and its “values”, which are actually nihilism, enabling economics and the social complex formed around capitalism to masquerade as politics. But the epistemes born of the reification of our cultural inheritance I talk about are connected to a completely independent process of emergence, the epistemes- ontic, immanent, and eventually the transcendent episteme, are the result of reflectivity reproducing its own negation from that leveling dialectic as a positive or guiding image of thought. By reproducing the negative core driving the dialectic for the dialectic, the dialectic is dissolved and transcended by the episteme. Thus Christianity will eventually reproduce its own negation as its object of thought and reignite the flame of Hellenistic insight, the transcendent episteme to serve as the fulcrum for a new wheel of time.

In Hegel’s system you cannot even begin to claim that the negative core is in the dialectic: the negation appears only after the affirmation of Being is made, which contains the original seed of imperfection that the dialectic is attempting to dig out of matter. So in Hegel, the dialectic is generative- it is what is making the philosophic ideas, it is creating them. But in my system it is leveling them, it is an artificial process began in Greece that is destroying the primordial intimation of Being that Heidegger didn’t understand and which transformed the ancient tribes of Greece into the first philosophers, and the true process of philosophic creation has been stalled culminating in the diffusion of European culture, and will only begin again after finishing the project of Christianity as I mentioned above.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:43 am
Your use of entelechia and energeia seem to mirror Hegel’s use of material and ideal, the logic is that actuality is always already the “work” for the sake of the ideal which it can never truly reach or realize in practice (because of how energeia and entelechia remain eternally apart) but nonetheless which can be reached and realized as the transcendence of the relation between these into higher forms. I think Hegel might agree that the original tension is preserved, yet even in that preservation new possible forms and ideas are emerging, new “epistemes” if that is close to your use of the word here. New modes of human subjectivity. The way an Ancient Greek saw the world is quite different from the way we see the world, our respective subjectivities are different in part because of how the older relations between entelechia and energeia as categories of the self have transcended over time as new contents develop and push new forms. I tend to see this development as somewhat minimal, in that the rational values of consciousness are still the same now as they were back in Ancient Greece and those old Greeks were still understanding those values to some extent just as we are today. The mind must basically reckon with non-mental reality, pure physical need and imposition of crude force; this imposition is always trying to drag life back down toward its lower dimension of energeia without entelechia, but could never really succeed in doing that because of how the physical material are already organized “ideally” to begin with in so far as we are speaking of being as human being; and this points to the accumulation over time of cultural artifacts as ideas that increasingly fill out, with both clarity and confusion, the content-spaces of expanding human consciousness.

My understanding of the reification is that it is a preservation of the original tension and the application of that tension upon new domains. The classic example of the French Revolution being one excess posited as reaction to another, leading to the pendulum swinging from too far in one direction to too far in another direction; the tensions (internal contradictions, essential split of entelechia and energeia) latent to the original position reappeared in the tension of the new position as reaction, and these are precisely the same tension in both cases, yet the transcendence here is that the tensions are negative or passive in the original moment and become active in the present moment. The “synthesis” occurs when the new moment’s momentum collapses and a still newer moment appears, one that works the tension as activity partially back into the passive ground of the original moment, yet not as passive as it had formerly been in that original moment. The tension is still there, a political and economic tension for example, but it has moved a little from passive to active, meaning that the tension is slightly more able to reshape existing relations in society and the world.

After the French Revolution and even after Napoleon it wasn’t as if the original tensions which led to the revolution were now gone; they were simply moved a bit more out in the open, as new ideas of legality and democratic participation were allowed to seep into the idea of monarchy. This isn’t an immediate relief of the tension, it is using the tension in a new way to reshape existing sociopolitical and socioeconomic landscapes. And those landscapes in turn also end up reshaping individual subjectivity in the sense that individual subjectivities are always in a large way locally produced by the forms and dominant ideas and relations of the society in which the individual comes up in. To me this all speaks to what you say about reification, but correct me if I’m wrong.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:09 pm
It’s important for me to point out that I didn’t say those things weren’t values, I said they weren’t political values; I said they are rational values, values of reason as such, values of (self-) consciousness.

Do you not agree? What do you think are the rational values of self-consciousness as such, qua self-consciousness? I know you don’t believe in social construction, but do you really think these I listed (equality, tolerance, freedom, creativity, emotional sanity (non-pathology)) are merely social contract theory and nothing besides? That sounds like pure social construction theory to me; the social contract doesn’t come from nowhere, it comes from the rational requirements of self-conscious being qua that very self-consciousness itself, applied socially as it always is going to be since there is no “pure individual”, in a self-conscious species the individual is a created thing (thus the very meaning of the ideal, entelechia, the universal, etc.)

Edit: I feel obliged to also point out that I am not a totalitarian.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:41 pm
One example I can think of easily where government intervention produced great results, and when dealing with massive unemployment shows how the government is a key player in helping this situation out, was the Civilian Conservation Corps. CCC was created by FDR during the Great Depression, it gave work to millions of unemployed men in creating infrastructure, conservation and forestry. The government is basically a giant pool of money in this sense that it can fund large scale projects like this. Millions of people got real work (they weren’t just digging holes and then filling them back up again), conservation of the environment was progressed literally and in the understanding of the public, and the workers gained valuable marketable skills that were later used in the economy at large after the program ended. Much of the infrastructure that was build by CCC still exists today and is used every day, easy example is state and national parks. I’ve heard interviews with old guys today who were in CCC, they were saying that it was a great experience for them, they learned real skills and got paid so could support their families back home.

I want to see more stuff like this today. The dogma of those like Trump and the modern-day GOP/tea party movement is that such projects are inherently bad, wasteful, economically disastrous, yet in the case of the CCC it was a huge success. If I detest any idea thoroughly it is this idea that government is inherently evil; yes government can be evil, but so can private citizens and corporations, and none of these entities need be evil but may be given certain circumstances, yet may also be good as well. The extreme anti-government idea today in modern Right politics is pure ideology, it is another radically hyperbolic claim among so many others and Trump is just dumb enough to say it all out loud without a filter, so we can get a nice glimpse inside this particular brand of pathological thinking. Just because I reject the idea that government is inherently bad or evil doesn’t make me a totalitarian or a fascist, nor does it make me an apologist for the actual evils of governments.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:21 pm
In my system, the core of negation is driving the dialectic (in Hegel it is driving physical reality, it owes itself to the imperfection of matter itself) to constantly reify conceptual tension in higher terms, from stasis and motion to energy and entelechy and onward. Because the dialectic for me lacks the affirmative core that it has in Hegel, it cannot stabilize the relation and arrive at a synthesis. Without a synthesis, the dialectic cannot generate new concepts, it can only reify the original tension in higher series of abstractions. But if the dialectic reproduces for itself its own negative core, an episteme is generated: so far two have been generated, the ontic with the Hellenes after grappling with Asian and Egyptian concepts, then the immanent by the Jews working off the Greeks, with the transcendent appearing in Christianity but not yet accessed. When the episteme is generated, the dialectic is annulled and the original intimation of Being which Heidegger longed for is grasped, shining through our historical, dialectic distortion, if only as a fragment: the circle of history is drawn back and re-initiated and a new subjectivity emerges along with a new karmic aeon or order of the world, again, so far two have been completed, the Greeks and Jews, with the ontic and immanent episteme. The transcendent episteme will bring us back to the full witness of Being: which, as opposed to Hegel, has no imperfection- the original insight witnessed by the Doric tribes was a perfect seizure of transcendence into the world and turned them into the first philosophers, they willed Greece into existence on its foundation, which we have lost to the distortion of the historical dialectic, which only appeared because the original Greeks let themselves be infected with foreign systems of thought- imperfect systems, which introduced negation to what was a purely affirmative mode of thinking.

Europe with its aristocracies and tyrants and monarchies and now the EU… The US was founded on the first temple dedicated to the people; from our founding documents there was outlined the system of government through which a new order of the world would be established, a self-administered polis, the first truly free populace, free of political elites and centralization and ideology- the first populace free to think for themselves and generate true values; that’s our culture, not fucking coca cola. Coca cola is what we were left with after our globalist leaders betrayed us and sucked up all our power. But in this new continent, the dialectic which has diffused the European soul can still be broken through, and the episteme generated for a new age. But the tools needed for that transformation of the soul of the masses, Christianity, have been damaged, through liberal progressivism, and our politics manipulated by Europe, through its globalist reach from out of the Reich’s failures- the fucking krauts set up the basis of the EU when they seen they were falling. But Europe’s failure is already assured, America can still rise, and claim the destiny that has been denied to it by the scheming world powers, its destiny of novus ordo saeclorum, to inherit the soul of the West and become the central cultural beacon in the world, with Europe declining into an afterthought, a refuse, an atavism, a failure, a ghost, as merely ceremonial as its monarchs are.

And in this new order of the world, once the transcendent episteme is realized, man will return to what the Doric tribes witnessed, and the last age will resemble the first. Spontaneously there emerged in the ranks of the proto-Socratics fully formed philosophies, and a similar cultural explosion will take place- in America, not Europe. Europe renounced and gave up its future.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:26 pm
As to what my values are? Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to god. The US was based on a self-governing populace. The kind of EU style top down centralized government- indeed, that is always evil.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:42 pm
The centralized federal government points a gun in my fucking face and tells me to do shit. That it sometimes does good and that private self-administered powers can sometimes do bad is meaningless. The self-administered government springs from the will of people; the centralized, from the few- it’s involuntary, it’s tyrannical. I’m opposed to top down government centralization, not bottom up government from the will of the people.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:44 pm
I think the one thing I don’t see yet is how the core of being is affirmation. Nietzsche definitely thought this, I used to think it too, but I don’t see it that way anymore. Pure affirmation in itself would be meaningless, an endless circle collapsing to nothingness without a constant input of contents to keep that circle going. I think the self and being as such is indeed affirmation, but not “at bottom”-- at bottom this affirmation is a logical structure of self-reference that requires constant input from the outside in order to maintain itself coherently, in order not to collapse into non-existence (madness in the human sense). Could the ideal ever fully assume the entirety of its contents into itself without remainder? That seems the only possibility for pure affirmation, yet that project would only come at the end of being and never could be the case at its beginning, for the simple reason that once the self-affirming logic obtains it begins eating its experiences in order to convert affirmation into ‘real substance’ and if it did not do this then it would simply sit there, not doing anything.

How exactly do you see the core of being as pure affirmation in itself? The way I see it is that affirmation arises as a consequence of the relations among contents, a kind of “storm” in being."

"Parodites wrote:
The centralized federal government points a gun in my fucking face and tells me to do shit. That it sometimes does good and that private self-administered powers can sometimes do bad is meaningless. The self-administered government springs from the will of people; the centralized, from the few- it’s involuntary, it’s tyrannical. I’m opposed to top down government centralization, not bottom up government from the will of the people.

But the point is that the will of the people is never adequate to the realities (natural, social, economic or otherwise) in which that will must manifest itself. The people can never fully and perfectly (without errors, remainder, inconsistencies) actualize such a “will” even if they had one in such coherent terms, which I don’t think they do.

This will isn’t one thing, one coherent being, rather I see it as a collection of many different things often in contrast to one another, necessarily so. Human being is a sort of actively self-modulating compromise among all those variously different parts.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:57 pm
Capable wrote:
Parodites wrote:
The centralized federal government points a gun in my fucking face and tells me to do shit. That it sometimes does good and that private self-administered powers can sometimes do bad is meaningless. The self-administered government springs from the will of people; the centralized, from the few- it’s involuntary, it’s tyrannical. I’m opposed to top down government centralization, not bottom up government from the will of the people.

But the point is that the will of the people is never adequate to the realities (natural, social, economic or otherwise) in which that will must manifest itself. The people can never fully and perfectly (without errors, remainder, inconsistencies) actualize such a “will” even if they had one in such coherent terms, which I don’t think they do.

This will isn’t one thing, one coherent being, rather I see it as a collection of many different things often in contrast to one another, necessarily so. Human being is a sort of actively self-modulating compromise among all those variously different parts.

The US constitution and founding documents were designed in order to provide the masses the instrument by which to express- as perfectly as possible, that will. It has been corrupted as I said by the centralized federal government. The founders also hoped we would even make further improvements to it, as opposed to fuck it up like we’ve done.

As to affirmation:

Could the ideal ever fully assume the entirety of its contents into itself without remainder?

Schelling had a vision of man returning the remainder of the divine to the divine through the vehicle of matter; he buried his will in the under-will of the universe in order to return it to god, though he based that on Jewish theology. In this case the whole point of the creation of the world itself and human history literally was just that: to self-enclose the divine and return the remainder, to allow god to absorb himself in his own divine radiance without remainder.

And my idea of the transcendent episteme is about absorbing the contents of the dialectic within itself by reproducing its own negative core as positive objectification. This will take place through the drama of Christianity, going back to Christ representing the psychic incorporation of death, in a positive orientation of man to nonbeing.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:07 pm
And by my own admission, my views on Europe’s eventual collapse and the idea that we should just bid it farewell into the dustbin of history- that’s a radicalization to my thought I don’t expect you to accept, it’s just my personal feeling about it. I favor America’s rise over all other powers of the world. The generalized point is simply that the torch of the West is passing to the Americas because Europe gave up the tools of its liberation with the globalist centralization and repudiation of Christianity in lieu of liberal secular humanism. Perhaps it can save itself, limp on and join the Masonic brotherhood too one day if only in spirit. At least the British brex’d themselves before they wrecked themselves.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 3:44 pm
And basically, this election is couched in two paradigm shifts that are occurring: one is political, the other cultural.

First: the left-right paradigm itself is collapsing. There is no left-right anymore. The underpinning of liberal secular humanism on which that political axis of the left-right is based is demonstrating itself to be the product of mere social conditioning and manipulation, of the tertiary stage of late capitalism I keep talking about, and an instrument of the alliance between the media, the military, and science (Think of that bullshit Michio Kaku type global civilization nonsense) with globalism. Think of this: why is there an “alt right” and not an “alt left” right now as well? It’s because the liberal secular humanist basis of the left-right paradigm is itself collapsing, and because it is itself based in values the left claims to advance as its very identity in the name of social progress, with its degeneration there is nowhere remaining for the left to “alternate” to, the left has no more conceptual space to fill- there is nowhere further left for there to be. The alt-right isn’t really right, it’s a symptom of this asymmetry built into the political axis that is only now becoming obvious. There was never a center in the dying political axis; it was the result of social conditioning and never a proper ideological structure. It was a grand conspiracy set up to guide us into the globalist superstate and away from the fulfillment of the social forms dominant at its inception, hence Europe’s repudiation of Christianity, the collapse of marriage as an institution, the destruction of the nuclear family, and on and on.

Second: A cultural revitalization that takes the form of Russia piercing together a national identity with the shards of Christian orthodoxy, and the rediscovery of the emancipatory potential of the masses in America, with rising calls to decentralization and a return to true constitutional philosophy. A new political axis is evolving based around pro statism/anti statism and pro nationalism/pro globalism. There is no left-right anymore, now there is nationalist-globalist and statist-antistatist axis. Instead of center, moderate right, hard left and all that, you can now only be described in terms of a nationalist statist or a nationalist antistatist; a statist antinationalist, a globalist statist (the kind of globalism espoused by both neocons and neolibs, by the Bushes and the Clintons, its an international alliance) or a globalist antistatist. (the kind of globalism where you erase the borders between nations and deprive all national sovereignty- rather than an international alliance, you have an actual superstate like what the EU wants to become.)

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Wed Sep 28, 2016 9:34 pm
Quick point on Trump: Fixed raised the great point that at least Trump lies like a human, and not like an “institution” or I would say, as a robot (as Hillary and most politicians lie, Obama included).

This is a fantastic insight. This really captures the essence of his appeal perfectly. This is why his supporters do not care that he is lying, and this is also why his opponents do not care that he is also telling truths as well (he is by default “always telling the truth” even when he openly lies, simply because he lies like a human being; and from the other side he is also by default “always lying” even when he speaks truths, simply because of how he refuses to employ the standard robotic lying of the “systemic violence” of institutional psychology).

But my real question to all this is: yes, but do we really need such broken personalities in order to galvanize a mass political attempt at speaking truth to power? If so, what does this tell us about politics and humanity today?

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 4:47 am
It’s more about the fact that the social complex in late tertiary capitalism- it’s hold on our political machine, is too strong to simply speak them out of power. Trump is simply the only person with enough pre-existing media presence and monetary resources to do this, to challenge the political establishment and open the way for a new order to emerge. He also has been planning for 30 years to do this, waiting for the opportunity when the current political paradigm was at its weakest to put his plan into action. I’d rather it have been someone else, there’s people who could do this better than Trump, maybe not the actual winning of the election because like I said he has a skill at this apparently but people that could allow the real philosophic undercurrent enabling all this to happen to speak through them more eloquently and completely, people more knowledgeable about politics and the like, but Trump happens to be the person who had both the physical ability to win and the will to do so. More than anything else he is a mouthpiece or avatar for these paradigm shifts, not the actual origination to them, he’s the muscle not the brain behind it.

About affirmation: My system of topos, dialectic, and episteme, is in essence the philosophy of how Being’s original affirmation becomes self-enclosed without remainder. So the three epistemes- the ontic, immanent, and transcendent, correspond with the rise of post Hellenistic Greece, the Judaic religion, and Christianity. But each of these three epochs has an ontic, immanent, and transcendent episteme subdivided in it. That’s what I mean by enfoldment. Christianity was latently enfolded all the way back before even the Jews arose. So there was an ontic, immanent, and transcendent revelation in post-Hellenistic culture, that last bringing about the transition to Judaic enlightenment about the immanent, faceless God of Abraham. And each of those subdivisions has its own further sub-sub division of ontic, immanent, and trasc. episteme. And so on and so forth, down into seconds and microseconds and the Planck scale. History- time itself, is this intellectual structure of enfoldment. Every moment in the dialectic of history can be unfolded into one of the epistemes or re-enfolded. This is what I mean by cycles of time. And with each transition, from the Greeks to the Jews to Christianity, these cycles get tighter; the enfoldment more severe, the subdivisions more interconnected, and the last transition that will soon come will allow us to escape from time from within time as we reproduce the whole residual theophany of the transcendent object behind history, which will cast no further shadow into the physis of nature, the bound monad. The enfoldment will become self-enclosed entirely in its severity and the pure affirmation of Being realized, without remainder, without the shadow of the real, breaking the diamond of the world-ontos on a beam of light without imperfection, without the negation fueling the dialectic of human history as a distortion of the affirmation, of Being. Technology will serve to facilitate the expression of transcendence and preserve it, a tool the ancient Doric tribes did not possess.

While I’m against the technocratic Messianic ideal aligned with the pseudo-politics behind the globalist superstate and planetary government, unlike Heidegger I’m not against technology itself. Our technology will serve to engrave the transcendent revelation of Being upon the Anthropocene, whereas the ancient Doric tribes only had writing and oral traditions.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud

Last edited by Parodites on Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:40 am
About the Zizek quote in your signature- this speculative dance of capital I am going to briefly talk about after I restate what I said a long time ago about the three stages of capital:

[ The problem is that the surplus wealth must be centralized in the hands of a few, otherwise it will become too evenly distributed for any re-investment to be made in a kind of two stage process I will describe, whereby capital is being moved around, from a first stage in which free labor is converted into capital, and a second at which capital is re-converted into labor- specifically working, or utilized labor. This equation is very important, because if we as a species fail to work out the balancing act implicit in it between free and working labor, between expansive and contractive/centralized or monopolized capital, then a lot of us die; this is the structure that keeps society from falling apart. And we’ve gotten it incorrect on our first two attempts at it, the world wars.

You can see this movement of the surplus wealth in two recurrent stages. Capitalism in the early phase is marked by the emergence of free trade and the rising of innumerable small businesses and entrepreneurs- this is where the world was before WW1. At this stage the surplus wealth created by all these little businesses is fairly well distributed. Marx theorized a point of no further expansion possible, “State Capitalism,” in which these small businesses- the little Bourgeoisie, will be absorbed over time by the proper bourgeoisie out of which the elite class precipitates as the bearers of centralized wealth; this centralization takes the form of Mcdonalds, Apple, Microsoft. Monopolies absorb the small businesses, that is, the little-middle-class of successful smaller scale entrepeneurs who have done well for themselves, and re-concentrate the much more distributed surplus wealth created in the early explosive stage of capitalism. Now, in this later stage, in state capitalism, a very small number- the proper elites, have gained enough control over surplus wealth to simply charge people for rent and make money without expending much if any labor. This is the necessary step that leads to all the surplus wealth and therefor power being stripped from the common masses and handed to the select few, that it may be re-invested in the next cycle of innovations. This next cycle creates within itself a kind of pseudo-controlled mini first phase capitalism again, that acts explosively as many smaller businesses crop up over night to take advantage of the various new avenues that have opened up with the new tech produced in that cycle, ie. everyone going after domain names in the dot com thing in the 90’s, or the profusion of more different kinds of cellphone than you could count in all shapes and sizes before the Iphone appeared. This bubbles out for awhile and then pops, the surplus wealth is reabsorbed, and so on, ad infinitum, each time strengthening and further concentrating the surplus wealth in the last cycle into fewer and fewer hands, a smaller and smaller “elite” class, the designated 1 percent. Now, because this didn’t happen when free trade was first established, before WW1, the surplus wealth was too evenly distributed and dried up; the products of this failed first phase however were not iphones and web domains and sneakers with lights- they were bullets, bombs, and machine guns, and all of the surplus wealth, now in the hands of the people- an unemployed and impoverished people after the failure to reincorporate the surplus, used it to create the first war of the people rather than of small trained armies: they used the wealth surplus and the means of production to manufacture the necessary agents to kill themselves instead of recentralizing and investing it in a new cycle of innovations.

This is why, as you say, pure capitalism is impossible- pure capitalism meaning an infinitely distributive and unencumbered period of first phase free trading and small businesses. Socialism simply aborts the second phase and replaces it with government intervention on the economy, and that has the effect only of drying up the surplus wealth created in the first phase, as the democratic and governmental modification on the economy, the workers controlling the means of production- for all taxation and government intervention has that effect of shifting control over productive capacity to the people if only indirectly, cannot properly mobilize the surplus wealth toward the development of the next cycle of technology. So socialism is not viable for that reason as well.

If you collect taxes and use it to build a road, through governmental intervention on the economy, then you also have a bunch of businesses and innovation that was not created and could have been created with the same money- but only if society is in a state of economic equilibrium, because if there are a bunch of unemployed people at the time, then now their unused labor capacity is being utilized to construct the road, and labor is not being diverted from anything that would have been getting done otherwise. That is one justification for socialist policies. Yet it actually is being diverted from expansion, for the following reason. Through this tax, money is collected from workers operating in an expansive state of the movement of capital, in that mini unencumbered free trading bubble reproduced within the second phase, and then redistributed to those currently unemployed and converts their unused labor capacity into public goods like a road, so that as I said, what is happening is power and productive capacity is being re-bestowed to the people, aborting the second phase or state-capitalism from completing itself in the movement of capital that would redistribute the wealth surplus to an elite class who would be able to reinvest it properly and create tech and sector bubbles which mobilize a fury of human labor toward new innovations and maintain equilibrium. As the first phase converts free labor into capital, the second phase must convert capital into working labor: this socialist intervention converts free labor into “nothing”, ie. as opposed to working labor, my concept of working-labor meaning more or less capitalistic expansion: it converts a previously unemployed guy in a state of unused free labor now building a road into an invisible piece of fiat currency- for unless the wealth surplus is centralized at the end of the second phase in the cycle then it dissipates, and each piece of free-labor that is being taxed by a construction job for a road is just that- a dissipation of the wealth surplus. Obviously we need roads, but this is the effect of acquiring it and anything else through taxation. Taxation is simply a dissipation of wealth surplus, a prevention of its being centralized in preparation for its reinvestment by the elite class. Taxation and socialist policy prevents the formation of the little-middle class, so that the middle class proper spreads its cumulative wealth so much that the elites have no way to siphon off surplus wealth into their monopoly, and thus no capital concentrates anywhere, and cannot be reinvested. In short: working-labor must be kept equal to free-labor with reference to the third term of capital; working-labor (or expansive trade) minus free-labor (potential trading, ie. my work for your money) must equal capital, (the material that can be expansively traded, which includes human beings in a state of free-labor) and this equation is accomplished by centralizing surplus wealth and reinvesting it in new technologies at the end of each of these two-phase cycles. Socialism is basically adding free-labor to capital and saying it equals working-labor, but it does not, because free-labor is already contained implicitly in the value of capital.

This two phase recurrence is the problem for both a pure capitalism- the first phase without the second, as well as socialism, and I’m not aware of any solution. If the first phase is pushed too far, then countless small businesses distribute all surplus wealth to the extent that it can no longer be collected in one place and reinvested in new technologies, and capitalism hits a dead end and regresses- that is what happened to bring on the first world war, as, in the fascination of the human species with the new free trade idea, we were finally woke up from its dream into its nightmare; if the second phase is replaced by a governmental intervention, if taxes are utilized to give control over productive capacity to the people, then the surplus wealth from the first phase gets starved and dried up- the attempts to shift this productive control to the people on a large scale amounted to the failed communistic regimes, and ended in the second world war. Now in the US at the present time and in other places in the world we are attempting to apply a very small amount of intervention or socialist policy, not completely aborting the second phase, and modern socialists like Sanders want to accomplish that by laying taxes on the elite class, the 1 percent in particular, and this has and will have only the consequence of making the starvation of surplus wealth much more slow than it would be in an overtly socialistic or communist state, and through attrition will take us into another war, as we will find this method works as badly as the other two. A small business can get by on balancing costs with revenues whereas a large business that tries to do that will simply get bought out or out-competed by a more ambitious large business producing more total surplus value. The only real solution I can see to the problem is that a large enough field of capital and economic agents exists such that both processes, stages 1 and 2 can co-occur alongside each other at all times; therefore limited bubbles coming into existence and collapsing without disturbing the entire society and economy as a whole, but also being effective at spurring expansions and bubble-based inflations to such a degree that productive increases produce society-wide significance. "

Indeed this has led to a third stage which I haven’t mentioned yet. The rise of the banking system.

I found out yesterday that Lenin had a similar analysis of the cause of WW1 as mine. The surplus value created in what I call the first stage of expansive free-trade he called a product of colonial imperialism and said that this surplus could not successfully be exported from one nation to another, and this led to war.

So the first stage, that of expansive free trade, creates a large surplus capital value but it is so widely distributed among competing small businesses that it cannot be centralized and that is the reason why, as Lenin said, it cannot be exported; because it cannot be exported, it is instead concentrated in monopoly companies and re-invested in new technological enterprises, while these monopolies recreate expansive bubbles of free trade and smaller businesses within themselves in order to re-absorb and further concentrate any wealth still external to them, creating the “1 percent” class; the third stage appears as international banking systems, which coordinate transfers of this concentrated wealth on a larger scale and deal with the exportation problem between nations. This banking system is supported by alliances in general and unites the various capitalist countries through tenuous relations of debt- ie we owe a lot of money to China, therefor China can continue manufacturing because it knows we will buy its products, and the global economy can keep functioning with the US as the center of the debt and the international bank system. This third stage leads to the US, as the center of this debt, losing its own manufacturing capabilities, as the companies move their means of production to other nations and the globalist EU becomes empowered more and more. ]

So you see that the “speculative dance of capital” or the volatility of the stock market exchange is actually just a corollary to this tertiary function of late-stage capitalism where the international banking integration emerges: with less integration, (countries can manipulate their currency to intentionally provoke this difficulty in integrating) the stock becomes more volatile, as the smaller economic excitations in the second stage become more easily manipulated as they fail to produce exportable capital.

  1. Free trade. Explosion of small businesses and creation of a large amount of homogeneous distributed nonexportable surplus capital.
  2. Larger businesses absorb the smaller ones and concentrate wealth so that it can be reinvested in creating new tech. and exportable capital.
  3. The international banking system emerges, which negotiates this transfer of wealth. Wealth not transferred in this stage through the global economy is easily manipulated, leading to a volatile stock market, the “dance of capital”. This manipulated wealth is a residual defect in this system and only exists on paper. Hence the danger in getting rich by playing stocks. When the integration in the tertiary stage starts occurring again and concentrated surplus capital becomes exportable, all that imaginary wealth evaporates. That’s what an economic bubble or crash actually is, it’s the tertiary stage kicking in again. But each bubble has just been venting the super-volcano so that it can all go on a bit longer- the true bubble will pop soon.

That first stage was pushed as far as it could go and failed, hence WW1 like I said in the repaste. Then the second stage was developed and pushed as far as it could go, failed, WW2 occured, and then the third stage emerged with the globalist superstate taking form around it. And now this third stage is being pushed as far as it can go, it’s going to fail, WW3 will take place, and then we’ll see what happens going forward.

America’s geographic and economic independence is what led the globalists to corrupt our politics and turn us into their primary instrument: grounding the tertiary stage in America ensured that the system could always recover from any crashes, as America’s independence would protect the greater hub of global capital from diffusion. But America is now waking up to the parasite, and that the globalists only wanted to push us out of the world stage as a sovereign state and make use of our power and advantages for their own ends. They turned America into simply their protective shield around global capital, hence they are the ones that replaced our culture with a Big Mac.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:28 am
Here is my take on these important issues:

Wealth concentrates upward simply because this is the nature of capital to be inherently organized toward increasingly totalitarian status. Most people either do not act on a totalitarian impulse or simply cannot act on it meaningfully, but the small number that do have that impulse and act on it end up drawing capital to themselves like a gravity well. Before modern capitalism wealth was always in the hands or held at the behest of the political-military aristocracy, totalitarian form-as-such; this is simply because force is used to compel capital transfers to those who have the use of force on their side. The genius of capitalism was to find a second mechanism for how large scale mobilizations of capitalism could occur, namely through strictly economic (inherently non-political-military) exchanges, and thus led to a rise of new powerful entities in society, the wealthy business owners and eventually large corporations. Ostensibly these are separate from political-military powers, of course that isn’t absolutely the case but capitalism did create this counter-object of the economic-as-such against the historical object of political-military-as-such, when it came to how large scale mobilizations of capital might occur.

Capitalism separates out economy from politics, again it does this regardless of the obvious fact that economics and politics are still highly entangled; the separation is still very real.

WWI was caused by many things, most notably by strong nationalistic sentiment and colonial ambitions, basically by a misplaced sense of pride that could be easily damaged. German “weltpolitik”, British imperialism, Austrian racism against Serbs, Russian meddling in the Balkans, entangled national defense alliances, German provocations in colonial territories (Morocco, Congo), naval arms race between Britain and Germany, and the slow spread of the idea of socialism throughout Germany, Russia, Italy, France and Austria. But basically it was a hell of a lot of “national pride” that created the situation of tense buildup of hostilities and political minefields to where the assassination of the archduke to Austria by a Serbian nationalist, in Serbia, was enough to spark the fire.

Plus, in the typical blindness of nationalistic fervor, most countries and people felt like a war would be quickly over, with their side winning obviously.

The beauty of NATO and the EU is that it is meant to solidify such a large bloc of European powers together that this kind of complex, nationalistic, racist, rivalry and entangled alliances situation wouldn’t occur again. If one opposes such large blocs of economic and military cooperation and wants instead a return to 19th and early 20th century isolated nationalism then one simply calls for another major land war in Europe. The real problem isn’t these new blocs themselves, the problem is that they aren’t strong enough and may break down: EU is already having serious problems and if other countries withdraw it could collapse, and NATO is a target of Trump’s and other disaffected American nationalist conservatives who think we should go back to the good old days of isolationist protectionism, not realizing that any large land war in Europe is something that affects America just as must as it affects the Europeans.

This idea that America should sit back and happily watch Europe burn is so disgusting to me, I can only interpret it as a kind of psychological compensation for the belief-set that holds to the isolationist protectionist racist nationalism. If one’s beliefs are implicitly nationalist oriented like that, then it would become impossible to psychologically value any other national and cultural group except for one’s own, and thus in today’s system of large cooperative blocs like EU and NATO it would further be required to feel strong antipathy for other nations and cultures, in order to defend oneself against what seems to be a personal threat against one’s diehard nationalist fervor.

I’m speaking objectively here about the beliefs and paradigms of these various ideas, and not about anyone in particular. I always separate out ideas from the people who “believe” them, and I want to direct philosophy at ideas themselves so as to provide better opportunities for individuals to adopt and work with ideas.

Now, all that was the cause for WWI. WWII was basically caused by a failure to rethink the playing field and the logic of the “only game in town” after WWI was finished; namely, extreme nationalism still existed and Germany had been decimated and not allowed any chance for serious economic recovery after WWI. Colonial aspirations still existed in the Middle East, N Africa and Asia with western powers fighting over who would effectively control these developing or undeveloped areas. Germany had been cut out of the game, and wounded pride had nowhere to go except into desire for a Fuhrer. Just imagine, Germany had been the philosophical powerhouse in the 19th century, it’s philosophers fundamentally altering the world with new ideas and ways of thinking, yet now Germany is reduced to almost nothing after WWI. You always need to give people a way out for their wounded pride, and a means to recover their self-valuing after it has been damaged, otherwise you feed radicalism, spite and irrationality. Nationalism itself is a mild form of this very same axis of radicalism-spite-irrationality, created by how societies by default fuck with and suppress people’s self-valuing. Just as, which I’ve written about recently, ideology is the general more mild case of “schizophrenia” (paranoid delusions, also at times hallucinations) just as schizophrenia is a specific more severe case of “ideology”.

Back to capitalism, yes I agree that these cycles of boom and bust end up concentrating wealth further upward, again I see this as basically the totalitarian tendency of capital: capital is itself neutral so will be used to potentiate anything at all, which means that the wider aspirations for employing larger reservoirs of capital will naturally create that very possibility by virtue of what capital already is; namely, average people who do not aspire to totalitarian mobilizations of capital for their gain of person power of force-use will only mobilize small amounts of capital, while people who want that kind of totalitarian status will mobilize larger amounts of capital. What was needed was what capitalism brought, a new way of motivating the desire to mobilize large amounts of capital other than for personal political-military power of use of force. But eventually even this “free” system of “pure” economic mobilizations of capital becomes political-military in nature because of how, at the upper levels, the political and military mobilizations of capital further the economic mobilizations of capital (think neocolonialist global capitalism, outsourcing, etc.). So even as capitalism introduced a great new dimension into how social and labor capital can be organized, at the upper echelons this sill merges with the old systems of political-military mobilizations of capital. Thus as wealth “naturally” concentrates upward it also naturally tends to become more totalitarian in nature and even “free capital” ends up feeding the existing political-military orders.

Specific to the UN, EU and NATO: the only reason to reject these sort of blocs is that one thinks large scale warfare is preferable to inter-state and inter-personal tensions sublimated into economic activity. By “economic” here I also mean scientific, cultural-artistic, and ostensibly humanitarian activities. When a situation of large scale war is absent then the people of various nations are free to cooperate with each other across national borders for enhanced economic, scientific, cultural, and humanitarian work; when war is the case this kind of cooperation dries up or is restricted to certain peoples who happen to be in alliance with each other at the moment. “Peace” (from large scale military mobilization and warfare) is a basic condition of a rational, sane world of self-conscious beings; warfare is not some kind of necessity of cleansing of the tensions but rather a low form of catharsis for those tensions, a catharsis that only indirectly addresses those tensions themselves and the real causes for them. War had been necessary, yes, but only because humanity is still so many apes fighting over pieces of the ground and fighting to defend their petty wounded prides. The necessity for war is a symptom of a relatively low stage of self-conscious species evolution, although only philosophy can really understand this because of course we have no other self-conscious species to compare ourselves to or draw from to see what that kind of evolution really looks like over eons. Philosophy must derive this curve of the evolution of the self-conscious species in general. This is an absolutely necessary task that only philosophy can accomplish.

I would rather work toward that task than capitulate to low-stage (in that overall evolution of the self-conscious species in general) logics that see war as inherently necessary or good and global cooperative blocs as inherently unnecessary or bad. Yes global blocs and organizations also serve to instantiate old-style political-military capital mobilization at a higher level of subtly totalitarian power, but a good tool can be used equally for noble or ignoble ends: we should not abandon the nascent projects of forming collective will, ideas and action amongst people and nations simply because it takes a lot of work to push back against that tyranny, we should be trying harder in our pushback, we should reaffirm the value of the evolution of the human species toward better ideas and larger capacities to cooperate and operate at “global” (nationally cooperative without the presence of war) levels. Otherwise we are going to return to a WWI and II state except this time the advent of nuclear weapons, biological weapons, drones, probably military tech we don’t even know about, all of that would raze humanity to the ground and simply lead to a collapse of civilization on the worldwide scale, a return to isolated tribalisms, petty local dictators, a loss of the ideas and cultural and scientific products of civilization that have been accumulated for the last 2500 years. No amount of American or Russian “national pride” could ever justify that.

We should be working to improve globally-oriented systems, by bolstering national-level incentives for cooperation and economic activity that is outside the sphere of the political-military, to bring out the best and most civilized, rational instincts in humanity. I will never work for a tyrannical fascist globalism, but neither will I stop working for the idea of a true globalism, one founded on the absence of war and the presence of those core rational values of a self-conscious species that I mentioned in a former post. Those values hold and are grounded in the necessary logic of what self-consciousness means and requires. Self-valuing at the level we humans are at and can ascend to requires asserting such values; we can debate the specific forms of the values and which should be included or given greater priority, and how to translate those values into the world practically and continently, but we must accept the existence of such “primary values” as a basic condition of our philosophizing at this critical stage of attempting to philosophize toward the political.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson

Last edited by Capable on Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:38 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:33 am
We should give people and nations better, higher means of defending their pride and asserting their self-valuing then simply through recourse to political-military outlets. But that will require an enforceable suspension of warfare amongst nations, enforceable until such time as the ideas have evolved to the point where human beings no longer see any interest in asserting their self-valuing physically against others in displays of brutal use of force and violence.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:54 am
Your causes for the world wars I simply do not accept. As I’ve been writing, there was no ideological reality behind the world conflicts- there was never any real politics, politics was just an illusion following the decay of Christianity (and the loss of any potential fulfillment of the transcendent episteme) into liberal secular humanism and the false political axis now being broken apart predominantly in America, and virtually the entire logic behind the wars was economic in nature, culminating in capital’s tertiary function and the rise of the global superstate. My explanation of capital’s various stages of transfer explains both the impetus for the wars, what enabled the wars, and the mechanisms by which the wars were fought. I am not championing a third war, but it will inevitably follow the third stage of capitalism that we’re in as the other two wars followed the first and second stage- because like the first two, it doesn’t work, at least in the long term.

As for this: "This idea that America should sit back and happily watch Europe burn is so disgusting to me, I can only interpret it as a kind of psychological compensation for the belief-set that holds to the isolationist protectionist racist nationalism. "

What, am I racist against other white dudes in Europe? Their model as I’ve been saying has closed the transcendent episteme to the dialectic of history at the philosophic level, and at the level of the world stage their model- globalism, has bankrupted my country, hijacked our politics and eroded our original constitutional philosophy that guarded us against tyranny, destroyed our culture and turned us into a fucking brand name, a big bank, a Big Mac, among many other ills, so fuck Europe. This country was founded by people who despised European culture- a culture of monarchs and rituals and moralisms, to such an extent that they were willing to risk death crossing an ocean and put up with savage natives in order to start a new world. And the globalist system has done nothing but strip away American sovereignty and power as well as the sovereignty of the very nations it comprises in order to give political power to a bunch of shit-eating unelected beaurocrats. That this superstate was formed in order to prevent escalating war is a myth; it was created merely to bring capital into its tertiary function. And predictably from that model I am proposing, it has deprived the masses of all emancipatory potential and empowered a useless political class of bureaucratic administrators. Britain left the Eu for that reason- they were being oppressed, by tyrants. Not because they were racists.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 11:31 am
No I am not at all saying you are racist. Even if I thought that, which I don’t, that isn’t at all my point. My point is that the idea of nationalism itself inherent includes the extended idea of racism ether in overt or covert form, and that the idea of racism is a stupid and non-philosophical idea.

Belief in one’s nation’s superiority could theoretically not include any kind of beliefs about the superiority of one race over another, but in practice the way of thinking that the idea of nationalism represents perpetuates other kinds of ideas; racism, sexism, inability to rise above contingent biases, this is as I see it a form of thinking that manifests in different ways. I am not saying that in a practical sense one race, culture, gender, nation cannot be more accomplished in certain areas at any given time, but I am saying that the form of thinking that treats such differences as essential and essentially meaningful as within the sphere of a larger reason, is itself a bad form of thinking. I know you probably disagree with that, but it’s fine for us to disagree on this point. Of course I do realize that real differences exist, for example I am on board with your idea that intelligence is somewhat heritable just as I am on board with your idea that males and females have somewhat different innate desires and find different sort of things pleasurable and rewarding. But philosophy requires that we universalize ideation and think from the higher position of reason-- not in order to deny those differences but to sublimate them into higher ideas and meaning. Also it is required to do this for the secondary reason that human pathology and low-quality (non-philosophical) thinking naturally thrives within the form of thought of which racism etc. is a part.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 1:49 pm
Your association of racism and nationalism is a result of the distortion of the current dying political axis. In the new axis, beyond the left-right divide, racism has no meaning anymore.

The old political left-right axis is grounded in the values of liberal secular humanism, which arose with the decay of Christianity: perhaps, as the result of its decay. The ideas that defined your position in that axis like rather or not you agreed that faggots could get married or there was inequality between the races- were always the myth of ideology, a false politics. Because of this: in US constitutional philosophy, things like that, or rather or not pot is legal, all of those liberal secular humanist principles are simply things to be decided by individual communities, ie:

[ The Left, this new Melos, has no vision for America or for the human species in general. That’s why the democratic platform is essentially about nothing more than meaningless social issues that don’t even have a place in the larger politics that any bid for the presidency should be focused on. Rather or not faggots can get married isn’t even political, it’s a social issue. I don’t care who marries who, I don’t care what bathroom people use. That kind of shit should be something figured out at the level of local communities and individual states within the US, not federally mandated and imposed from the top down. That is how it was envisioned by the federalists. Why? Because if you take a consensus vote by the country as whole, and come out with a majority wanting gay marriage, that does not take account of the fact that ideologies are not homogeneously spread out across the nation, and there will be many communities or even states where that is not supported by a majority: so you have to leave shit like that to individual communities and states to settle, [from the bottom up] and if someone who wants gay marriage lives in a state where it turns out the majority does not want it and the state votes to disallow it, well then that person should move to a different state with a community he would get a long with better. The federal government has no business deciding on what marriage is or isn’t, the only task of the federal government is international policy and our money. The Democrats talk about nothing other than these meaningless apolitical social issues because they don’t have any answer for the larger problems- for the truly political, nor do they possess any vision for the nation-state, for the US. ]

I would add that the institution of marriage was never one of the State and had to do with religion not politics. The state became involved with it in order to create a binding contract between couples for the sake of their children’s wellbeing.

The real politics was always hiding in rather or not you thought the federal centralized government could impose things like this from the top onto the local communities and the will of the people, rather or not you were a statist.

The new political axis has three poles: statism, (top down centralized government) globalism, nationalism. (ethic or cultural nationalism, the ethos, the will of the people from the bottom up through the emancipatory potential of communities instead of institutions.)

I would, in this new axis, be an anti-statist anti-globalist pro-nationalist- the true meaning of American constitutional philosophy; you would be exactly my polar opposite, a pro-statist pro-globalist anti-nationalist, the European way; The Nazis were and Russia is a pro-statist anti-globalist pro-nationalist type, and then Plato’s Republic and Fixed with the idea of philosophic rule but no tyranny from the top down government would be a kind of anti-globalist anti-statist anti-nationalism. The obverse to this final term would be all positives, which is logically nonsensical. A pro-statist pro-globalist pro-nationalist doesn’t make sense and is a contradiction in terms. If you’re for statism and globalism you can’t be a nationalist; if you’re a nationalist you can’t be for both statism and globalism. Because of this logical termination point, this political axis is truly centered and self-consistent: it is centered on nationalism, with pro and anti nationalism replacing left and right, liberal/conservative.

A sik þau trûðu"

"On racism specifically, I don’t buy into the whole political correctness of today where no one can even talk seriously or “naturally” about race at all, how it’s so awkward now to even bring it up unless one just repeats the empty mainline statements of the PC expectation. I like how Fixed put it a while back when he was saying that a certain degree of racism is natural and even healthy, that one race should be able to poke fun at another in a kind of half joking half serious way, like a release of tensions arising from the obvious fact that different races are indeed different in many was from each other. That is my interpretation of what he said anyway; Zizek has said more or less the same thing.

But there is also on top of that a certain “line” that should not be crossed when it comes to really hatefully targeting people based on racial groups; it all comes down to motivation I think, which also goes deep into one’s subjective philosophical content and how one thinks and emotes, how one values. Point is that we should not be so hyper-sensitive that a light hearted racial joke or observation of differences between races would cause us to be so deeply offended and uncomfortable, certainly not for people to lose their jobs over it or get publically shamed on social media, which often happens now. “Racism” in its light form is very natural and normal, even healthy; the dangerous two paths are the extremes of 1) real hardcore hateful racism or 2) politically correct “anti-racism” which amounts to a closure of real human natural spaces.

I read another point somewhere that when white people/society imposes these politically correct forms upon everyone it is actually more degrading to the minorities that PC is supposed to “protect”. That’s because PC makes the assumption that a minority is both defined by their racial (or gender or religious or sexual orientation) group, which may not even be the case, as well as the assumption that the person is so insecure in themselves as to be hurt by someone else merely talking about race in a normal way. Of course some level of mild PC is always good because it just reflects natural limits on civil social discourse that prevent the kind of radical hardcore hateful racism that should definitely be opposed. This kind of “true racism” is much less common, and is highly irrational as based on false assumptions, misinformation and deep pathological issues that such “real racists” have, but again this kind of racism is very uncommon and the danger of modern PC is that it treats natural mild “racism” exactly the same real hardcore racism. Such an equation of the two is entirely false, and indeed dangerous.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:21 pm
Parodites wrote:
Your association of racism and nationalism is a result of the distortion of the current dying political axis. In the new axis, beyond the left-right divide, racism has no meaning anymore.

The old political left-right axis is grounded in the values of liberal secular humanism, which arose with the decay of Christianity: perhaps, as the result of its decay. The ideas that defined your position in that axis like rather or not you agreed that faggots could get married or there was inequality between the races- were always the myth of ideology, a false politics. Because of this: in US constitutional philosophy, things like that, or rather or not pot is legal, all of those liberal secular humanist principles are simply things to be decided by individual communities, ie:

[ The Left, this new Melos, has no vision for America or for the human species in general. That’s why the democratic platform is essentially about nothing more than meaningless social issues that don’t even have a place in the larger politics that any bid for the presidency should be focused on. Rather or not faggots can get married isn’t even political, it’s a social issue. I don’t care who marries who, I don’t care what bathroom people use. That kind of shit should be something figured out at the level of local communities and individual states within the US, not federally mandated and imposed from the top down. That is how it was envisioned by the federalists. Why? Because if you take a consensus vote by the country as whole, and come out with a majority wanting gay marriage, that does not take account of the fact that ideologies are not homogeneously spread out across the nation, and there will be many communities or even states where that is not supported by a majority: so you have to leave shit like that to individual communities and states to settle, [from the bottom up] and if someone who wants gay marriage lives in a state where it turns out the majority does not want it and the state votes to disallow it, well then that person should move to a different state with a community he would get a long with better. The federal government has no business deciding on what marriage is or isn’t, the only task of the federal government is international policy and our money. The Democrats talk about nothing other than these meaningless apolitical social issues because they don’t have any answer for the larger problems- for the truly political, nor do they possess any vision for the nation-state, for the US. ]

I would add that the institution of marriage was never one of the State and had to do with religion not politics. The state became involved with it in order to create a binding contract between couples for the sake of their children’s wellbeing.

The real politics was always hiding in rather or not you thought the federal centralized government could impose things like this from the top onto the local communities and the will of the people, rather or not you were a statist.

The new political axis has three poles: statism, (top down centralized government) globalism, nationalism. (ethic or cultural nationalism, the ethos, the will of the people from the bottom up through the emancipatory potential of communities instead of institutions.)

I would, in this new axis, be an anti-statist anti-globalist pro-nationalist- the true meaning of American constitutional philosophy; you would be exactly my polar opposite, a pro-statist pro-globalist anti-nationalist, the European way; The Nazis were and Russia is a pro-statist anti-globalist pro-nationalist type, and then Plato’s Republic and Fixed with the idea of philosophic rule but no tyranny from the top down government would be a kind of anti-globalist anti-statist anti-nationalism. The obverse to this final term would be all positives, which is logically nonsensical. A pro-statist pro-globalist pro-nationalist doesn’t make sense and is a contradiction in terms. If you’re for statism and globalism you can’t be a nationalist; if you’re a nationalist you can’t be for both statism and globalism. Because of this logical termination point, this political axis is truly centered and self-consistent: it is centered on nationalism, with pro and anti nationalism replacing left and right, liberal/conservative.

The way I described racism with respect to its connection to nationalism is that racism shares a form of thought with nationalism. I don’t have a good word for that form of thought; if we had a good word and clear concept for it then racism and nationalism wouldn’t be tenable ideas anymore, but they still are considered tenable because, again, there is no way to articulate very well the error at the deeper level of thought. Philosophy (should) naturally remove such errors in thinking, but does not always do so. The closest I can come to explaining the error is to bring up my working definition of “morality” in the social-political sense: treating and valuing human beings first as individuals and only second as members of groups. You would certainly agree, I think, that group membership or status does not define an individual, since I know that you recognize high value to the category of the individual, as do I. Individualism is the basis for rejecting primarily classifying people based on their race or nationality, which is precisely what racism and nationalism are (they are valuing in a primary way human beings based first on their race or nationality and only second, if at all, on who and what they are at the level of individual person), which is why it is so surprising to me that my rejection of racism and nationalism seems to be something you deeply oppose.

I am not against pride in one’s nation, but I am against extreme pride and radical patriotism. It isn’t black and white for me, there is plenty of room to enjoy and value one’s nation for many different reasons without that turning into a kind of pathology and de-valuing of others based on the fact they aren’t in one’s own “in group”. I’ve already elaborated my “core values of reason”, the values I think are necessarily the case to be asserted given a self-valuing self-conscious species; the value of equal rights and human rights generally rests on a universalizing of value to the species proper, not intended to wipe out differences and assume all humans are the same but quite the opposite: to propose a level ground of equal default valuation as expectation of a commonly held standard so that real differences and inequalities can be noticed and addressed. But racism and nationalism in their “hard extreme” forms (again I have no issue with what I would call mild racism or mild nationalism) literally prevent any such common ground-standard from emerging and thus sink actual differences between people into unrecognizability, because one cannot think past the group-classification level.

Your new categories are interesting, but again I am not a “statist” (totalitarian or fascist in my view) unless by statist you simply mean that I think we should have a (federal) state. Yes, I do think we should have a federal state, and more than simply to give us money and national defense or sign foreign treaties. Life is far too complex to think that a kind of libertarian quasi-anarchic “localism” with a barely existent federal level could actually work. Maybe I’m cynical here, but I detest the idea of anarchy in any form, and I see the ideal of near-absolute localism and “states rights” as little different from anarchy; yes to have state level local governments is not the same as anarchy, I agree, nor is it philosophically the same as federal level government, I also agree, but my subtler point is that 1) we already have states rights and local governance, and municipalities and states are very very different from each other from one corner of the US to another, and 2) there are simply some issues that are proper for a federal level to determine. If we have everything run by popular vote only then slavery would still exist, and homosexuals would still be going to prison.

I value states rights but I also value the balance of this with the federal level. I agree that on some issues the federal level over-reaches, but in general I think it is fairly well balanced; if literally everything were left up to the states except maybe coining money and negotiating to foreign governments then we might as well disband the US as a single nation as every state will effectively becomes its own micro-nation. This idea was proposed and fought over, that was the primary impetus behind the American Civil War. I also see a large degree of hyperbole and unjustified paranoia in most libertarian conservative people (not you, I don’t throw you into that group) who champion anti-federal government, pro-states rights causes in the extreme form. These people seem literally insane to me. I’ve been to tea party rallies, I’ve listened to conservative talk radio plenty, and I’ve talked to these people in person and read their books and studies their ideas… I just don’t see much there except a kind of weird paranoid fear and strongly ideological clinging to the simplistic concept of “federal bad, state good”. Again I am not lumping you into that group at all, but I can’t seem to find any huge differences between the kind of ideology these people spew and your own view of states rights that you just laid out (the implication that “social issues” should be entirely determined at the state or local levels by popular vote). I just don’t buy it. I think it’s more of a negotiation between various levels which includes the federal one, and there is a negotiation also between the level of public opinion, subject matter experts and scientists, and the various branches of government; I like this division of thinking when it comes to social policy. I simply do not trust public opinion alone to be setting policy in any absolute way.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:28 pm
I do like the axis you propose with statism, globalism and nationalism to replace left and right, but since you and I mean very different things when we say “statism”, “globalism” or “nationalism” we are still a long way away from being able to use your new system to compare each of our respective positions in that way. We need to iron out the definitions of the terms and what each of us really means when we use those terms. I think we’re already well on our way to doing that.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 2:40 pm
I like true federalism as a system because it properly subdivides the entity of a society and nation into different self-valuing regions: city and county levels, state level, and federal level. Each of these three levels has within it the division of executive, legislative and judicial functions. I like this setup very much. It allows public opinion a strong input through various channels but does not allow public opinion to govern directly, which would be a disaster.

Edit: in other words, I see right-wing bashing of the federal government as mostly a way to score political points while being deliberately obstructionist and petulant in one’s unrealistic demands. I want more compromise and finding common values between people and parties rather than people and parties radicalizing to the polar extremes and refusing to compromise like a bunch of little spoiled children. Fuck that. Politics and social policy are nowhere near exact sciences, every “side” has valid things to bring to the table and no one is ever going to get exactly what they want in the entirety. To me that’s just an irrefutable requirement as just a basic starting point for getting anything done at all. I also like to emphasize that I want each individual issue or subject or policy given rational treatment and careful objective examination without the intrusion of ideological presuppositions such as what “the federal government ought to be doing”. That is up for the courts and legislators to decide, and only reflects a false conflation when that is evoked in response to real issues and policy debates. Yes we can and should debate on what each level of government ought to be doing, but when we have real problems that need working out it is irrelevant to “address” the problem by simply taking about how the federal government is too big, intruding on the states, etc. And again I don’t give that view, so common today as a kind of manufactured populism, any serious weight; I used to give it weight, but I just no longer see it as anything but a largely useless series of excuses for not wanting to think through issues directly and impartially. But again, that’s just my position on it. I understand many people seriously worry about the size of the federal government. I would worry about it too if it really affected me in any adverse way (it doesn’t) or if I thought that the size of the federal government is such a serious issue and problem that we should effective push aside nearly all other issues and problems in order to debate on this and try to cut down the federal government first (I don’t think that).

The federal level of government is just a tool, and like any tool we should try to use it wisely and as effectively as possible. The fact that a hammer can hit my finger as I’m using it isn’t going to make me demand that we remove all hammers from existence (bad analogy I know, but I’m sure you get my point).

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:16 pm
A few specific things in politics that I would probably support, just laying all the cards on the table: we should abolish the electoral college and have direct vote by majority count for all elections; we should remove gerrymandering of districts and assess districts objectively based on clear criteria meant to maximize political local influence on those voting districts; we should repeal Obamacare and work on instituting some kind of single payer healthcare system and abolish health insurance companies; we should increase funding for arts and sciences, reform education by ending teach to the test and common core and getting rid of vouchers; we should raise taxes slightly on the upper income bracket (5% or less) to reduce deficits and increase funding to cities and states so they don’t have to keep upping property taxes to cover costs; we should repeal corporate personhood and “money as speech” and have serious limits on personal spending requirements in elections, replaced with public financing of elections; selling private student loans should either be illegal or regulated and the inability of students to discharge sudh debts in bankruptcy should be abolished, and debt restructuring and lower interest should be enforced on any existing private loans; government should loan for student aid only at zero interest or very low interest just to cover admin costs and inflation; we should make teaching religion to children illegal (haha just kidding… sort of); civilians buying military weaponry should be illegal; bans on flavored cigarettes and excessively high vice taxes should be removed; increase funding for carbon capture tech and solar and other renewables, including ending bans on people collecting their own solar power on their property; computerized micro-trades on the stock market seem insane and should probably be banned; hm what else?

I don’t know, that’s a decent place to start.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 30, 2016 10:13 am
To phrase my anti-statism and anti-globalism as positively as possible:

We can have all of this, all of this civilization- and more, without any centralization- without the State. That was the whole point behind the grand political experiment began by the forefathers. That is the glorious risk. To risk it all on the chance of having a world- without any masters. A true equality, in a world without masters, without kings, and without imposition of any kind, where law itself is transformed, where law means the will of the people not the will of the government; a world where no man has any more power than any other man. Through the masses, not through the top-down, imposed vision of a bunch of elites, the will of humanity rather than the will of the few can express its emancipatory potential and realize the true values you want; a communal spirit emerging from the bottom up through the dialogue of independent prides, independent nationalistic sovereignties- (this communality is what I mean when I say nationalism- forget that “American pride” bullshit) a spirit emerging not from racial ties and petty bonds, but from the ethos working through the instruments outlined in our constitutional philosophy, from the collective will of local communities bubbling up into larger statehoods and further still into political virtu. The idea of America- and our constitution was only the first brick in the edifice that posterity was meant to continue building but has abandoned, was to continue working out the political tools to allow this process of bubbling up from the bottom to the top to occur. I mourn the fact that this great vision has been lost, and the work began with our founding- aborted.

It is because this vision behind our form of government was so different from any other, that our founders urged us to embrace the ocean separating us from the rest of the world, realize economic independence, and opt out of all international alliances- so that we could develop these tools I am talking about. We were geographically, economically, and culturally- lacking a history, in the unique position to set about the task of constructing this stateless state. This continent could have slowly become the stateless state, the world without masters, that way. Then, after having built this independent world, other regions on the earth could take the tools we had built and use them to make their own master-less kingdoms, and eventually the bubbling up of the human spirit could take place on a planetary scale.

This is why I am so vehemently contemptuous of Europe and liberal secular humanism, of the old axis, of the left; I judge them as having robbed this new world of the great vision, of our destiny at constructing the first masterless kingdom, of fulfilling the emancipation of the human spirit itself, in order to bankrupt us for their own pathetic and petty bid for world power, in order to turn us into a walking brand name, into a Mcdonalds. I despise them and everything they stand for, this globalism.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 30, 2016 11:12 am
I also would welcome this kind of society that you envision. But I have a hard time imagining what it would look like in a practical sense. The requirements of managing economy, law, infrastructure, development and progress seem dauntingly complex and it seems inevitable that people need to organize in some “top down” structures to be able to work and produce at a high level. Work needs to be divided, expertise needs to be divided, and if anything is complex it is reconciling different people and situations to each other practically, namely administering human rights and conflicts. Then there must be guiding visions overarching progress at the societal levels, in other words I can’t see how we could really make society work without “administrators” of some kind. I think the scope of a problem needs to have solutions on par with that scope; if a problem is truly global in nature (such as an epidemic, global warming, asteroid impact, nuclear proliferation, etc.) then such problems seems to mandate global level solutions. I would like to see a benevolent globalism focused on human rights for all people, with rational vision for the future.

“We must, now armed with such a language, realize the “transcendental unity of ideas,” through a new morality that aims, not to hypostasize experience and grasp in positive knowledge a series of particular virtues and vices, but rather to fully explicate this continuity; where philosophy exists to represent this transcendental order, morality most exist to mediate the two spheres, the spheres of experience and ideality.” -Parodites

“Was it necessary for the sense of truth that Nietzsche described as developed by the Judeo-Christian tradition that then manifested itself in the scientific methodology to turn against the symbolic foundation of that structure and demolish it… Jung’s answer was that the conflict between science and religion is a consequence of the immature state of both of those domains of thinking… it’s just that we aren’t good enough at being religious or at being scientific to see how they might be reconciled.” -Jordan Peterson
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 30, 2016 4:09 pm
And I cannot see how a global institution could be given the power to effectively combat climate change without being also given the power to commit great tyranny against the populace. The administrative capacity to effectively combat something like climate change would logically also bestow the capacity for great tyranny. I’ll level with you and say: both my and your politics have great risks and great possible gains. In the new political axis perhaps we need each other’s polar, opposing politics, as the Left once needed the Right, in order to define the new dynamics of this next era in Western civilization.

One other thought, going off what I said in the post that starts “The old political left-right axis is grounded in the values of liberal secular humanism, which arose with the decay of Christianity: perhaps, as the result of its decay.”

I would add:

The alt-right doesn’t even really exist. The left has come up with that term and they are unconsciously naming a group of people (increasing rapidly in size) who have woken up to the reality that the old political axis is becoming nonsensical and disintegrating as the basic asymmetry that marked its defect from the inception, its foundational lack of any true center, has enlarged to the point of pushing the Left so far out that it has no conceptual space left to fill- in other words, the Left is so far left that any opposition to it must be immediately reformulated as far-right, as racist and sexist and all that, (hence sjws and neofeminists) because the Left is unable to reformulate itself, there is no space left conceptually for them to retreat to in order to claim some higher moral ground, which is what they used to do: (this is why Bernie was unable to break the Dems on the left but Trump was able to break the Republicans on the right and relaunch the party) “alt right” is their spooky boogieman term for this disparate, diverse, disconnected group of people who may not have anything in common with one another save for the fact that their ideas simply cannot be categorized or made sense of in the limited terms of the left-right paradigm which the establishment and the majority of people are still operating in.

Also, because the new axis has three instead of two polarizations, I see a stabilization coming in three parties rather than a two party system. Our two party system is Hegelian and dialectical: a thesis and antithesis, two poles, Rep and Dem, battle it out and come to a synthesis through the vote. But this new axis I conceptualize expresses my own anti-dialectic, as two poles (like my anti-statist anti-globalist pro-nationalism and your pro-statist pro-globalist anti-nationalism) reify their polarity and conceptual tension by going through a third pole (anti-globalist anti-statist anti-nationalism) via reproducing the negative core of this tension for itself, reproducing it continually as a new datum in third open slot which negates the terms in the others, like Fixed’s Platonic republic style anti-statist anti-globalist anti-nationalist position, leading to the creation of new concepts, new possibilities of political praxis, rather than synthesizing given terms and giving us a middle road.

So the logical processions:

pole 1/ + anti-statist anti-globalist pro-nationalism (American)

  • Pure negation: anti-statist anti-globalist anti-nationalist (Platonic)
    pole 2/ + pro-statist pro-globalist anti-nationalism (European)
    – Reification: pro-statist anti-globalist pro-nationalism (Russian)

As I mentioned before, the center in this axis is the nationalism, as one cannot both be a nationalist and for the other two poles simultaneously, statism and globalism. The center is self-consistent unlike the center in the old axis, as globalism implies statism, but statism does not imply globalism- hence the Russian project which is based in statism but rejects globalism does not have a polar opposite (signifying its status as the reification) in a possible anti-statist pro-globalist nationalism, as globalism implies statism and statism does not imply globalism.

So the category of pure negation, the reproduction of the negative core of the conceptual tension as its own object, (through the triple negation in Fixed’s style politics, what I call Platonic in this) synthetically insoluble conceptual tension, the category of reification, etc.- all my own concepts for the anti-dialectic come to life to describe the functioning of the new axis.

All four of these politics are needed to define the new dynamics of civilization, so I abate at realizing your politics is necessary as mine is; as the Left once needed the Right.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 30, 2016 7:57 pm
And as matter of definition, statism just means: you think the State should… exist. It takes many forms, from the simple statism most people hold to; that the State exists to organize roads and collect taxes and administer the military, to the extreme statism of communists, Russians, and the Nazis. Obviously you’re not the later; globalism is simply the belief that it is necessary to sacrifice some or all national sovereignty and boundaries in order to form international alliances to combat climate change, poverty, refugee crises, etc. I understand that you’re not endorsing the current globalist regime, in its corruption, though my essential criticism is that the kind of power necessary for globalist institutions to combat these things will inevitably also bestow on them the capacity for tyranny. Nationalism in this new axis as I said is an ethic or cultural nationalism, the basis of the American project, where the masses realize their emancipatory potential by utilizing certain tools to bubble up political virtu from small communities to larger, to states, etc, so that a communal spirit emerges without imposition by foreign agents or the state.

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Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Fri Sep 30, 2016 8:58 pm
Nationalism is indeed the answer to the very problem nationalism created. The EU was built on the rubble left by the square-off between two titanic spirits of war; Napoleon Bonaparte and Otto Von Bismarck. The latter was a response to the former, and the former a response to so very much that is too complex to define, other than French Nationalism surviving the Revolution and the enemy it made out of old Europe.

Nationalism was quenched by the EU, that was its purpose. But since nationalism is simply the spirit of appreciation of ones own people and gratitude for ones language (depth) and place on Earth, to condemn it is to condemn valuing, which is indeed what the EU is, a condemnation of existence itself. I tell you, my friends, that Europe is already flatlining, and that any violence erupting could only bring back valuing. Having my family there, it is strange for me to speak like this - my parents live at a Teutonic mooring place, my family is East Sea Jewish Russian and North Sea Teuton Dutch. I look forward to proving that we havent exactly given up on nationalism up there.

All things are born of war. War is born of the negation of values. All things are self-valuings.

My government of muses is not so much Platonic, i.e. metaphysical, as it is a kind of chtonicism of the soul; I take muses to be women, surely, but also nations, peoples, languages, holy trees for which we so happily kill Christian priests… drives, if you will. But by the name muse, these drives become liberated and beautified.

Next I will go into Russia and the USA.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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    Fixed Cross

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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:53 am
Some more thoughts on Europe

As European forces regroup, which hopefully will be in the form of two unions, a northern and a southern one, the latter including all sorts of Mediterranean nations willing to break free from the Islamic straitjacket, the first being ruled from the Amsterdam “Zuid-As” in an initially evil alliance with all economically ruthless nations. This South-Axis is where at this point the weapons manufacturers that for example produced the notorious BUK missile that shot down the Malaysian Airliner which they are still trying to pin on Russia - the ironies run deep in Europe and convex in Amsterdam, Rotterdam (the largest port of Europe, crucial to all German industries) and Den Haag / The Hague, where the most powerful dimplomatic house of the world resides, the Nassau Family, which during WWII bridged by sheer aristocracy the abyss between German and Briths weapon manufacturers, and arose after the war as the main hand of global trade lubrication. Dirty business executed with the class that queen Beatrix epitomed in the 90’s. Dutch and English peoples are cool headed enough to endure queens; they withstand storms shifts with glee, as they are natural sailors - and of those the Dutch have no morals only sentiment; their ambitions are childish and generous, therefore they can rule in this age. Amsterdam becomes the center of the EU, because it can endure it; even I, who avoids people in general, would know how to contact a dozen organized crime organizations inside a few city blocks. Society and crime is quite understood to be of the same fabric, the penal system is extremely mild, give or take a few radical exceptions being made to push back civil unrest - and the links between politicians and lawyers and lawyers and crime-family heads are both extremely familiar and widely published. We have no morals, truly. So we will survive.

France will go through much similar turmoil as always, I trust fully in the resilience of their tastes, which is all that matters in their case; this is where they are unconquerable, their tongue. It is what they have taken from the ontic; they took the body of Christ and made it of flesh. The french language came to me as a poetic erotic revolt against the virgin cult. All of it is blood, and it will endure many wars and only grow deeper.

Germany is another story. Germany is fucked, unless they become rational rapidly… I think it has been proven now that a female leader is a dangerous thing. Under Merkels leadership, the EU has become an absolute disaster. But the Germans still think that they are the part that works properly. Their leadership is virtual; they rely for everything on Holland. They lack the finesse to do logistics on a global scale.

For Europe, which has Germany, France and Italy at its heart thus will never not produce the worlds most desired goods, it becomes a matter of pure logistics, which gives Dutch and Italian nationalism a boost.

Austria is a nice special case - it produces money presses for the US and EU, it is home to Glock and all sorts of arms industries, it builds American firetrucks - Ive been marveling at this before here - when I was in Austria - Vienna, a city that seems as far from dying as death itself.

" The strong do what they can do and the weak accept what they have to accept. "

  • Thucydides
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Oct 01, 2016 5:30 am
One other thing about anti-statism. The founding fathers explicitly told us not to even form a standing army under the control of the federal government, of the State. They didn’t even want the state to have control of military administration, let alone as much as it has control of now. Instead of a standing army, we were supposed to have “well regulated militias.” That way, it would be basically impossible to go around invading other nations or entangling ourselves in foreign affairs, but we would be just as capable if not more capable of defending ourselves, if we had to, from outside attack. Having control of nukes at the level of private society may be scary, but we would have never made as many nukes as we did in the first place if we had held to this course. A couple heads of some private tech companies that would be in control of things like this aren’t any more likely to press the button than some heads of state as I see it. Maybe they would be even less likely.

And yes,“Nationalism is the solution to the problem nationalism created”, is a good way of saying it.

Your faith that Europe will recover may not be misplaced, but I have my biases. I am still awaiting the stalling of the third stage of the absorption of capital, the tertiary era of late-capitalism, to take place, and initiate a third world conflict as the two other stages did when they failed. Then the myth of ideology will be broken through on a larger scale, and the new political axis and its function that I describe will take precedence over any other theoretics of the 21st century political landscape.

The current globalist regime emerged out of this tertiary stage, at which an international banking system emerges, and when I talk about the myth of ideology, I mean that the current politics, the politics of the dying axis we are now leaving, the politics about culture and race and all that, is just “ideological subversion” without any real political underpinning intended to convince the masses to empower the globalist order, hence the immigration and multicultures, the migrant crisis, hence the opening of the borders, and the rise of Islam- all of which empower the political elites, especially economically.

I only call your philosophic rule “Platonic” in the sense of Plato’s republic, not in terms of it being metaphysical. I recognize all four of the types I’ve described as being necessary now, for a global process, for a grand politics.

A sik þau trûðu

Nisus ait, “Dine hunc ardorem mentibus addunt,
Euryale, an sua cuique deus fit dira cupido?”

Have the gods set this ruling passion in my heart,
or does each man’s furious passion become his god?

  • Virgil.

It is not opium which makes me work but its absence, and in order for me to feel its absence it must
from time to time be present.-- Antonin Artaud
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PostSubject: Re: The Analytic Impossibility of Globalism Until Value Ontology Is Implemented as All-Law Sat Oct 01, 2016 11:51 am
I don’t think about race, don’t give a shit about someone’s race, it has no relevance to my politics whatsoever. But as a philosopher- I cannot help but wonder why there is an obvious difference in the cultures surrounding the races, why there is a difference in apparent IQ, why even the different races exist at all. And this is my own theory that’s probably completely wrong, it’s truthfulness is irrelevant to me, I wouldn’t care either way if it turned out wrong or right. I just have to abstract things and understand why. This is the “why” I have arrived at about race through researching and thinking about it for some time:

The original humans were black Africans. That much is pretty certain. But at some point a small group of these original homo sapiens left Africa, and migrated north, where they encountered a completely different species of upright walking intelligent monkey-creatures: the Neanderthals. The Neanderthal was of course not merely a different race of human- it was a completely separate species; it had a different brain and bone structure, looked physically different, had different behavioral patterns, had a different form of society and culture. When most people think of “caveman” they recall an image of something like the Neanderthal- very strong, just stupid. But that’s only half true. Neanderthals were indeed very strong, their bones were several times denser than our own- but they were’t stupid. In fact, they were smarter than humans. They had much larger brains, even after accounting for differences in their larger body mass. You see, the original humans had a highly evolved linguistic capacity the Neanderthal lacked, a capacity which also contributed to the Africans’ very gregarious society, high birth rate, etc. Humans don’t need to be geniuses down to the last man- one genius can write a book, a million others can read it, then gain the same knowledge: and there’s always a million others waiting to disseminate the knowledge rapidly, because we fuck a lot, unlike the Neanderthal. The Neanderthal was xenophobic, highly tribal, lacked a religious instinct, (no evidence has been found of their worship) and did not possess a linguistic faculty as evolved as our own. So they compensated for this deficient by quite simply being all geniuses. Every neanderthal individual had to be able to rediscover everything all on its own, hence their larger brain. Every Neanderthal had to carry the race. But when the African migrants crossed far enough North and encountered them, they did what humans are often wont to do, and fucked them. They created a hybrid species that inherited the linguistic gift from the original human Africans as well as the higher IQ of the neanderthal: as well as its white skin, which, adapted to the Northern climate, absorbed the rays from the sun, and also its xenophobia and tribalism, its more warlike, conquering nature, all of which manifests today in psychiatric ailments like autism, psychosis and psychopathy, schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder, etc. (people with those illnesses often have high concentrations of N. dna.) Black Africans, through genetic testing, are shown to have 0 percent Neanderthal DNA. “White people” have anywhere from 10-12 percent. And then a small faction from this new race of human, the crackers, moved even further north and experienced a secondary inter-species breeding episode with other Neanderthals, giving us the Asian races, which have as much as 15 percent Neanderthal DNA. This is why the average IQ of an Asian is only 2-5 points higher than a white, but a white’s IQ is on average a whopping 15-20 points above a black guy. We have much more N. dna in relation to the African than the Asian has in relation to us. And then those Asians eventually found their way to North America, crossed the Bering Strait, experienced a third and final breeding episode with Neanderthal when they were probably on their way out as an evolutionary dead end, giving us the Native Americans, who have as much as 20 percent N. dna. (They were ferociously tribal, at war with one another for century upon century, developing the most diverse language group, innumerable isolated religions, ritual systems, etc.)

I just took a couple findings from completely mainstream science sources and put them together: a study that shown segments of N. dna might be related to autism and bipolar disorder, anthropological findings that Neanderthals had larger brains but less connected societies and didn’t have any evidence of religious activity, the fact that Africans have zero percent N. dna and the other races have varying concentrations of it, evidence of human migration events, etc.

Now a black guy can still have a high IQ, a white guy can not be a psychotic mentally deranged school-shooting freak, an asian can still have a low iq, a native american can still integrate into a western society- but this is the reason that, on average, there is a glaring difference in the average IQ of the races as well as the cultures based around them.

The human “races” are actually differing concentrations of Neanderthal DNA spliced into the original human genome. Genetic testing has confirmed that Africans have 0 percent, whites 10-12, Asians 15, and N. Americans 20.

Like I said this has no effect on my politics. This is just a completely inconsequential, abstract conclusion I arrived at for myself to settle the reason for genetic differences in the races. I’d welcome being shown wrong on this, it doesn’t matter to me.

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