Is Europe dying? G20 ANTIFA

I’m not part of any group, and civic nationalism isn’t a new idea anyway, it’s the idea that the United States was founded on. All men created equal, all under the same law. Not that hard of a concept really.

If you want to found your society instead on tribal racialism then you’re moving away from equality of law, because ethnicity supersedes law. It had to for ethnic nationalism to work, which is why everywhere else in the world that has governments and societies based primarily on ethnic groupings is going to be a failed state.

Ethnic identity is important, and it is important not to invite the whole third world into your first world country. If we were to invite the whole of the intelligent, educated, sane third world into the west that wouldn’t be problematic in the least, so that tells you something about how the real priorities are. The issues with mass immigration are more about medievalism, poverty and stupidity of the people coming here, and not about their “ethnicity”.

And it’s also about religion, because to take the case of the Muslim third world coming into the west, Islam isn’t an “ethnicity” but is an ideology. Taking in a bunch of poor medieval Christian Africans would also be a bad idea, they might not declare jihad and suicide bomb us but they will certainly burn ‘witches’ and engage in slavery and rape and other barbaric practices of medieval societies that take 2000 year old religious texts literally.

Literalism is the real problem. And because Islam never has a Reformation, and also because the globalists have deliberately radicalized and destroyed the Middle East, Islam is far more entrenched in barbaric medievalism than is Christianity, although as I said there still exist barbaric medieval Christians too, just that they represent a smaller percentage of overall Christianity than the radical literalists in Islam represent of overall Islam. Imam Tawhidi claims that most Muslims in the world are medieval literalists.

Then on top of that (there are multiple layers here, which is why simplistic linear and lazy thinkers won’t understand any of this and will instead default to the ideological stupidity of things like “ethnic nationalism” aka Nazism) you have the fact that the west is culturally rooted in Christianity. So if you import enough non-Christians then you’re fucking with that cultural foundation. But educated and more secular Muslims and Christians have far more in common with each other and can get along in the west just fine, it’s just that as I said in Islam those people represent a very small percentage of overall Muslims in the world.

The issue is multifaceted. Not exactly something that your “nice guy national socialism” is capable of grasping.


Or to use the words of the globalist in self-denial:

Or this lovely flailing -

Ethnic identity is important, except it is not, it’s about IQ, I mean it’s not IQ, it’s muh shared values…and so on…

What’s really going on here is that Void is justifying the hoodwinked clan’s idiosyncrasies.
Homosexuality → good
Mixing races → good
Value the narcissist → good
Accept my vyleness → good
‘Secular’ Islam babes → good

Have to say that this reminds me of middle-aged catladies cheering for Muslim immigration to get laid and paid for by the state for adopting a Middle-Eastern boytoy.

As I said, the situation is multifaceted and far too complex for simple ideological thinkers (e.g. ethnic nationalists aka Nazis) to grasp.

When you attempt to see the world through such a small mental lens, as you clearly possess, things simply appear as “opposites”, such as you elaborate as your perspective above. A black and white ideology able to reduce all differences into binary categories so that your feeble mind is able to actually form some (pathetically small and warped) relationship amongst the various aspects, is the only idea you are capable of having.

Thanks for voluntarily presenting yourself as a case study in pathological stupidity. How nice that I didn’t even have to ask.

If you’re a great representation of the alternative right versus the traditional old right I don’t see why the liberals are bitching, you’re practically controlled opposition for them.

My child is called Nebuchadnezzar.

Yes, Europe is dead.

Quite telling how you can’t counter a single one of my points on this subject, and neither can your Nazi friends. And also quite funny you think I’m “alt right”.


How embarrassing that you Nazis share your ideological core with radical Muslims.

"TEL AVIV — Palestinian social media users, along with some in the larger Arab world, praised the brutal Palestinian terrorist attack in which three members of an Israeli family were murdered on Friday night during a Sabbath meal in the town of Halamish west of Ramallah.
Palestinian journalist Yasser Zaatreh wrote, “Yesterday was one of Palestine’s biggest days, starting with a day of rage that boasted the blood of three martyrs and ended with a heroic act that hurt the invaders. This is the land that Allah blessed.” " … sh-family/


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

Sounds better than Mohammed anyways.

Zionist conservative uber alles, got it. :wink:

What do you think of this video, Void? For whatever reason, Fixed chose not to comment.

I fail to see the point. There was a worldwide population of 10 million Jewish people at the beginning of the 20th century, many of them in Russia and Eastern Europe. The history of persecutions, expulsions and pogroms against them is well known. It’s part of the reason some Jewish people joined the new anti-imperial Bolshevik movement, although many others also resisted doing so.

You fail to see the point? How is that not damning evidence for the religion of six million?

“Religion of 6 million”? Sorry I don’t speak Nazi, you’ll have to elaborate.

You seem not to understand how news works. Population figures are quoted all the time, and its common for one news source to use figures presented by another. If the AP wire comes out with a story that mentions a number like that, then it will end up being duplicated across many other news. It’s not complicated.

Are you saying the number of 6 million was inaccurate? Where’s your evidence of that, if so?

How about the indoctrination of all western children into thinking Nazi’s are LITERALLY evil, and if you even dare to so much as question the holy narrative presented to you, you are immediately branded a monstrous anti-Semite … How do you justify the shaming of children for inquiring after the truth?

Did you even watch the video? You don’t find that all a bit too coincidental? “Population figures are quoted all the time”… for a purpose it seems…

If the number is so accurate, then why do holocaust denial laws exist?

Yes, it is inaccurate. I personally watched the number grow from 2 million to 4 million a couple of years later, to 6 million a couple of years still later. And that was 25 years after the war. So unless you believe that they magically found another 4 million bodies 25 years later, the number “6 million” is a lie.

But there has been a reason for that lie. The number “6 million” shows up as a required number in ancient scripture, qualifying the “holocaust”, without which returning to their ancient land was not yet permitted. And I’m sure that it is no coincidence that the raise in number occurred immediately after the UN declaration that for each non-combatant killed in a war, the violating country was to pay the violated country $97,000. Germany is still paying on that retro-active declared 582 Billion dollar debt to Israel (even though Israel didn’t even exist at the time).

And that has been far from the greatest lie still being promoted on the subject. You live in the Land of Lies.

I do not justify shaming children for inquiring after the truth. Nor do I justify shaming the German people, as they are shamed today, because of what happened in WWII.

But neither do I pretend that Nazi Germany was some kind of great and wonderful thing. This is the main problem with people who get drawn into this conspiracy stuff, they are polarized, black and white thinkers without the ability to see a middle ground. Either the Nazis were Pure Evil Itself, or… no wait, if that is a little overblown then it must be the case that the Nazi’s were… good! Lol, well, sorry but life doesn’t work that way. Nazi Germany was a shitty, tyrannical ethnic nationalism that brutally ignored the needs of its own people (how else do you think they got that military machine built so quickly, on a struggling economy?), engaged in absolute censorship and propaganda with no recognition of even basic human rights, murdered millions in death camps (whether the number is more like 2-3 million or 6 million is irrelevant, and anyway they murdered more people than just Jews), and started a land war with the aim of taking over Europe.

Yeah. But let’s ignore all that because western society wants to make sure we never forget what happened there. Or because Germans are still shamed today for supposed generational guilt (which I already said I do not agree with). Or because western society doesn’t want to talk about atrocities and deaths in the USSR (which were far higher than in Nazi Germany) because of how the USSR still sort of represents the idea of a model communism for modern leftists.

Holocaust laws are not the only laws against free speech in some places in Europe. Anti-free speech laws in places like Germany or the UK cover anything “racist” or “bigoted” (as defined by the current status quo politically correct line) and are used to prosecute people who say anything “mean” about either Judaism or Islam (no one really cares if you say mean things about Christians). I agree that laws against Holocaust denial are stupid, but I agree that laws against free speech are stupid in general (the EU does not have freedom of speech, such as the United States has… one reason Europe is in such deep trouble right now with the immigration issue).

The irony is that laws against freedom of speech actually make things like Holocaust denial stronger over time, because they suppress the impulse to believe in that direction and prevent that impulse from being more properly released in discourse, challenged and openly refuted. Silencing speech only makes the silenced speech stronger. But that is something leftists of all stripes do not understand.

I’ll take note that you presented no evidence that the “6 million” number is inaccurate. And again, I do not really care if the number is 2 million or 6 million, either way it is quite bad. It would not surprise me if official numbers were manipulated later on for political purposes, because that happens all the time. But even if that did occur, the Holocaust did happen and Holocaust denial is stupid.

A bit of a broader perspective here (I admit I’m not studied on these points regarding the specific number, so I gathered what appear to be a few legit sources, feel free to dispute them or offer other sources that you consider legit),

"1. What proof exists that the Nazis practiced genocide or deliberately killed six million Jews?

The IHR says (original, Samisdat, and revised versions combined):

None. The only evidence is the postwar testimony of individual “survivors.” This testimony is contradictory, and no “survivor” claims to have actually witnessed any gassing. There are no contemporaneous documents and no hard evidence whatsoever: no mounds of ashes, no crematoria capable of disposing of millions of corpses, no piles of clothes, no human soap, no lamp shades made of human skin, no records, no credible demographic statistics.

Nizkor replies:

Lie piled upon lie, with not a shred of proof.

This is as good a place as any to present some detailed evidence which is consistently ignored, as a sort of primer on Holocaust denial. It will make this reply much longer than the other sixty-five, but perhaps the reader will understand the necessity for this.

Let’s look at their claims one at a time:

Supposedly the only evidence, “the postwar testimony of individual survivors.”
First of all, consider the implicit conspiracy theory. Notice how the testimony of every single inmate of every Nazi camp is automatically dismissed as unconvincing. This total dismissal of inmates’ testimony, along with the equally-total dismissal of the Nazis’ own testimony (!), is the largest unspoken assumption of Holocaust-denial.

This assumption, which is not often spelled out, is that the attempted Jewish genocide never took place, but rather that a secret conspiracy of Jews, starting around 1941, planted and forged myriad documents to prove that it did; then, after the war, they rounded up all the camp survivors and told them what to say.

The conspirators also supposedly managed to torture hundreds of key Nazis into confessing to crimes which they never committed, or into framing their fellow Nazis for those crimes, and to plant hundreds of documents in Nazi files which were never discovered until after the war, and only then, in many cases, by sheer luck. Goebbels’ diary, for example, was barely rescued from being sold as 7,000 pages of scrap paper, but buried in the scattered manuscript were several telling entries (as translated in Lochner, The Goebbels Diaries, 1948, pp. 86, 147-148):

February 14, 1942: The Führer once again expressed his determination to clean up the Jews in Europe pitilessly. There must be no squeamish sentimentalism about it. The Jews have deserved the catastrophe that has now overtaken them. Their destruction will go hand in hand with the destruction of our enemies. We must hasten this process with cold ruthlessness.

March 27, 1942: The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only 40 per cent can be used for forced labor.

Michael Shermer has pointed out that the Nazis’ own estimate of the number of European Jews was eleven million, and sixty percent of eleven million is 6.6 million. This is fairly close to the actual figure. (Actually, forty percent was a serious overestimate of the survival rate of Jews who were captured, but there were many Jews who escaped.)

In any case, most of the diary is quite mundane, and interesting only to historians. Did the supposed Jewish conspiracy forge seven thousand pages to insert just a few lines? How did they manage to know Goebbels’ affairs intimately enough to avoid contradictions, e.g. putting him or his associates in the wrong city at the wrong date?

As even the revisionist David Cole has admitted, revisionists have yet to provide a satisfactory explanation of this document.

Regarding postwar testimony from Nazis, were they all tortured into confessing to heinous crimes which they supposedly did not commit? This might be believable if only a few Nazis were captured after the war, or maybe if some had courageously stood up in court and shouted to the world about the supposed attempt to silence them. But hundreds testified regarding the Holocaust, in trials dating from late 1945 until the 1960s. (For example, see Böck, Hofmann, Hössler, Klein, Münch, and Stark.)

Many of these Nazis testified as witnesses and were not accused of crimes. What was the basis for their supposed coercion?

Many of these trials were in German courts. Did the Germans torture their own countrymen? Well, Holocaust-deniers sometimes claim that the Jews have secretly infiltrated the German government and control everything about it. They prefer not to talk too much about this theory, however, because it is clearly on the lunatic fringe.

The main point is that not one of these supposed torture victims – in fifty years, not one – has come forth to support the claim that testimony was coerced.

On the contrary, confirmation and reconfirmation of their testimony has continued across the years. What coercion could have convinced Judge Konrad Morgen to testify to the crimes he witnessed at the International Nuremberg Trial in 1946, where he was not accused of any crime? And to later testify at the Auschwitz trial at Frankfurt, Germany, in 1963-65? What coercion was applied to SS Doctor Johann Kremer to make him testify in his own defense in 1947, and then, after having been convicted in both Poland and Germany, emerge after his release to testify again as a witness at the Frankfurt trial? What coercion was applied to Böck, Gerhard Hess, Hölblinger, Storch, and Wiebeck, all former SS men, all witnesses at Frankfurt, none accused of any crime there?

Holocaust-deniers point to small discrepancies in testimonies to try to discredit them. The assumption, unstated, is that the reader will accept minor discrepancies as evidence of a vast, over-reaching Jewish conspiracy. This is clearly ludicrous.

In fact, the discrepancies and minor errors in detail argue against, not for, the conspiracy theory. Why would the conspirators have given different information to different Nazis? In fact, if all the testimonies, from the Nazis’ to the inmates’, sounded too similar, it is certain that the Holocaust-deniers would cite that as evidence of a conspiracy.

What supposed coercion could reach across four decades, to force former SS-Untersturmführer Dr. Hans Münch to give an interview, against the will of his family, on Swedish television? In the 1981 interview, he talked about Auschwitz:

Interviewer: Isn’t the ideology of extermination contrary to a doctor’s ethical values?

Münch: Yes, absolutely. There is no discussion. But I lived in that environment, and I tried in every possible way to avoid accepting it, but I had to live with it. What else could I have done? And I wasn’t confronted with it directly until the order came that I and my superior and another one had to take part in the exterminations since the camp’s doctors were overloaded and couldn’t cope with it.

Interviewer: I must ask something. Doubters claim that “special treatment” could mean anything. It didn’t have to be extermination.

Münch: “Special treatment” in the terminology of the concentration camp means physical extermination. If it was a question of more than a few people, where nothing else than gassing them was worthwhile, they were gassed.

Interviewer: “Special treatment” was gassing?

Münch: Yes, absolutely.

And what supposed coercion could reach across four decades, to force former SS-Unterscharführer Franz Suchomel into giving an interview for the film Shoah? Speaking under (false) promises of anonymity, he told of the crimes committed at the Treblinka death camp (from the book Shoah, Claude Lanzmann, 1985, p. 54):

Interviewer: You are a very important eyewitness, and you can explain what Treblinka was.

Suchomel: But don’t use my name.

Interviewer: No, I promised. All right, you’ve arrived at Treblinka.

Suchomel: So Stadie, the sarge, showed us the camps from end to end. Just as we went by, they were opening the gas-chamber doors, and people fell out like potatoes. Naturally, that horrified and appalled us. We went back and sat down on our suitcases and cried like old women.

Each day one hundred Jews were chosen to drag the corpses to the mass graves. In the evening the Ukrainians drove those Jews into the gas chambers or shot them. Every day!

Ask the deniers why they shrug off the testimony of Franz Suchomel. Greg Raven will tell you that “it is not evidence…bring me some evidence, please.” Others will tell you that Suchomel and Münch were crazy, or hallucinating, or fantasizing.

But the fantasy is obviously in the minds of those who choose to ignore the mass of evidence and believe instead in a hypothetical conspiracy, supported by nothing but their imaginations.

That total lack of evidence is why the “conspiracy assumption” almost always remains an unspoken assumption. To our knowledge, there has not been one single solitary “revisionist” paper, article, speech, pamphlet, book, audiotape, videotape, or newsletter which provides any details about this supposed Jewish/Zionist conspiracy which did all the dirty work. Not one.

At best, the denial literature makes veiled references to the World Jewish Congress perpetuating a “hoax” (in Butz, 1976) – no details are provided. Yet the entire case of Holocaust-denial rests on this supposed conspiracy.

As for the testimony of the survivors, which the “revisionists” claim is the only evidence, there are indeed numerous testimonies to gassings and other forms of atrocities, from Jewish inmates who survived the camps, and also from other inmates like POWs. Many of the prisoners that testified about the gassing are not Jewish, of course. Look for instance at the testimony of Polish officer Zenon Rozansky about the first homicidal gassing in Auschwitz, in which 850 Russian POWs were gassed to death, in Reitlinger, The Final Solution, p. 154:

Those who were propped against the door leant with a curious stiffness and then fell right at our feet, striking their faces hard against the concrete floor. Corpses! Corpses standing bolt upright and filling the entire corridor of the bunker, till they were packed so tight that it was impossible for more to fall.

Which of the “revisionists” will deny this? Which of them was there? Which of them has the authority to tell Rozansky what he did or did not see?

The statement that “no ‘survivor’ claims to have actually witnessed any gassing” is clearly false; this was changed to “few survivors” in later versions, which is close to the truth.

But we do not need to rely solely on testimony, from the survivors, Nazis, or otherwise. Many wartime documents, not postwar descriptions, specifically regarding gassings and other atrocities, were seized by the U.S. armed forces. Most are in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.; some are in Germany.

Regarding the gassing vans, precursors to the gas chambers, we find, for example, a top secret document from SS Untersturmführer Becker to SS Obersturmbannführer Rauff (from Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, 1946, Vol. I, pp. 999-1001):

If it has rained for instance for only one half hour, the van cannot be used because it simply skids away. It can only be used in absolutely dry weather. It is only a question now whether the van can only be used standing at the place of execution. First the van has to be brought to that place, which is possible only in good weather. …

The application of gas usually is not undertaken correctly. In order to come to an end as fast as possible, the driver presses the accelerator to the fullest extent. By doing that the persons to be executed suffer death from suffocation and not death by dozing off as was planned. My directions now have proved that by correct adjustment of the levers death comes faster and the prisoners fall asleep peacefully.

And Just wrote of the gas vans to Rauff, on June 5, 1942, in a letter marked both “top secret” and “only copy”. This is a horrific masterpiece of Nazi double-talk, referring to killing as “processing” and the victims as “subjects” and “the load.” (See Kogon, Nazi Mass Murder, 1993, pp. 228-235.)

Since December 1941, for example, 97,000 were processed using three vans, without any faults occurring in the vehicles. …

The normal capacity of the vans is nine to ten per square meter. The capacity of the larger special Saurer vans is not so great. The problem is not one of overloading but of off-road maneuverability on all terrains, which is severely diminished in this van. It would appear that a reduction in the cargo area is necessary. This can be achieved by shortening the compartment by about one meter. The problem cannot be solved by merely reducing the number of subject treated, as has been done so far. For in this case a longer running time is required, as the empty space also needs to be filled with CO [the poison exhaust gas]. …

Greater protection is needed for the lighting system. The grille should cover the lamps high enough up to make it impossible to break the bulbs. It seems that these lamps are hardly ever turned on, so the users have suggested that they could be done away with. Experience shows, however, that when the back door is closed and it gets dark inside, the load pushes hard against the door. The reason for this is that when it becomes dark inside, the load rushes toward what little light remains. This hampers the locking of the door. It has also been noticed that the noise provoked by the locking of the door is linked to the fear aroused by the darkness.

Slip-ups occurred in written correspondence regarding the gas chambers themselves, some of which, fortunately, escaped destruction and were found after the war. A memo written to SS man Karl Bischoff on November 27, 1942 describes the gas chamber in Krema II not with the usual mundane name of “Leichenkeller,” but rather as the “Sonderkeller” “special cellar.”

And two months later, on January 29, 1943, Bischoff wrote a memo to Kammler, referring to that same chamber as the “Vergasungskeller.” (See Gutman, Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, 1994, pp. 223, 227.) “Vergasungskeller” means exactly what it sounds like: “gassing cellar,” an underground gas chamber.

Holocaust-deniers turn to Arthur Butz, who provides a specious explanation for the Vergasungskeller: “Vergasung,” he says, cannot refer to killing people with gas, but only to the process of converting a solid or liquid into gas. Therefore, he says the “Vergasungskeller,” must have been a special room where the fuel for the Auschwitz ovens was converted into gas – a “gasification cellar.”

There are three problems with this explanation. First, “Vergasung” certainly can refer to killing people with gas; Butz does not speak German and he should not try to lecture about the language. Second, there is no room that could possibly serve this function which Butz describes – years after writing his book, he admitted this, and helplessly suggested that there might be another building somewhere in the camp that might house a gasification cellar. Third, the type of oven used at Auschwitz did not require any gasification process! The ovens burned solid fuel. (See Gutman, op. cit., pp. 184-193.)

So what does the term “gassing cellar” refer to? Holocaust-deniers have yet to offer any believable explanation.

An inventory, again captured after the war, revealed fourteen showerheads and one gas-tight door listed for the gas chamber in Krema III. Holocaust-deniers claim that room was a morgue; they do not offer to explain what use a morgue has for showerheads and a gas-tight door. (See a photograph of the document, or Pressac, Auschwitz: Technique and Operation, 1989, pp. 231, 438.)

A memo from the Auschwitz construction office, dated March 31, 1943, says (Hilberg, Documents of Destruction, 1971, pp. 207-208):

We take this occasion to refer to another order of March 6, 1943, for the delivery of a gas door 100/192 for Leichenkeller 1 of Krema III, Bw 30a, which is to be built in the manner and according to the same measure as the cellar door of the opposite Krema II, with peep hole of double 8 millimeter glass encased in rubber. This order is to be viewed as especially urgent…

Why would morgues have urgently needed peepholes made out of a double layer of third-of-an-inch-thick glass?

The question of whether it can be proved that the cyanide gas was used in the Auschwitz gas chambers has intruiged the deniers. Their much-heralded Leuchter Report, for example, expends a great deal of effort on the question of whether traces of cyanide residue remain there today. But we do not need to look for chemical traces to confirm cyanide use (Gutman, op. cit., p. 229):

Letters and telegrams exchanged on February 11 and 12 [1943] between the Zentralbauleitung and Topf mention a wooden blower for Leichenkeller 1. This reference confirms the use of the morgue as a gas chamber: Bischoff and Prüfer thought that the extraction of air mixed with concentrated prussic acid [cyanide] (20 g per cu m) required a noncorroding ventilator.

Bischoff and Prüfer turned out to be wrong, and a metal fan ended up working acceptably well. But the fact that they thought it necessary demonstrates that cyanide was to be routinely used in the rooms which deniers call morgues. (Cyanide is useless for disinfecting morgues, as it does not kill bacteria.)

Other captured documents, even if they don’t refer directly to some part of the extermination process, refer to it by implication. A captured memo to SS-Brigadeführer Kammler reveals that the expected incineration capacity of the Auschwitz ovens was a combined total of 4,756 corpses per day (see a photograph of the document or Kogon, op. cit., p. 157).

Deniers often claim that this total could not be achieved in practice (see question 45). That’s not the point. These crematoria were carefully designed, in 1942, to have sufficient capacity to dispose of 140,000 corpses per month – in a camp that housed only 125,000. We can conclude that massive deaths were predicted, indeed planned-for, as early as mid-1942. A camp designed to incinerate its full capacity of inmates every four weeks is not merely a detention center.

Finally, apart from the abundant testimonies, confessions, and physical evidence of the extermination process, there is certainly no want of evidence of the Nazis’ intentions and plans.

Here are just a few examples. Hans Frank’s diary (from Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, 1946, Vol. I, pp. 992, 994):

But what should be done with the Jews? Do you think they will be settled down in the ‘Ostland’ [eastern territories], in [resettlement] villages? This is what we were told in Berlin: Why all this bother? We can do nothing with them either in the ‘Ostland’ nor in the ‘Reichkommissariat.’ So liquidate them yourself.

Gentlemen, I must ask you to rid yourself of all feeling of pity. We must annihilate the Jews, wherever we find them and wherever it is possible, in order to maintain the structure of the Reich as a whole. …

We cannot shoot or poison these 3,500,000 Jews, but we shall nevertheless be able to take measures, which will lead, somehow, to their annihilation…

That we sentence 1,200,000 Jews to die of hunger should be noted only marginally.

Himmler’s speech at Posen on October 4, 1943 was captured on audiotape (Trial of the Major War Criminals, 1948, Vol. XXIX, p. 145, trans. by current author):

I refer now to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. This is one of those things that is easily said: “the Jewish people are being exterminated,” says every Party member, “quite true, it’s part of our plans, the elimination of the Jews, extermination, we’re doing it.”

The extermination effort was even mentioned in at least one official Nazi court verdict. In May 1943, a Munich court wrote in its decision against SS-Untersturmführer Max Taubner that:

The accused shall not be punished because of the actions against the Jews as such. The Jews have to be exterminated and none of the Jews that were killed is any great loss. Although the accused should have recognized that the extermination of the Jews was the duty of Kommandos which were set up especially for this purpose, he should be excused for considering himself to have the authority to take part in the extermination of Jewry himself.

And Hitler spoke quite clearly in public on no fewer than three occasions. On January 30, 1939, seven months before Germany invaded Poland, he spoke publicly to the Reichstag (transcribed from Skeptic magazine, Vol. 2, No. 4, p. 50):

Today I want to be a prophet once more: if international finance Jewry inside and outside of Europe should succeed once more in plunging nations into another world war, the consequence will not be the Bolshevation of the earth and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe.

By the way, this last phrase is, in German, “die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa,” which German-speakers will realize is quite unambiguous.

In September, 1942:

…if Jewry should plot another world war in order to exterminate the Aryan peoples in Europe, it would not be the Aryan people which would be exterminated but Jewry…

On November 8, 1942:

You will recall the session of the Reichstag during which I declared: if Jewry should imagine that it could bring about an international world war to exterminate the European races, the result will not be the extermination of the European races, but the extermination of Jewry in Europe. People always laughed about me as a prophet. Of those who laughed then, countless numbers no longer laugh today, and those who still laugh now will perhaps no longer laugh a short time from now.

There are many other examples of documents and testimonies that could be presented.

Keep in mind that the IHR’s answer to “what proof exists?” is “none.” It has certainly been demonstrated already that this pat answer is totally dishonest. And this is the main point we wish to communicate: that Holocaust-denial is dishonest.

We continue by analyzing the remaining, more-specific, claims about what evidence supposedly does not exist.

“No mounds of ashes” is an internal contradiction. In an article in the journal published by the same IHR that publishes these Q&A, the Journal’s editor reported that a Polish commission in 1946 found human ash at the Treblinka death camp to a depth of over twenty feet. This article is available on The IHR’s web site.
(Apparently some survivors claimed that the corpses were always thoroughly cremated. Because uncremated human remains were mixed with the ash, the editor suggested that the testimonies were false. Amazingly, he had no comment on how a twenty-foot layer of human ashes came to be there in the first place. Perhaps he felt that to be unworthy of mention.)

There are also piles of ashes at Maidanek. At Auschwitz-Birkenau, ashes from cremated corpses were dumped into the rivers and swamps surrounding the camp, and used as fertilizer for nearby farmers’ fields.

“No crematoria” capable of disposing of millions of corpses? Absolutely false, the crematoria were more than capable of the job, according to both the Nazis’ own internal memos and the testimony of survivors. Holocaust-deniers deliberately confuse civilian, funeral-home crematoria with the huge industrial ovens of the death camps. This is discussed in much detail in the replies to questions 42 and 45.
“No piles of clothes”? Apparently, the IHR considers piles of clothes to be “hard evidence”! This is strange, because they do not deny the other sorts of piles found at Nazi camps: piles of eyeglasses, piles of shoes (at Auschwitz, Belzec, and Maidanek), piles of gold teeth, piles of burned corpses, piles of unburned corpses, piles of artificial limbs (see Swiebocka, Auschwitz: A History in Photographs, 1993, p. 210), piles of human hair (ibid, p. 211), piles of ransacked luggage (ibid, p. 213), piles of shaving-brushes (ibid, p. 215), piles of combs (ibid), piles of pots and pans (ibid), and yes, even the piles of clothes (ibid, p. 214) that the IHR claims do not exist.
Perhaps the authors of the 66 Q&A realized that it was dangerous for them to admit that these piles were hard evidence, because then they would also be forced to admit a number of other things as “hard evidence.” Perhaps this is why they removed this phrase from the revised 66 Q&A.

If items were not generally found in mass quantities, it is only because the Nazis distributed them to the German population. A memo on this was captured, revealing that they even redistributed women’s underwear.

“No human soap”? This is true, but misleading. Though there is some evidence that soap was made from corpses on a very limited experimental scale, the rumored “mass production” was never done, and no soap made from human corpses is known to exist. However, there is sworn testimony, never refuted, from British POWs and a German army official, stating that soap experiments were performed, and the recipe for the soap was captured by the Allies. To state flatly that the Nazis did not make soap from human beings is incorrect.
“No lamp shades made of human skin?” False – lampshades and other human-skin “ornaments” were introduced as evidence in both trials of Ilse Koch, and were shown to a U.S. Senate investigation committee in the late 40s. We know they were made of human skin because they bore tattoos, and because a microscopic forensic analysis of the items was performed. (A detailed page on this is being prepared.)
“No records”? This is nonsense (which may explain why this claim was removed from the “revised” versions of the 66 Q&A). True, extermination by gassing was always referred to with code-words, and those victims who arrived at death camps only to be immediately gassed were not recorded in any books. But there are slip-ups in the code-word usage that reveal the true meanings, as already described. There are inventories and requisitions for the Krema which reveal items anomalous with ordinary use but perfect for mass homicidal gassing. There are deportation train records which, pieced together, speak clearly. And so on. Several examples have been given above.
“No credible demographic statistics”? This is the second internal contradiction – see question 2 and question 15. The Anglo-American committee who studied the issue estimated the number of Jewish victims at 5.7 million. This was based on population statistics. Here is the exact breakdown, country by country:
Germany 195,000
Austria 53,000
Czechoslovakia 255,000
Denmark 1,500
France 140,000
Belgium 57,000
Luxemburg 3,000
Norway 1,000
Holland 120,000
Italy 20,000
Yugoslavia 64,000
Greece 64,000
Bulgaria 5,000
Rumania 530,000
Hungary 200,000
Poland 3,271,000
USSR 1,050,000
Less dispersed refugees (308,000)
Total number of Jews killed 5,721,500
(This estimate was arrived at using population statistics, and not by adding the number of casualties at each camp. These are also available – for instance, a separate file with the ruling of a German court regarding the number of victims in Treblinka is available. The SS kept rather accurate records, and many of the documents survived, reinforced by eyewitness accounts).

Some estimates are lower, some are higher, but this is the magnitude in question. In an article in CMU’s student newspaper, the head of CMU’s History Department, Peter Stearns, is quoted as saying that newly discovered documents – especially in the former USSR – indicate that the number of victims is higher than six million. Other historians claim not much over five million. The Encyclopedia of the Holocaust uses 5,596,000 as a minimum and 5,860,000 as a maximum (Gutman, 1990, p. 1799).

In summary:
“Revisionists” often claim, correctly, that the burden of proof is on historians. The proof, of course, has been a matter of public record since late 1945, and is available in libraries around the world. The burden has been met, many, many times over. You’ve just seen a brief presentation of some of the highlights of that immense body of proof; much more is readily available.

To even argue that the Holocaust never happened is ludicrous. To claim straight-faced that none of this proof even exists is beyond ludicrous, and it is a clear example of “revisionist” dishonesty."
(The links didn’t transfer here, but go there and you will find many links citing the claims made here)

"This is difficult to assert. I know quite a lot about Judaism as a result of my interest in jewish history (particularly the theories about anti-Semitism), but the ‘6,000,000’ does not come directly from the Talmud (which one? Babylonian: I presume?). You see the ‘6,000,000’ number has two potentially sources as I understand it: population statistics or the rabbinical concept of the Guzma (‘exaggeration’). Both arguments are largely conjectural unfortunately since as far as I know there has been no clear evidence as from whence the early ‘6,000,000’ claims (they date as early as 1881/1882, possibly earlier, if memory serves) took their number. It is one of those underresearched, but vital, areas that one occasionally finds in any branch of scholarly inquiry.

Now the population argument is that it was asserted (I’ve never found an exact source for this) that there were roughly 6,000,000 jews living in the Russian Empire in the 1880s (or possibly just the Pale of Settlement). It needs to be remembered that this has been tabulated using religious criteria so when a jew converts to Christianity, be it Catholic or one of the Orthodoxies, then he or she is no longer reckoned to be a jew. I am not sure about jewish atheists, but I presume the Russian authorities still classified them as jews given their general association of atheism with satanism (i.e. opposition to and/or denial of Christianity). Anyway: so according to this argument, which is conjectural as far as I know, there were 6,000,000 jews, i.e. followers of Judaism, in Imperial Russia at this time hence the claim.

Now in the Judaism argument the concept of the ‘Guzma’ comes of importance. The ‘Guzma’ is a rabbinical concept, which is used to express the scale of a catastrophe (‘shoah’), i.e. the number of jews who have suffered and/or died, in terms related to the tales of the Written Torah. Now the ‘Guzma’ relies on the Talmud Bavli (I forget the precise citations as the thing is huge) in so far as it calculates the extent of a ‘shoah’ by taking the number of jews the Bavli says came out of Egypt with Moses in the Torah (600,000) and then multiplies it by a number to express how serious and awful a ‘shoah’ the event is (from what I’ve read usually 1 to 10 given that jewish audiences became less accepting of insane figures at least as early as the 19th century). Thus 600,000 x 10 = 6,000,000 (i.e a truly biblical shoah). So in this argument we have rabbis explaining the scale of a ‘shoah’, which they cannot know, by using the concept of the ‘Guzma’ to create a number which can then be passed along to other rabbis around the world as a representation of the scale of the ‘shoah’ which has occurred or is occurring: hence the ‘6,000,000’ claim.

Both arguments certainly have some truth to them and it is, in my opinion, probable that both had a hand in creating the ‘6,000,000’ as a means of explaining the scale of the ‘pogroms’ (localised anti-Semitic riots would be far more accurate as they weren’t government sponsored despite the still common assertion made on the basis of Simon Dubnow’s work in the 1930s). However in the context of the 'caust: I think we have to suggest that the latter is of far more importance than the former in terms of influence as the former would have changed considerably by 1941-1945, while the latter was maintained in Judaism.

If you go looking for the concept of the ‘Guzma’ and other associated concepts: you will probably have a hard time finding them. I didn’t even know they existed until I stumbled across a reference to them and another jewish custom (Lashon Hakmah [‘The Language of the Wise’]) in an obscure 1929 translation and explanation of the ‘Tales of Rabbah-bar-bar-Hannah’ by J. D. Eisenstein, in which he mentions and explains it in passing in order to explain one of Rabbah-bar-bar-Hannah’s veiled stories.

The numerology arguments you should really leave out as these are from jewish mysticism (the most famous example of which is the Zohar) and operate as a different, sometimes opposing, tradition to the halakah and aggadah of the Mishnah and the two Talmuds (the Talmudists and the Kabbalists have and still do spend a lot of time fighting each other on various points of Judaism). In essence arguing the ‘6,000,000’ comes from the numerology arguments is absurd, because most rabbis are not kabbalists or mystics [hence place little value in numerology] and certainly jewish mysticism had little to no impact on the orthodox and secular jews (I include the conservative and reform jews as secular) who were at this time (and still are) the mainstay of Judaism and the jewish community. Thus I cannot see how you can maintain that jews created a ‘6,000,000’ figure out of special regard for the number ‘6’ as it would have been near impossible to spread such a number as the ultra-Orthodox are not known for their friendliness and social networking amongst non-ultra-Orthodox jews.

Slightly off-topic (I apologise): don’t use Hoffman on Judaism. He isn’t a good source and he has a long history of distorting (and even simply making up) things about Judaism and jews in general (for example there is a G.I. Joe character, Dragonsky, listed as a jew in his ‘Judaic Communists’ article, which gets routinely quoted on anti-Semitic sites and by anti-Semites in general). Hoffman is largely plagiarising (in terms of arguments, which he then tries to try and add modern sources to support even if reading the literature proves them to be bogus [for example the ‘raping of three year old girls’, which he probably got from reading August Roehling’s, 1885 [I think], ‘Der Talmudjude’ or the doubled [in size and content] French translation and addition by one of Drumont’s associates]) Johann Andreas Eisenmenger’s 1700 ‘Entdecktes Judenthum’ (Judaism Uncovered), who, unlike Hoffman, actually spoke Hebrew (as far as I know Hoffman doesn’t speak Hebrew or Yiddish despite citing sources in both languages) and was an expert in his subject [which Hoffman despite being well read and a quote farmer isn’t by any measure]. It is worth picking up the English translation of Eisenmenger (which Hoffman has recently reprinted and charges an outrageous $200 for [you can pick up an original German first ed. for $1700-2000]) rather than buying Hoffman’s ‘Judaism Discovered’ or ‘Judaism’s Strange God’s’." … e9b#p41788

"illion Edit
Further information: The_Holocaust § Jewish_death_toll
The figure of “six million” (which refers only to Jewish victims, and is larger when counting the other ethnic, religious, and minority groups targeted for extinction) is often minimized by such claims to a figure of only 1 million deaths,[by whom?] or only 300,000 deaths.[by whom?] By contrast, the vast majority of scholars, institutions, and even Nazi officials[67] estimate between five and six million Jews perished during the Holocaust,[68] while some claim the number could possibly be even higher.[69] With over 3 million Jewish victims’ names collected by Yad Vashem,[70] numerous documents and archives discovered after the war gave meticulous accounts of the exterminations that took place at the death camps (such as Auschwitz and Treblinka).[71] The Nizkor project conducted a thorough research about this claim as well, and found the number of Jewish death to be at least 5.65 million.[72]

Deniers claim that these documents are based on Soviet propaganda, primarily from Ilya Ehrenburg’s Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, and are therefore unreliable. Complicating the matter is that various instances have been reported where the death tolls of particular death camps were claimed to be overstated. These claims vary in verifiability and objectivity. A much-quoted instance of disputing the toll is the “Breitbard Document” (actually a paper by Aaron Breitbart),[73] which describes a commemorative plaque at Auschwitz to the victims that died there, which read, Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of the Nazi murderers between the years 1940 and 1945. In 1990, a new plaque replaced the old one. It now says, May this place where the Nazis assassinated 1,500,000 men, women and children, a majority of them Jews from diverse European countries, be forever for mankind a cry of despair and of warning. The lower numbers are due to the fact that the Soviets “purposely overstated the number of non-Jewish casualties at Auschwitz-Birkenau,” according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Holocaust deniers insist that the number of Jews killed therefore be lowered by at least 2.5 million. However, the plaque had never been used as an accurate historical source by mainstream historians.[74][75][76] As early as the 1950s, Raul Hillberg estimated 1.1 million Jewish deaths in Auschwitz.[77]" … ust_denial

The intentional genocide of Jewish people under the Nazis is a sickening crime, as genocide anywhere is sickening. Just as sickening is pretending it didn’t happen, merely to suit one’s own pathological ideological desires to defend something indefensible for the sake of feeling part of a little conspiratorial clique of those who really “get it”.

Check your ideology at the door, please.

Once again, I’m not a nazi. I view politics and government with disdain, skepticism, and disbelief. I’m a hyper ego driven individualist/opportunist. If I was in national socialist Germany believe me they wouldn’t like me. I’d be the guy scavaging for weapons selling it all on the underground black market making a pretty penny for myself through wartime. The only thing I might have in common is that I support ethnic and cultural identity that’s about it. That’s as far as my commonality goes with that ideology. I’m a tribalist who believes modern nations will split a part some point in the future fracturing where mini-states are an inevitability. Definitely not your traditional state nationalist by any stretch of imagination.

Setting the record straight here.