Why u.s. does not have health care

There’s a few reasons for this.

  1. Fulltime employment that pays a good income for the majority of the working class is very rare where there is a large segment of the population unable to pay for their own health insurance.

  2. Insurance companies and hospital administrations have a monopoly on healthcare which makes the price for medical care skyrocket.

  3. Shortage of practicing doctors or physicians.

  4. The stranglehold by pharmaceutical companies on medicine have also in monopoly have made medical treatment or medicine skyrocket in price.

Do you think healthcare should be private or public?

Should people be taxed, and that money goes into “healthcare for everybody”? Or should they not, and allow health insurance companies to bulk up, monopolize, and dictate who lives and who dies? Health insurance has become so bloated as to become corrupt and deadly.

Thanks to health insurance companies in the u.s. going to the emergency room and taking a tylenol can cost you $2,000.

What’s the solution to that?

It would be interesting if citizens formed a medical coalition, structured their own health policies, formed their own types of insurance, and rented all the equipment and personnel needed to run a metropolitan operation.

People in the USA pay higher accumulative taxes (everything here is taxed several times over)than any other nation in the world and have less to show for it in regards to education and healthcare. Could a strong sense of national identity in the US, the family of a nation, bring its crazy people together in cooperation to take back the reins of its government, its laws, and the American dream way of life?

If a corrupt government is sacking its people both directly and indirectly, the people need to shut the government out and go their own way until they can drain the swamp themselves.

Privatisation versus nationalization is the biggest debate of our century in economics concerning civilization. There is no easy answer for either choice as both are equally fundamentally flawed.

Both ideas have fundamental problems inherent within them. I would say that I support a mixed economy but ultimately human nature being what it is human beings always find ways of making other human beings miserable by that of massive exploitation.

If more people were familiar and socializing, rather than individualistic and chasing independence “the american dream”, then at the very least, people would care about each other at least a little bit more.

Independence and “Society” don’t mix. Society implies that many, or the bulk of a group, are and will always be ‘Dependents’ upon a system.

The problem with socialization or nationalization is financing, eventually you run out of other people’s money. Then there is massive corruption and embezzlement of public money by government regulators not to mention also great financial waste concerning centralization through bureaucracy. National taxation runs into many problems.

Of course privatisation isn’t all that better by comparison either. There are no easy solutions to this ongoing problem.

What is “the American dream” to you? To me, it was great job opportunities and personal freedoms, a nice married couple with three kids, a nice house with a white picket fence, neighborhood involvement, extended family relations and get-togethers, a belief system based on common sense and the golden rule, money saved, money invested.

The American dream is dead, all that is left is a nightmare of epic proportions which becomes worse daily. Only naive childish buffoons believe in such dribble anymore.

That’s true. But I would say that the U.S. is in the process of homogenization. People who cannot become “grey” will simply die out. Then there will be no conflict between people. You’re all gonna be one big “grey” family. You need to get rid of the identitarians first. And in order to do that, you need to get rid of this ideal of unlimited freedom. You can’t let people freely choose their partners. You must teach them, using whatever means, to choose their partners in a balanced way. Bias must be punished. If a white man is only interested in white women, that’s a clear case of bias and racism, so he must be punished. He needs a more balanced choice of partners. Your parents are black and your grandparents are white? Well, you must marry an Asian or a Native American or someone else who is not black or white.

#-o :laughing:

I need to do more than complain about what seems lost, what about you?

In Europe you will be forced by gunpoint to marry a woman wearing a burka. :laughing:

Solutions being?

How’s about all the homeless, seniors and mentally ill without ample healthcare, the underemployed and unemployed crash meet and greets with congressman nationwide? :-k It’d make for some interesting town halls.

I’m okay with coming up with plans, but I’m a better facilitator, like I could get transportation and boxed lunches/dinners set up for all these people to make it to the meetings in my state.

How’s about Trump rallies across the nation where Trump supporters votes could be recounted and his supporters could make demands of mainstream media by refusing to support any of their advertisers products when they report biased news in their typical anti-Trump fashion?

I have a lot of ideas but I’m not exactly sure of how to combat self-serving greed on a large scale.

I have healthcare and I live in the US so this thread is wrong.

What is the cost of your healthcare Mr.?

K: =D>
