What are you doing? (Part 1)

Binary mindsets are frustrating. :confusion-helpsos:

If I get a job I will barely have 5 hours per day that aren’t job-related.
9 hours of sleep.
8 hours of work.
3-4 hours of commute.
Unless I don’t sleep.

How can anyone sleep less than 9 hours?

You have to be really good at time management. A lot of time is wasted throughout the day in little chunks; those windows have to be used as much as possible, with little time wasted, so basically you have to plan your whole day. I’ve been experimenting with sleep also (I often work 12-16 hr shifts). If you need 9 hrs of sleep a day, you can still break it up (like 6+3, or 7+2). The body can hold off and will take what it needs as soon as it can get it. As long as it adds up to 9 (or whatever time your body needs) at the end of the day or soon thereafter, you should be fine. People say you need uninterrupted 9hrs every day, but for me I found it’s not necessary. However, if you’re short on sleep hours at the end of the day and for a few days, you’ll feel it (on super busy days, like after 20 hrs of work my body keeps going but my brain starts to slow down and I know that I’m reaching my limit).
Many people commute by bus and just sleep on the bus, that’s + 2-3 hrs of added sleep that your body needs. It may be uncomfortable, but when you have to prioritize this is what may be the best thing to do. I guess my point is that the body will adjust to whatever routine you have as long as its basic needs get met. [Maybe you can invest into an ostrich pillow too. It could come in handy. It’s stylish too! :wink:]

I read somewhere that da Vinci only took cat naps throughout the day, too.

Public transit is always a risk. Especially for me who has a trouble sticking to a routine. I need flexibility.
If I fall asleep on the bus I’ll wake up in another city.
Happened to me once.
My basic needs are already met.
I have food, shelter, etc.
I need a job only because I want to have children.

A job closer to home with less hours would give you more free time, but is that a possibility?

You lazy bastard. How could anyone possibly sleep 9 hours? Get off your ass.

I agree with Mr. Reasonable that nine hours is an hour to two hours in excess.

Seriously contemplating doing a stage rush at the Depeche Mode concert :evilfun: :laughing: , which would be hilarious since I doubt many of the older crowd make a run for it these days. :wink: A tribute to the good old days when women threw themselves at…

Dave Gahan, the God. Something to consider which would cover my bucketlist #31.

Long sleep is mandatory for maintaining healthy testosterone levels and proper cognitive and physical functioning. You’re clearly deficient in all these areas and a stark example of what happens when sleep is neglected.

You’re what us young men want to avoid becoming. An inspiration to us all.

We evolved to sleep from sunset to sunrise, but we’ve been tinkering with our sleep and food ever since we started using fire. Cognitively, I think sleep deprivation affect memory the first (I believe it’s short term memory) and there may be some merit to the notion that it affect hormones too. But like I said, we’ve been adopting to our environments for a long time now. Living in extreme latitudes would be a good example, where there is differing seasonal amounts of sunlight and food available, which should also interfere with sleep cycles. I’m guessing there would have been more sleep deprivation in summer, when the sun stayed up longer, providing more time for food gathering and storage; and the opposite would happen in winter when people tended to stay indoors and conserve energy.

[Man, I can just picture military commanders sending each other time-out notes because their troops didn’t get their 8hrs of sleep or 3 square meals a day. chuckles.]

The long period of adaptation you speak of is only 2 generations long. Not counting my generation.
Even my grandmother couldn’t stay late at night no matter how much she tried to.

Though I guess that only applies to me and certain others who are not as progressive.

Well, I suppose if you live in a country side with no electricity and you do not want to waste your lighting fuel, you might as well go to sleep when it gets dark.
But if you have access to electricity, and it doesn’t cost much to you, you can work on extra projects after dark or before it’s light out. In my experience, most country dwellers looked favorably to having access to electricity and hot running water, which entailed being able to do things after dark (like going out to see a movie or socialize with others).

Once the availability of electricity spread during the late 1880’s on, by 1920’s most households had it. Country folks might have had to wait another decade for all the power lines and stations to pop up which would make it four generations worth of a transition to the night light we have today. Hardworking country folks who are on the go since sunrise literally have no energy to stay awake at night. Every time I go camping, long laborious days, I crash at sunset.

Just finished watching The Killing…again.


how beautiful is this guy Holder!

Do it, Wendy!

When I was a massive Bowie fanatic I did some bizarre things to get as close as I could to him including dressing up as a cleaner to get into the green room (a tent behind the stage), sneaking into his hotel and pretending to be a guest sunning myself by the rooftop pool or drinking in the guests’ only bar. The only way to pay for drinks was to charge it to your room and, since we didn’t have a room, we made up a number and got smashed night after night on someone else’s account.

I made the mistake of telling a friend who was a large woman with enormous boobs, an ex-prostitute, a ‘card and palm reader’ and an alcoholic. Man, did she get us into trouble? I cringe when I think about it but it was so funny at the same time. She caused scenes with Jeremy Irons (the actor), Dire Straits and Bette Midler. Bowie stayed away from us. :cry: (Another friend snagged him and she wasn’t even a Bowie fan… but that’s another story).

Some of the funniest – and most excruciatingly embarrassing – things happen when you let you let your inner groupie out. Go for it, Wendy!!

These vids were filmed here but ended my Bowie infatuation. He had gone commercial. He had crossed over to the dark side.


Pretty wordy for a substanceless ad hom. Is that all you got?


:blush: :evilfun: YES! YES! YES!

Being amused. So I have a huge tote filled with PC games that date back to 1994 which Joker just ravaged in a blissful frenzy. “You’ve been holding out on me!” he kept repeating. “No, I told you that I had a lot of PC games, but you never asked to check them out,” I stated repeatedly. I think he left me to go to playland heaven. :laughing:

Spent more than four hours in the sun. Was around noon. Got a bad sunburn. Can’t recall the last time I got such a sunburn.