Why European Culture is Hated

Jewish people are part of “white” western civilization. How many Jewish inventors, writers, philosophers, scientists? Too many to count. Not all Jewish Russians supported the Bolsheviks back in early 20th century, but many did; there are reasons for that, one of the main ones being the kind of hatred toward them that you exhibit.

If any Jewish people today are inclined toward Marxism it’s largely because they do not feel welcome by larger western society, because of racists like you, who hate them for no reason. Part of the allure of Marxism is that those who are “victimized” are lifted up on a pedestal as a means of attacking the dominant culture and structure of society – in a way, Marxism is a sort of litmus test reaction to how irrational a dominant culture is toward its marginal or minority elements.

Perhaps the Russians deserved the Bolsheviks, perhaps the irrationality of so many Russians carrying out pogroms on Jewish people made it inevitable that self-hatred (Marxism) would triumph in that historical moment.

If people like you don’t learn from that lesson, then it will soon be repeated.

Marxism was invented by a German Jew and has been lead by Jews the world over starting with the Russian bolshevik Jews of 1917. The Israeli Palestinian apartheid state was funded by the Jewish Rothschilds after the Balfour declaration. The last three Federal Reserve chairman of the United States have all been Jews where there is discussion that the next Jew up in line secession will be one Goldman Sachs Cohn. You constantly show your ignorance on this subject.

If you want I can start reciting the Torah or Talmud of how all gentiles should be enslaved by the chosen like cattle or farm animals. Once again, you haven’t done the research.

Go ahead and cite those passages from the Torah or Talmud, then.

I am against such things when I see them in Islam, I would also be against them when I see them in Judaism. But you have yet to make your case.

Void is an intentionally ignorant liar, don’t listen to him. Otto is correct.

359 places Jews have been expelled from, ancient times until now. Second image, what Jews think about non-Jews

That’s a shit ton of exiling and expelling.^^^ Neat graphs. Can’t wait to see Void’s next post.

My response is that obviously I oppose that sort of thing in the Talmud (if it is really in there*) as much as I oppose it in the Hadith.

*But I went to read the actual Talmud on an internet library, and tried to search for a few of those supposed lines in the text… strange but I couldn’t find them. Hm.

Have you actually verified these by looking in the Talmud, or are you just assuming it’s in there because someone made a website claiming it is?

The Torah and Talmud are not the same thing. Look into unrevised writings of the Torah or Midrash.

This is a non-response on your part. You ignored the main point I made.

Yes I know the Torah is not the same as the Talmud. The Talmud is a collection of Rabbis’ reflections upon the Torah and God’s will for man, similar to what the Hadith is in Islam. It isn’t the holy book per se but is essentially treated as if it were holy.

Jew haters like Autsider usually “quote” the Talmud. Indeed that is exactly what he did a few posts up. I pointed out that while I would of course object to those statements whether in Judaic or Islamic text, I tried to verify a few of them by looking in an online English translation of the Talmud and wasn’t able to do so.

What is your comment about that? What have you actually verified for yourself beyond a simple google search to a random webpage or image?

As for you wanting me to look in the Torah, I’m not about to open up the Torah and go randomly searching for objectionable passages. Why don’t you quote me a couple of these passages which you find so objectionable and then, after I verify they are actually in the Torah, I’ll respond.

The Talmud or Midrash is probably where most of gentile hating quotes you’ll find however for the Torah also known as the Old Testament if you’re familiar with the stories you’ll notice the Israelites had no problem justifying slaughtering the Caanites everywhere they went.

So is this your tacit admission that you have no verified quotes to offer of lines of text that you find objectionable? Also that you can’t confirm the presence of those extreme racist statements supposedly attributed to the Talmud as actually being in the Talmud?

This artificial control (out of synch with nature) cannot continue indefinitely; it’s just not self-sustaining in the long run. It’s like cutting the branch you’re sitting on. It really is a kind of madness rooted in some type of unquenchable anxiety. People should know their place in nature. Where is the end of the goal and what is it? Okay, let’s suppose the Jews have all of their wildest dreams and goals achieved. And then what? What are they going to do after that? I’m trying to see the ultimate goal, because in truth, there is no final destination… If one believes in something ultimate and works towards achieving it, what does he do after he achieves it? And what does he do after that? And what does he then do with himself? I think the world will keep disappointing him because he does not see it , and himself in it, in the right way, or refuses to, so this would amount to madnes that one is possessed with and then spreads to others.
So, the emphasis should be on differences in the ways of seeing the world (the roots) and how these differences diverge, and their consequences. The Jews are quick witted and resourceful but also very nearsighted, as if driven by an unhealthy compulsion, which they are unable to recognize for what it is and where it is leading humanity. Supposedly one of the oldest peoples - they should know better.

The Jews will rule over the Earth until Jesus collects folks.

I think it is simply that other countries/cultures do not want to be dictated to and their cultures stolen and exploited to enhance another’s/any others, rather than a case of hating European culture simply for the sake of hating it.

Autsider already mentioned some and your problem is that you can’t look them up yourself?

If the second diaspora arrives there will be no second chances. Yes, you would think they would know better by now but I digress…

This assumes there is a god but a part from that Christianity is merely reformed Judaism under Roman symbology.

But you know what’s ironic, a lot of these countries that have been European colonies actually pride themselves on having been part of European culture (speaking French, English, etc), and in many parts of Asia all-things-British are still used as a symbol of class and status. Who knows, were these places a part of a Japanese empire, all-things-Japanesey would be seen a status symbol. But this is between the local people. Just the little things like being able to speak English or having a British education is already seen as more cultured. Now, the same is with Asians and American education. A lot of liberal colleges of status (Berkeley, Harvard…) are full of international students from wealthy families who are searching for that status in the West. Many will go back to Asia and work at some prestigious firm that cares about its image. So, on the one hand yes, no country wants to be dominated by another culture, but on another hand, many local people automatically buy into power/superior culture/status and play along.

I saw him post supposed lines from the Talmud, not the Torah. You mentioned the Torah. I haven’t seen any objectionable lines supposedly from the Torah yet, you would need to give them to me so I can verify them.

Who the fuck gives a shit if it comes from Torah or Talmud you autistic fucks. The important thing is what Jews do, and what Jews do happens to align near perfectly with what they state Jews should do in Talmud.

Jews are disgusting perverts who have no moral qualms whatsoever with entering a nation, acting as parasites exploiting and destroying the native people and all the while pretending to be victims and hiding this from the goyim.

They are a cancerous growth on the white race and they must be dealt with accordingly.