Abusing America

double post.

Yeah, what he said.

The OP is a butt hurt cry over the delegitimization of traditional “news” aka MSM which we all know to be fake news now. I shed no tears over CNN losing respect it doesn’t deserve anyway, sorry. I am a human being, not a slave.

The internet is the best thing that ever happened to news and media. Finally we can do news ourselves without needing to sell out to super rich corporations just to have a platform. But sellout cucked sycophants and fearmongers afraid to look and read and think for themselves are worried the dying legacy establishment “media” isn’t trusted Big Brother anymore, spoon feeding propaganda and lies into your brain while you sit back passively staring at a TV like a zombie. Lol.

Yeah keep getting your “information” about Russia and Trump from CNN, WaPo and NPR and see what happens to your brain. I wouldn’t be surprised if it leads to brain cancer. Fucking up neural circuitry that much is going to have some serious consequences.



Nothing abuses America more than fake news MSM. It’s purpose is to control you, the new religion. Ask yourself why all MSM always supports war, and pushes government narratives such as “WMD”, “Saddam must go”, “Gaddafi must go”, “Assad must go”, “if you question the war you’re unpatriotic”, “we need TARP”, “John McLame isn’t senile”, “Obama was a great united”, etc ad infinitium. Lol.





It’s called blackmail, which is illegal.



Void, it is you that are the victim of fake news, the MSM, which Trump has rallied against and called fake or failing, is exactly what has revealed the real news to us that has led us to find out about Trump Jr, about Trump’s lies and conspiracy theories. Those sources you post are nothing but garbage, project veritas for example has had to pay a lawsuit and a $100,000 fine for distorting the truth, editing videos in a way that distorts the actual context to present what he wants.

These people, these sources are all of the same ilk, the same con that Trump is, who created a fake university to scam millions, Alex Jones who cons people with fake news to get clicks and views and money. They are all alike, and attempting to damage the MSM with a propaganda campaign against them is the only thing that will allow con-men to win the hearts and minds of millions of those who are innundated with this fad of reading actual fake news. The MSM finds them out and reality backs the narrative we see in the MSM every day, but not in this conspiracy theory riddled websites you eat up.

What about the clips in this meme, Angry.

One ‘reporter’ says the Russia thing is a ‘nothing burger’ after saying America is under ‘an active attack on the country’ by Russia.

Another says they keep pushing the Russia, Russia, Russia thing ‘because of ratings’ – not because it’s valid, informative news but because of ratings.

A third media person says they can get away with this sort of crap because the American voter is ‘as stupid as shit’

This is what your so called ‘news’ service has come down to - pushing ‘nothing burgers’, for ratings, to people who they say are as ‘stupid as shit’.

Do you see why the Trumptards are outraged by fake news? It’s no conspiracy. These are their own words coming out of their own mouths.



Who cares what Van Jones says? He isn’t the arbiter of truth, nor is Robert Mueller, nor do we even know exactly what he was referring to as the video is edited short and likely out of context. Van Jones already called it out as such essentially
The fact that people think this validates some sort of MSM conspiracy theory is a joke, showing they are rabidly foaming at the mouth in desperation to attempt to make mountains of of molehills, meanwhile the mountain of truth is mounting against Trump and these people’s world sustained by shady sham journalism and lies.

cnn.com/2017/06/29/opinions/ … index.html

Meanwhile, we already know “Russia Russia Russia” isn’t a hoax, we have hard evidence of their willingness to collude, and regardless, even if it isn’t collusion, the fact that the Trump administration deters the investigation even while they know Russia was involved in election interference as evidenced by the email, shows their lies and downright filthy outlook on the world.

The slippery slope of turning a blind eye to Russia’s interference, the CIA’s analysis of what they did is dangerous to America. The myopic idiocy of putting the party ahead of the nation is detrimental to us all. Patriots are the last thing these people are. If a socialist totalitarian regime aided and interfered in the same way to instill a totalitarian socialist, they’d see it differently. But its too late for this disturbed demented political cult. They are not patriots, they are party loyalists and detrimental to the very fabric of what this country was founded on. Independence from foreign powers. While they do so, they’ve destroyed their credibility on the matter and legitimized the MSM even more, and their supporters can’t handle that fact.

The U.S. media.

When the U.S. interferes in Russian politics? It’s called a ‘rescue’
When the left lose the unloseable election and need a scapegoat? It’s called Russian undermining.



MSM state-corporate propaganda is no better.

There is no Russian evidence or intervention. Any idiot can see that the United States and NATO military forces are gearing up for the next world war in which Russia is militarily taken out.

Reminds me of the Saddam hysteria after 9/11.
Those days, it became increasingly evident that it was a mistake to invade Iraq but even if this was already dawning on the previous war supporters on the right, they didn’t want to admit it in front of the liberals. They had been played.
It’s also the same people behind pushing the Russia narrative - the neo-conservatives.
What they really want is their Syrian war intervention.

How they will get it is by working Trump from the right with their classic neo-conservative hawkish angle and from the left by making him to want to dispel the Russian conspiracy allegations through not working out a cooperative solution with Russia, Iran, Israel and China.

There is already so much ego investment behind the Russia narrative.
Most people won’t give up on it no matter how thin and empty the whole affair might become in the coming months.

Liberals, you can still hate Trump but don’t play into the hands of the neo-conservative warhawks.
It’s all a waste of time. You won’t get your impeached 45 because the neo-conservatives still need him to do their Syria/Russian war thing.

This is all about an oil pipe line(Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Syria), the new silk road (suppose to end in Syria), and Israel’s ambitions to expand its territories under the Yinon Plan(Greater Israel).

The United States is just trying to dominate and control the region where in all reality it doesn’t give a flying fuck about Syrians or those that live in the region.

Otto_West: There is no Russian evidence or intervention. Any idiot can see that the United States and NATO military forces are gearing up for the next world war in which Russia is militarily taken out."

K: but of course there is evidence… every major gatherer of Intelligence in
the U.S has gone on record, sworn testimony in front of congress, that Russia
had interfered with the 2016 election… but of course… they are all in on the
conspiracy… there was no intervention because the conspiracy demands
that no one interfered with the election… and because you are so much smarter
then anyone else, you know all about this world wide conspiracy to take out Russia…
it is a major secret and a conspiracy of millions against you personally…
it must be a tough burden to be the sole holder of truth against the evil
forces that conspire against you… I know you are so tired of being
the only person who is smart enough to see past the conspiracy and
let us know about it…your heard work tying to prevent this conspiracy
of the week is a uplifting experience for all of us and a personal triumph…

WOW… I just don’t have the words to explain my debt of gratitude you
for being the only person on earth smart enough to see through all
the conspiracies that are ever present in the world…



All you can really do is laugh at them. Their idiocy and self-imposed denial doesn’t even evoke pity anymore.

Fabricated and half ass concoted evidence pulled out of thin air like most population psychological operations. Notice that with all these so called Russian hacking threats the DNC has not allowed their electronic servers to be investigated publicly whatsoever but please by all means keep supporting aggressive actions against Russia ushering in a new world war you warmonger as the faster we initiate the total collapse of the United States and E.U. empires the more we can quickly return to some level of autonomous independence in the aftermath. Keep wagging that dog sock puppet.